A wedding.
AN: And here is the final chapter I hope you guys enjoy it.
And thank you so much for all the follows, favs and reviews I never knew how much they fed my muse before!
Also I'm sorry for being a little slow, but my sister was in ICU, she is okay now but I put most things on hold while she was there.
If you guys wanna see my inspiration for Hermiones dress just google 8-beautiful-wedding-dresses-for-under-500 → first link → first dress.
Hermione Granger was bustling with excitement and paced impatiently back and fort in front of the fireplace, she was waiting for her ginger best friend to show up so that they could get going.
She couldn't really be mad that Ginny was late, the girl was pregnant for Merlins sake, but she just wished she would hurry up before she drove herself mad or worse made a visible indent in the hardwood floors.
She wrung her hands and looked out the window. Come on Ginny!
She sighed with relief when she heard the roar of the floo and turned just in time to see her friend scurgify the sot away.
"Sorry I'm late 'Mione."
The ginger girl was positively glowing, pregnancy really suited her, and she looked almost as excited as Hermione.
"So are you ready to go?"
"Ready? I've been ready for ages Gin. I was so excited I hardly slept last night, even Quidditch through the ages couldn't lull me to sleep."
Ginny laughed when she heard the mention of probably the only book in the world that her bookworm of a friend found truly boring.
"Well then let us get go. Any place in particular you wan't to start out?"
"Yeah I have a few stores in mind."
They took the floo to the leaky cauldron, because according to Ginny apparating wasn't safe in the late stages of pregnancy. Instead of going out the back and into Diagon Alley, the two friends greeted Tom and went out the front door into muggle London.
Several hours and multiple stores later and Ginny was starting to get annoyed, besides her feet hurt!
"Really 'Mione? The last one was really beautiful, what was wrong with it?"
"It just didn't feel right Gin"
The brunette sighed, she knew her friend was getting tired and she could understand her frustration, but she couldn't quite put into words what she was looking for.
"Can we at least take a break, I need to sit down?"
Hermione looked at her friend and nodded.
"Yeah there's a café further down the street and around the corner if I remember correctly, we can go and grab lunch while we're at it."
She looked at her friend with amusement and raised an eyebrow at her enthusiasm.
"Whut? I'm eating for two" Ginny said and winked.
She was practically dragging her friend along, but as they turned the corner she was pulled to a stop by Hermione who was starring at a window across the street. The younger girl followed her gaze and smirked.
" 'Mione you promised me lunch, we can go look at it after, besides judging by they way you're starring I think we found the right one this time."
Hermione let her friend pull her away, but she couldn't quite take her eyes off of the window display.
"Yes" she thought "I think she's right, that is the perfect one".
And they were both right.
Once Hermione had put on the dress from the window, she was very reluctant to take it off.
It was a simple column dress that flared out a little at her feet, she had to dance in it after all, with a straight neckline and an oval cutout in the back.
On top of it were a lace layer in the style of a Chinese qipao, which covered her shoulders and included a simple collar around her neck. It, like the dress, flared out at her feet and formed a small trail.
It was perfect! Simple but beautiful and everything she had wanted.
She smiled happily at Ginny who seemed just as exited.
"I knew we would find one 'Mione, You look gorgeous!"
"Thank you Gin, I love it, and thank you for sticking with me today."
"Ah that's what you have best friends for."
Hermione hated to admit that she was just a tad bit nervous, but who could blame her? Today was the beginning of the rest of her life.
She turned to check her appearance in the mirror once more.
Her hair had been pulled into a soft up-do with a few loose curls tumbling down her back, Molly and Ginny had really outdone themselves this time.
Her only jewelry were a pair of simple diamond studs, which had been a graduation present from her parents, and a necklace with a gold heart with an emerald and a ruby, one for Minerva and one for her.
She smiled it had been a gift from her soon-to-be wife on a very memorable first anniversary and she was certainly looking forward to more of those in more ways than one.
She smiled at the thought of her fiancee. Knowing Minerva, she was probably more nervous than her. She was glad it had been left to Rolanda and for some reason Luna to help get the older witch ready. The flighty younger witch seemed immune to the older's ire so she had been a good choice.
"Thinking of anyone in particular?"
Hermione turned with a smile.
"It's our wedding day mom of course I'm thinking of her."
Jean smiled and moved in to hug her daughter careful not to ruin the dress or the hair.
"You look so beautiful sweetheart, so grown up."
She shock her head and laughed.
"I can't quite believe you're getting married already, sometimes it feels like we sent you of to school just yesterday!"
