Chap. 10

Mimi and Jason had dinner with Shawn and Belle, all of them catching up on old times. The four friends hung out all night till the sun rose. Finally Mimi and Jason headed back to her apartment.

Mimi unlocked the door and turned the light on and threw her keys on the coffee table. Jason wrapped his arms around her from behind and nuzzled her neck. Mimi smiled and turned in his arms. She kissed him sweetly.

Jason framed her face with his hands and gazed into her eyes. "I love you."

Mimi's breath caught in her throat. No one had ever said that to her. Her eyes filled with tears, "I love you too, Jason."

Jason pulled her to him in a searing kiss. He pulled Mimi into the bedroom and the two sleep together with out sleeping together. It was one of the most intimate things Mimi had ever experienced.

Hours later the shrill sound of the phone woke them up.

" 'Lo?" Mimi mumbled.

"Lockhart, Robinson here. I got some info for you about the hooker case."

Mimi was instantly awake, "What is it?"

"Prints came back. It's Tony Dimera. S.W.A.T. went out early this morning and captured him in his sh!thole of an apartment."

Mimi frowned, "You mean they already have him in custody? Why wasn't I made aware of this, or Agent Welles for that matter?"

"Look Lockhart, we're telling you now. Frankly, there was no need for you two. You did excellent work out there and we handled it. It was your basic grab and go."

"Yeah, whatever," Mimi replied.

Mimi hung up the phone and looked at an awaiting Jason.

"Well?" he prompted.

"They caught him. It was Tony Dimera. They went in without us."

Jason rubbed her back, "So what, right? You did the important part. Without you they wouldn't have got the knife, which led to the arrest. You're a hell of a cop, Lockhart."

Mimi grinned, "And you're a hell of a boyfriend, Welles." Then Mimi's face fell. "I guess this means you'll be heading back to where ever now, huh?"

Jason smiled, "I'm not going anywhere Mimi. I put in for a transfer to the Salem branch of the Bureau. You're stuck with me, kid."

Mimi threw her arms around him and held him tight, "And I'll never let you go."

The End