No Way To Stop It

Chapter Six: Birthday cakes and some dancing


"What are you smiling about?" Kenzi asks when she spots me in the kitchen.

"Am I not allowed to smile?" I fire back, moving away from the counter that I had been leaning on.

"Considering the fact that you were smiling at an empty room and staring off into the Milky Way? No. So what gives Bodacious?!"

Placing my empty mug into the sink, I turn to find Kenzi behind me standing there, arms crossed with her foot tapping impatiently.

"What?" I ask all too innocently. But the smile on my face doesn't waver when Kenzi narrows her eyes at me. I continue to say nothing as I move past her and make my way to the sitting room, throwing myself onto the couch and turning on the TV. Not long after the screen lights up, a gasp escapes from Kenzi's mouth.

"You got some didn't you?! Oh my god Bo-Bo you and Hotpants totally got down and dirty last night? You dirty bitch!" I listen to her quickening footsteps as she makes her way to the couch. Grabbing my legs, she holds them for a second so she can sit on the opposite end, before placing them on her lap.

"Details please…just leave out the kinky stuff."

I swat her on the arm playfully.

"Shut up! And no, we didn't 'do the dirty'. We went to the event. Had some champagne, which got a bit boring so we left and had some dessert at a diner. Then I kissed her on the cheek and said goodnight," I say watching the muted TV.

"Hold the phone. Don't tell me that you're all smiley Miley because you kissed. Her. On. The. Cheek. That's it? Argh. I know you've been out of the dating game for a while but I didn't think you were going to be that bad!"

I roll my eyes at Kenzi. She knows as well as I do that I love messing around with her.

"First of all, it wasn't a date. And second? What do you take me for Kenz? You know I have morals. No hot sex until at least the third date," I wink playfully at her. "But seriously though Kenz. I know it sounds stupid but…I really like Lauren. We're friends and I like where we're at at the moment. I'm not in a rush and I certainly don't want to give her the wrong impression."

For a moment we sit there in silence while Kenzi takes the time to wrap her head around things. I find myself wondering what Lauren might be up to later on today. Since it's only Monday, Saturday seems to be so far away. I let out a sigh and glance over at the TV again.

"You really like her don't you? I mean like-like not just as a person?" Kenzi asks, her tone more serious now. I close my eyes briefly before returning my gaze to her.

"I do…" I reply honestly. "I don't know what it is about her, but it just seems like there's something about her that just sort of…draws me in. I'm just scared because it's so hard to read Lauren sometimes, that I don't know if she'll y'know, like me back?"

"Oh honey," Kenzi's voice softens, "Lauren would be a fool not to fall for you. But from the way she was looking at you last night? I wouldn't be surprised if she has some sort of feelings. The woman is human and I mean look at you? You're gorgeous and you're still young, so I say take the chance Bo. Test the waters, if it feels like there's nothing there, what have you got to lose?"

I shrug my shoulders. She's right of course. It's times like these where I can really appreciate Kenzi and her words of wisdom. She always knows what to say. I was up half the night thinking about what I did. I wasn't sure whether I had overstepped the boundaries, but when Lauren had texted thanking me and confirming she had a great time, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

"When did you get so wise?" I ask.

"Oh please, you and I both know I'm actually 85-years-old," she replies not missing a beat. "Just for the record, I would make an incredibly sexy 85-year-old. Anyway, can I come with you to pick up the lil' Monster? I missed her yesterday!"

"Of course. So how was your night last night?"

"Was good. Kicked some ass so I'm happy. When are you seeing Lauren again?"

"This weekend. Speaking of, do you wanna come? There's going to be this little birthday thing that's going to happen and Lauren invited the three of us. There'll be free food," I say that last bit with a knowing smile.

"She's inviting you to birthday's now? Meeting the family already? Whens the wedding?"

"Shut up," I say grabbing the throw pillow next to me and hitting her with it.


I wake up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs.


Only Tamsin would let herself in and eat my food. I'm also pretty certain she shops here from time to time too. There are times where I come home to find some of my things missing. It's why I tend to buy things in twos. But she's my best friend so I never question it.

I throw on a robe and make my way to the kitchen. The memory of last night has me fighting to keep a straight face. Descending the stairs I find Tamsin standing at the stove loading her plate with bacon.

"Gooood morning," I say cheerfully just as my foot touches the bottom of the stairs. I make my way to the coffee machine and pour myself a cup.

