Hiya! So sorry for the long wait. I somewhat remembered the idea but decided to change it up a bit and I like it. Sorry if it seems rushed and all that, plus it will help me if you guys suggest a few things for the next chapter, please and thank you. That will help me out very much. I'll try to do as many suggestions as I can that fits with it and if I have to many I'll just put them in other chapters, but yeah, I would honestly like it if you gave me all your suggestions cause that sounds great! Thanks for those who have reviewed, favorite and followed! Please leave a review and favorite! Farewell and Enjoy!

-Let there be midnight

I do not (sadly enough) own (even though I'm awesome enough) Detective Conan

And Here Darkness Comes

The Ryushi Gang

The game didn't really last that long seeing as Conan managed to kill both him Mitsuhiko within two minutes of the game as he led them accidently into a room filled with zombies they were not prepared for. Mitsuhiko and Genta groaned loudly and pushed more coins in, encouraging Conan to go again but with Genta playing with him and Mitsuhiko giving out pointers in the background.

In the middle of the game, Conan was surprised he actually found himself still alive and getting the hang of it, until he heard Mitsuhiko yelp behind him and turned around just as a zombie popped out of the corner from nowhere and killed him, Genta also getting killed from getting distracted by their friend's yelp.

A group of around six teenage boys around Conan's actual age showed up behind them, the leader of the group having surprised Mitsuhiko by setting a firm hand down on his shoulder. Conan briefly recognized him as that one kid that often skipped class and got in trouble, Ryushi Hyakuya. Behind him were some other kids Conan also briefly remembered, or remembered hearing Ryushi hanging around, but never really bothered with learning their names since he saw no need.

"Our turn." Ryushi said, blowing a large pink bubble and popping it rather loudly, continuing to chew it noisily with his mouth open. He stared down at the three with narrowed eyes, daring them to speak up. Genta wasn't all that wise.

"But we're still playing! And we still would be if you didn't get us killed!" he huffed in annoyance and crossed his arms. Mitsuhiko shakily started backing up, looking about to pee himself from fear of Ryushi's gang.

"No! N-no! I-it's fine! W-we'll j-just play a-a-another game! C-c-come on Conan, G-Genta!" Mitsuhiko stuttered. Conan wasn't all that bothered by the interruption so he started to follow Mitsuhiko away and to a few other empty games. He didn't see a problem seeing that was also their third time playing and it was not cool to hog a game, but he did know that the six teens could've been nicer and let them play until their current game ended.

Then Genta spoke up.

"But we were playing that until you messed us up! We deserve at least one more game!" Genta complained. Mitsuhiko flinched and turned around, about ready to try and get Genta away before Ryushi and his friends get too mad. Too late.

"What did you say kid?" Ryushi asked harshly. Genta gulped, backing up into the game but not wanting to let Ryushi get to him.

"We were still playing until you interrupted us, that wasn't very cool!" Genta muttered, trying to sound strong but failing. Ryushi stared harshly at him, Genta looking away and sweating under his gaze.

"It's fine, we can play later." Conan said softly to the kid, hoping to not cause a scene. Genta looked about to comply before Ryushi set a hand firmly down on his shoulder and made him face the game, thrusting the plastic gun into Genta's hand.

"You wanna play, here, if you can win two out of three times against me I'll be nice and let you and your friends play again. But if you lose, beat it." Ryushi said, taking the other plastic gun Conan had just held a minute ago. Genta looked ready to interject before Ryushi stuffed two coins in and started the game. One of Ryushi friends who Conan started to believe was named Sashi patted Genta on the back with a big smile.

"Don't worry kid! Ryushi-kun sucks at these types of games." he cheered happily. Ryushi glanced at Sashi from the corner of his eyes and glared. Genta nodded and gulped again right as the cut scene ended and the zombies popped out.

Twenty minutes later Genta and Ryushi were still playing the game. Two out of three became three out of four, then four out of five and so on. Ryushi's friends, Conan, and Mitsuhiko found themselves sitting down and exchanging small talk as they ignored the heated arguing in the background, well, everyone but Conan was.

"You sure don't talk much, do you?" a kid who Conan learned was named Ryuu said. Conan gave him a brief glance and shrugged.

"He's… not faring well these days…" Mitsuhiko said, chuckling awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head. Sashi blinked, now curious.

"How so?" Mitsuhiko started to twiddle with his thumbs as Conan ignored them.

"He got hurt recently and hasn't been all himself since then…" he muttered, barely loud enough for them to hear. At the mention of getting hurt, Conan lightly touched his arm where he got injured with the knife. The pain was gone and it was only a small thin red line now, but it was a habit he got into and he found little comfort in it for some strange reason.

"How bad did little Conan-chan get hurt?" asked a guy named Fyui who looked to be the toughest out of the gang but was actually the biggest softy. Mitsuhiko looked awkwardly at Conan who shrugged, not really caring if the gang knew.

"He attacked me." Conan whispered, the gang just straining to hear him.

"Who, was it? Your pop?" asked Juji. Mitsuhiko shook his head when Conan didn't answer them.

"He won't say. And it isn't his dad cause at the moment he lives with a friend of his cousin's. He just keeps saying that this guy is going to come back and that's it." Mitsuhiko explained. Sashi and the four others sitting around them suddenly got weird looks in their eyes.

"Let's see him try get to Conan-chan while we're around!" Sashi declared, Juji thrusting a fist up in the air.

"Yeah! We'll throttle the living shit out of him!"

"Ju! Watch your language! They're only in elementary school!" Fyui warned, hitting Juji on the back of the head.


"Oh, so now we're protecting the runt?" Ryushi asked as he came up to them, Genta following at his heels. Sashi nodded, looking to Conan.

"Don't worry Conan-chan! If you need us we'll be right around the corner! Ain't nobody gonna hurt you when we're around!" Sashi said. Ryushi nodded his head as he took out a piece of paper and a pen from his pockets and wrote a few things down before handing it to Conan who stared at it blankly.

"Sash is right. Here's everyone's number. Give us a ring and we'll be there no matter what time it is. Be it during fucki—" Ryushi caught himself when he noticed Fyui giving him a warning glare. "—fudgin' three at night or in the middle of recess, we'll be there to kick as—" another warning glare from Fyui, Ryushi rolling his eyes. "—Butt." Conan nodded silently, accepting the torn piece of paper and stuffing it away, not meeting his eyes.

"Thanks." he said even though he planned on never asking them for help. Ryushi nodded, gesturing for his friends to get up so they could go invade the snack bar, each friend saying goodbye to the three kids.

"They're so cool!" Genta gushed once they were gone. "Especially Ryushi-san! He was hard to beat!" Mitsuhiko laughed.

"That's because you suck Genta!"

"Do not!"

"Do so!"