AN: Hey guys, I'm sorry for not currently updating any of my other stories, but I just had this idea pop into my head one afternoon and I couldn't get it out of my mind. I promise to update my other stories in a few days.

So, this was just an idea. The story will be either Edward POV or Bella POV. You can decide. The most votes win! If you want me to continue this fan fiction Read & Review (R&R).

This is a shout out to Fran! Thank you for helping me!


There is a world, completely different from the one that merely existed only a few years ago.

New rules have been added to the law which punishments, if broken, will be banishment from any kind of civilization or even death.

To control the population and make life 'easier' for everyone, a new Program has been initiated into the government's system. This new Program is so powerful that a new law has been formed to oversee that everyone obeys and accepts all information given out by the Program.

Every child's future is destined by its name.

As soon as the name of the child has been typed into the program, his or her entire lifetime can be displayed; name of their partner, number of children and the date of death.

This newfound information now helps to control people all over the world. It can reduce the amount of crime against each other and towards the government and the president.

Protesters are seen as 'crazy' and immediately incarcerated.

Law Enforcement- U.S.A 2001

'As soon as a child is born, it cannot object to its destined timeline.'

Each name is chosen by the Program. No child may have another child's name.

"A child's name must be chosen by their birth month.

The month's numbers ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) decide the First letter of the child's name (a ,b ,c ,d ,e ,f ,g ,h ,u,...e.g.).

To avoid any repetition of names each birth must be recorded.

'Information on the lifetime of each child will be printed and given to the parents.'

Law Enforcement- U.S.A 2001

"Name: Edward Cullen

Edward Cullen: born on the 2nd May 2005, brother of Alice Cullen and cousin of Emmett McCarthy.

He will develop a natural, impressive talent for playing the piano.

This child will meet his wife during high school, name: Tanya Denali.

Both will marry at the age of twenty-two.

His wife will give birth to one child.

His death will be in 2097."

Recorded by the 'Resolute-Program' 02/05/05

"Name: Isabella Swan

Isabella Swan: born on the 13th September 2005 as an only child.

She will be very successful at her studies.

This child will meet her husband during high school, name: Jacob Black.

Both will marry at the age of twenty-one.

She will give birth to two children at the age of twenty-five.

Due to healthy eating, she will die at an old age of ninety-eight.

Her husband will have died nine years earlier"

Recorded by the 'Resolute-Program' 13/09/05

That had been the information given to both pair of parents.

But additional sheets were sent out to the Cullen and Swan families.


Prohibit and avoid a meeting between Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen.

An encounter between these two could cause great danger and threat."

Recorded by the 'Resolute-Program' 13/09/05

A meeting between those two could change the entire Program system.

Unfortunately, it happened anyway.

Edward and Isabella met.

AN: Tell me if you want me to continue. Review! Don't forget to vote! Which POV do you want?