Hahaha… I have no idea what I'm doing, especially in a fandom that's pretty much dead. This was mildly inspired by the Fallout Boy's Song "Just One Yesterday." I say mildly, but really, who am I kidding?

Warnings for the entire story: AU and therefore OOCness. Eventual family/friendship fluff. Dark topics including but not limited to drugs, attempted suicide(s), abuse (especially emotional), angst, etc. Any and all romance will be one-sided or kept in the background. The focus of this story is not romance but family.

I don't own.

God Code.

What the hell does that even mean anyways?

It isn't that he's stupid, mind you. It's just… What the hell? A god? Him? Just what makes César even think that he would know what to do with that much power? Just what does everyone think to trust him with this? He's just a teenager and he remembers even less than that of an average child. Do they think that that makes him qualified to chose what would happen to the rest of the world? Really, adults these days…

He feels the power rush through him, hears the whispers of the nanites all around him. He stands at the top of the world and yet he does not gasp to breathe. Instead, the world seems to envelope him, as if welcoming him wherever he goes, whatever he does. But will it really welcome him if he does exactly as he wishes?

Anything you want… the nanites whispers in his ears.

"You'll regret it."

Whatever you wish…


The silence is deafening.

Except that isn't quite the truth. Because there is definitely other sounds all around him. Sounds. Normal sounds, he supposes. Is this what everyone hears? Because it's lonely. The machinery beeps and people dash about. There are shouts and chatters, but he can't quite make them out (or perhaps it's more that he doesn't want to make it out). So yes, there is noise. Just not the noise that he has grown so accustomed to. The whispers of nanites all around him.

Of course, there will never be any more nanites. At least not in the form that he knows them as. No, because his wish was simple: Make it so that the Event never took place. Meaning that the Nanite Project never happened. Meaning that there are no more EVOs. Meaning that he can finally have that normal life he has always been curious about.

Rex slowly opens his eyes. He is on a white bed with white curtains surrounding him. There are shouts and general mayhem going on outside of his small bubble of the curtain. A hospital then. He wiggles his fingers and toes, mentally going through a checklist to see exactly what he has damaged. When he can't locate any source of pain, he slowly sits up and is relieved to see that he's perfectly fine.

"… Did it work…?"

His barefoot hits the cold tile floor and he opens the curtains. Yup, he is right. A hospital.

"Rex! You're awake!" comes a voice that he does not recognize.

The teen turns to face a woman that he has never seen before. She has long blonde hair and a relieved smile. From the long lab coat that she wears, she must be some kind of a doctor. The nametag carefully sitting on the left side states that her name is "Rhodes."

"How are you feeling?" she asks as she pulls out a flashlight. She shines it in his eyes, watching carefully as she piles up questions after questions that Rex answers with ease.

"Okay, sounds like you'll be fine," she says finally with a satisfied nod. And with a bit more of a joking tone, she adds, "Jeesh, Rex. You scared us when they brought you in. Can you do an old doctor a favor and please wear a helmet?"

"Aw, you know me, doc!" Rex says with a light laugh. But the truth is that he doesn't know her and he highly doubts that she knows him either. No, the only doctor who knows him forward and backwards is Doctor Holiday, and she's not here. Perhaps that's a good sign. Perhaps it means that she's out doing something she loves with her sister that she loves. And Rex likes that very much for her.

She rolls her eyes at his response. "One of these days, Doctor Holiday is going to draw a line and refuse to admit you."

Oh? So Holiday is here? Rex can't help but to survey the room slowly to see if he can spot the familiar woman. No such luck. Holiday can't be a lab woman, because Rhodes just implied that she has power, which is weird but he supposes not everything can stay the same. Perhaps she's an administrator?

"She won't dare!"

"You never know." Doctor Rhodes glances over at the sound of the doors slamming open. "Just on time as always. I hope you don't mind, but I called your brother for you. I didn't want you to go home alone."

