Authors note: Here it is! The first chapter of what is to be a bloody, gore filled, War torn Gravity Falls. I know it's here early but that's because I have this feeling that only the two people that voted actually care so I just made the chapter ahead of time. I'm still going to write the story though, if only two people care then that's fine with me. I'll probably rate it M for later chapters since it'll start a bit slow, but I guarantee you, as a person who played as the Orks in the Dawn of War games( which you should totally play) it gets pretty intense fighting Ork hordes. Not much to say about this except enjoy the new story. By the way, WAAAGH!

Chapter 1: An Orky Start

The galaxy is a beautiful place to explore. There are billions of stars and worlds that exist in the Milky Way, and billions more that have yet to be found. We always learn something new about the anomalies in our galaxy and beyond, wondering how all of these incredible things could exist in the first place. This makes us believe that whatever is beyond our home planet, beyond our solar system, life from other worlds could exist. But what little we know about the galaxy is not a curse, but a blessing.

As beautiful as the galaxy appears, in reality, it is nothing but a vast battlefield. Countless races of creatures that we have yet to discover wage galactic war across the stars, with technology and knowledge beyond our understanding for millennia. But War dominates the throne instead peace, and war on a galactic scale has caused billions of lives to be lost and entire worlds destroyed. While our solar system is lucky to be spared from the true horrors beyond, war will always find a way to impact even the most smallest of places.

Our home is no different.

A large ship travels through the vast field of space, but it is no ordinary ship. Its size rivals that of most asteroids, traveling with ease, armed with large twin cannons up front, several turrets on every side of the ship, its engines behind power the behemoth forward like a massive ram, the lower front of the ship seems to take shape of a jaw of some kind of creature, while the rest of the ship appears to have scrap metal covered all over, the jaw front of the ship is completely covered in red while the rest of the ship is covered in what looks to be a unfinished red paint job, along with other bits and pieces of scrap sticking out of the ship, making it look crude, sloppy, and makeshift. Whoever owns the ship now are clearly not the original owners.

Inside the bridge of the ship, a large green skinned creature, standing up to 9 feet tall and is wearing an exoskeleton which appears to be made out of scrap metal, yet somehow functions properly. It is armed with a giant, metal claw on its right hand, surging electricity from time to time, and a large gun on the other, both weapons seem to be cybernetic attachments along with his exoskeleton, which is also painted partially red. The creature also seems to have a cybernetic right eye and attached horns on top, the right horn half broken.

The creature looks bored, annoyed, and angry at the same time, and shouts out for someone. A similar looking creature appeared next to him, lacking an exoskeleton and cybernetic implants, is much shorter than him and hold and holds a large axe and gun in its hands.

"Ya called Boss?" Asked the creature.

Before it could even react, the larger creature grabbed hold of the smaller one with its claw and threw the on the ground, repeatedly slamming it with its claw, causing vibrations everyone on the bridge could feel, until the bigger creature smacked the poor thing across the room where it hit the wall, leaving a bloody mess on the floor. The other creatures on the bridge looked at their former comrade's corpse for a few seconds before going back to their business.

"GAAAGH! When we's gonna get to sum planet already? I'z had an itch to fight for a long time!" Shouted the Creature in a deep, threatening yet surprisingly cockney English accented voice.

"W-we's gotta find da planet first boss. Should be close." Said another creature next to it frightfully, a few inches taller than the dead one. (Yes, they all speak in an English cockney accent.)

"Orks iz made for fightin, not esplorin! The boyz are gettin restless here, specially me!"

"Maybe we'z lost?"

The "boss" slammed his claw on the ground, causing the ork to jump back in fear.

"Gorgutz 'Ead' Unter NEVER gets lost!" Said Gorgutz.

"Gah! Sorry Boss! I didn't mean it!"

"I'll show youse who'z lost you-

"We found sumthin boss!"

Gorgutz turned his attention to the ork who called him and shot him into bloody chunks with his gun.

"Don't interrupt me, you mangy git!" Shouted Gorgutz.

"But boss, look!" Said another ork pointing at the window of the bridge.

Gorgutz took a close look at the window and saw something he thought he would never see, a planet. Not just any planet but a planet that actually looked like it might have life. The last few planets the green horde tried to go to ended up with dead orks gasping for air. Gorgutz then smiled a toothy grin and began laughing hard.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Finally! A planet to fight at! It'z got green and blue bitz and everything." Gorgutz turned to the ork he was about to kill. "Youse a lucky Nob this time Skull Splitta."

"Thank you, boss!" Said Skull Splitta relieved.

"Shut it, ya Grot! Give me da voicey-box." Demanded Gorgutz.

