A/N: Hello, sorry that it once again took tremendously long for me to get this chapter out, but I was a bit lost on where I was taking it. Now I'm slightly clearer so I hope I will get it out within a month. I also wanted to give a huge thanks to all of those who took the time to review. It really does inspire me to write more. If it hadn't been the absolutely great reviews that I have recently been getting, this chapter would have probably been delayed another month, so I want to give an extra big thanks to Gb261 and Gummybug who put such a big smile on my face by their reviews and made me sit down in front of my laptop and force myself to write. I really hope you all keep reviewing and we can all finish this story together. - Ellie

Dream Woman/Rayna- Kate Bosworth

Chapter 12

"Do you know a guy from your initiate class named Anthony Harding?" I stare at the wall above Eric's headboard, recalling the earlier events of the week, the confused young girl crying and calling me a different name, the brute pushing me onto the hard sidewalk, the shot that rang through my ears for a whole hour. Eric's familiar stern voice pulls me out of my own mind. I am sitting on his lap, our chests pressed together, his lips against my neck, yet the only thing I can concentrate on is my first day on the job.

"Rose, I am literally trying so hard to make you feel good and you can't stop drifting off into your own head. You don't even feel me touch you." He looks at me with furrowed brows. I glance at him absently and close my eyes, trying to get myself in the mood.

"No I do, I do, I promise. Just keep going." He lowers his hands to grip my exposed hips and brushes his thumbs against the top of my panties. He kisses down my neck and down my chest, over the tops of my breasts. Usually I would be a mess by now, but this new job has just got to me. Eric lightly moans against my skin and I continue to involuntarily stare at the wall behind him. I guess he caught me because the next thing I feel is him shoving me off of him.

"Jesus Christ Rose, I'm not even here to you, am I?" His words come out blurred; all I can focus on is the sharp pain in the back of my head where my skull met the bedframe. It is the exact same spot I hit my head earlier this week. I quickly sit up and try to keep the tears from coming but they come anyways without my consent.

"Ow, Eric that really fucking hurt." I hold one hand on the back of my head, where pain radiates from it, and use the other hand to cover my sobbing face from Eric. Once Eric realizes I'm actually crying and not playing a sick joke on him he seems to become genuinely worried but his sudden violence brought back horrible memories that I desperately wanted to forget.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He tries to place his hand on my back but I bat it away.

"Yeah, you just meant to throw me around a little bit." Bitterness and fear seeps through my voice.

"I'm going to get you a drink." Eric walks over to his counter and pours some whiskey into a glass. He slowly approaches me as if I was a feral animal. He holds out the glass to me, "Drink it." I quickly hit the glass out of hand and knock it onto the hardwood floor where it shatters into pieces.

"I don't want your fucking drink. Just stay the fuck away from me." I grab my shirt from the floor and make my way to the door. I put it on before stepping out into the empty cold hallway; the feeling unpleasantly familiar.

"How ya doing back there?" I teasingly call back to Ant, who has been moping around since the second day.

"Fine, I just wish I had my fucking gun, that's all. How the fuck is a wooden fake supposed to protect me?" Ant kicks his unrealistic gun out of frustration.

"Well maybe you shouldn't shoot the first factionless who pushes us around a little, then maybe you would still have your gun." Ant lets out a small chuckle.

"Fuck you."

"You would like to, wouldn't you?" I joke around with him a lot. He always finds it completely hilarious like an immature twelve year old boy. As I listen to Ant laugh his ass off behind me, I begin to think about the fight I had with Eric, I really need to apologize. I was treating him like shit when he was trying to show affection. I decide on my way home from work that I will go and buy some new lingerie and try to make it up to him. Lost in a train of thought I didn't even realized that a huge group of factionless had gathered in front of us. I suddenly hear Peter's voice of the huge megaphone.

"Break it up or we will have to break it up for you." A factionless man lunges at another and bites down on his ear, tearing it clean off. I hear Ebony's voice on the other side of the truck calling in reinforcements over the radio and the sound of Peter's door closing. For a second, I wait for someone else to react to the scary situation but then I remember that I am the one who is supposed to react. I jump forward, slinging my gun to the front of my body to display it, attempting to instill fear. It fails miserably. Instead one of the men, grab my gun and pull me into the violent circle, tugging with all of his strength.

"Let go!" I struggle back and forth with the man until the strap snaps off my back and my gun flies into the hands of the enemy. I look around desperately for Peter, Elise, Ebony, Ant, Anybody, but only find unfamiliar faces. I step to lunge at the man who stole my gun when I feel a strong hand tug on my hair and yank me down on to the uneven concrete for a third time this week. Soon, my vision is blurring and I can't help but close my eyes.

The pain in the front of my head begins to throb and soon my eyes begin to flutter open. I cautiously look around the vaguely familiar room, my vision still not all there. Where have I seen this room? A small knock sounds through the door. A women in her very early 30's , late 20's, walks into my room with a warming smile on her face. As she gets closer I notice her two different colored eyes. The woman from my dream. The room from my dream. The woman sits on the edge of my bed and touches my leg fondly.

"Hello, my Judith, sweetheart. I've been waiting for you to come back to me."

A/N: Sorry for the kind of cliffhanger and it being short ,but like I said I hope to get the next chapter out soon.