Rex feels his insides freeze. César is here? He holds his breath and lets it out slowly. No, no. His brother never betrayed him. That never happened. César is… He is just a normal big brother. There are no nanites, no research. The Event never happened and nothing ever blew up. Hell, Rex's parents should be alive as well. And doesn't that mean that he has a… a real family?

The doctor is giving him a pitying look, much to his confusion. What? What is it? Why is she giving him that look? As if she feels sorry for him? But why would she feel that way? He finally has his family! And sure, he is going to have to relearn everyone and everything, but he has a family! Isn't that a cause for a joyous celebration?

And the answers to the questions arrive in a flurry of righteous anger that is César.

"Rex!" César roars when he spots his younger brother. "What the hell were you thinking?!"

César marches over to Rex and grabs him by the shoulders. "Do you know what kind of trouble you brought us? We were this close, Rex! This close!" He holds up his forefinger and thumb, barely millimeters apart. "But because of your selfish need to show off, we've been set back for three months! I told you to stop hanging out with those… those freaks!"

Rex feels like he has been burnt. It feels as if someone has sucked out the air in the room and he is gasping to breath. César's mouth is drawn back in a snarl and there are flashes of anger in his eyes. It is odd. Rex has seen his older brother with many expressions but this kind of pure rage…? It is new to him as well.

"If it bothers you so much, then why'd you come pick me up?" Rex doesn't know why he snapped like that. He is hurt, yes. Why wouldn't he be? He is in the hospital and the only family that he has ever known is yelling at him for being selfish. Why? What exactly did he do and why exactly is he in the hospital? And what does César mean by freaks that he hangs out with? There can't be any freaks in this world. There are no more EVOs.

César lets out a loud growl before releasing his brother. "Let's just… leave," he grumbles as if the fight has left him. He signs some forms like he's used to this, and the dark look never leaves his face.

No sign of mamá or papá. No matter how many times Rex looks around, he doesn't see his illusive parents. Perhaps when he gets home… A strange thought occurs to him and he does his best to push it away. He shakes his head. No. There is no way that his parents are dead here, too. No. They're probably busy with something important or maybe this is just a common occurrence so they aren't worried that their youngest son is in the hospital. He'll see them soon enough. He just needs to stay hopeful.

"Rex," César said, motioning for his brother to follow him.

"Try to stay out of here," Doctor Rhodes said, patting Rex's back. "As much as I love you, I'd rather you stopped getting into 'accidents.'"

"Aw doc, you know you love me."

He gives her a playful wink and she rolls her eyes. The motion feels familiar but it feels all wrong. This doctor is too blonde. She's too open. She isn't Doctor Holiday and it leaves a putrid taste in his tongue. Ah, he hopes that he can see his doctor soon.

"Over here," César says, waving Rex over to his car. He gives his younger brother a look. Rex isn't sure how to read it (he's never been good at reading his brother), but he figures it is another negative emotion. Perhaps annoyance? Frustration? Hatred?

Stupid César and his stupid research. Even if the Event never happened, he is still obsessing over some other scientific research, isn't he? Rex feels so stupid for hoping something different. Why did he think that César would be different? Why did he believe that things will be better here? That he will have a loving family? No, no. This can very easily be just a César thing. He just needs to give it time. He does have a loving family and César is just having a bad night. Come morning, everything will be fine and he will have the family he's always dreamed of.

He gets into the car without a question. César, instead of turning on the engine, turns to face his brother.

"Rex…" he begins, earning the attention of the younger boy. He takes a deep breath and the anger is no longer there. "Look, I know what you're trying to do. But it's not going to work. They're not going to pay attention to you just because you're acting out. So just… just stop, okay? Stop hanging out with those... with your... with those freaks. And stop hurting yourself."

"What does it matter to you?" Rex means that in all honesty. Because from the way his brother has acted before, this sudden show of gentleness makes no sense at all. So why is he acting like this now? What is he trying to gain? Just what the hell does he want from Rex?

