A/N: And let's give Lady Mari Chan a big thank you for proof reading this with a phone~ XD Seriously though. Don't forget to thank her. :3

Alright everyone! Welcome to my new Ereri (Riren no one cares -_-') fanfic! I'm really nervous for this one, because everyone really liked my last fanfic. I just hope you can all enjoy this one as well. ^^ I also feel that, but I'm not entirely sure of it, this fanfic is a bit of a slow build. While the last fanfic was meant for massive amounts of humor (and lots of painful feels, terribly not sorry), this is more of cutes and cuddles that'll make you fangasm and need tissues for your bloody noses and tears... At least this is what I hope to achieve. XD But do not fret!You will get your yaoi. XD


Song of the day: I'm in Love

By: Secret (Let's pick a song that will make you laugh at the idiocy of this. XD)

The Change You Wish to See

(Original summary, but screw the stupid character limits) Levi's never put much care into things. He doesn't put much care into things at all. Nothing ever peaks his interest. Well, that's until he meets Eren Jaeger. Levi isn't sure what it is that's so interesting about him, and it irritates him to feel these feelings he's never felt before. Regardless, he goes to talk to the boy. When he doesn't receive an answer, he just thinks that the boy is rude; however, he understands why when Eren doesn't answer him. Eren is deaf.

Rated M for sexual content, adult language, some violence, mild character death
Main pairing: Riren with some side pairs
Anime: Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan)

Chapter One:

We Meet

"Oh Levi!" Levi groaned and dropped his head into his hand. It was too early in the morning for this, for any of this. He didn't need to be up at eleven in the morning. He didn't need to be at a book store at eleven in the morning. He didn't need Hanji yelling in his ear at eleven in the morning. He seriously didn't need any of it at eleven in the morning.

"I'm right here, so stop yelling..." Levi growled into his hand. Hanji appeared from a hallway of books, a stack of thick books already in her arms and blocking most of her vision. She stepped over to the counter where Levi sat at and set them down, making the glass shake in an obscene way that made Levi step back for fear of it shattering. "What the fuck..." He grumbled with a pointed glare in her direction.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited!"

"There's a difference between your usual excitement and now?" Levi asked as he pulled one of the books from the top of the stack down to see it. He cursed himself for being so short, because he had no choice but to stand on his tip toes in front of the women. She always had a knowing look on her face whenever she saw it, a smug look to be more precise, and he hated it. When he got the book and looked at her, she was grinning behind the nozzle of her water bottle, that knowing look behind her big and funny glasses that he hated with all of his heart. He assumed this was her revenge for the joke he made just moments before. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything." Hanji hummed and shrugged her shoulders. Levi rolled his eyes before looking over the book.

"On the Shoulders of Giants..." Levi read the title out loud. "Someone actually wants to read this book?"

"Well if you've read it, then that means something." Hanji pointed out while adjusting her crooked glasses on her face.

"I read it because there's nothing to do. Barely anyone comes in here." Levi muttered and set the book down. "I've read almost everything in this place," He added and then looked at the other books lined up in front of him. All of them were geography books, educational books about the ocean, or books of animals. Levi scoffed.

"What...? Don't like someone's pick in books?" Hanji asked.

"I couldn't give less than a shit about what you read. Now would you put those away?" Levi asked, or rather he demanded.

"Nope," Hanji replied while patting some dust off of a book.

"Excuse me? Hanji, I'm your boss now, not a friend. I'm not your friend until we get out of work, so do what I say and put those away." Levi commanded while fisting his hands and grinding his teeth. It was always astounding how Hanji knew how to get under his skin in mere seconds.

"Can't," Hanji replied.

"Why not?"

"Because someone called to check out all of these books," She said and looked at her nails.

"Why didn't you just tell me that then?"

"Because I love to mess with you." Hanji said and grinned. Levi groaned to himself and rubbed at the bridge of his nose. Why did he hire Hanji again? Oh yeah, she needed a job and he didn't want to do this on his own.

"Fine, fine. I don't even care." Levi muttered and tossed his hands in the air, a sign of defeat. Hanji audibly laughed, and Levi would have yelled at her and told her to be quiet if the store wasn't empty. Like he said before, no one ever came here. It was a rare occurrence whenever someone did, maybe once or twice a day. That's why Levi liked the job, and "liked" was used lightly.

It was quiet, and no one was there to bug him, well, that was until Hanji got there. It was just him by himself, totally alone and free to relax. It was an easy job with minimal pay, which he was completely fine with. He lived by himself in a small, rundown apartment in a shitty apartment building. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst, and he was fine with that.

