Unconditional Loyalty

Summary: Kurapika is a Kurutanian beauty but keeps it a secret for his and Pairo's safety, he's also the bookworm that doesn't fit in among the towns' people and Leorio is the cursed prince all thanks to his own attitude. Both are from different worlds, yet they suffer from the same feeling of isolation. A parody of Disney's Beauty & The Beast. Alternate Universe setting.

Disclaimer: I certainly do not own anything of the Disney franchise, and I don't even own Togashi sensei's wonderful works for the Hunter X Hunter anime and manga. This is purely for fan entertainment, and to fulfill my craving for writing a Leorio and Kurapika centered fanfic.

Pairings: Leorio and Kurapika, slight Pokkles and Ponzu.

Author's note: Well, time flies real quick and I'm only weeks away from my due date, so with all the time alone I have at home, I guess I could write Chapter 10 for this fanfic. I didn't get reviews for Chapter 9, but I was still motivated when I see fellow authors added this to their faves. You know who you are, and I really thank you all.

And here comes HISOKA! I don't know about you, but to me, he often appears as someone who is sly and yet twisted in the head, like some sort of a mental disorder but he is also keen on finding ways to see people he didn't care about suffer. Okay, I'm rambling. Lack of proper vocabularies for our magician clown. Sorry. XD.

Italic font like this one, indicates a character's inner thoughts and feelings.

''I don't usually leave the asylum in the middle of the night, but when I hear that it's YOU needing my help, I can't help but wonder what sort of dirty plans you're up to this time.'' A red haired man with slitted golden eyes named Hisoka chuckled in a maniac manner. He was called by none other than Kuroro to meet at the inn right after the towns folk had left. His Phantom Troupe members are still waiting outside.

Like always, Hisoka dressed in an eccentric fashion, wearing a purple colored suit matched with a green tie that has poker card symbols printed on it. He even wears face make up, a star on his right cheek and a tear drop on his left cheek.

Kuroro have no idea why Hisoka has such an obsession with poker cards and weird fashion styles, but then again there are so many things he couldn't understand about the man either despite knowing the red head for years. What matters to him right now is that he could get Hisoka's full cooperation in the plan to get the town's famous and attractive bookworm to move in with him. And it just so happens that Hisoka owns an asylum, albeit the said place often contained sane people who were just misunderstood by the majority of the towns folk. That didn't bother Hisoka though. To him, it's yet another entertaining way of earning money. He does enjoy himself at other's miserable expense. Rumors have it that he becomes this way after being an orphan at the age of 12. Another disturbing rumor that surrounds him is that he is also the murderer of his birth parents, but since there is lack of evidence, people eventually stopped talking about it.

Kuroro pulls out a sack of gold coins and lays it on the table in front of Hisoka. The red head hummed a cheerful tune and pick up a coin. ''Ah, I'm listening.''

''You know about my wish to get Kurapika to live with me. He needs a little… persuasion.''

''Hohoho! I heard that he turned you down flat. Quite brave of him.''

The antique collector has a strong urge to punch Hisoka for laughing at him, but he skillfully remained calm and kept a stoic expression. ''Everyone knows his best friend isn't exactly stable.''

Hisoka looked serious after hearing this. It is not the first time he locked up innocent people in his asylum but all of them had been adults. ''Pairo? He is harmless, and it would earn me a bad reputation for getting a sickly kid into my asylum.''

''True but Kurapika would do anything to keep him from being locked up. By telling the whole town that it serves to lessen Kurapika's burden if Pairo is taken care of in the asylum instead of continuously living with him every day, they will easily believe it. They already find him odd enough because of his random inventions. Some believed him to be a hoarder too, by looking at the amount of junk he collects in his house. It should be easy.''

''So you want me to throw Pairo in the asylum unless he agrees to move in with you? It will take more than some gold coins to get me to do this, DANCHOU.'' Hisoka half mocked the black haired man.

''I knew about your desire to fight with me as well. Since we're both endowed with martial arts skills, I will see to it that after this is over, we'll have a match.''

''Be grateful that I've known you long enough, Kuroro Lucilfer. It's a deal then. I am curious to see how this will turn out, you devilish soul.'' Hisoka smirked darkly and takes the sack of gold coins.

The whole group of the Phantom Troupe along with Hisoka had arrived at Kurapika and Pairo's humble wooden cottage, bringing along a horse carriage that serves to take Pairo away to the asylum if Kurapika were to refuse Kuroro's wishes.

Nobunaga, who donned on a regular outfit instead of his usual samurai uniform as ordered by his leader, knocked loudly on the door. After the rest of the group members called out Kurapika and Pairo's name for a few more minutes, it is confirmed that the cottage is empty. It made them puzzled, where could the two lads be at this late hour?

''Do you suppose they knew about us trying to get them and they had left?'' Shizuku asked innocently.

''That would be impossible. Danchou didn't even leave any hints that he suspects them to be Kurutanians. I heard that Pairo has left for the inventor's fair. Maybe Kurapika had gone along?'' Shalnark suggested.

''It is possible; however, for Kurapika to leave means there wouldn't be anyone to pay the taxes and to tend to their livestock. Unless, he had gotten help from someone else for those tasks.'' Kuroro puts his palm over his mouth; he often does that whenever he is thinking.

''So what do we do now?'' asked the rest of the members.

Kuroro stood still while looking over the empty cottage, and finally declared, ''We are not in the hurry, since they will be back sooner or later. I will pay Tompa again to keep guard of this house until they come home.''

Without their knowledge, Pairo had already packed some supplies and heads out alone, being away from them about 3 kilometers distance. He decided to try to walk back to the strange castle in an effort to save Kurapika despite all the snow and wind blowing on his face.