"Yeah…I'll bet it is," Tamsin says giving me this knowing grin. I decide to stay standing by the counter. I face Tamsin and lean my back against the bench. I sip my coffee and savour the taste of it as the dark liquid travels down my throat and settles into my stomach.

Darn, I definitely needed that.

"Stop grinning or I'll lose my appetite," Tamsin says again interrupting my moment of bliss. I clear my throat and stand upright.

"Oh stop being so overdramatic Tam."

"Yeah whatever, am I right to assume you had a good night last night then?" She asks.

"It was actually. I saw Lucy and Bridgette last night. They tried to set Bo up with Mike."

"I don't know why you bother talking to them."

I shrug my shoulders and move over to join her on the kitchen island where she's sitting. I quickly steal a piece of bacon from her plate and pop it into my mouth. She narrows her eyes at me and moves her plate away.

"Oh come on, it was just one piece."

"Yeah but I cooked it. Now stop stalling, how did it go with Bo?"

"Honestly, it was amazing…" I say truthfully.


"But…nothing. I enjoyed myself a lot and…Bo is an amazing woman. I even invited her to Mary-Anne and Wanda's birthday this weekend. Did I mention Bo kissed me on the cheek last night before she got out of the car? Are you coming to the birthday this weekend?"

"Rewind the tape. She kissed you?"

"It was just on the cheek. No big deal," I say staring down at my cup, running my pointer finger along the rim of the mug. Even as I say that, I know I can't even attempt to hide the smile that that I can feel creeping up on my face.

"That's it. You can have the rest of my breakfast, I can't even with all this smiling," Tamsin says playfully poking me on the side. I glare at her but it doesn't take long before we both start laughing.

"In all seriousness though," I say after we finally calm down. "Thanks Tamsin. It was nice to be able to get out and just not have to pretend that I had a connection with someone. I like Bo and she's very down to earth."

"Does that mean you're going to give it a try?"

I sigh and avoid Tamsin's questioning gaze. I know what I want to say but the last couple of years have trained me to give the one answer I know is safest. Tamsin's hand on my shoulder forces me to look at her.

"Lauren, listen to me. You deserve to be happy and from what I can see, Bo seems to be a good fit for you. Look, I'm not telling you to marry the woman, just test things out and if it leads to a relationship then I'll be expecting to be your best woman or whatever they're called at a wedding. Come on take a leap of faith."

I bite my lip. Tamsin watches me intently. I quickly make a list of pros and cons in my head. But I find myself struggling to make one. I go through the same routine whenever I think about someone I'm dating. I would go on a date with someone and make a list of pros and cons. Every time, it was easy and the cons always seemed to win out. However, things are different. As much as I would like to think of the ways treading into these waters would be dangerous, I can't. With Bo, I can't think of a single con. It's like my brain refuses to acknowledge it. I think about how I had taken Bo to Wanda's the night before and how much fun we'd had. I've never taken any of my dates to Wanda's.

But that's because you weren't on a date, were you?

"Okay…" I say quietly, "You're right. But I can't make any promises Tamsin."

"Hey, the fact that you're even going to give this thing a try is more than enough for me. Live a little Lo. You need to open up to someone eventually. Not everyone is like Crystal."

"What would I ever do without you?"

"You would probably be running the family business is what would happen," Tamsin replies throwing her arm around my shoulder and pulling me into her side for a one-armed hug.

"So…are you gonna ask Bo out on a date Saturday?"

"Don't push it," I say narrowing my eyes at her. "Anyway, I better get going. I have a meeting in an hour. This case is going to kick my ass."


Checking myself once again in the mirror, I nod to my reflection and smile. I had opted to wear a navy blue sundress that falls just short of my knees and a pair of sandals. I had promised Lauren that we'd be at the diner by noon. The entire week went by far too slowly for my liking and when Saturday finally came by, I couldn't wait to see Lauren again. It's strange for me to admit but I miss her. Apart from the occasional text, we hadn't seen each other since Sunday. Lilly couldn't stop counting down the days either, never failing to remind me about Saturday.

It didn't help that the Dal had been extremely busy this week and one of the employees was on leave for the next month. I had to work Monday to Friday and it was nice to finally have a day off. From Lauren's texts, she too was busy with work. Tamsin had confirmed that when she stopped by the Dal for drinks one night saying Lauren couldn't make it out because she was still at the office.

"Mommy, what time are we going? Are there going to be other kids for me to play with? I love birthdays! I can't wait to see Lauren. I hope Ciara and Tam-Tam are gonna be there," Lilly says all in one breath before jumping onto my bed.

