I'm sorry

Hey guys it's been a while, sorry for just leaving you in the dark about not updating my story. I There are several reasons for me not updating from getting a girlfriend (although we are not together anymore), school, my friends and many other things. But the main reason I haven't been updating is because I was abusing marijuana since about November (and yes you can abuse it lol). It didn't affect my health but it did affect my motivation heavily. I went from maybe smoking weed once every 3 weeks to smoking everyday and I was smoking high amounts every day. I could barely get myself to do my school work let alone try to write chapters for this hobby of mine. I've been clean for about 2 weeks now and I'm finally feeling some type of motivation to do my old hobbies again. I'm actually in the works of writing a new chapter so expect that soon, anyways I hope you guys have a great week and good luck on anything you're doing. (Also I'm not saying weed is bad but I'm definitely saying do it in moderation). It's great to speak to you guys again leave me some comments of how you've been I read every single one, I'll talk to you guys later (:

Sincerely: Ravensfan92