"Ready to go?" Kristoff asked as he tied the last of their belongings down to the sled, not wanting to lose anything on the return trip.
Hopping into the sled's seat and reaching forward to pat Sven on the head Anna looked to her fiancé. "Yep, everything's out of the cabin and into the sled." It was a nice day out, and her bustling about to help pack and her excitement to return home made her face red and she was currently huffing with a lack of breath from her running about. She was hot despite the coolness of the outdoors, and was excited to get going.
Kristoff was also happy to be on the way back to Arendelle, he actually rather missed his life there even though he loved his cabin. He sighed looking back at it, in fact he would miss it very much. Though it wasn't his entire life now, it used to be when he lived alone, but now having Anna and being with her at their usual home in the palace meant more to him.
As Kristoff climbed into the sled beside her, Anna rested a hand on his shoulder. She knew how he was feeling. Obviously he wanted to return to Arendelle with her, they were both excited to share the news of their engagement with Elsa, however she knew that it was hard for Kristoff to leave his cabin every time that he returned to the capital. "We'll be back soon." She said brightly, taking a moment to kiss Kristoff on the cheek. "After all once we go back to Arendelle to tell Elsa we're going to have to come back up within a few weeks to tell your family about the engagement." She smiled as she thought of how absolutely and totally thrilled Bulda and the rest of the trolls would be once they heard that Anna would be joining the family.
Kristoff smiled at the thought of telling the trolls. They were a bit loud and inappropriate and times, however they were always warm, loving and accepting. Something Kristoff questioned if he could expect from Elsa. Thinking about explaining their engagement to the Snow Queen of Arendelle caused Kristoff to go a little pale. He had been planning to ask her first for her permission to ask for Anna's hand in marriage. Of course regardless of her answer he was going to ask her anyway, he loved Anna, and he loved her enough to defy the word of a thousand queens and kings. At least if he had asked before he would know what to expect as they returned, he hated flying blind and interruptions to his plans.
"Speaking of telling Elsa…" Kristoff trailed off hoping that Anna would have some words of reassurance for him. It was not often that he needed the comfort of others, but in this case it was absolutely and completely necessary.
Anna knew that he had been mulling over that very thought and she knew that he had been concerned with that from the very moment in which he had proposed to her. She could understand his worry, however she knew that there was nothing to worry about. Whether or not Elsa had actually verbalized it, Anna knew that she loved Kristoff and wanted him as a member of their family one way or another. The two of them were very alike in their strength, morals, stubbornness and their love of being left alone. They were also very alike in their love of Anna, and as such they understood one another whether or not they realized it. "Kristoff, you have nothing to worry about. Elsa, if anything, will be happy for us. She's been getting better at expressing the way she feels and she's understanding things better now than she was the first time I brought marriage up to her."
Kristoff sighed, "I suppose it would also help that you and I didn't just meet."
Anna, annoyed by his comment punched him in the arm rather than replying. She didn't like to think about the mistake she had made on the day she had agreed to marry Hans, and Kristoff didn't blame her. He didn't like to think about anything involving that creep either. "Calm down there feisty pants." He said as he wrapped one arm around her in apology as he used the other to tug at the reigns, indicating Sven to begin their descent down the mountains.
The well-rested reindeer complied without complaint. He was excited to return to the castle stables, and though he didn't overtly outwardly show it, he was excited for the couple in the sled behind him. He pranced off rapidly through the snow, glad that his favorite two people had finally seen fit to marry.
Kristoff sighed as he pulled Anna in close to him. She was warm, like a small furnace. This worried him for a moment before he remembered her running about minutes before. She was just hot from moving about, her sickness had not returned. "Are you sure that Elsa isn't going to turn me into an ice sculpture as soon as she hears the word 'engaged'?"
Anna, in better humor now that the mention of Hans had fallen by the wayside, snuggled into Kristoff's grip. "I'm about eighty percent sure."
"Eighty?" Kristoff said, his face a mask or terror, unsure if she was joking or if it was just the blunt honesty of her happy and relaxed nature.
"Yes, there's about a twenty percent change or so that I'll have to enlist Sven and the trolls to help me unfreeze you." She laughed at the thought, "But it wouldn't be because Elsa didn't want us to marry, it would just be due to the initial shock." Anna then added a moment or so after, "She'd probably defrost you anyway once she came out of shock."
Kristoff, still mildly slack jawed at Anna's statement, responded in the only way he knew how to, rationally with a touch of sarcasm. "So basically your advice is we try not to surprise her?" He knew that she was joking, or at least mostly joking about Elsa freezing him, however as much as he liked ice, he didn't want to be ice and as such he was not prepared to take any risks.
Anna smiled, "Pretty much." She knew her sister. Elsa was finally coming out of her shell, and as much as Anna knew she was having a hard time, she imagined a little bit of happiness couldn't hurt things too awful much. "We just need to make sure she feels relaxed when we tell her and that we have a good lead in, I don't want to scare or upset her again."
