I know, no-one likes an A/N but as you know this story was meant to be a one shot and a Guest told me to do another 'chappy' so I did and then I decided to do another, it's gone well, over 500 views but barely any reviews, I also want to thank the people that favourited and followed, it means a lot really and in return I followed and favourited the people that f&f me. I just want to say, I'm posting another story later, it's being written and that I'm sadly announcing that it's not a Jelsa, but a Jalsa, it's a normal Frozen story that's all I'm giving away, oh and also it's set right after the saving of Arendelle. Thank you all again I'm really happy about that, I'm just wanting to say thank you and happy for the next story, I gave it to one of my friends of what I've got so far and they gave me opinons of it, I was happy and made improvements. Again thank from Lydia. Barlow out xD