"I'm not sure sweetie but we're going now. Is Aunty Kenzi ready?"

"Yes. She says you better hurry because she's hungry and you promised her free food."

I roll my eyes at my reflection and turn to grab my purse. I hold my hand out for Lilly and she takes it enthusiastically before jumping off the bed. As per usual her excitement seems to rub off on me and I can feel my own levels of excitement begin to rise. When we make it downstairs, Kenzi is already standing at the door, watching the stairs for us impatiently.

"It's about time, I'm starving over here! I was very tempted to eat one of these cookies y'know," Kenzi says holding up the basket full of chocolate chip cookies.

"Kenz, you realize that even as you said that, I know very well that you did in fact eat one?"

"What?" She asks a little to innocently, "of course I didn't!

"Uh huh. Come on lets go cookie monster."

As we all clamber into my Camaro, I receive a text from Lauren again. I can't help the smile that seems to light up my face as I open it and read it.

Lauren: Can't wait to see you three. Wanda and Mary-Anne are dying to meet Lilly. P.S. I really hope you're bringing those cookies ;)

I chuckle quietly to myself and send a quick reply her way.

Me: Don't worry. I have the goodies right here. Seeya soon :)

Upon arrival, there are a number of cars already parked up. I smile when I spot Lauren's car. Thankful that the parking spot next to hers is available, we pull up next to it. Checking myself once again in the rear view mirror, I give myself a mental pat on the back. I look over at Kenzi who seems to be giving me a knowing smirk, which I ignore, and shuffle myself out of the car. I straighten my dress and wipe my hands down the side of it feeling slightly nervous again.

"Come on Mommy, let's go!" Lilly says grabbing my hand and literally dragging me to the diner's entrance. As we enter, my eyes immediately search the place for that familiar head of blonde. They settle on her just as she emerges from the diner kitchen carrying a plate of mini hotdogs. My eyes follow her as she places the plate on one of the tables and stands back to chat to Ciara who's sitting opposite another blonde woman.

"Ah Bo, did we come here just to stand at the entrance or what?" Kenzi whispers from behind me.

"Er…no. Sorry. Come on lets go."

The three of us make our way to where everyone is gathered. Halfway down, Lauren spots us and waves, the smile on her face seeming to melt my insides. Lilly lets go of my hand and runs over to hug her and then Ciara. I shake my head at my daughter's antics. Just then Wanda and another woman, whom I could only assume was Mary-Anne; emerge from the kitchen carrying two cakes. When Kenzi and I finally get to Lauren, the butterflies in my stomach seem to be in a league of their own.

"Hey you," I greet her, stepping forward to give her a one armed hug which she returns. I hate that we don't quite know how to greet each other without it seeming a tad bit awkward but I take the hug anyway.

"Hey yourself," she says into my ear before pulling back. "You look great and you're just in time."

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself," I reply winking at her. I quickly take the basket from Kenzi and hand it to Lauren. "The cookies…as promised. Can't say the person looking after it did a good job of guarding it though."

I give Kenzi a dirty look, which she in turn, ignores and pushes past me to greet Lauren.

"Hey Kenzi," she says moving past me to give Kenzi a hug too.

"Bo, hey, I'm glad you guys could make it!" Ciara says slipping out of her booth and standing up to give me a hug.

When all the introductions have been made, we all settle around the table with the two cakes on the top. Both of Lauren's parents, Ciara, Tamsin, Kenzi, Lilly, the customers and myself surround the table. The birthday girls are both seated opposite each other as the crowd around us begin to sing happy birthday. There seem to be a lot more people than there are cars in the diner. As my eyes scan the crowed, they land on Lauren whose eyes already seem to be on me. She smiles as she sings and I can't help but return it. We stare each other for a few seconds until Lilly's vigorous tugging on my arm brings me back to reality.

"Mommy, they're gonna blow the candles. Look!"

"Hold on! Lilly come here sweetie," Mary-Anne says gesturing for Lilly to move forward. Everyone laughs as Lilly's eyes widen and then points at herself.


"Yes you silly. The two of us have very ancient lungs, we need to borrow some healthy lungs to hep us blow the candles," Wanda jumps in.

Lilly looks up at me with a questioning gaze and I nod, pushing her gently towards the older women. I pull out my phone and get ready to take a picture. Everyone waits as Lilly takes her spot next to Mary-Anne before waiting for the countdown.