César flinches and looks away, guilt so obvious in the way his shoulders hunches. "Sorry," he mumbles. He pauses for a second, seeming to think about something carefully. "You're grounded, by the way." He then turns on the engine and looks at the road. He does not attempt to speak to Rex for the rest of the ride.

The house that they stop at looks cozy. Rex has no other words to describe it. It is a two-story building with a large garage. He can't quite tell what the color of the house is because of the darkness of the night, but he can already guess that it is a brick house. None of the lights are on, but when they park, the porch light flips on.

César wordlessly walks out of the car and opens the door. He does not look back to make sure that Rex follows.


Rex hesitates at the front door. It feels… almost like a dream. Behind this door is what he has always wanted: his family. And thanks to the powers of the nanites, he can have it. And beyond this door…

He opens the door and walks into a hauntingly silent and dark house. Right. Right. What has he been thinking? Of course, everyone is asleep. Well, that is fine. He can meet them tomorrow. He takes a step forward and stops.

Which room is his?

César is already nowhere to be seen and Rex finds himself twitching in anger. No, no. Deep breathes. No need to lose his temper. He is going to meet his family tomorrow! With that thought accompanying him, he walks over to the couch in the living room. This will just have to do.

He can't fall asleep.

Even back in Providence, the silence wasn't this bad. Back when they had been driving or was at the hospital, there had been extra noise that he could drown out as he looked around his new environment. But it has been two hours since he first lay down on the couch. He has taken a walk around the living room thirty-five times. He has stared at the 60-inch TV, the scientific books and journals on the shelves, and the awards hung up in expensive frames. For the most part, the awards are scientific achievements, but there is one art award for Rex when he was in the third grade. There are two potted plants, one tree by the blinds and a smaller flowerpot on the small table in the middle of the room.

All in all, it looks like the perfect place for a family to hang out after dinner. Rex can see it in his mind's eye. Him with his homework, struggling as César laughs and helps correct his mistakes. Their father sitting on the armchair with an amused smile as he reads a science journal. Their mother chiding the two brothers as she types out her research on her laptop…

Ah, he is getting ahead of himself again. They are probably nothing like what he imagines. What is he doing, raising his own hopes like that? He should know better. Six has taught him better!

… Six.

Rex wonders how the agent is doing. What kind of work is the stoic man doing? Since the nanites doesn't exist, there is no way for Providence to exist. So what does Six do? Hell, is Six still his name?

"Ah… I hope I can see him again…"

A loud yelp of surprise pierces through his uneasy dream, jerking him awake and alert. Within seconds, he is up, both fists up ready for a fight (It takes him a few seconds to realize that his fists aren't turning into smack hands and he chides himself for his stupidity. Of course, he can't do that anymore). But what greets him isn't the red-alert of the Providence or the terrified civilian who needs help from an EVO. No, it is an older looking Hispanic woman, who is looking at Rex with teary eyes.

"Mi China!" She holds her hand up to her mouth. "What has happened? Are you alright?" She hesitates a little before reaching out for Rex.

… Mom? No, no. She isn't the lady in the photos. But then… who is she and why is she here…?

"I'm fine," Rex mumbles, pulling back from her reach. Why does he have this strange feeling of unease? Is it because he has actually never seen her before? But he's never seen Doctor Rhodes before but he had been fine with her. So why this woman?

She looks saddened by his answer and reaction, but she doesn't protest. Instead, she puts her hands down and gives him a sad smile. "Would you like breakfast before school?"

Right. School. Damn it. He has been hoping that he wouldn't have to. But he supposes he is just going to suck it up. ... Maybe Noah will be there! Yes. That will be the best. If he ever has any problems, he always confides in Noah.

"Nah, can you get me my bag?" Rex asks with a winsome smile. This way, he doesn't have to let anyone know that he doesn't know the way to his own room. He will figure out where things are later after school… assuming he can figure out where the school is. But for now, one thing at a time.

The woman gives him a gentle smile. No seriously, who is this woman? Why is she being so nice? But instead of answering any of his silent questions, she just nods happily, calling him her sweetheart and other endearments as she walks off.

