Holidays are great for getting extra writing time. Hope you enjoy this early update.
Ron and Hermione stared into the very last Hogwarts express compartment that was picked out by their friend, Harry Potter. They didn't know what to make of the shabby young professor that Harry claimed is a friend of his parents. The wizard was in the most threadbare robes they had ever seen. The only thing that seemed kempt about the professor was his sandy hair that was speckled with gray. He had faint scars on all of his exposed skin. His complexion made him look ill and the bags under his eyes showed that he exhausted.
Harry had taken the seat nearest the professor. Following his lead the other two finally ventured in to claim seats. "Harry, how much do you know about him?" Hermione asked in a whisper.
"Enough to know the twins wouldn't be able to catch him off guard. He's capable of being alert and nearly asleep at the same time," Harry said as he noticed a slight grin form on the older wizard's face. "Sir, we will let you sleep."
"I will consent to that, with a few conditions, "Lupin said as he opened his eyes and looked at Harry. The entire trio nodded in agreement. Professor Lupin started going through his agenda. "How did you learn about me, Harry?"
Harry blushed, but explained, "I found your letters among my mother's things this summer. And… Well… my dad had a few stories written down that included you."
"There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Your mother would want you to have those letters. My next condition is that the three of you don't use this compartment to plan anything that skirts Hogwarts rules."
Hermione looked at the professor with ire, why would he think that she would do such a thing. Ron laughed and Harry answered, "Don't worry the title of school pranksters is currently held by Ron's twin brothers. I'm sure my father would be impressed by them. We don't look for trouble, it happens to find us."
Professor Lupin's rich laughter flooded the compartment. He recovered and said, "Trouble can't find you unless you are willing and in the right location." Harry guessed that the professor had heard of their exploits. "Now should I be concerned about Malfoy?" asked the tired professor.
"No, he wouldn't try anything with you present. His manners are ill and he likes riding on the tails of his father's robes." Harry answered as the professor went back to sleep.
They waited till soft snores started coming from the professor. Hermione started, "Ron, did you know that the ministry believes Sirius Black is after Harry."
"Harry, you are going to have to be really careful. I don't think you should risk even going to Hogsmeade," Hermione stated.
"Hermione cut him some slack. It's not his fault that he's got a nut case after him. He shouldn't have to miss out on Honeydukes and Zonko's joke shop too," Ron complained.
"Ronald, you don't understand Sirius Black is a known murder. He's killed at least a dozen muggles in cold blood," Hermione added.
Harry had to stop Ron before he lost his temper so he spoke up. "Hermione, my parents didn't die so that I could live in fear. I'm sure I will be safe in Britain's only magical settlement with the hundreds of other Hogwart's students. Besides, I'm sure Professor McGonagall has come up with plenty of precautions," Harry stated.
"I'm not convinced, Harry. The town boasts that it has the most severely haunted building in Britain."
Harry couldn't help but laugh. He knew the true purpose behind the Shrieking Shake but he couldn't tell Hermione a secret that wasn't his. Before Ron's and Hermione's eyes could bulged out Harry responded, "So I'm supposed to be scared of ghosts and poltergeists? Hermione, only if Sirius Black wanted to get caught would he dare to show his face in Hogsmeade."
Hermione knew that she had lost the debate so she changed topics. "So what did the two of you do after I left yesterday?"
The boys stared at each other silently debating what to tell their inquisitive friend. Harry could see that Ron had not even processed what he saw on their trip. In an attempted to keep Ron from getting away with the minimal amount of thought Harry said, "We visited a unique garden that gets little to no sunlight."
"The place was a dump," Ron blurted.
"Ron, the garden was not a dump. But I agree the surroundings have seen better days," Harry stated before Hermione could start questioning.
"You didn't leave the Alley did you?" she said in condescending tone.
"Of course not Hermione, I promised the Minister of Magic, himself that I would not leave Diagon Alley until school started."
"Where was this garden? I don't know of any place on Diagon Alley that light does not reach."
Ron spoke up, "Hermione, Diagon Alley is a district or ward, not a street."
Hermione's eye light up before she responded. "I forgot that I read about in Wizarding Knowledge for Muggleborns. I've never gone anywhere off the main thoroughfare."
"There wasn't much to see Mione," Ron replied.
"Ron it does Hermione no harm knowing that even wizards have ghettos," Harry commented.
Hermione covered her mouth in shock before saying, "Harry, I don't think that the minister envisioned you visiting the ghetto when he told you to stay in Diagon Alley. That is exactly the kind of place that Sirius Black would hide out in."
"Don't start in on Sirius Black again. I doubt anyone there would be willing to hide him with that large bounty on his head."
