Title: Long Distance
Author: Evil_Little_Dog
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: This is a derivative work, and, as such, I make absolutely no money writing this. Darn the luck.
Summary: Pepper's too far away.
Notes: Written for the LJ community, Comment_Fic.
"So, how far are you away from me right now?"
"Sometimes, I think not far enough."
"Don't be that way, Pep."
"Oh, considering what I saw you doing before I left? I can be that way."
"That - that - you've seen me in worse situations! And you know it. You can't argue with me about that...I mean, look at that time in London."
"I don't want to talk about London. Or France. Or seeing your underpants."
"I see what you did there."
"Because you can be childish and an idiot, Tony."
"But...I'm...a good kisser?"
"I'm not a good kisser? That's not what you said when I was kissing you right there on that little...birth mark, remember? Where was it? Your upper thigh, your inner upper thigh, with all that lush, creamy skin, and you were wearing that...thing, that...thing that drove me wild and...uh...how far away are you again?"
"Tony. You've got the suit, you can get here in four hours. My meeting will last that long. Be in my hotel room, naked."
"I can do that."
"You'd better."
~ end ~