Chapter 4 – Sealed.

The atmosphere on Berk was electric. Everyone was busy organising for the wedding that Friday. Hiccup couldn't walk through the village without someone coming up and congratulating him, or ask him for his thoughts for the decorations or wine. It was all so overwhelming. Toothless would fly above, avoiding all contact with people and instead watched as Hiccup was bombarded by people. He'd been trying and avoid the village as much as he could, but being chief made that difficult. As he approached the forge, he couldn't help but wish it was Friday so he could get this over a done with. So he could start the rest of his life with Astrid. Once at the forge, he found Gobber working away.

"Al'right there Hiccup?" yelled Gobber, over the sound of hitting metal against the anvil.

Hiccup made his way to his work station, and looked at the list of orders. He let out a sigh and got to work. It was the only way to distract his mind.


Sometime later, Hiccup was done for the day and just tidying up. Toothless was sound asleep next to the forge, soaking in the heat from the dying coals.

"Wish I had it as easy as you, bud.." he mumbled, putting his tools away for the day.

Once done, he woke Toothless. "mwuuurgh" was the response from the stubborn dragon, who rolled over to face the other way,

"Oh come on, bud! We have to go"

Toothless turned to give Hiccup a disapproving look. Eventually, he got up with much complaint at Hiccup.


Hiccup landed at his house, and dismounted. He could see that everyone had gathered at his home. Toothless noticed Cloudjumper perched on the roof, and went to join him. Hiccup made his way inside.

Once inside, Hiccup was greeted by the small group. The handsal needed at least 6 witnesses so the house felt crowded. Inside there was Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Eret, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Valka,Astrids parents, and of course, Astrid. Hiccup greeted everyone that was there, and thanked them. But he could only focus on Astrid. She looked the same as any other day, hair in her usual side pleat, the same headpiece but the fact she was going to be his wife and be with him for the rest of their earthbound lives and after. It made even more beautiful, if that were possible. Her eyes met his. He couldn't hold back his grin. She smiled back, but had a confused look.

"Right, shall we seal this engagement? " bellowed Gobber over the light chatter of the group.

Both Hiccup and Astrid take their seats at the table, across from each other.

"Still wanna be my wife?" Hiccup asks, nervous to hear her reply.

She smiles.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?".

Hiccup can't hold back his grin.

"Right love birds, take each others hands, and Hiccup, you know what to say. We're here as witnesses to the handsal. Ready when you's are!". Gobber pats Hiccup on the back, which feel more like a battering.

Hiccup beckons his hand towards Astrid. She smiles and places her hand in his. He takes a deep breath, and closes his eyes. When he opens his eyes, they are met with a bright blue pair, staring back at him.

"We declare ourselves witnesses that you, Astrid, bind me in lawful betrothal, and with taking hold of hands you promise to me the dowry and engage to fulfil and observe the whole of the compact between us, which has been notified in the hearing of witnesses without duplicity or cunning, as a real and authorized compact"

And with that, Hiccup pulls her hand towards his mouth. His kisses her hand and rests it against his cheek.

"No going back now". He winks at her.

"Wouldn't dream of it, babe" she replies, with a wicked grin.

Gods, he cannot wait till the night of their wedding. Hiccup has completely forgotten about the group surrounding them until the start to applause and cheer and he is pulled back into reality.


After a night of celebrations and wine drinking, Hiccup finally closes the door as the final guest, a rather drunk Eret, leaves. Hiccup stumbles into a chair. He still couldn't quite believe that Astrid was going to marry him. She'd no longer be Astrid Hofferson, but instead Astrid Horrendous Haddock. He felt the grin growing on his face. Toothless was suddenly at his side, a concerned look on his face.

" I'm fine but, just a little too much to drink".

Hiccup reached out to give Toothless a scratch under the chinn, and with that, he was on the floor, on his back and legs in the air. Hiccup let out a laugh.

"Y'know, I think you had a part in this bud. I still can't believe she'll be mines in less than day. Who'd have though I'd end up marrying Astrid Hofferson, ay Bud?" But toothless was too busy rolling around on the floor. Hiccup shook his head in disapproval. But he couldn't help but smile.

"You shouldn't doubt yourself so much"

Hiccup turned around to find his mother stood in the door way, watching Toothless.

"Oh, hey mom. I just can't believe she'll be mines. There was a time when she wouldn't even look at me, and well, he flew, or rather, came crashing into my life. And then things chnaged. If it wasn't for Toothless I wouldn't have gotten close to Astrid, I wouldn't have saved Berk and I wouldn't have found you, mom. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. It's like he's my lucky charm"

They both looked at the nightfury, who was now curled up next to where Hiccup sat, sleeping.

"Y'know I remember when me and yur father were getting ready to wed. He'd always been such a brave and incredible man, and he could have picked any other lassie on Berk or beyond, yet he choose me. The plain, simple lassie that liked to hideaway."

She stopped and a smile grew on her face.

