They were officially moved in. All their boxes were unpacked and the rooms were set up. Tate sat alone in his room, staring intently at the walls that surrounded him. He hated this place. It was fun when he was a kid; able to run around and explore the house, but now he wished they were back in their small, simple house next door.

His mother was able to whore herself around and seduce this guy Larry. He lived in this house after Tate and his family had left it because of financial reasons, and ever since his mom had been trying to find a way back into it. Well she finally did it, and was proud despite that she was the reason of Larry's failed prior marriage.

Tate hated his mother, more than anything. Ever since his dad left she was always drunk, and when she drank she got pissed, and when she got pissed she'd beat on Tate and his siblings, then she'd just pass out and forget about it by the next day. But now that they were in her dream house and she didn't have to struggle to pay bills, maybe she would drink anymore. It didn't matter though; she'd still be a bitch.

"Tate! Dinner is ready!" his mother called.

Tate stood up and robotically walked down to the kitchen, taking a seat to one side of the table, folding his hands properly. His mother brought in the food, baked spaghetti, and served everyone with a cheerful smile.

"So Tate, how do you like your room?" Constance asked, excitedly.

"It'll do." Tate mumbled.

"Has anything interesting been going on at school, bud?" Larry asked, trying to be friendly.

"Everyone is still full of shit." He said monotone, making Addie giggle, which made him smile lightly.

"What about you, Addie? How's your room?" Constance asked.

"Well, it's not the right color, but it's bigger then my old one." Addie happily answered.

"Well that's fantastic!" Larry smiled wide.

"Yeah, so how are your two's bedroom? Is there enough room for 3?" Tate asked, making everyone frown. "I'm just wondering because my mom seems to like having multiple men in her life, so I wanted to make sure you had plenty of space."

"Tate!" Constance shouted.

"I'm being considerate to your other lover's needs! I mean I make sure their needs as far as coziness are good, and you take care of any other needs with your old, beat up vagina." Tate acted innocent.

"Tate, go to your room!" Larry ordered.

"You're not my dad, asshole!" he shouted back.

"I'm your mother and I say go to your bed!" Constance stood up and pointed her finger.

"You're a wrinkly hoe bag!" Tate screamed and ran upstairs. "And by the way, I'm only going to my room to get away from to two dumb shits!" he told, going up the stairs.

Tate slammed the door, and then proceeded to race around to room. He kicked his chairs, and hit all his supplies off of his desk, and even kicked his TV over before jumping on to his bed and flailing around. He screamed and screamed until his throat grew sore and he could anymore. Then he layed there, exhausted. He stayed still and settled his brain down. He just thought about a place so much better than what he knew. He imagined a place where everyone was cool and happy. There was no fighting or anyone being better than another, no problems, no hate, no darkness.

"Well, that was fun to watch."

Tate sprang up on his bed and stared wide eyed at a girl standing at the foot of his bed. Tate looked her over. She wore many baggy layers of clothes. He could tell she was little underneath it all, very skinny. Her hair was straight and light brown, but with streaks of blonde hidden under the top layer of her hair. She was simple, and stood there with a smug grin.

"Who are you?" he asked, keeping his voice calm.

"My name's Violet." She said, sitting down by him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just chilling, I like your music."


"Yeah, Kurt Cobain is the shit." She laughed, making Tate smiled for once in this house.

"I'm Tate."

"I know. I saw your little conversation at the dinner table." She said, getting up and looking around more.

"You were watching that?"

"I watch everything that happens in this house."

"How? Do you live here?"

"Yeah, kind of. I come and go."

"So you just sneak in here and hang out?" Tate smirked.

"Yep." Violet smiled, "Cool, huh?"

"I'll probably be sneaking out a lot."

"Because of those douchebags downstairs?" Violet frowned

"Yeah." Tate sighed, laying back down on his bed.

"You can't let them control your life." Violet took a seat on the bed again.

"I just don't want to have to deal with them. I have to deal with stupid people at school and now these assholes at home. It's too much." Tate sat up.

"Well, I'm here." Violet smirked.


"So, we can hang out, asshole." Violet pushed Tate playfully.

"What could we do?"

"Play games, explore the house, and probably listen to music. I haven't heard any of the new stuff."

"How could you not? It's to good not to listen to."

"Well, I just haven't been able to get to them."

"Then I guess we should get started, you'll want to listen to them over and over again." Tate smiled.

He hopped off his bed and went to his CD player, putting in his newest The Kinks disc. Violet sighed and layed back on the bed, relaxing as the music started. Tate smiled at her calmness and joined her. Resting on his bed, by her side, and losing themselves in the beat of the music.

Little Violate already starting! Hope you guys are interested in this new concept, and all ideas are welcomed!