All Amor had ever remembered was her name, her dragon's name, and her age. That was it. The young girl woke up on the shore of a rocky beach and she stood placing her hand on her head.

"Where am I?" She asked the dragon. The dragon shook its head and looked around roaring into the sky. The young blonde looked up seeing nothing but fog covering the area. She walked in to a cave and gasped looking up. She had never seen anything like this. The farther in you went into this cave, the darker it got. But it was also brighter as well. When she walked into a large section of the cave, she noticed that the river glowed bright of blue algae. A popular diet of the Flightmare. The main river was wide and deep. But it had small streams that flowed into different caverns.

"Halfmoon, look at this place." She said turning around looking back at a white dragon with blue inner wings. Her nails where grey and her horns were blue. Matching the dragon's eye and her mark on her forehead. The dragon's neck was about medium size. Wasn't as short as Terrible terror, but wasn't any longer than the tiny tooth version of the Monstrous nightmare. The fifteen year old kept on walking in the cave and saw a dead end sighing.

"Well, girl. Should we find a place to rest?" She asked. The white dragon snorted in response as if she was saying yes. The girl nodded and walked into the main section of the cave and found an small opening that was big enough for both of them. The girl walked into the opening and watched as the dragon created a small flame for both of them. The blue flames were enough for the young girl to be warm. It wasn't long before the blue flames, turned the natural orange color. The dragon laid down making the young girl walk over to her dragon and lay down next to her.

"Halfmoon, where are we? This cave looks like it was created centeries ago by some sort of dragon. But what kind?" She asked sitting there. The dragon snorted having no idea, which caused the girl to yawn. She nodded before she laid down on the dragon's chest. She closed her eyes when she felt her dragon's wing come over her covering her like a blanket. The next morning they woke up and Amor stretched seeing that the fire was dimmed down to burning embers. Amor walked to the place where they had crashed landed and picked up a fishing net. She looked back at Halfmoon and smiled getting an idea.

"Hey Halfmoon, wanna go fishing?" She asked and the dragon nodded as she climbed on her dragon with the fishing net in her lap. The dragon took into the sky and over the fog.

"Okay, we just have to remember where we came from. Okay girl?" She asked the dragon and the dragon snorted a nod as she lowered herself over the ocean. Amor lowered the net into the water and watched a ton of fish got caught in the nets. Once the dragon raised above the ground seeing that she had caught a lot of fish. The two flew back to the cave entrance and gasped seeing the amount of fish.

"You got yourself a whole meal. I got myself a possible trade." She said and the dragon started eating right away. Amor took out a Salmon and began to cook it, then ate it.

"You know girl, I saw a village nearby. Think I should go check it out?" She asked the dragon and the dragon nodded. Amor gathered the remaining good fish in the net and got onto Halfmoon. She quickly took off into the sky and looked down on the village and gave a kind smile.

"Looks like this will become our lives now." She said to the dragon. The dragon landed in the forest and shook her head giving off a wine noise.

"Halfmoon. I don't know if this place accepts dragons in their lives. I don't even remember what my past life was like. But we have to live with what we got." She said and the dragon snorted a nod before taking off into the sky and landed on a nearby cliff.

"I'll be back soon." She said and walked into the village. She looked up seeing dragon's everywhere. She gulped out of nervousness and walked into the dock area noticing how trade was plentiful in this area.

"Ello miss, are you looking to trade that fish for anything?" A man with a beard asked. She walked over to him and nodded.

"Yes, supplies." She said setting down the net full of fish. The man gasped looking at the fish before grabbing a few.

"Great quality you have here, the salmon is bigger than most. The Herring looks fabulous. What would you like for all of this?" He asked and she shrugged.

"Anything that I can last on. Like furs or something?" She asked and he shrugged before grabbing one thing. A helmet.

"It's the best thing I have milady." He said handing her the helmet. She nodded looking at her own reflection through the metal. Platinum blonde hair fell down her back unbraided and very light green eyes seem to take more notice than anything else. She noticed these soft small freckles on her cheeks and smiled. She saw a marking on the side of her neck seeing how it looked like a tattoo that would never come off and slightly smiled before placing the helmet on.

"Thank you." She said and he nodded shaking her hand. He gave her back the net and she walked off getting to Halfmoon and smiled rubbing her head.

"This looks like it'll be the start of a nice partnership." She said getting on the dragon and smiled as she took off into the sky.