Disclaimer: I'm not JK Rowling. My hat's off to her amazing ability and I thank her for the chance to play with it.
Intros are challenging but hopefully this gives you a clear picture how I'm diverging from cannon.
The Minister of Magic left Harry under Tom's supervision at the Leaky Cauldron. He was granted freedom to roam Diagon Alley until school started. It still disappointed Harry that the minister was not willing to take care of his permission for visits to Hogsmeade. Why did he always get penalized for his magic hating muggle relatives? This was the first time their twisted will crossed the muggle – wizard boundaries. Harry was fuming until Tom stopped him in front of room eleven and handed him a worn old letter. The bartender warned him it was best to read letters like his on a fresh brain. Tom was right, Harry knew he was fighting exhaustion and the old letter could wait a few more hours.
A grumbling stomach woke Harry from his sleep the next morning. He enjoyed not having his aunt screeching at him to start breakfast. Years of Dursley's 'care' gave Harry the will power to debate when he was going to open the letter. The privacy of his room was the best place since he was back with wizards. His fame tended to drag out spying fans. He was torn when the talking mirror suggested room service. An order of porridge and pumpkin juice were quickly requested.
The letter expanded as Harry unsealed it showing multiple sheets of parchment. The pages must have been enchanted for they were in perfect condition. The signatures startled him as he unfolded the letter. The letter was from his late parents, he did not know how nor did he care. And with a tender heart Harry started to read the double penned letter.
(A/N FFN is limited formatting options. If you have any better ideas please PM me. Lily's in bold italics and James is plain italics)
To Our Dearest Son Harry,
The creation of this letter is the hardest thing your mum and I have ever done. Harry, know that if there was a way we would be there with you. It is our love that is pushing us to do what is right, not what is easy or self-filling. Harry know that you are loved and that our love is still encompassing you. We were given a gift from time to create this letter. It's not comprehensible, so I can't truly explain. The reason why we created the letter was to impart guidance with hope that we are protecting your heart from unneeded grief.
Son, this letter will be the only one of its kind. Messing with time is not recommended for any action could corrupt it. We will have no recall in our life from what we witnessed to create this gift. Harry, we've observed your life from the time you left our home till your unaided finish. We cannot remove you from hardship for it would destroy everything you hold dear.Remember, we are always proud of you. My heart, a heart of any mother wants to comfort you, but there is no value in digging into pain when you need wisdom. Harry, hold on to love and friendship, always appreciate them over anything that causes you pain.
Blotches from tear drops marred the pages, but Harry understood the meaning. He was touched by his parents tears and effort. He snuggled into his covers for it was the closest he could come to a hug.
We choose this time to interfere for you have some freedoms and no one directly influencing you. Harry, you need to learn how to think for yourself. This doesn't mean removing yourself from others wisdom, but questioning it and choosing your best path. People are neither good nor bad, but a mix of both. People tend to be pulled to one side or the other, but it does not make them truly evil or good. Harry, like everyone you have the opportunity and power to bring out the best in those that surround you. The opposite could be true, but we recommend that you avoid crushing anyone.
Harry, you have asked Albus Dumbledore the greatest wizard of our age why the dark wizard Lord Voldemort seeks you. The headmaster's secretive intentions are good, but he is plagued by his own shortcomings. He holds childhoods dear since his own was cut short. And his ability of seeing the best in everyone blinds him to the failures you endure at the hands of the Dursleys. The blood-wards that he created do protect and have saved your life. But it is my hope that our letter has the impact needed to remove you from them.
Harry was ashamed of what his parents witnessed but glad that they held the same view of the Dursleys. His poor mum had to watch her only sister mistreat him.
I'm going to pull James back to the point, the question the headmaster did not answer. Harry before you were born a self-fulfilling prophecy was created. It only has power to the twisted creature Tom Riddle forged when he became Lord Voldemort. He can fulfill the prophecy without you ever having knowledge of it. Do not stoop to the level of a mad man. When Dumbledore believes the time has come for you to hear it remind him that prophecies are vague at best and open to interpretation. We find that the prophecy is like the Mirror of Erised it show you no wisdom. Don't let a prophecy dictate your path. All you need to know is that Voldemort will continue to seek you until he is finially defeated. He started his own downfall. I bid you to let Dumbledore mentor you like a grandfather, but don't follow him blindly.
The news was more than Harry expected but he felt like he already knew. The advice was going to be challenging to follow. Harry always resented not knowing things that affected him. He did want his mum not to worry that his actions would be like the wizard that had stolen her life.