Ron said, "I doubt there are any talented wizards or witches that live there."
"Not so fast Ron, would you want to be on the wrong end of one of Marcus Flint's curses," Harry dared to ask. Ron didn't say a thing. "You just assumed the age old faulty thought pattern. Think about it Ron, we already know that Voldemort was a penniless orphan. Talent isn't determined by economic statues. Think what Malfoy would be like if that was true."
"So broke and talent makes for evil wizards. Great we got a horde brewing."
Hermione joined in and stated, "Studies show that environments effect peoples' development, but that does not make them evil."
"She is right because if your logic was true, I'd be horrible," Harry added.
"It doesn't make sense to me," Ron willingly admitted.
"I know from my books that philosophers have pondered these kinds of questions for ages. Just don't forget that poverty is a part of life and that you don't have it that bad," Hermione stated. "Let's change the topic before we turn into Ravenclaws."
"Do you think they debate those kinds of things?" Ron teased.
"I'm sure they do, but when have they been known to take any action," Hermione answered.
The boys laughed at light jokes while Hermione freed her cat. "Mione," was all Ron got out before Crookshanks pounced on his lap. Ron unceremoniously dumped the large cat to the floor. Harry couldn't help but laugh when the cat lifted up its back legs in an act that looked like it was blowing Ron off. The cat had an attitude. And to Hermione's annoyance, her cat made itself comfortable in the professor's lap.
"Don't look put out, I'm sure Crookshanks would of picked your lap if it wasn't full of books," Harry teased.
They enjoyed themselves, Hermione stuck her nose in school books and the boys played chess because exploding snaps was not conducive to sleep. Harry purchased cauldron cakes for everyone, including the professor when the trolly cart came by. They started debating about what creatures they'd get to work with in Care for Magical Creatures. Ron thought that Hermione's ideas were no fun since they didn't include anything that was slightly dangerous. The fun ended when Draco Malfoy decide it was time to interrupt their compartment.
The only thing that had changed about Draco Malfoy in the last 3 years was his height. He was sickly pale with hair that was light enough to match. He carried himself with airs of superiority and never minded his own business. He hadn't kept up with the growth of his body guards. Crabbe and Goyle were still mindless brutes willing to follow their ring leader. The two were yet to figure out that they could no longer stand next to each other and fit through the compartment doors.
"Well, look who we have here… Potty and the Weasel," snickered Malfoy to his goons.
"Congratulations Malfoy, you just proved my point. We must be interesting or why else would you seek us out. And I thought Snape took care of all my fans in Slytherin House," Harry taunted.
"You'll pay for that Potter"
Harry dramatically turned his head to look at the professor. The older wizard was out cold, but the oversized orange cat got up and started snarling and hissing at the unwelcome group. Malfoy tripped over his own feet when he tried to exit as quickly as possible. The act sent the trio into fits of laughter.
"Mione, I think your cat might grow on me yet," Ron commented on the simple victory.
The further north the train got the nastier the weather became. It changed from soft summer showers to a thick downpour. The bright daylight turned to a warring gray before dusk arrived. The magic lamps flicked every time the wind roared. The train was being attacked by the wind like waves pounding on a beach in uncountable measures. The travelers thought it was mercy when the train started to slow down.
Hermione examined her watch and noted that something was amiss. Seconds later the train's lights went out leaving them in the dark. Panic could be heard over the pounding wind and rain. Someone stumbled through the door, smashing into everyone's legs. They never went to the trouble of shutting the door after the Slytherin prince's visit.
"Sorry," squeaked a timid voice.
"Neville?" Harry questioned as he tried to help the boy up.
"Yes, do any of you know wants going on?" Neville asked as the compartment was suddenly taken over with an unnatural chill.
"We need to wake the professor," Harry said with a heightened sense of concern. He started to shake the older wizard when he lost control of the world. He convulsed on the floor when the compartment noticed a set of floating robes tried to get closer.
Hermione screamed as the professor jumped into action. Lupin summoned a patronus sending the creature away. He kept Hermione from attempting to slap Harry awake. She was worried sick and crying that the ride's only event was supposed to be Malfoy's awful taunts.
Harry came to when the train started to move and the lights came on again. Professor Lupin repositioned him into his seat and draped a warm blanket over him. Sickly cold sweat was dripping from Harry's skin and you could see his breath as if the air was frozen. The professor started to placed chunks of chocolate into his hands. The first bite sent warm running back into Harry. Harry broke the awkward silences and asked, "Dementors?"
The professor nodded and said, "I must go and speak with the drive, please excuse me, Harry." He placed another chunk of chocolate into Harry's hands before he left the compartment.