"Okay girls, lean in and make a wish," Ciara says from behind the video camera. "On the count of three. One. Two. Three!"

A round of applause and cheers is heard throughout the diner as the three of them begin to blow out the numerous amounts of candles on the cake. For some reason I get the feeling that it must have been Wanda that suggested the individual candles. As the cheering dies down, the crowd begins to disperse and people start settling into booths.

"Bo honey, come here while we take a picture! You too Lauren," Wanda calls from her seat. I look over to find Lauren making her way over to me. I hold up my hands and back away in a motion to say that I really don't want to take a picture but Lauren gently wraps her hand around my bicep, successfully stopping my retreating form. An involuntary shiver runs through me at the feel of her hand against my bare skin.

"Trust me, resistance is futile and if I have to do it, so do you," she whispers gently pulling me toward the booth. Lauren's hand gently slips away once we start moving. I miss the feeling immediately.

"Hold on," Wanda says sliding out of her seat, "I'll sit with Mary-Anne and Lilly, and you two sit on this side."

"Um…I don't understand why you have to mo—"

"Lauren, I love you, but hush will you? I just wanna take a picture with my sister and Bo's cutie pie of a daughter. Is that too much to ask?"

"Alright, alright. Come on Bo, looks like it's just you and me on this side then," Lauren says turning back to me and taking my hand in hers. I can only laugh as I follow her into our seat.

"Okay Ciara, make sure you get our good sides dear, we aren't gettin' any younger."

"You ready kiddo?" Wanda asks Lilly.

"Yep! Can we take a funny photo after this one please?" She asks enthusiastically.

"Of course we can! Now on the count of three," Ciara calls out from behind the camera.

I barely notice anything around me but the feel of Lauren's body behind me as she sort of leans to the side to be seen by the camera. I'm also hyper aware of the fact that I can feel her breath gently brush the side of my ear as I try my best to keep a straight face and smile. As soon as the flash goes off, everyone on the table starts laughing as Lilly begins to direct everyone into making a silly face. I chance a glance at Lauren over my shoulder who is now making funny faces at Lilly. I poke her playfully in the ribs.

"Save it for the camera," I say. She pokes her tongue out at me and I roll my eyes and sigh dramatically.

"Can I sit with Mommy and Lauren this time?" Lilly asks before Ciara can take the photo. Wanda and Mary-Anne give each other a look before releasing Lilly.

"Actually, is it okay if you just take the a picture of the three of them Cee-Cee. We need to go check the pie," Wanda announces all of a sudden.

"Bu—" barely escapes from Lauren's mouth before the two of them are up and out of their seat.

"Okay Lilly, you sit on your Mom's lap, Lauren move up behind Bo and lean to the side a bit more. Okay great. Don't forget, silly faces everyone. Ready? One. Two. Three!"


After taking our photos, Lilly rushes off of her mother's lap and is in the kitchen where Mary-Anne and Wanda had just disappeared. I laugh softly and shuffle back a little so my back is leaning against the wall, giving Bo some room in the booth. She does a bit of shuffling and angles herself so that she's facing me.

"Thanks again for inviting us. I think you're right about Mary-Anne and Wanda though, I'm pretty sure they're conspiring to steal Lilly," Bo gestures over her shoulder jokingly.

"Well, I did warn you," I reply. "How was your week? It's kind of nice to actually talk to you in person as opposed to a few texts here and there."

"Aw…did you miss me?" Bo says playfully. I bite my tongue and force a smile so that I don't immediately blurt out a resounding 'yes'. But before I can reply she carries on.

"My weeks been okay. The Dal has been short staffed this week so I've been working the last five shifts. I'm glad I've got today off though. Lilly couldn't wait to see you by the way and if truth be told, neither could I. Her excitement tends to rub off on me."

"Well, I for one, am glad you're both here and with Kenzi too. It looks like she and Tamsin are planning something in the corner there," I say nodding over at where the two women are sitting with their heads low, making them look highly suspicious. As if she heard what I said, Tamsin catches my eye and stops talking. She straightens and waves over at Bo and I.

"You know, I don't think we thought things through. I feel like they're going to be causing us a lot of trouble. What were we thinking?" Bo says shaking her head. "Speaking of Tamsin, I saw her at the Dal the other night. I think it was Wednesday or Thursday, I'm not too sure. She said you couldn't come because you were still at the office."