So, whenever someone did walk into the store, he questioned why. He never personally asked them of course. He'd let them go about their business, and most of the time they left with one or two books. Some left with none. Levi seriously questioned those people. He assumed that they stole books by hiding them under their shirts or in their backpacks, but he didn't care. He wasn't the owner, he was just there to keep the place clean and sell books.

Whenever someone did come in though, he would sometimes scowl… Well, scowl more than usual. He was busy reading most of the time, that or cleaning up the dust that seemed to accumulate more than oxygen, and he didn't like being interrupted. Now he had to deal with Hanji all day, a woman he had known since high school, regretfully he'd add. He wanted peace and quiet, and with her here he wouldn't get that.

He'd get the daily buzz of life from a woman who had the energy of a six year old with a serious sugar rush, and it was going to be like that every day until she either quit, was fired, he quit, he was fired, or until he died. He expected the very last option, because she would surely talk him to death.

Well, at least things would be interesting. At least that was what he hoped for. It wouldn't kill him to get something else in during the day, though she might with her boundless energy. His only break from her would probably be one of those rare occasions where someone actually came in and needed help finding something, something similar to this exact moment.

The bell at the front door rang, signaling someone's entry. Hanji managed to tame herself into small giggles as they waited for whomever it was to show up to the counter. Levi simply leaned against the glass counter, careless as to whom it was. He distantly thought that his appearance for the store was what made people stop coming, but he ignored it. People needed to stop judging a book by its cover.

No pun intended.

Finally, a boy found his way to the counter in the maze that was his book store. Levi only glanced up once to see who it was, and found nothing out of the ordinary with the kid. The kid couldn't have been anything more than fifteen at the best, but what did Levi know? People often mistook him for a teenager when, in reality, he was thirty four years old.

He wasn't distant to confusion.

He wore a rather big backpack on his back, and Levi knew he'd have to keep an eye on him. He didn't really care what was stolen from the store, but he didn't like having his boss yell in his ear. He had on a green, short sleeved shirt that had laces at the collar, showing off well defined muscles in his arms. His pants were standard blue jeans, and his shoes were normal converse sneakers. Out of everything about him, there wasn't much out of the ordinary. The only thing he could say looked odd about the kid (And yes, he was a kid) were his gold eyes. They were probably the most striking feature on him, accentuating his head of brunette hair and tan skin.

"Can we help you find anything?" Hanji asked. Levi rolled his eyes. It wasn't obvious, but he was ecstatic to have found someone else who wanted to do his job for him. It made his days at the store a whole lot easier.

The boy looked at Hanji and smiled. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, folded up piece of paper. He held it out to her silently, letting Hanji take it so she could read it over. Levi looked at her, watching her mutter the words written on the paper.

"… Ohh I see! Well Mr. Jaeger, your books are right here!" She chirped with enthusiasm as she motioned to the stack of books sitting beside Levi. The kid smiled and nodded his head before reaching out to take them. He pulled them against his chest, grunting when he realized that the six books were heavier than they looked.

"You want help with those?" Levi asked in a bored tone. The kid seemed to ignore him, turning to the other direction where the tables and chairs were and leaving to take a seat at them. Levi was left with his mouth slightly open, hoping for an answer. He never got one.

"What a cute kid," Hanji mumbled.

"What a little prick." Levi growled.


"The little shit just ignored me." He huffed with irritation. If there was one thing Levi hated (One thing in the long list of things he hated), it would be that he hated being ignored. It took a lot to get Levi to talk, and he wanted a reason to if he was going to open his mouth.

"You don't know that, Levi. He may have not heard you." Hanji assured.

"Bullshit. I couldn't get any louder." It pissed him off to no end.

"You tend to mumble." The women said and fixed her glasses to sit on her forehead. "Maybe he's just hard of hearing."

"Well then why didn't he have trouble hearing you?" Levi asked.

"Because I don't talk, I bellow." Hanji seemed rather proud of herself at the obvious fact that she stated. Levi growled and looked away, as if the books on the shelves were more interesting than she was, though he wasn't so sure. Hanji could be a definite handful when she wanted to be. "Does it upset you that much that he didn't pay any attention to you?"

"Of course not," He grumbled.

"You are about as convincing as a child who's guilty of taking cookies from a cookie jar." Hanji muttered. She had been right though; even with a low tone, she was still rather loud.


"Levi, if it bothers you that much, just try again." Hanji addressed. "Go up and ask if he needs anything. Just play nice. He may not have heard you, and then you'll feel better knowing that." She assured and patted Levi's shoulder. The man looked at her from the corner of his eyes, or maybe he glared. He was trying to intimidate her for sure, but it didn't seem to work.

