I always wondered who I was supposed to be. People say we are destined for something, each of us, but I am not entirely sure they know what they are talking about. What if some of us are nothing more than just placeholders in this world? Perhaps we are just the product of two people who were looking for a night of misplaced loneliness, and decided to keep the baby that developed as a result. That is how I have always felt. My whole life, I have considered myself to be no one at all, considering that I have no real talents or passions. I'm capable of many things, though I have never been extraordinary at anything at all. I don't believe I am destined for anything at all, in particular, except to live until I die. Maybe I am wrong about my lack of purpose. Only time will tell if I was meant for something greater than what I am doing now.
This is my first story here, and it is also my first time writing lengthy fiction. Constructive criticism welcome!
Note: there may be some sexual abuse in later chapters. Nothing graphic. There is also anxiety and self-harm in the next chapter. This fanfiction is a reflection of my life, (of course, the vampire stuff is extra!) So there is going to be some rough stuff. Please take care of yourself, and if Rape, Self-harm, or describing a panic attack will trigger you in any way, its okay if you skip this story. Stay strong, friends!