A Long 2 Weeks

Hey Guys, I know it's been a while, a little more than 2 months now, geez, sorry about that guys, but unlike the other 3 times I said this, I actually intend this to be true, once school starts, I'll start posting and writing regularly. I hope to post something every other day, but some thing just don't work out like that, but if I can I'll try to warn you ahead of time about if I have something ahead of time. Anyways, Bed Bugs isn't discontinued, I've just had this idea sitting in my head for a while, and I have a few more that I hope to write in the future. In the 2 months I've been gone, I've been reading a lot of other Evangelion facfics. I highly suggest you drop this story and go read "Spawn of Adam", "Neon Genesis Evangelion: That Which Could (not) Happen" and "In the case of Asuka Langley Soryu". I guarantee they will be twice, no, three times as good as this. But if there is anyone who is actually sticking around to read this: A Long 2 Weeks.

Shinji sat in an Airplane, along with his guardian Misato Katsuragi. He had asked if he could bring 2 of his friends, using that wording to make it seem like he had more than that. Flying over to Germany just so he could ride a slow Naval Vessel back to Japan. Although this one Fleet was very different from the others. It contained the Evangelion Unit 02, along with the Second Child, which he had never met.

This ship would take the longest route possible along with moving slower than the fastest speed due to the weight of the Evangelion. All together the entire trip will take two weeks since Misato influenced the captain to take this course of action. Although why Shinji had to ride that god forsaken ship was beyond him, perhaps she just wanted him to get away from Japan, get away from the Evangelions, get away from his father.

Although it bothered him that if an angel were to attack Japan at this time, would they be alright? Would Rei be able to take down an angel single-handed? He just hoped it would be alright, but he had faith that if that were to happen, the defense measures would be enough. Although it bothered him even more that they decided to take Unit 01 along just in case.

And so, they decided to drop Shinji off in Germany, take him to see the fleet, let him board, and Misato would go back to Japan. Then in about a week and a half, Misato will come back and have the captain sign over Unit 02. It made it obvious she didn't to be on that ship for all that time, or she just had too much work. So there was Shinji, thinking of what he would do in those two weeks. He would most likely meet the Second Child, but he doubted they would see each other too much.

Shinji walked out of the Terminal and to the car Section 2 had prepared for him. He walked over to the black car with its door open, a man in a black suit holding the door open. It felt odd to be so important. Its not like he was famous, but if he were to have a fatal accident, or be lost, it would be a huge blow to NERV, no humanity. Although he could and most likely would get replaced if that were to happen.

The drive to the shore was long, since he had arrived in Berlin, the drive to the shore was close to 5 hours. He had listened to his SDAT player most of the time, although sometimes he would simply stare out the window.

When he had finally arrived at the Coast he saw that the Fleet was indeed very large. The fleet consisted of 5 aircraft carriers and 4 battleships, plus other smaller vessels. He had been told he would be boarding the largest of the aircraft carriers, but his dorm would be on the third, so he would have to take a helicopter between them if he needed something or simply wanted to back to his room. It seemed like a pain and he wasn't exactly looking forward to it. He walked up to the bridge between the ship and land and showed the main there his NERV I.D. The man glanced over it, then over him, then simply nodded. Shinji walked onto the ship. He saw that it had many floors to it and he was currently on the second lowest, since the lowest was used mostly for supplies.

He had expected there to be a large announcement about their departure but there was none, he simply watched and the ships slowly pulled away from the land. He looked out into the Sea, seeing no land in sight, just waves and the sky.

'This is going to be a long two weeks' he thought to himself, as he looked back to see that they had barely moved.

Shinji glanced at his watch, and saw that it was about 11:30am. He had to go to a conference room on the second battleship to meet the Second Child at 12:00. He began to walk over to the northern end of the ship, where he was told the helipad was.

'I wonder what the Second Child is like...' he thought to himself as he slowly trudged over to the helipad. 'Maybe he's like me, or maybe he's more like Misato and very cheerful, but... what if hes more like Rei, wait, what if the Second Child is a girl?' Shinji was starting to confuse himself, he hadn't really given the thought that the Second Child was a girl much attention, so he was wondering if it could be.