It took a lot to make Hanji feel offended… Or upset… Or mad… It was fucking difficult.

"I must be out of my mind…" Levi mumbled to himself before leaving the confines of the counter.

He felt so stupid right now, stupid and dumbfounded. Why was he doing this? Why did he even care? People had easily ignored him before, and he never cared for any of them. Why was this kid any different? Maybe it was because that the kid was just a kid. Maybe it was because he was young, and it bugged Levi that kids these days had manners about the size of their attention spans.

He would tell himself that, but he only hoped that this was the real reason. If not, he had no other excuses.

Levi sighed to himself as he walked over to the boy. The kid was fully engrossed in the book he was reading, the one Levi had previously stated was a boring ass book. Why the kid liked it, he'd never know. Why the kid decided to get six different books, all rather thick and boring, he'd never know either. Instead, he decided to try what Hanji said. Levi stood up straight while clearing his throat, hoping to just catch the kid's attention.

"Uh, is there anything you need?" He asked, making sure his voice was loud enough. It surely wasn't as loud as Hanji's, but no one's voice was as loud as hers. He could only get so loud. However, the boy remained quiet, eyes focused solely on his book. Levi's frown got deeper. He tried again.

"Do you want some water or… Or more light or something?" Levi asked. Again no answer. This was really starting to piss him off. "Kid…?" One last time, and again, no answer.

That was the final straw.

"Alright, that's it!" Levi barked and kicked the side of the boy's chair, effectively knocking him out of it. He tumbled to the floor and cried out at impact, one of his books falling from the table and smacking into his leg.

"Levi!" Hanji cried from where she stood, but she wasn't close enough to stop Levi as he picked up the kid by the collar of his shirt.

"Listen you! I don't know what your deal is with me, but when someone wants to play nice, try it! You're going to get your ass chewed out by the world if you don't try acting like you give a damn about what someone does for you!" Levi yelled. Hanji came up from behind him and pulled Levi away, freeing the kid from his grasp.

"Levi, stop!" She tried to yell over him. The boy crawled away on all fours before turning to face the two. Hanji saw the look of mortification on his face, and tried to stop Levi, but when he got in one of these moods, it was hard to calm him down. She would know. She'd gotten him this mad once, and he went off on her like no one's business.

"You didn't even thank Hanji for lugging around your damn books! I don't care what you think of me, but treat people with some damn respect, you little shit!" It took all of Hanji's strength to get some distance between Levi and the kid. The poor thing didn't need to deal with this, and if he continued to keep quiet, Levi would surely do something he'd regret.

"Stop it! Levi, back off!" Hanji used her remaining strength to throw Levi in an opposite direction, putting more distance between the two. Levi finally stopped fighting, but he was still fuming with anger.

"What the fuck are you still quiet for? You don't have anything to say, anything at all?" Levi asked. Hanji looked back to the boy he was yelling at, ready to apologize for his behavior, but she only found the look of anger written across his face. The boy looked just as angry, and she could tell he was obviously upset by the tears lining his eyes.

"Mr. Jaeger, I'm so sorry. H-He's just upset. He really didn't mean anything by it." Hanji once again excused his behavior. The boy said nothing, and it wasn't surprising to Levi. He stood, and he reached into his backpack that had been resting against the table, undisturbed by the commotion that just occurred. He pulled out a pen and a notebook before opening it and frantically writing in it.

"Sir…?" Hanji called out to him. The boy folded his notebook back, and daringly, possibly even in an act of stupidity, he chucked it at Levi. Levi caught it after the thing smacked into his chest, and he opened his mouth, prepared to yell, but the boy spoke first.

"Read!" He yelled. Levi noticed the terrible undertone that he possessed, as if his nose was terribly congested. "Read!" He yelled again and pointed to the notebook. Levi growled before pulling the notebook back and looking at the neat handwriting inside.

"I can't hear you, dumbass!" It read in big and bold letters.

"What do you mean you can't hear me? And who are you calling a dumb-" Levi growled, but he stopped. The words seemed to click in his head, and he looked back down at the words written in the notebook.

Now it all made sense. The kid standing before him wasn't being rude; he wasn't even trying. The reasons as to why he never thanked Hanji, why he never responded to Levi or his acts of "kindness" were because he couldn't hear either of them, not because he was trying to be rude.

He was deaf.

"Oh…" Levi mumbled. "I really am a dumbass…" He distantly thought. The brunette stomped forward and yanked his notebook back from him before shoving it back into his book bag.

"W-Wait," Hanji began.

"Don't bother. He can't hear you." Levi said while looking down.

