(y/n) : Your name (e/c): Eye colour (h/c): Hair colour (f/c): Fav colour (f/f): Fav food. All of this will be seen maybe not is this chap but the next.
"Huh? Oh it's just my damn alarm clock!" I click the snooze button and put my head under my pillow. I instantly burst my head out of the pillow. "Damn it I forgot about school!" I yelled and rushed out of bed and changed into my uniform. " Alright bye mom and dad!" I yelled as I ran out the door. "Damn it if I don't hurry I'll be late! Who the hell changed my alarm time?!" I yelled as I ran. "Whoever did it I'm going to kill them!" I thought to my self. "I f-finally made it to school." I said as I was about to faint. When I got up some one instantly shoved me on the ground. "What the hell?!" I said as I slowly turned around to see the face of the school bully. (Let's call her Kate). She kicked me in the stomach right after that. "You dare talk to me like that?!" she yelled. I got up and dusted my uniform. "You wanna pick a fight with me?" I said. She gave me a dark glare.
I gave this kid a dark glare. "You better leave or I'll kick the shit out of you!" I yelled.

"If I had a chance I'd f***ing kill her where she stands!" I thought to my self. "Fine I'll leave" I said as I walked towards her. Just before I walked past her I punched her in the stomach. She had fallen to the ground only for her friends who happen to walk by to come over to help her up. My eyes widened "Right you have have friends." I said under my breath. " Ya I have friends! Unlike you!" she yelled planing on me saying "Ya I have friends!" and have them run all the way over here, but all I said was "Ya your right." Her face was shocked "You really don't have any friends?" A smile then appeared on her face HAHAHA! She had started to laugh. "Well are you the lonely one!" I had on a sad face. "Well..." a devilish smile appeared on my face. I then fell on the ground only to be seen laughing. I got up and said " I'm board let's see if you and your dumbass friends can beat me up."

"Your really stupid aren't you!" I yelled. "That devilish smile was still on her face" I said in my head. "I gave you a chance to leave and you didn't take it so now if you want to leave you'll will plea for you life!" I yelled as I ran towards her ready to punch her.

She ran towards me as well as her two friends."Let's see I'll take out the friends then her and beat them to death" I said to myself as the devilish smile came back. I ran towards the one on the left and punched her into the lockers. Her blood was on my hands. I felt a wonderful tingly feeling in my body I continued to beat her until I was board and when for the other one and then Kate.I did the same to the other friend and now both were pushed into lockers. I pushed Kate to the ground and punched her non-stop. Blood soon covered all over my hands and some places on my face. I couldn't stop punching her. I felt someone grab me. "Let me go!" I yelled. I turned around to see two blond people draging me away.

First chapter done sorry if it sucked because Len wasn't even introduce in the chapter really sorry about that but the next chapter he will be in~ Hope you enjoyed though.

Please don't copy or steal I am open for requests for stories or if you want me to re-view you story. Hope you like my story!