I look down at my hands tucked neatly atop my thighs. If there's one thing I sometimes hate, it's the fact that I'm a workaholic. It's another one of the many reason none of my previous relationships ever worked. But I love my job and it's hard to get me away from it when I'm in the zone. I'm also slightly disappointed that I didn't end up going knowing that Bo had been working that night. I look up to find Bo studying me closely and waiting patiently for me to answer.

"She never did mention that. But knowing her, she probably drank herself into a coma and didn't remember. But yes, I pretty much slept at my desk that night. The case I'm working on is going to trial on Tuesday so I wanted to be prepared. Many perks of being a Lawyer," I say offering her a small shrug.

"Ha. Sounds like Kenzi's found herself a drinking buddy then. But hey, don't work too hard okay? I still want to see this 'After Hours Lauren' that you mentioned a while back if my memory serves me right," Bo wiggles her eyebrows suggestively at me.

"Oh dear god, I never should've let that piece of information out!" I say in mock horror.

"Hello ladies, I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

I look to my right to find my mother standing by Bo, her arm resting on the back of the booth her eyes moving between the both of us.

"Bo and I were having a conversation actually," I say as politely as I can in the hopes that she'll take the hint. I watch as my mother shuffles into the booth across from us. I stiffen in my seat as I turn to face her and grit my teeth. My hands slide to the edge of my seat and I wrap my hands around it. Hard. I jump a little when I feel a hand rest atop mine before wrapping it around my own and giving it a comforting squeeze. I turn my head to find Bo looking straight at my mother, a smile painted on her face giving no indication that she's holding my hand under the table. I relax a little and turn my palm upward to lace my fingers with Bo's. I don't know why I do it but it helps. I return my gaze to my mother again.

What does she want?

"So Bo, how do you and my daughter know each other?" My mother asks conversationally and a little too sweetly.

"We met at her bookstore. It was through my daughter actually. She enjoys visiting Lauren and hanging around at the bookstore so we became regulars," Bo replies keeping a straight face and never missing a beat.

"Your daughter is just precious. Is there a father in the picture?"

"Mother," I breathe through gritted teeth. "I hardly think that's an appropriate question to ask anyone!" But Bo doesn't seem to mind and answers my mother anyway.

"Yes. We're divorced but he still manages to fulfil his fatherly duties. He's a great father to Lilly and visits her as much as he can when he's not working."

"Oh that's a shame. I wish Lauren could find a nice young man and settle down. But alas, there's still hope. Maybe you could help her find someone? What do you do for a living dear?"

Before I can interrupt, Bo squeezes my hand in an effort to stop me from saying anything.

"I work in a bar that my grandfather owns and I'm pretty sure Lauren is more than capable of choosing whomever it is that she wants to date. Besides, weren't you on a date with, what was her name again Lauren? Naima or something?" Bo says facing me and I can't help but return her smile. I nod at her.

"Yes. Yes I did and it was Nadia actually. Do you remember her Mom? She was in Tamsin's school year and mine? Captain of the Cheerleading squad? She really has blossomed all these years," I say watching as annoyance flashes for a second across my mothers features before it's replaced with her all too familiar fake smile.

"Of course. She comes from a very good family and I know them very well. Anyway I just wanted to come say hello to you properly Bo. If you'll excuse me," my mother says keeping up appearances. She shuffles out of her seat the same way she got in and makes her way to where my father is seated who is now talking to Kenzi and Tamsin. I watch as she settles down next to him, her eyes briefly landing on me before shifting it to Tamsin and Kenzi.

I breathe a sigh of relief as my shoulders slump a little. Another squeeze of my hand alerts me to the fact that I still have my fingers intertwined with Bo's. Her brows are knitted together as a look of worry crosses her features.

"I'm sorry Bo. I didn't mean for you to have to experience that," I say apologetically.

"Hey, what are you sorry for? Besides, I thought your mother was lovely," the brunette replies teasingly. I let go of Bo's hand and pinch her arm lightly.

"Don't tease me missy!" I shoot back as she continues to laugh. When things calm down, I turn to her and in a more serious tone, I say.

"Thank you though. It's just sometimes I don't know what to say to her that won't have us shouting at each other. She and I just have very different views on how we like to live our lives."

"I understand," Bo says patting my thigh. "I guess the best advice I can give you is to give her some time, but I get the feeling you get that a lot."

"This would make it one hundred and ten," I say cheekily trying to lighten the mood.

"I can't believe you're counting!"