"He can't… Oh…" Hanji finally realized what this was all about. She stepped forward, grabbing the boys shoulder to stop him from leaving. The boy cried out at the touch, but Hanji silenced him by waving her hand in front of his face. He looked at her, his big eyes red and glassy before she began signing to him.

This was a new fact, even for Levi. He was completely unaware that Hanji knew sign language, but he guessed that it came as a good thing now. Once again, Hanji wasn't going to pull Levi out of a mess he'd created, and hopefully things could be fixed, because who was he to mess with someone who couldn't hear? He may have been a regular asshole, but he would never go so far as to mess with someone with a disability.

"No, no," Hanji murmured softly and continued to sign to him. The boy made a face of disgust, but she made it go away. She motioned to Levi a few times, once to herself, and then back to him again. It really irritated him that he couldn't understand what Hanji or him were discussing.

He only ever knew one or two hand signals, one for "I'm sorry," And the other for "Thank you." He knew these from a children's TV show he saw when he was a kid, and that was it. However, it was something. He recognized Hanji apologizing to him over again by rubbing her fist over her chest to him. The boy kept shaking his head, but after a while, he stopped. Hanji motioned towards Levi again, and this time she addressed him.

"Levi, apologize to Eren." This wasn't a suggestion; Hanji was downright commanding him to do it. Since when had she become the boss? It didn't seem to matter right now. When the boy, Eren, looked up at Levi with broken and defeated eyes, Levi felt a gust of guilt hit him fast. Eren had such puppy-like eyes, and who could possibly be mad at a face like that?

"I'm sorry…" Levi said while rubbing his hand over his chest. He wasn't even sure if he was doing it right; he was just imitating what Hanji had done, and what he remembered from TV, but it was something. At least he was trying.

Eren looked away, golden eyes adverted to the floor. He quietly sighed under his breath before he signed something Levi didn't understand. Thankfully, Hanji was there to translate what he said.

"He said it's okay." Hanji translated. Levi nodded wordlessly and looked away. He bent down and picked up the book he had knocked down when he kicked Eren away, and he held it out for him.

"Here…" He mumbled. He wasn't sure why he was even trying to talk. The kid couldn't hear him, so why bother?

"Thank you…" Again Eren spoke with his eyes averted to the floor, but it sounded morphed coming from him. It must have been because he couldn't hear himself, and he was unaware that he was saying it wrong. Regardless, Eren took his notebook back, his fingers barely brushing against Levi's in the process. Levi cleared his throat and looked away, only to glare at Hanji.

He was hoping that she would do something to lighten the tension, but she seemed perfectly content on letting the two live in their own little worlds of self-pity.

Without help from her, Levi picked up the fallen chair and set it back by the table before storming off and leaving to go to the office. This left Hanji and Eren alone, but Hanji helped Eren back into his seat and told him that she'd get him a cup of water before leaving to follow Levi. When she found him, Levi was indeed in the office, sitting in the chair to his desk with his head in his hands.

"Are you out of your Goddamn mind?" She asked him in anger, and it was hard to make Hanji angry. Just knowing that he had done it, that he was able to mess with those happy, dumb smiles of hers was surprising and nerving all on its own.

"I'm sorry…"

"How could you go off on someone who is deaf?" She asked, though she kept her voice low. Why he wouldn't know. The boy outside could hear them, even if they were talking with megaphones.

"You think I would have had I known?" Levi looked up and asked. "I wouldn't have gone after him had I known it."

"You shouldn't be going after people in general!" Hanji reprimanded. "You're lucky he's not pressing charges against you."

"I said I was sorry."

"After I apologized for you first. I tried saying that you were just defending me, but he barely believed me on that. He didn't, and probably still doesn't believe me when I said that you are a nice guy."

"That's a bunch of shit and you know it." Levi scoffed with a bitter smirk. Hanji sighed and pushed her glasses up onto her head so she could rub her eyes.

"Levi, please, just behave." She pleaded with him.

"Whatever…" Levi uttered like a child before poking at a book sitting at the edge of his desk. He pulled it closer to himself before opening it and looking inside, only pretending to read it. He wanted Hanji to go away, so he could have a moment alone to think about what just happened, and it worked. After a few moments of silence and his obvious ignoring of her, she left the room with a sigh. He then sighed when the door to his office shut. He knew he was pushing her away, but he did it to everyone, and he did it on purpose.

He was better off alone.

A/N: I'd like to point out really quick, since you'll see it a lot in the fanfic. Italics will be on words where Eren or others are writing in a notebook or on a piece of paper, or when someone is signing. I'd just like to clear that up. ^^ I'm not entirely gifted with the ability to speak sign language, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes as well. I'm learning though! :D

Alright! See you all soon! :D