What the hell?

"I see you're already back to bullying poor Angela."


Angela? So that's her name. Rex stores it in his mind. So he bullies her a lot? That must mean that she is his nanny or something. Right. It would be unusual if Six is still his nanny… Rex pushes the thoughts away to face his older brother.

"Morning," he greets hesitantly.

César doesn't answer. He just gives him an annoyed look. "You could have slept in your room."

Rex shrugs. What's it to César? Why does it matter where he slept?

"Do you hate us that much…?"

The question surprises the teen. But before he can ask, Angela is back with his bag and fresh clothes to be worn for the day. Rex figures that he can ask later and takes the things from Angela. But by the time he has gotten himself dressed, everyone else is gone already. And there are still no sign of his parents.

Despite having so many humans living here, it appears that this house is always very quiet.

With a heavy sigh, he opens the bag and flips through its contents. There are two binders filled with schoolwork (one is marked 'Language' and seems to contain bunch of neatly written lists, and the other is marked 'Math' with some kind of calculations figured out in it), an old calculus textbook filled with doodles, and a pencil pouch (containing two broken pencils, a ruler, a black sharpie, and a butterfly knife). Nothing in there can help him successfully locate where the school is or how to navigate through it once he is there.

This is going to be a long day.

He takes exactly three steps outside of the house before he is ambushed.

A pair of arms grabs him by the shoulders. With loud exclamation of "Rex!" a body slams into his with enough force to knock them both down. He blinks slowly and realizes that he has been tackled down by none other then Tuck. Behind them is Sqwydd (or perhaps Walter is the more correct name seeing that he is now a normal human), Cricket, and Circe, all three looking a little worried about something.

"Tuck, get off of him," Walter demands, pushing his friend off and offering Rex a hand up.

"I'm fine," Rex says with an easy smile.

It seems to make everyone else tense even more.

"How… how were things last night?" Circe asks finally, looking more frightened of his answer than he has ever seen her.

"Doctor Rhodes said I'll be fine." And then an idea forms in his head. These are his friends, aren't they? They will help if he's vulnerable. "Actually, she said that I hit my head a little too hard. My memory's kind of fuzzy and all over the place."

That seems to put the rest of them at ease within seconds.

"Oh man, I told you to wear a helmet!" Tuck says, chuckling lightly and shaking his head.

"I'm glad you're okay," Cricket adds softly, giving him a shy smile.

Odd. Does she still have a crush on him? Rex just gives them all a sheepish smile. "So… who wants to fill me in on what happened last night?"

"You were being an idiot as always," Circe answers as she hooks her arm with his. So are they actually an item? Rex feels his heart race at the thought. "And you decided that you were going to ride your bike without a helmet."

"Bike?" Rex makes a face. Now that he doesn't have the nanites, he realizes that he would need a different mode of transportation. But… bike? How lame!

"Yes, bike," Walter deadpans. "Or should we say motorbike?"

"I have a motorbike?!"

"An illegal one. You put it together with spare parts you stole from the Evil Lord Dictator," Tuck says. "You seriously don't remember?"

Rex shakes his head. Can't remember what you never knew. "And César is okay with this?"

Circe pulls away from him with a jerk. "César?" she exclaims, giving him a worried look. "Since when do you care about what that jerk says?"

Oh. So he doesn't get along with César at all, and it's not just a last night thing. Can it be that the "freaks" that César kept mentioning last night are his group of friends around him right now? The thought makes him calm, even though he knows that it should make him a little worried about how his relationship with the rest of his family is like. It calms him because he feels like he's slowly starting to understand this place a little more.

"Okay, so… school?"

They're giving him a weird look again, but Cricket finally shrugs. "Sure," she says. "I thought you'd want to skip today, but we can go if you want."

It's ominous and he feels like he should start to worry. But then he remembers that his best friend is probably going to be at school, waiting for him, and he can't muster up a protest. He just grins widely and follows his friends.