You'll Be In My Heart
A Jarina Song Fanfiction
Disclaimer: I do not own this sosong. All rights belong to their respective owners.
"Jared, please. I only ask this of you."
"She shouldn't have to grow up without you."
James gave a laugh but it quickly turned into a wheeze. "Well she doesn't have much choice, does she?"
"James, I can't."
"She's so young, Jared. She needs you. You know Teague better than anyone. Who else is more qualified to protect my little girl?" He weakly grabbed Jared's hand before continuing. "Please, just protect Mina."
Jared closed his eyes and thought it over.
"Please." He spoke softly.
"Alright, James."
He leaned back into the pillow and smiled. "Thank you." He whispered. Jared opened his eyes to see James's hand drop from his and fall to the side of the bed.
Jared cleared the lump in his throat and tousled his hair. "Goodbye, old friend."
He walked out to the nearly empty waiting room and sighed. Immediately, a woman with short brown hair put her daughter down on the seat next to her and ran over to Jared. "How is he?"
"Sara... Oh god, Sara, I'm so sorry."
Her eyes immediately refilled with tears and she pushed him to the side and ran into the room where her husband lay. Jared's and the girl's heads immediately snapped up when a pitiful wail came from the hospital room.
"Why is my mommy crying?"
"Oh. Mina, hey."
"Why is my mommy crying?" She repeated.
He ran a hand through his dark, shaggy hair as he tried to think of a delicate way to explain the situation. But mother of fate, she was six! She wasn't old enough to handle the truth of what happened.
"Mina, I'd make this easier on you if I could... Your father has died." He braced his ears for the heartbreaking cry that would surely come.
"What is dead?" She asked, innocently tilting her head to look at him.
"Dead? It Uh... It means that he's asleep. But forever." He tripped over his words. Such a young child shouldn't HAVE to know the meaning of death.
"Why is he so sleepy?"
"Mina, Mina, Mina... I'm sorry, but he's not coming back." He knelt down to her level.
"But he has to come back. He promised to take me out for ice cream tomorrow." She sniffled as the full depth of the situation began to sink in. She softly cried and rubbed furiously at her eyes.
"Mina, sweetheart, please don't cry. Shh..." He picked her up, stood, and sat cradled her in his arms.
"Come stop your crying, it will be alright. Just take my hand, hold it tight. I will protect you from all around you. I will be here, don't you cry." He sang to her softly and rocked her in his arms. Her little hands clutched his jacket and pulled herself closer to him, burying her face.
"For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm." He continued. "This bond between us can't be broken. I will be here, don't you cry."
He ran a hand through her soft, brown hair as she began to relax in his arms. "'Cause you'll be in my heart. Yes, you'll be in my heart. From this day on now and forever more. You'll be in my heart no matter what they say. You'll be here in my heart always."
Jared glanced down at the soft, brown of her eyes and in that moment, swore he'd do anything he could to protect her. But he knew deep down, the Story would find her and Teague would eventually do something to take him from Mina, after all he couldn't have a Grimm and the Grimoire working against him.
"When destiny calls you, you must be strong. I may not be with you but you got to hold on. They'll see in time, I know. We'll show them together. 'Cause you'll be in my heart. Believe me, you'll be in my heart. I'll be there from this day on now and forever more." He held her tightly and wiped away a tear from his eye. Yes, he would protect Mina Grimm no matter what the costs.
"You'll be in my heart. You'll be here in my heart no matter what they say..."
For James.