Shoes tapped professionally on the marble floor of the building as a petite man strode calmly towards the door that dominated most of the wall at the end of the corridor. The man had a blank, steady mask of indifference plastered on his face as he made his way to the door. Upon reaching his destination, he rasped his knuckles on the heavy oak door once, not waiting for an answer before pushing open the wooden barrier that stood between him and his client.

The room was empty, save for a few bookshelves and a large desk in the middle. The petite man nodded at the other man sitting at the desk as a sign of respect. "It is not often that you call for me, Haizaki," the petite man murmured in a barely audible tone, "What could had bothered you so much that you need me?"

The man, now known as Haizaki, growled as he chewed on his cigarette. "Not what," the mafia head spat, "But who." His beady eyes narrowed even more as he thought of that man. "This is your next target," he threw a folder carelessly at the man opposite to him, knowing fully well that he would catch it. "I want him dead in ten days."

The assassin stared at the scowling man calmly for a split second, before opening the file given to him. On the front of the page was a man with hair as red as blood and sharp heterochromatic eyes. Pale blue eyes widened; it was Akashi Seijuro, the most intimidating figure in the underworld. "No," he stated firmly, "This is the only mission I will not accept." The assassin in no way wanted to cross the path of the redhead, much less than aim for his life. He knew what was best for himself, and he did not want to die simply because he was targeting the wrong man.

Every single person in the realms of the underworld knew of Akashi Seijuro. He was the man you never mess with; the man you must obey. Every single person alive knows to not disobey Akashi, those who didn't, were dead. The assassin shuddered; he still remember the gruesome remains of a skilled assassin who was sent to eliminate Akashi. He did not want the same end as… that.

Haizaki grinned, it made the assassin shudder. "I knew that this would happen, Kuroko," Haizaki laughed menacingly, "That's why I brought this with me." He clicked his fingers, and the door was slowly opened by a servant.

Kuroko shook slightly at the sight presented to him; it was a man with grey hair, his brother, his posture limp between the arms of two burly bodyguards. "No," he murmured. He knew what was going to happen now, his brother's life was at stake. If he didn't complete the job… Kuroko didn't even want to think about what could happen to his precious sibling.

He turned to Haizaki, fighting down red hot rage as he tried to keep his head clear. "Why," Kuroko demanded, "Why would you go so low, Shougo?" He wanted to kill this man before him, to listen to his screams of agony as blood escaped his body, he wanted to make Haizaki suffer. But no, he must keep calm for the sake of his brother's life. He would kill this man after his brother was safe.

"For victory, of course," Haizaki smirked, "If Akashi Seijuro is dead in ten days, your brother will be returned to you, unharmed." The mafia boss laced his fingers together in an act of power, "Do you accept?"

Kuroko glared at the man sitting before him. "Fine," he replied, and stalked out of the room. He may fear Akashi Seijuro, but for the sake of his brother, he will do anything. Anything at all.

Plot bunnies everywhere, plot bunnies jump~

Lol idk please forgive me meeerrrrp

I wanted to see if I could finish this in a month...