''Telling the town what really happened will just make them laugh at me so I will go there alone. I probably remember the way better now, so screw it even if I don't have my glasses!''

It stopped snowing in the morning when everyone at the castle had woken up. And the enchanted objects suggested that Kurapika could walk around the castle's spacious back lawn, since he expressed his wish to be at the outdoors. The Beast takes this as a cue to join the blonde for a stroll as well. It's easier for the two of them to have decent conversations after last night's incident.

Thanks to the large cupboard, Biske, Kurapika is wearing a set of winter clothes. It consists of light green trousers with black leather boots, with a matching dark green fur coat that has a hoodie. Everyone thought it made him look charming despite his denial. As for the Beast, he is wearing a white button up shirt with dark blue pants and a maroon colored cloak. With all of that thick fur on his body, getting a chill isn't his concern.

After awhile, Kurapika told the Beast that he wants to walk his giant hybrid bird around alone, the reason being that Birdie gets stressed whenever the Beast is nearby and so the Beast goes upstairs together with Pokkles and Hanzo. They head towards the balcony so that they could watch Kurapika from above.

The cursed prince broke the silence by confessing to his two faithful servants about his new positive feelings towards Kurapika. ''I've never felt this way about anyone. How do I say this… I want him to see me as a friend.''

''Oh, good progress sir! What else?'' the other two asked curiously.

''I want to do something for him, just to see him smile again like he did yesterday. But what? I don't really know what he likes.'' the Beast sighs, feeling discouraged.

''Well, there's the usual things, desserts, new clothes cause he certainly needs them, playing chess or even go hunting, you know, whatever is it that two guys could do together.'' Hanzo suggest lazily, thinking that his master wouldn't do it for his prisoner. He had gotten used to the Beast being a selfish person most of the time.

Pokkles rolled his eyes at the talking clock's suggestions. ''Ahh, no no. It has to be something very special. Something that sparks his interest, wait a minute! I remember now! Follow me, sir.''

With only the two of them, the Beast is holding Kurapika's right arm gently, intending to bring him to the castle's library. He didn't tell the blonde though, because he hoped that it would be a surprise, a way to impress his possibly new friend.

''Kurapika, there's something I want to show you.''

They've finally arrived at the gigantic door to the library, and the Beast slowly opens it. But before Kurapika could peek inside, he closes it again and continued, ''But first, you have to close your eyes.''

He looks at him questioningly, arching one of his delicate eyebrows. This made the Beast grinned and explained, ''It's a surprise. Don't worry.''

Kurapika reasoned that he could trust the Beast since they did have a fairly pleasant morning together, and clearly he has no intentions to harm him, or play any sort of tricks on him. So he did as he was told and closes his eyes. After making sure that the blonde isn't secretly peeking at all, he opens the door and gently pulls both of his arms to lead him inside.

The Beast walks away from the boy to draw back the curtains of the library, as it is quite dark without having any source of light entering into the room. Once sunlight fills the room, Kurapika flinches reflexively; he could feel some light hits his face.

''May I open my eyes now?''

''Alright, now.''

Opening his eyes slowly, he looks around and started to gasp in surprise and excitement. All around him are seemingly endless rows of books, with all of the shelves measuring at least 15 feet high! Kurapika felt that he could stay in this room forever, he also felt like he is dreaming again for the hundredth time ever since he steps foot into this castle. Living in that small, provincial town for a month, with almost no one to appreciate his interest in reading, it really made him feel grateful and happy.

''I can't believe it! I've never seen so many books in all my life.''

''You like it?''

''Yes. I could probably find something new to read every day.''

''Then, it's yours.''

Hearing those words made Kurapika turned quickly to look at the Beast with wide eyes. Sure, he gets a book or two from Mr. Satotz before, but to actually be given a whole gigantic library by someone who barely knows him, it is just almost unbelievable.

''Um… thank you, really. Thank you so much. But why?''

''Let's just say I am trying my best to make sure my prisoner stays here.'' The Beast laughed at his own joke.

''Right, I almost forgot… And, there is something I've wanted to ask of you too. If that is alright.''

''Go ahead, I won't bite.''

''How do I actually call you? I mean, you know my name. It's just fair to know yours.''

The Beast pondered for a moment at Kurapika's question. Come to think of it, most of his servants had stopped calling him by his birth name ever since they're all cursed with the spell. But at the same time, he understands that Kurapika wants to know because he feels more at ease around him now.

I guess this is a good progress to our relationship. I can always find out more about Kurapika too and it will help us to become closer friends. No harm telling him then.

''Just call me Leorio.''

Kurapika gave him a warm smile and the funny, tingling feeling washes over Leorio again, just like yesterday. He scratches the back of his head sheepishly and proceeds to sit down on a nearby chair, watching Kurapika picking out a few books. Curiously he glanced over some of the book's titles.

So, he is mostly into fantasy and anything to do with science and history.

''Leorio, do you want to read as well? Or perhaps you prefer to do something else? I don't mind if you go somewhere else, I will stay here until lunch time.'' Kurapika noticed him looking, and it started to make him feel bad because he didn't like the idea that he is the only one enjoying himself.

''Hahahaha! I do like reading too, just about different stuff! I'll go get myself some books too.'' Leorio nervously replied and quickly walked around the library. He picked out a book about medical treatments. It's a combination of traditional and modern methods for treating the human body.

It surprises Kurapika because he didn't think that someone with a simple mind and hot temper would be interested about such things. Once again he smiled. He was glad to be proven wrong about this sentient furry creature.

Yays! Finally, they are friends now, ready to learn more about each other. But also Kuroro had finally gotten Hisoka's help. And I'm thinking how Leorio would find out about Kurapika's true heritage and the Scarlet Eyes. I will gladly accept new ideas, so please review. ^_^