AN: I know. It's been some time. New year, resolution to finish story?

This chapter is dedicated to twilight-saga-lover95.

Bella's POV

Hours later, I was still in the same position: sitting hunched over my desk in my room. The bright lamp was angled towards the pages so I could view every single word written on them.

For the hundredth time, I read the words etched in firm, hurried writing on the first page of the notebook.

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your existence is an act of rebellion - Albert Camus

Though however beautiful -and relevant- the quote seemed to me, one word stood out in particular among the words.

Fear crept up my spine as my eyes hesitantly singled out what I had been dreading.


Did that mean my suspicions had been confirmed?

Was Edward one of the rebels?

Edward's POV

I sped along the road, hoping to let my thoughts fly away, for them to blend away like my surroundings.

50. 55. 60 mph.

Still not fast enough.

The memories replayed themselves over and over again in my brain.

Ben's distressed protests.

Mr Banner's stoical face.

Her incredulous expression.

As if she cared.

It was all an act.

My hand gripped the wheel harder as my nails further punctured the leather.

Not fast enough.

60. 65. 70 mph.

The greenery all mixes into one but my thoughts still refused shake free. Buried memories resurfaced despite my plea for them to stay where they are. Forgotten. It was too painful to think about it all again.

Nobody cared.

They hadn't cared about him either.

My father.

They hadn't cared that he had worked for them for more than 20 years. That he had spent more time there following all their requests than he had with his own family. That he had dedicated his life to them.

Without any hesitation or even regard, they had tossed him out like the tool they believed him to be.

To them it didn't matter that he had had no one to turn back to for support. He had had no other means of income.

He had lost his home. His family. And eventually his life too.

But they did not care.

Just like her.

In the next moment, I steered the car around and accelerated along the road leading out of Forks.

I knew what I had to do.

The car slowed down gradually too with my anger eventually fading away to resolution.

I knew where I had to be.

Port Angeles it was going to be.

Bella's POV

Surely, he wasn't that foolish.

Everybody knew what it meant to even utter of a rebellion.


No question. No trial. No hesitation.

How could he be so oblivious to that fact?

It was a death wish to even question the program or the government officials who had initiated it.

*Protesters are seen as 'crazy' and immediately incarcerated.*

We were reminded of this at every turn. Adverts showing protesters forcefully scuttled away to prisons of which we know they'll never return. The school presentations that always ended with the same warning. All the patrollers that were strolling around the major cities to quench any rising protests.

My thoughts around his absurdity quickly turned to those of concern.

If he was indeed aiding in a rebellion, he could be putting us all at risk.

Forks was a small town. Unnoticed and usually overlooked. It didn't escape me that our little, unsuspecting town could be the perfect place to slowly assemble rebels and spread the rebellion.

The growing concern urged my hands to flicker through the rest of the pages.

Not many pages were filled.

The initial first showed other prompting quotes like the one I had first laid eyes on.

When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.

Other pages were filled with...

Code? Programming?

I wasn't sure whether the complex sequence of numbers meant anything but from the few (rather overlooked) computing lessons our school had organized, I managed to decipher this to be a code.

For what exactly?

Almost all of the next pages were filled with similar coding.

What did this have to do with a rebellion?

Flicking hurriedly through the pages and distracted by the relentless rush of worry and confusion, I almost missed the other words in different handwriting at the bottom of the page:

72 Roux Street

Corner of Bookstore

Port Angeles

19:00 Friday

This date might have already passed.

This might completely be unrelated to the coding or the quotes at the front.

This might even be dangerous.

I glanced at the clock. 17:50.

Enough time to drive over to Port Angeles with my truck.

Would I really choose to follow a guy I had only met today and knew nothing about?

But if I chose to do nothing, my family and friends, the people I loved the most, could all be put to risk; I couldn't live with myself if I knew that I could have prevented that.

My earlier actions wouldn't repeat themselves.

I wasn't going to stand by.

I was going to act.

Grabbing my keys and coat with firm resolution, I determinedly stepped down the stairs whilst calling out to my mum that I'd be back soon.

"Be brave," I thought to myself as I stepped out.

Pork Angeles it was going to be.

AN; What do ya think?

(If you get this, I'll be pleasantly surprised)