Harry had recovered enough to take in his surroundings. Neville seemed to be the worst off and Hermione's eyes were red like she'd been crying. Then Harry remembered and said, "Someone needs to go and check on Ginny." He was annoyed when everyone just looked at him. "Argh… they are worse when you've experienced… more…" Hermione thought she understood what he was trying to get at and stood up. "Mione, I've got chocolate frogs up there." She left and Harry started thinking that he could not imagine going through this experience without knowing what was going on. He knew that was exactly what would have happened if he had not received his parent's letter. He would have been embarrassed or ashamed of falling out and he would have no clue what the screaming was that he heard. A tear escaped his eye as he realized the shock of hearing his mother's cries.
Professor Lupin returned and informed them that the train had picked up speed and they would arrive at Hogsmeade station in 10 minutes. He checked on Harry and asked, "Are you warm enough?"
Harry hadn't noticed until he was asked that he was starting to sweat normally. He agreed and the professor removed the blanket. "Professor, may I set up a conference with you?
"Of course Harry, drop by during my office hours. First week is always overwhelming with its new schedules for students." The professor tried to explain why he hadn't pinpoint a time.
They made sure all of their belongs were collected and put away. Ron's wizard's chess pieces were grumbling about being put away. Harry watched Hermione put half a dozen books back in her school bag. Professor Lupin was kind enough to re-cage Crookshanks. Neville stuck his toad into his hat so he couldn't escape.
It was a rush to get off the train and under the overhang at the station due to the rain. Harry pitied this year's first years that had to cross Black lake in boats in this foul weather. He hoped they considered serving hot cocoa at the feast for their sakes. The traditional boat trip would have them frozen and wet. Harry had no reason to worry as he got to ride up to the castle in a horseless carriage. The carriages' hoods were up to keep out the rain. The carriages smelled stagnate and moldy like they'd been stored too long. The patterned movement of the carriages calmed the uneasy students. During the trip Harry kept a chuck of chocolate in mouth as he was sure they would have to pass more dementors before they made it to the castle. Who thought it was a good idea to have Azkaban guards around Hogwarts. He felt another unnatural chill as they crossed the school's famous gates. He was glad that he had taken the time to do research about the patronus charm.
Harry would have tripped due to his clumsy side effects if it weren't for Neville. Without being asked the boy had positioned himself to Harry's right so he could give aid when needed. Harry questioned himself on why he had ever thought that Neville was slow. Neville had perception that did not go with his years.
Ron nearly got into a fight with Malfoy. The Slytherin took it upon himself to torment Harry about want he was calling a fainting spell. If it wasn't for Professor Lupin's casual intervention Ron would have started the year on Professor McGonagall's wrong side. No one wanted that on the first night. Harry wished he could shove Malfoy ignorance into his face, but Harry's mum expected more of him than that. If only the kid would leave him alone.
Hogwarts was still as magnificent as it had been 3 years ago when Harry first entered its halls. Lights from flaming torches danced over the rough cut marble staircase. The steps shone from the thousands of feet that trod up the entrance. Every student that had ever gone to Hogwarts had used the medieval staircase at some point in time. Most experience it on the first night of their sorting feast. That night the older students were swarming to get into the Great hall. No stars could be seen in the ceilings enchantment that night. Harry had managed to catch a glimpse of the Great hall before Hermione and him were called out by the deputy headmistress, who was their head of house. She was a stern witch that you did not cross unless you wanted to pay the penalty.
"Ms. Granger I need to see you in my office and we are accompanying Mr. Potter to the hospital wing on our way," stated Professor McGonagall.
"I'm not ill, ma'am," Harry complained.
"Mr. Potter, we received word of your encounter with the dementor. You cannot fool me. You cannot even walk straight right now. You will see the med-witch. It is not up for debate," Professor McGonagall stated as she stalked off. Even the portraits were shaming Harry.
Hermione gave him a few looks over and Harry was sure she agreed with the professor. Why could he not have a normal start to a school year? At least he wouldn't have to come up with a cover story to get to see Madam Pomfrey. He did not like the hospital wing nor would that ever change, but he now respected for the witch that put him back together.
The years had been kind to Hogwarts matron. Her gray hair was pulled back into her med-witch's cap and she peered at Harry with intelligent eyes. She was twice as strict as she was kind but what Harry saw was a confident witch. She held command of the hospital wing and it was her domain. Everything had a place or she found order for it. Harry was sure Madam Pomfrey was the one responsible for the neatness of his get well cards and trinkets. Even the portraits knew when they were allowed to be in their frames. And nothing dared to stain her perfect starched white aprons.
