Hi sorry this took so long. Once school started I found myself having less free time, but I finally finished chapter 2. I Hope You enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from kamigami no Asobi.
"Holden are you ready to go?" Yui opened the door to find Holden curled up in the blankets still. "Holden!" Holden jumped up.
"I'm up, I'm up. Wait what's going on? So it wasn't all just a dream. Great" Holden lowered her head.
"You have to get dressed and ready to go. You have a big day ahead of you" Melissa smiled.
"Ok" Holden crawled out of bed and went to the uniform. "Are you kidding me!"
"Huh... What's wrong Holden?" Yui asked with concern.
"The jacket is fine and all, but do I really have to wear a skirt?" Holden was angry. "Forget that I'll just put my black jeans on from the other day. There is no way I'm wearing a skirt" Holden put her black jeans on and put the white button-up shirt on and the jacket without tucking in the shirt. "Alright this is how I'm gonna wear this and if they don't like it too bad" Holden walked out of her room putting her grey, vans sneakers on that she had one when she arrived.
The two arrived in the large room. They were the first ones there.
"Are we early?" Yui asked.
"Either that or no one is coming" Holden replied with an unenthusiastic tone.
"Yui" someone called out.
"Balder you're here" Yui turned to smile at balder. "Balder this is Holden"
"Hi Holden" Balder walked up to the girls and tripped.
"Are you ok?" Holden asked.
"Yeah I'm fine"
"I'm glad you came" Yui said.
"I'm really excited. This is my first time attending school"
"Really?" Yui said.
"Good morning fairy. Good morning Holden and Balder" Apollon waved from the doorway.
"Hi Apollon and Tsukuyomi"
The morning bell rang. "Looks like no one else is coming..." Yui looked down.
"So what is an entrance ceremony. I heard Zeus mention it but I have no idea what it is" Apollon said.
"Neither do I" Tsukuyomi said.
"Well it's when all the new students gather and promise to work hard and study together" Yui said.
"So a promise that can't be broken" Balder said.
"And if you break it, a horrible curse happens"
"Horrible curse happens" Tsukuyomi took notes.
"You don't need to take notes on this" Yui said.
"Don't need to take notes" he wrote down.
"It's just a gathering to celebrate the new school year" Holden said. "No death sentence or punishments if you break a promise. But if you break school rules you can get in trouble. But that's another story for another time"
"So it's not scary. That's good" Apollon said. "We should split up and convince everyone to come to the ceremony"
"Alright that sounds good" Yui agreed.
They all split up to talk everyone into going.
Yui and holden tried to talk the gods into attending school, they searched around the campus till Yui noticed Susanoo sitting by a tree in the courtyard. "There's Susanoo" Yui pointed out.
"Alright let's go over and talk to him" Holden headed for Susanoo. Yui followed.
"Uh Susanoo?" Yui called. "Uh..."
Holden tried not to laugh, but she couldn't suppress the urge. Susanoo stirred and opened his eyes to see Holden snickering and Yui with a confused look.
"Ugh. What do you want." Susanoo said dryly.
"Um th.. There's something on your face." Yui took out her phone and turned the camera on and handed it Susanoo. Someone had drawn on his face.
"You did this to me!?" He said angrily.
"No.. No we didn't do anything" Holden said covering her mouth trying to hide her smile.
"Ha. Got ya!" Loki jumped down off a branch from the tree Susanoo was leaning against.
"Why you..." Susanoo looked mad. Loki took off laughing. "Come back here bastard!" Susanoo took off after Loki.
"Well that was a bust..." Holden sighed.
"Don't worry Holden. I'm sure we'll find the others and convince them to attend school" Yui said cheerfully.
"You sure are positive about things" Holden gave a small grin to Yui. The two continued to walk around the campus. "This kinda reminds me of my school back at home"
"Really? How so?" Yui questioned.
"Well we have a big court year in the middle of our campus with a garden and picnic area. But we don't have to wear a school uniform" Holden said as she tugged on her school jacket.
"Wow. I've always had to wear a uniform"
"This would be my first time having to wear one" Holden smiled. "Though I don't really like it, but hey. It beats having to decide what to wear everyday. It's already planned out" the two turned a corner in the schools large courtyard.
"Hey its Hades"
"Huh?" Holden turned to see hades standing at the bottom of some stairs.
"I already said to stay away" Hades turned and started to walk off.
"So... I'll take that as a 'no' then" Holden said as she continued walking past the stairs. Yui still stood at the top of the stairs watching hades walk off. "Yui you coming?"
"Huh.. Oh yeah" Yui jogged to catch up with Holden. When Yui caught up, Holden was talking to Thor about coming to the entrance ceremony.
"If Loki isn't going, then I'm not going" Thor walked off towards the dorms.
"Aw... We couldn't convince anyone to go" Yui looked down at her feet. "Now what are we supposed to do?"
"Fairy! Holden!" Apollon called out. Yui and Holden turned to see the guys with Dionysus.
"Hello Holden" Dionysus said.
"Oh hey Dionysus" Holden smiled.
"Huh?" Yui looked confused.
"I met him when I first arrived" Holden said. "Yui this is Dionysus. Dionysus this is Yui"
"Apollon insisted that I'd go to the entrance ceremony. So you can count me in" Dionysus said.
"Come on there's no time left. We have to go set up for the ceremony now" balder said. The six of them left for the ceremony hall to being the set up. They swept the floors, put out the chairs, hung the tapestries, and set up the podium.
"Alright. Everything is finally done" Holden said.
"And in good timing too because the entrance ceremony is gonna start in five minutes." Apollon added on.
"The ceremony will now begin. I will read the new students names. Yui Kusanagi" Thoth said.
"Here" Yui called.
"Apollon Agana Belea" Thoth said.
"Here" Apollon replied.
"Hades Aidoneus" Thoth said. There was no reply. "Susanoo Totsuka" Thoth waited, but again, there was no reply. "Both absent" He continued. "Tsukito Totsuka"
"Here" Tsukito replied.
"Balder Hringhorni" Thoth said.
"Here" Balder said happily.
"Loki Laevatein" Thoth waited. "Thor Megingjard" There were no replies. "Absent... Dionysus Thyrsos"
"Here" Dionysus replied.
"Holden Skyler" Thoth said.
"Here" Holden replied.
"Will Apollon, student representative, come to the front please" Thoth said. Apollon walked to the front to give his speech.
"We the students will do our best. We will study and understand humans." Apollon turned to face the student body. "Let's promise to give it our best shot!" Everyone started to cheer and clap.
People started to leave the ceremony hall. "I can't wait to start classes. It will be so much fun." Apollon said as he wrapped his arms around the shoulders of Balder and Dionysus.
"Yeah it will be so much fun" Yui said.
Apollon laughed excitedly, "Oh I just can't wait!"
"Well we'll see you tomorrow." Holden waved to the guys.
"Yes. See you tomorrow." Yui added as she waved 'bye' to the guys.
Holden and Yui walked back to their room. "Today was a long day... And I feel like tomorrow will be longer." Holden said as she opened the door to their room and walked in.
"Yes, but I think tomorrow will be a good day." Yui sighed. "I just wish we got everyone to join today."
Holden started to head for her room. "Don't worry I'm sure they'll come around." Holden let out a yawn. "Eventually... Well Goodnight."
"Good night Holden." Yui turned off the lights in the main room before heading to her own room for the night.
Well I hope you guys liked it. Please review and follow/fav this story if ya liked it. I hope to get the next chapter up in about three weeks.
Thanks for reading!