"The first time we actually spoke, we were about two years younger than you, I was out sketching. There's an amazing view from the top of the island that looks out over the sea, you can even see the isle Kye from there, it's a magnificent site to see! Your father was out hunting for dragons of course. When he saw me, he sat down beside me and asked what I was doing. Instead of telling him, showed him. And from that day on, he'd come the same spot at the same time, and we'd talk. Eventually, he asked me to marry him. On the night we had the handsal ceremony, he sung our song. I felt the same way you do about Astrid, why did he choose me? Of all the lassies, he choose me. But he truly loved me. And that's what matters. And I know you love Astrid. So don't doubt yourself son!"

Valka had made her way over to Hiccup. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged him.

"I'm so proud of you. Your father would be so, so proud!". He could tell she was close to tears.

"Thanks mom, I dunno how I'd have done it without you here and him..."

"I know. Now, off tae bed with you, you've got a busy day tomorrow, just because you're getting married in a day doesn't excuse your chief duties! Goodnight son"

And with that she smiled and turned to head to her own room. Hiccup loved hearing stories about his father from his mom, but he could tell it pained her. Neither of them could still quite believe he was gone. Hiccup wishes his father could see him now. "You'd be so proud".

Hiccup got up and made his way to the his room.

"You coming bud?" he asks the dragon, who was still curled up. Toothless looked up, and with a huff, got up and followed Hiccup up the stairs. Once in his room, Hiccup flopped.

"Took your time coming to bed"

Hiccup looked up to see Astrid stood at the end of the bed. She had a large cloak drapped over her shoulder, lined with thick fur.

"Well hello ther's m'lady. What brings you here at this time of night, hmm?"

"Do I need an excuse to come and see my future husband late at night?"

He could tell she was teasing him, and it was working. Hiccup moved towards the bottom of the bed, grabbing Astrid's hips and pulling her towards him. Her lips were soft against hers. What started out as a simple turned into something move. They become hungry for each other and the kiss became more passionate. His tongue caressing hers. Astrid's hands made their way up to Hiccups face, but didn't stay there long. She started to undo his shoulder guards, not breaking the kiss. The fell onto the bed once she had untied them. She then went to work on his flight suit, undoing it so that his chest was bare. Hiccups hands were below Atstrid's top. He moved his hands up over her skin. When he reached her breast, he gently cupped them. He could feel her groan against his mouth, and he started to pull her top up, breaking the kiss to pull it over her head. He step back for a moment, taking in the view.

"You're so beautiful. And you're going to be mines, my wife!". He noticed her colour change from white to crimson, and she was looking at the ground.

"Hey, there's no need to be shy. You're so very beautiful Astrid. Trust me."

She looked up, into his eyes. And smiled. She pulled him into an embrace and just stood there.

He kissed her hair.

"I cannot wait for our wedding night" he mumbled.

He could feel her giggle with excitement. He smiled.


The next day was crazy. Hiccup had to direct people as to where they would be during the ceremony, what wines to be served, what spices and meats to be cooked up. It was crazy. His mother was on hand, luckily, to help during the day.

"Right, Hiccup, I'll deal with the choice making, you go to the docks and meet the guests arriving. Go!" she commanded.

Before she could change her mind, he was on Toothless and flying down to the docks. Tuffnut, Eret. Fishleg and Snotlout were already waiting.

"At long last, you decided to turn up and great YOUR guests." Of course Snotlout had something to say. Tuffnut looked as if he was in a world of his on while Eret was gazing out, looking for ships.

"Any sign of them yet Eret?"

"Yep, there's three within view".

And the group stood at the docks, waiting for the ships to arrive. All Hiccup could think about was Astrid, with her soft skin and the feel of her b..

A loud horn interrupted hid thoughts. The first ship had arrived. How long had he been daydreaming for..

Snoutlout and Eret were already beisde the ship, announcing the events and Hiccup as chief. Hiccup didn't even register where the ship had come from, just that they had travelled a day to get here.

Eventually, three ships had arrived, and there was one more on the way in. Once it had docked, Hiccup realised that it was nearly time to get his family sword ready for the wedding tomorrow and go to the bath house. His mind began to wander again.

"Hiccup, so nice to meet the new chief. So sorry to hear about your father!

The voice pulled him out of his thoughts and into reality. In front of him stood and rather muscular man, around the same height as he was. He had long, brown hair that had pulled back into a pleat that sat over his shoulder.

"Uuh, thanks. Thank you. You are...?"

"Apologise, I'm Kol. And this" he pulled some from his right side "is my sister, Runa. Now I know it's your special day, but I was wondering if maybe we could talk buisness afterwards? I want to marry Runa off, and I was wondering maybe you'd have a sutor for her?"

Hiccup looked at Rune. She was a small, but well built, woman who had long, dark blonde hair that was pulled back into some kind of pleat or style Hiccup had never seen before. Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed that Snotlout, Fishlegs and Tuffnut all nodding, as if agreeing they were all good suitors for the stranger.

"I'm sure we can talk about this after the wedding." Hiccup was uncertain about the duo. Something didn't feel quite right. But his feelings were all over the place. He was going to beomce a husband tomorrow.

"Thank you chief. I look forward to discussing business with you". And with that, the strange duo made their way up towards Berk.