"So you collapsed, Mr. Potter," stated Madam Pomfrey as she started checking Harry's vital signs. She seldom used questions which made for a grateful student body. "Ordering dementors to be placed around a school," she murmured. "No good will come of them. You will only be the first person that collapses because of them, mark my words. Those terrible things have such horrible effect on people who are already delicate…"
"Delicate, no!" interrupted Harry. "Unfortunate, experienced or even survivor would be a better description of those of us that can be tortured by those beasts." Harry's rant got a small chuckle out of the med-witch. She attempted to unwrap a chocolate bar before Harry interrupted again. "Madam Pomfrey, if I have any more chocolate my dinner will be spoiled."
"Someone has fed you chocolate already?"
"Yes, Professor Lupin made sure I had some right after the encounter."
"It's about time we have another competent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. But you are still very wobbly Mr. Potter."
"My state is not from the dementors. Don't ask, I don't want to put you into a bad situation," Harry explained.
Madam Pomfrey looked at him intently considering what she would say before she spoke. "Mr. Potter, I am a grown witch and have already made my decision. Your health comes before my other duties. I will not put you in further harm because the regulations require it. I have been limited as I could not and should not raise questions about you. Now what have you done?" questioned the witch.
Harry was pleased with her statement and explained, "I've taken a regiment of the Augmentum Post Fame potions.
"Under whose advisement"
"One of the Gringott's healers," Harry answered.
"Alright, but I find it strange that they 'sold' you on that treatment," Madam Pomfrey speculated.
"I choose that regiment as my treatment plan. I thought that it was my best option."
"Mr. Potter, I'm not criticizing your choice. It was a sound decision. I'm proud that you did not let them sway you to the most profitable treatment for you condition." Madam Pomfrey reassured as she started a diagnostic spell. "When are the side effects supposed to wear off?"
"October 1st"
"I don't want to hear about you flying before then without my approval."
"But… I got a set of stabilis potions."
"Using too many of those potions can delay your recovery. Now let's look at my scans." Madam Pomfrey made Harry a copy. "You are in the best health that I've witnessed, but you are still too light. That is normal for the type of treatment you choose. It shows that you have not used the stabilis potion, which has aided your recovery. You might get lucky and the effects might dissipate sooner. Right now you are at the peak of the clumsy side effect. Like most side effects it will gradually diminish with time."
"What you're saying it is not going to be like this for the rest of the month?"
"Correct, it's my opinion that no one will be able to tell a difference in two weeks."
"Wood is not going to like this."
"Mr. Potter, practices are not allowed to start until the 15th of September. You'll only miss half a month and if you are willing l can handle Mr. Wood. I'm sure he'd prefer to have a healthy seeker than none at all." She said as Harry gave his consent. "Mr. Potter please don't look at me like that. I know you love flying, but why risk your new health. The risk would waste everything you've gone through already. Now here is a case of nutrition bars. In a moment I will finish a permission form so you can carry them around with you. Most don't care or will notice so please don't go around bragging."
"Harry, it is not normal for people to feel like they are starving. Besides your underweight," the matron explained without noticing her slip up.
"Madam Pomfrey, did you know that someone tried to bind my magic?"
"No, but it is not unheard of for parents to bind their child's magic for safety purposes," she answered.
"It wasn't my parents. I don't remember who but it was ministry worker." Harry stated quietly.
"I'm sorry I never thought to check your magic. You had so many things wrong with your physical state. Lockhart was a fool, but I'm glad that he gave me a chance to fix your bones. "
"You'd do something if it guarantees that I'm safe."
"Without question, but you are not naïve and know that any action would be like playing with fire," the matron answered.
"Madam Pomfrey, the healer said I'd see a large influx in magic. Is there anything I can do? I really don't want to seem like a first year again." Harry asked.
"Mr. Potter, do you not remember Professor Flitwick's recommendations for learning control from first year?"
"Ah… He's got a lab for that… But no one uses it. Even the Ravenclasws feel that is rubbish."
"No one is actually very few. Most don't have the patience or the desire to discipline themselves enough to master the art of control. Personally, I feel that Professor Flitwick introduces the concept too soon, but then again the older years have little free time. The best healers and duelists are master of control. It's one of the few things you will find that the Ravenclaw house narrow minded on. My advice is to make use of the labs morning sessions, all five days and don't forget to eat one of those bars first. You don't want a growling belly to deter you," Madam Pomfrey corrected.
"Professor Flitwick only advised 2 days a week," Harry responded.
"True, but you know you are going to have issues and you are no longer a first year," Madam Pomfrey responded. "Now Mr. Potter let us get to the feast. I dare say that Professor Dumbledore will have already served the food."
I'm self-study of Latin and no master so here my intended meanings
Augmentum Post Fame – growth after famine
Stabilis - stable
Constructive reviews and questions are always welcome :)