Harry, have Dumbledore promise you that he will always have someone with him when he is working on bring down Riddle. I doubt he will, James. At least Harry will know that he tried.
Your health has not benefitted from Dumbledore's lacking oversight. Madam Pomfrey is a shrewd witch and knows the risk of letting you fall into the ministry's control. She has healed what she can during your visits without raising questions. She is just one example of good Slytherin. She runs the hospital wing with her ambition and cunning skills. She would of seen to your removal if all of the alternatives were better. Remember this if you are presented with a sound solution. As we have no wish for you to have more interaction with the ministry it is best to seek treatment from the goblins. The Goblin Nation only deals with the ministry when it's beneficial to themselves. They offer a full range of services and very discreet. Get a checkup and see your account manager. An eye appointment wouldn't hurt too.
Harry's respect for the med-witch went up but he wasn't looking forward to the medical visit. A portion of Harry wanted to live in denial of his state of health. He was glad that his father didn't overlook his eyes.
I would not let your mother take this topic. Her enthusiasm might hamper you. Harry it is your education make it your own. I understand your weakness when you signed up for Divination, but the class is worthless. We know that you received none of the muggleborn literature so you have no knowledge of the weight of these classes. Divination has no real world application unless you're a seer unlike Ancient Runes or Arithmancy. Take both Harry and before you get concerned about juggling them with quidditch know that Hogwarts has options. There is a reason why Hogwarts is the foremost school for magical education in the world. The school still offers self-paced options, although the current literature reads like it reserved for remediation. Don't be fooled by others ignorance. Mediocre wizards and witches might need slowdowns to master skills and OWLs delayed. It's also a tool for active students that don't want to miss out on opportunities. The setup will require some work on your end. First, you must contact McGonagall to switch your classes. Then personally contact both instructing professors about creating self-paced schedules. So you don't feel left out, request that they still give you classroom privileges.
Due to the emotional nature of the letter Harry let himself take a break to work on the request for changes that needed to be sent to his Head of House. He could only hope that Professor McGonagall would be pleased.
Surprisingly, James missed his favorite point. Learning does not always take place in a classroom. This is only one of the reasons why we enclosed a Hogsmeade permission form. You've worked too hard for the Dursley to ruin your rewards. Don't worry both McGonagall and Dumbledore can authenticate it. Have fun Harry you deserve it. She's right Harry, learning can be like a hunt or an adventure. Practice just makes it better. Remember, everything you learn, you get to take with you. Learn skills and create tools that impact your environment. (Hedwig need not be locked in her cage.) Don't let anyone stop you. Figuring out a good prank is learning too… James… Reading ahead is being prepared… Lily, he's going to have to find what works for himself.
Harry could not be more delighted by his parents actions. He would not have to be the one left out again. He laughed thinking his parents had likely argued about the end of the paragraph.
Alright Harry, we adore your friends, but like you, they have their own faults. Be a good friend and encourage them. Let's start with your first ever friend, Ron Weasley. He self-attacks from what he feels are personal inadequacies. This is festering and will turn into a raging jealousy unless addressed. He currently wanders his path because he fears turning into Percy. I'm sure Ron views him as a male Hermione. He fears being ridged. Don't judge his mix-up logic. It's a pity he so far removed from Bill by age that he doesn't realize he got a better role-model. Ron does have large dreams that he finds impossible. He wasn't old enough to see that Bill sought out challenges and did not flee from them. Remind Ron of his strategic skills and if he combines it with Arithmancy he could become great. Challenge him to correspond with Bill. I don't think he realizes that an owl would only need to take the letter to the nearest Gringott's branch. Harry, he is loyal and will hopefully always return to you.
Hermione and you remind me of your mother. Hermione because of her zest for learning and book smarts. Harry, you have her heart and love for life. I'm afraid that there is nothing this school year you can do to keep Hermione from learning a life lesson the hard way. Life understanding cannot be learned in books. Please continue to be a peacemaker between Ron and Hermione, they are worth it. When you have reason and know it's right stand up to her. She is clueless to her level of bossiness. Harry, you are doing yourself no favor by letting her act like a mother hen. You are growing and need to learn to care for yourself. And she is no potion master even if she can create a workable polyjuice potion. Harry you don't know how close you were to a deadly solution. Use better caution when the three of you challenge your boundaries. Hermione will always have your back even if her ways are misguided.
Harry felt the warmth of the harsh words. His parents only wanted the best for him and his friends. It was hard to see their faults laid out.