Kristoff nodded, even being a bit of a sardonic recluse himself he knew that Elsa had a long way to go in the field of social interaction. He also knew that she had been making good progress in that matter and as such he wanted to be a helping hand for her, as Anna was, rather than being the hand that shoves her back down. "Do you just want to tell her, or should it be just me, or should be both let her know together?"
Anna thought for a moment but it did not take her long to come up with an answer. "We should both tell her, but we'll tell her the whole story of the time we spent together." Anna smiled. This was a good idea, not only because she wanted recount her time with Kristoff to her sister, but also because it would be an appropriate lead in to the fact that in their time together they had made plans to marry.
Kristoff glanced from the path ahead to Anna, blushed red, then returned his focus to the snowy ground ahead. "The whole story?"
It took Anna a moment to realize why Kristoff had looked away from her and had talked at the ground rather than meeting her eye. She was about to comment that they should definitely tell Elsa the entire story and ask what exactly he was getting at before she realized what his blush meant. A soft "Oh" of realization fell from her lips, followed by a light laugh. "Well not everything, everything." She explained. Some things would always be private, and any time they spent together in bed would certainly be one of those things.
Kristoff sighed with relief upon Anna' statement as to what they would in fact be keeping from Elsa. He could only imagine the feeling of being slowly but surely consumed by cold, being smothered by ice, and he hoped and prayed that Elsa would be kind enough to not ask too many questions as far as how they had spent their free time for the past few days, and some of the days before that. He was still flushing red with embarrassment, recalling every single one of those nights in his mind.
The appearance of the iced over Fjord in full sight made the two of them regain their composure. They were nearly home.
"Elsa you didn't have to go through so much trouble just for us!" Anna said as she continued a very filling and extremely varied meal for three. They had taken dinner tonight in Elsa's chamber and all attending were in very high spirits despite the fact that two thirds of the party had been carefully relaying and censoring their tales for the third.
Elsa laughed rather jovially, a matter that Anna related to their homecoming, Elsa had been looking forward to seeing her sister and her sister's companion return from their time in the mountains. Anna could almost see the relief in her sisters face that the harvest was finally over. A pang of guilt struck Anna directly in the gut. She knew that Elsa had worried for her, but now coming home to see her she was worried about how much she had.
"I didn't have to, but I wanted to." She said with a smile after she had concluded her laughter. "I'm just happy to have you both home safe."
Anna smiled at her sister and at the same time squeezed Kristoff's hand under the table. They would act now, between their main course and the dessert. "Did you honestly think that Kristoff would let me return in anything but unscathed condition?" Anna asked jokingly. "He watched me like a hawk every time I left the cabin, even if it was just to use the bathroom."
Elsa smiled lightly, "Just as he should. Though I appreciate how well he looked after you."
Kristoff smiled as Anna added, "He always does."
"I always will." Kristoff added in order to affirm the statement made by Anna.
"And on that note." Anna added, turning to her sister and smiling brilliantly. "Kristoff and I, well, we've decided to get married."
Kristoff, the moment that this came out of Anna's mouth, braced for impact. However the true surprise to him came in the look on Elsa's face. It was not one of shock or surprise, but rather one of intent focus. She stood from her chair and walked to the other side of the table wordlessly, stepping her way in long strides towards Anna. "Stand up." She said levelly as she looked at her sister.
Anna obliged, stood and took a few steps away from the table. Elsa was stoic, but regardless of the passivity on her face, Anna trusted her completely.
Elsa looked at her sister with complete focus before with a flick of her wrist and a few slow rolling motions of the hand, Anna felt herself being draped in a cool softness. It was not cold or heavy, but light and comfortingly cool, like the hand of a mother against the burning forehead of a sick child. Elsa inspected her work before Anna even knew what had happened, and then suddenly walked over to her younger sister with tears in her eyes. "Anna, you will make the most beautiful bride."
Anna stood, unknowing of what her sister had done and rather than look, she had simply embraced her older sister. Kristoff, however, saw it all. Anna stood before him in a snow white gown covered in crystals and beautiful swirls. Atop her head, tucked in with her red hair were tiny crystals of the same type, and more of the like clinging to a veil almost to fine to be real that was flipped back behind her. A beautiful bride indeed, a bride which Kristoff realized, would soon be his wife.
Normally reserved in his emotions, he could not help but shove back his chair and quickly walk over to the pair when gestured over by Anna. He was quickly tucked into their embrace and he realized in this moment that these two women were his family, they had been since he met them, but now that he and Anna had agreed to make it more permanent it just felt right to be in the embrace.
Elsa, still teary smiled as they broke apart. While she had spent her time in complete isolation she had never quite imagined feeling this happy ever again. She wanted to sing, she wanted to never forget such happiness as what surrounded her in this moment. She had a family again, and this time, she would never let it go.
So this is the last chapter of The Harvest. I'm sorry it took me so long to post it. Life has been absolutely insane. However I'm so appreciative to those of you who stuck it out to the very end. I promise more Frozen is on it's way soon. I've been working on a few ideas and they're making their way out of my notebook and onto my laptop rapidly. So don't worry, there's more to come. It may not be related to the Harvest, but there will be more Kristanna, that at the very least is a promise to you all! Thanks Again to Everyone! -Em