*Ahem *
The sound of another voice from the doorway made them both look up to see who it was and they smiled when they took in the man dressed in his best suit.
Hermione beamed at her father, she was so glad she had him to walk her down the aisle.
Especially after she had erased their knowledge of her existence, without knowing if it could be completely undone. Luckily it HAD been reversible.
"Hi dad"
Richard walked up to his only daughter and grasped her hands.
"You look wonderful pumpkin"
She beamed up at him.
"Thank you."
Jean smiled at the two most important people in her life. Then she leaned in and planted a kiss on her daughters forehead before heading for the door.
"I'll go find my seat."
Richard looked down at his daughter and smiled.
Arm in arm they headed out the door and towards her future.
The ceremony took place in a meadow in the Scottish highland on land that belonged to the McGonagall family.
Amongst their guests were the Weasleys, the Hogwarts faculty, Harry, Luna, Neville, several DA members as well as Draco and Astoria.
Hermione could honestly say that she didn't remember much after laying eyes on Minerva. Seeing her love dressed in her clan colours and glowing with excitement was captivating and nothing else really mattered to her aside from that.
She did remember grasping Minerva's hands and exchanging their vows.
And she definitely remembered the "You may now kiss the bride" part, their kiss had made her toes curl and they lost themselves in each other until Rolanda's cackle brought them back to reality.
Hermione was brought out of her revere by the changing music. She smiled and looked around at the many people gathered in the great hall of Hogwarts for the reception.
"What are you thinking about my love?"
She turned to look into brilliant emerald eyes and leaned in to catch her wife's lips in a searing kiss.
"You... And how incredibly lucky I am."
"Hmm Mrs. McGonagall I believe I'm the lucky one."
Minerva's hands shifted to her wife's hips and pulled her closer.
"Say that again?"
"Mrs McGonagall"
Hermione smiled.
"I love the sound of that."
"So do I my love... So do I."
"If I may have your attention!"
Both Hermione and Minerva groaned when they heard Rolanda's voice, the quidditch mistress was almost always up to no good. All though they had made her promise to behave today, so hopefully she would keep her promise.
"I believe it's time for our dear Hermione to throw the bouquet, so if all our single women and eligible witches will gather round."
Hermione smirked when she saw Lavender and Hannah push each other in an attempt to get a spot in the front, while Minerva merely raised an eyebrow at the display.
"And just one more rule; no magic!"
Groans could be heard from several people in the group.
"No complaining! We have several muggles amongst the guests and they should have a fair chance."
Hermione smirked and moved to a free spot on the floor before turning her back to the gathered women. Then she sent her bouquet flying in a large arch above her head.
She turned just in time to see 6 or 7 witches practically wrestling each other for the flowers.
Everybody cheered when Astoria raised the bouquet above her head with a smile. To the side Harry elbowed Draco.
"Looks like you'll be next Draco."
The blonde rolled his eyes with a groan.
"My mother will be all over this, she'll probably start planning the moment she hears about it."
"Oh you really think your mother and Astoria haven't already started planning?" said a voice from behind.
The two men turned to see the newly weds smirking at them.
"Congratulations you two."
"Thank you Harry!"
Astoria had finally managed to untangle herself from the pile and joined them.
Hermione smiled at Astoria "Good catch."
"Well I did consider trying out for keeper, but mother said it wasn't ladylike."
Draco's eyes widened "You play quidditch?"
Astoria giggled "Once in awhile."
"Well we'll need to have a friendly game someday soon then" said Ginny and Harry nodded his agreement.
Draco still seemed slightly unbelieving when Rolanda's voice once again interrupted the celebrations.
"Everybody if you could gather around the dance floor I think it's time for our newly weds first dance."
Minerva grasped her wife's hand and softly lead her towards the open space in the middle of the gathered crowd.
The song they'd picked was a traditional wedding song from the wizarding world.
Hermione slid her left hand behind her wife's head and slipped the right into Minerva's left hand, she smiled when the older witch's other hand came to rest on her hip.
When it came to dancing Minerva would probably always lead and Hermione didn't mind a bit, dancing with Minerva would always be one of her favorite things to do.
"You know I could probably make the worlds strongest patronus right now."
"And why would you need to do that my love?"
Hermione rolled her eyes, but allowed her wife to lead her around the floor anyway.
"I don't Minerva, but I never knew you could be this happy!"
Minerva sent her wife a beautiful real smile.
"Neither did I mo ghaol, neither did I."*
* my love
And it's finally done!
Thank you all for being so patient with me!