"I am but you're right. Only I don't know how much time I have, I'm starving and our cooks along with your daughter are taking an awfully long time bringing out lunch," I say gesturing to the kitchen.

"You're right, come on," Bo says sliding herself out of the booth and sticking out her hand to help me out. "I think you said something about an apple pie?"


Apart from the little scene that happened with Lauren and her mother earlier, everything else that follows runs smoothly. After helping hand out the food to customers and Lauren's family, Lilly, Kenzi and myself settle into a booth at the far end of the booth where Lauren and I had been the first night we came here. Lauren is sitting with Tamsin and Ciara in the booth next to us. The fact that Lauren is sitting facing me, makes it very hard not to steal constant glances at her. Every time our eyes meet, we both smile shyly before looking away and tuning back into the conversations we're in.

As Kenzi, Lilly and I sit around the table finishing our last bits of apple pie and vanilla ice cream, which according to both Kenzi and Lilly is the best pie ever; I spot Wanda walking over to the jukebox.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen, this birthday isn't complete without music and dancing! Now I want everyone on their feet and in the middle of the diner dancing!" She yells before pushing a button on the jukebox. The diner immediately fills with the sounds of Bill Haley's "Rock Around the Clock".

I laugh as Lilly immediately slips out of her seat from next to me and starts to beckon me to dance with her.

"Come oooonn Mommy! Aunty Kenzi! We have to dance!" She squeals happily.

"Ugh. But I'm so full!" Kenzi groans dramatically, leaning back in her seat and rubbing her belly.

"Nooo…Aunty Kenzi, come on!" Lilly says moving forward to grab Kenzi's arm and tugging her to where everyone else is now dancing.

"You too Mommy," she says turning to me. I get up off my seat and follow them to the makeshift dance floor. We dance for a few more songs before Mary-Anne decides it's a good time to pick a slow dance. Lauren's dad had taken Lilly as his partner while Kenzi snuck off to call Hale. It seems everyone has taken quite the liking to my daughter and I can't help but feel my heart swell. Left with no partner, I try to duck out without being spotted when a hand on my elbow stops me.

"Oh no you don't," Wanda says pulling me back, "You two are not going to get out that easy. When I said everyone on the dance floor, I meant it."

My eyes fall on Lauren who also looks to have been caught trying to sneak off of the dance floor.

"Since you two are the only ones left with no partners, you can dance with each other," the older woman says before disappearing into the crowd. I bite my lip and look anxiously over at Lauren. When she smiles and offers her hand, I feel myself relax immediately and take it as we move in together. I place one hand on Lauren's shoulder and the other in her hand. Her free one takes refuge on my waist. I can feel the heat radiating from it through the fabric of my dress. It feels nice, but it would be nicer if we could close the distance between us. For a few seconds we don't say anything, we just sway in time to the music.

"I hope my family haven't scared you off," Lauren says finally breaking the silence. I smile and shake my head.

"No. They're amazing. Thanks again for inviting us. We've all been having a great time, especially Lilly. Can't say I've ever danced in a diner before though either."

"Mmm," Lauren nods, "They're real forward thinkers those two," she says gesturing in the general direction where I assume Wanda and Mary-Anne are. Lauren spins me and then to my surprise dips me just enough for me to see the two women sitting by the seats next to the diner counter watching us.

"Wow. You have some real smooth moves Miss Lewis," I say once I'm upright.

"Well, what can I say, I'm a woman of many talents," she replies with a wink.

"Oh I don't doubt that at all."

We fall back into another comfortable silence as we continue to sway gently. It only takes me a few moments to realize that we've both moved closer to each other since the spontaneous dip earlier. I become very aware of Lauren's body heat and the way she smells, like Vanilla with a hint of Jasmine. When my eyes meet hers, everything around us disappears and I become completely lost in her warm hazel eyes.

My god she looks so beautiful.

It takes my brain a few seconds to register that Lauren's lips are moving, letting me know I'd just missed what she'd said.

"Umm… I'm sorry, what?" I ask feeling slightly embarrassed. Lauren chuckles quietly to herself.

"I asked whether you would like to go out to dinner with me sometime."

A few more moments of silence falls between us as I take a second to let Lauren's words sink into my brain. Of all the things I wasn't expecting, this wasn't one of them. I think back to the conversation I had with Kenzi earlier and I realize I know exactly what I'm going to say.

"I…I would like that. A lot," I say quietly unable to hide that smile that I know is going to practically be tattooed onto my face for the rest of the day.