Skull Splitta complied and gave Gorgutz the "voicey-box."

"Listen up Boyz!" Shouted Gorgutz whose voice was heard all around the ship. "We'z finally found a planet for da new WAAAGH!"

The Orks cheered while Gorgutz continued.

"We'z gunna be der real soon. And when we'z get der, we'z gunna show em what orks does best!"

The Orks cheered even louder than before, bloodthirsty for war after weeks of traveling through space, Gorgutz most of all is pleased at this news. After the last unsuccessful WAAAGH! he waged against the Daemons of Chaos, which ended with most of his boyz dead or worse, he and his orks needed a new fight. Gorgutz was especially lucky with the new ship he has under his control, but not without slaughtering the crew and taking the captain's head, hence the name 'Ead' Unter.

"I hopes there's sum good fights at dat planet." Said Skull Splitta.

"I hopes youse sod off before I'z stomp ya!"

Skull Splitta complied and fearfully exited the bridge as Gorgutz turned to face the planet with a sinister smile.

Unknown to the orks however, their ship was being tracked by a secret government facility on the planet the orks are going to. Inside the facility is a control room, large computer monitors take up the front of the room while several people all around the room work on smaller computers. A blond man at one of the many computers picks up an unknown source heading to Earth, showing a big but feint red dot on his screen, and shouts out to a man in a black and white suit.

"Sir! We've picked up an unknown signal in space."

The man in black he shouted out to goes over to his side to observe his findings.

"What have you got Williams?" Asked the man in black.

"It's a weak signal, but it's big and is heading towards us."

"How close is it?" The man in black asked concerned.

"It's not far from us. At the pace its going, it'll only take until tomorrow to get here."

"How did you not pick it up earlier?"

"I'm not sure. Is it a meteor?"

"A meteor doesn't have a signal that weak."

"Extra-terrestrials?" Asked Williams.

"Maybe. But the last ones we found never had signals this big. Do you know where it's heading?"

The man pinpointed the coordinates of where the ship would most likely land and the results did not surprise the agent.

"Astoria, Oregon. Pretty convenient that we pick this up a few days after what our agents told us about Gravity Falls."

"I thought Astoria was in New York."

The man in black gave Williams a stern look, making him look down in embarrassment.

"Sorry." Said Williams.

"Just keep tracking it and tell everyone to watch for it. I'll be back soon."

"Yes sir."

"And make sure no one else besides us receives this signal!" Shouted the man from afar.

The man in black walked out of the room and proceeded to walk through the busy hallways of the facility. Many of them agents rushing through the hallways with stacks of paperwork to file, or to just get the morning coffee, it was a busy day today, and it was about to get busier very soon. The man in black arrived at his destination at a door with the words "Meeting room."

The man in black entered the room and saw another man in black who looked to be in his late 70's, with grey, balding hair and a grey moustache. The man looked more like he was at least in his 60's though, and kept the same look of authority he had his whole life. He looks at the agent while gathering his papers as the agent walks up to him.

"What is it agent? I just finished a meeting with the board." The old man asks.

"We have a situation sir. We picked up a signal heading towards Earth."

"Why didn't you just wait when I got to my office to tell me this?"

"Because whatever we picked up is going to be here tomorrow."

The old man looks at the man with concern yet still keeping his authority figure intact.

"You are equipped with the most advanced technology available. How did you not find this earlier?

"We don't know, it just appeared out of nowhere. We assume it is most likely extra-terrestrials."

"Where is it heading?"

"Astoria, Oregon sir. And from the looks of it, it's going right in the middle of the town."

The old man thought quickly about what actions to use before the signal reached its destination.

"We need to send in the army now and evacuate the town, and send in a few agents in the field to manage this properly. I am not letting some random signal get the best of this department."

"Should we let the military know what they're dealing with? They usually do a good job at mopping up aliens for us."

"We don't even know if it's even aliens, we're just making assumptions here. Just tell them to evacuate the civilians and to set up a perimeter from a distance after the signal reaches the destination. I don't want to lose anyone when it goes down."

"What if news gets out? You know civilians won't keep their mouths shut about things like this."

"Make up a story about a meteor about to hit the town, civilians will buy it."

"And if they don't?"

"Then the public will think they're crazy. Who believes what a bunch of strangers say, even if they are right."

The old man then leaves with his papers to go to his office and turns to the agent.

"Just remember, we leave no evidence, no trace, nothing, no matter what. Understood?"

"Yes sir. We won't let the department down."

The old man exits the room before mumbling to himself.

"We won't let the world down."

Disclaimer: I do not own Gravity Falls or Warhammer 40K. I do not own the character GorGutz either… ;(