The Potter family has always respected the Weasley family and we are thankful that Molly has taken you into her fold. She does care for you, like a mother does a son. This does have its own challenges, but those are best learned from her and not a letter. It is because of Molly that I ask you to give Percy a gift. Thankfully, he is head-boy and gift are customary for closer relations. (We have no issue with you wishing to spend your wealth on them, but the Weasleys are a proud family.) Inside our family vault (your account manager will clue you in) is a book titled Standing. It's a philosophy book that my father gave me when I was head boy. Harry, I know giving away any of our things is going to be hard. Know that the content of the book is intuitive to you, Harry. I only ask this in order to try to save the Weasley family from some heart ache. Percy might be like Hermione and have to learn from life the hard way, but it is worth trying. He is not ignorant and will not miss the value of the book so he will at least read it. If they ask claim it was recommended by a family portrait.
Ginny may appear to still have a fan girl crush on you. This is not the root of her actions, she intimidated and feels she needs to apologize. We both know she doesn't but she will not completely heal until she finds peace. Ron keeps her at a distance due to his own insecurities. Ginny knows them and won't challenge him. You will need to approach her, she only needs a few minutes. You could ask her about Luna. It would be good for you to meet her sooner and she's a great friend for Ginny.
Harry wondered who Luna could possibly be. Ginny did need a good friend after last year.
The twins don't need any help but they can help you. You'll need to retrieve an old blank parchment out of our vault. Let Fred and George teach you to use it. Invite Ron along, and trust me this is not a setup for a prank. Harry, I don't want to spoil this for you, but try to learn from that parchment that you are capable of more than what found in a classroom.
Harry adored the twins, they had taken care of some of his heir of Slytherin issues. He looked forward to getting to spend some time with them. And he was grateful that his parents didn't have issues with their playful ways.
Harry, I want you to know that Neville Longbottom is my godson. His parents met a tragedy worse than our own. They are nothing but living shells. If we lived the two of you would have been raised closer than cousins. Neville's Gran regularly faces the grief of losing her son. She has missed seeing Neville in the search of her son. Neville desperately needs his own wand and for someone to have confidences in him. He is a powerful wizard and his family is crazy for missing his accidental magic. He was magical growing plants before we went into hiding. Neville is never going to be flashy, but his personality is worth more than the few points Dumbledore gave him at the end of your first year. Harry, Lady Longbottom is a formidable witch, but she is approachable. I'm sure that Neville would love to learn what you used as an alias on the knight bus.
In a moment his mum made Neville family in all but blood. His views changed as he knew he'd help uncover what his mum saw in Neville. He'd have to pay more attention to the quite boy.
There is nothing that justifies the treatment you receive from your potion master. It's possible from his skewed perspective, some of his jabs might describe me. I did come from a stable wealth home and Snape was lost in something else. We were mutual rivals both giving as good as we took. It's a pity that his social skills have been stunted and that he can't see past his own school days. Son, you do have the right to have Professor McGonagall view your memories of class. My only fear is he will just change tactics. But you must know son, that he is deserving of Dumbledore's trust and his second chance. I doubt this will help your lessons, but it will not hurt you to find out why Snape was retrained and earned his tenure. Harry you have to learn this personally for being told does not carry the same weight. He does learn from some of his mistakes.
Harry, you do have the power to affect your surroundings, this includes your rival. I do know that words hurt, expect them from Malfoy. There is no reason to fall to his taunts, you know they are coming. He's a boy hiding behind his father. He can't claim to be a man until he leaves the shadow unlike you. Beat him in the academic arena. He's a Slytherin challenge his ambition and pride.
Why did they have to bring up his least favorite people?
Harry, other Slytherins should not be defined by the current dark wizard. The house can produce great wizards like Merlin.
Son, the ministry thinks Sirius Black is after you. This is not the case. I challenge you to find what he is seeking. This shouldn't be hard for you since you could find out about the philosopher's stone and the chamber of secrets. When you meet him again, tell him that there is nothing to forgive. He will understand.
Request your new DADA professor teach you the Patronus charm. Take care of him, I believe Snape hates him more than he does you.
Maybe there was a chance that this new professor was not out to get him.
Harry we are always with you and love you. Enjoy your holiday and order a muggle wardrobe. Petunia does know that you come from money. Don't worry the Dursley can't touch any of it.
Love, your parents
James & Lily
P.S. Diagon Alley is a district not a street, explore all of it. Stay clear of KnockturnAlley. Tom does have maps.