Once the helipad came into sight, Shinji stopped thinking about it.

"Where am I taking ya?" The man standing in front of the helicopter, leaning against it asked him. He was clearly a pilot, and seemed to be shocked Shinji was even on the ship.

"Umm, the second battleship if you could." Shinji replied shyly. The young pilot looked shocked. He knew that only the Second and Third Children were allowed to be on the second battleship, but he had already flown the Second over there, and he assumed that all Eva Pilots were like that. Although this kid was the exact opposite.

"Yeah, no problem." The young pilot said to Shinji, with a smile on his face. Shinji climbed into the back of the helicopter. He sat in the seat and put the seat belt across his chest. Then the pilot tossed over a helmet so that they would be able to hear each other talk. Shinji didn't see the need for this since he wasn't going to talk anyways, but he didn't want to be rude so he put the helmet over his head.

"Whenever your ready." Said the young pilot. Shinji simply gave him a thumbs up and looked out over the fleet.

When Shinji had landed, he said his thanks to the pilot and slowly began walking to one of the conference rooms. He once again began wondering what the Second Child is like.

'I hope he's as good as they say, hopefully I wont have to pilot as much.' he thought to himself. He had heard stories about the Second Child being an amazing pilot, currently, his sync ratio was almost 15% lower than hers, while his was still impressive for a beginner, its nothing compared to the Second Child's sync ratio.

When he had finally arrived at the conference room, he was that it was empty. He took a seat in one of the empty chairs and looked at his watch... 12:06. He was late, but so was he. Or maybe she left because he didn't show up, but no one could be so impatient as to leave without waiting a few minutes. And to top it all off he would have seen them walking out, so he'll just have to wait for someone.

'Its 12:30, where could they possibly be.' Shinji thought, its not there's anything to do here that could be so fun its worth missing the meeting of your co-worker. A co-worker you'll be fighting for your life and everyone else's with. 'Whatever, I'll just go back to my dorm.' Shinji thought as he started walking back to the helipad. When he was in sight of the helicopter the man waved to him and he shyly waved back.

Shinji was walking down the hall to his dorm, fumbling through his pocket to find the key. He looked at the number on the key and the number on the room. They both read 1126. Shinji slid the key into the lock and turned it. He opened the door the only place he could find peace on this ship.

The first thing he was greeted by was a young girl about his age, wearing a yellow sundress, with bright auburn hair, and blue eyes.

'She's beautiful.' Shinji thought. Then he got slapped for staring.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!" She screamed at him in an angry voice.

'I think my ears are bleeding.' Shinji thought.

"This is my room though." Shinji said to the girl, he couldn't help but stare at her dark blue eyes.

"Then why is none of your stuff here!" She yelled at him slightly quieter. Shinji answered simply but walking over and opening one of the drawers and pulling out one of his shirts.

"Ugh! I can't believe they messed up the dorms! This is unbelievable! How could they mess up the dorm for Asuka Langely Soryu! Dont they know who I am! I'm the Second Child for gods sakes!"

At those last words Shinji felt a sense of dread roll over him.

"Y-Your the Second Child?" Shinji asked in a shaky voice.

"Of course I am! Who are you?" Asuka asked. Shinji said nothing. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his NERV I.D and held it out for Asuka to read.

"Your the famous the Third Child? The one that's killed 3 angels by himself?" Asuka asked him. Shinji nodded and rubbed the spot on his cheek where he got slapped. Asuka stared wide-eyed at the boy. 'How is this kid, this shy little pervert be the Third Child!' she thought to herself. She had always sort of looked up to the Third Child. Being as good a pilot as he is. But now she just...


Alright guys thats the first chapter of "A long 2 Weeks" I think im going to be posting the second chapter later today because I really want to finish this story soon and since I haven't posted anything in a long time I wanna kinda make up for it but for now, let me now what you think in the reviews, I do read them.