The room's talking mirror snapped Harry out of his personal thoughts. He vowed he'd never own one since they are too annoying. Moments later Harry was dressed and planning out his day, according to his parent's letter. He was committed to following his parent's advice.
Diagon Alley was busy and as populated as the first time Harry visited. The novelty had worn off, but the quirky wizards and witches were still fun to watch. Outdated hats and bright colored robes saturated the street. Children were huddled around the new display at Quality Quidditch Supplies. A new broom must be out, but Harry did not dare to take a look. He was going to fulfill one of his parents' hardest requests, the medical check-up. Harry had never been a fan of the hospital wing so he wasn't willing to consider what the goblins deemed appropriate. He doubted wizards gave them good reviews on their bedside manners.
The bank had not changed since Harry's last visit. The goblin tellers were as serious as ever. Harry did not want to disturb them as he knew his request was not banking related. Doors with barely legible signs were noticed after Harry stood around for some time. He found the right door after passing most of the room. It opened to a hallway in the same décor as the rest of the bank. A tall goblin ushered him to a small room in the back. The exam room was plastered with medical advertisements. They covered different permanent appearance procedures to a possible cure for dragon pox.
Goblins were timely if nothing else. Harry was not left alone in the room long enough to start thinking about anything. The goblin healer wore a white robe that reminded Harry of muggle scientist lab coat. He questioned Harry about his medical needs. Harry wasn't surprised that the goblin healer was shrewd at business. The healer convinced or 'sold' him the idea of having both a physical and magical medical exam done. Harry paid the extra fee to have a butterbeer to sip during the exam. After everything was settled the healer started the diagnostic spell and left the room. The magic felt different than what Harry had experienced in the Hogwarts hospital wing. The magic had a beat unlike the hum of Madam Pomfrey's diagnostic spells. A short and stocky quill took notes. Harry noticed that every tool in the room, like the quill, were designed for goblins small stature. A full half hour passed before the spell completed.
Not missing a beat the door opened, but it was not the goblin healer instead a human med-witch. Harry noticed that she checked out his famous scar before talking. "Mr. Potter, goblins have found that it is beneficial to have a human go over diagnostic reports before the treatment selection process." With Harrys approval she continued through the report. Malnutrition was the largest concern showing that Harry got only half his needs in his formable years. The report covered every broken bone he had sustained, but all of those were corrected at the time when his arm had regrown. He had a recent concussion and bruises from Dudley's gang. All of Harry's bombshells were in his magical report. Someone made four attempts to bind his magic between the ages of 5 to 10. The magic was traced back to a recently fired ministry employee. The employee was caught red handed trying to bind another half-blood. The med-witch informed Harry that Gringotts would bill the ministry for the removal of the spells. The spells weren't effective, but did cause control hiccups for Harry's magic. The growth of his magical core was not affected by his poor living and health conditions. He was warned that he would notice a large influx when his poor health was corrected and not taxing his magic. The report also noted dark magic in his scar, but the med-witch did not understand the description.
Harry was in shock when he watched the healer use a memory charm on the med-witch. The goblin healer explained, "We value our customers and we will not let your privacy be stolen. All of Gringott's employees sign a magical contract and she just broke hers by trying to copy your medical records." Harry hated that his fame brought out the worst in some people.
The goblin healer walked Harry through all of his treatment options. Harry chose one of the oldest and most conservative treatments for the malnutrition. It was a potion regiment from an era plagued by famines. It was not the gentlest of treatment, but it did guarantee full recovery. The rapid growth he would experience would have the side effect of clumsiness. All of Harry's replacement growth would be finished before school started, but the side effects would not completely dissipate until Oct 1st. A temporary potion was found that he could use during quidditch practice and possible potion class. The treatment required Harry to be on a strict high calorie diet that consisted of 5 full meals a day until he started school. The rest of his health was treated before Harry even left the room.
Harry was pleased that the Dursley had not done lasting damage. The next 7 weeks would be perplexing, but worth every moment. The healer expected him to grow 7 inches and gain close 3 stones in weight. Harry couldn't wait to be right above average in height.
The healer's request was granted so the goblins would have to continue researching into Harry's scar as it was something the healer had never seen before. If Gringott did not find a solution to remove the dark magic in a year they would refund the money and give him an absurdly large interest rate. Money motivated goblins so Harry was hopeful. The healer had another goblin show Harry to his account manager.
Constructive reviews and questions are always welcome
My weight gain might be unrealistic, but my source shows that most healthy children gain at least 4 pounds with every inch of height. And Harry would already be under weight.