Julia was pensive. "How can I be happy & apprehensive at the same time? One minute I'm bubbling over with barely concealed joy. I can hardly stop myself from laughing out loud. The next minute I'm scared half to death, barely keeping it together. Barely keeping myself from bursting into tears. Either way I'll look like I'm certifiable." Not knowing what else to do, her head spinning, Julia laid her head down on the table. Sighing she let her thoughts drift to Barbie – her hero – the love of her life. "I love him with all my heart. He's the best that's ever happened to me. When I thought he was dead – TWICE! I wanted to die myself." So deep was her concentration, she didn't hear the door to the diner open, nor did she hear the soft footsteps approaching her until she felt a soft caress smoothing aside the riotous, fiery curls that had covered her face.

"Hey" Barbie gently nudged her aside & sat down. "What's wrong?" Concern furrowed his brow as he carefully tilted her chin to look into her eyes. Not liking the tears that threatened to spill at any moment, he pressed a soft kiss to the corner of her trembling mouth. "Come on Julia, please tell me. Is your shoulder bothering you? Should we go to the clinic?"

Seeing his obvious concern almost made those tears escape but she forced herself to smile cupping his cheek with her hand – loving the way his scruffy beard felt. Even after all they had been through, sometimes this was all it took for her to feel that stab of love & instant attraction. Her tentative smile turned into a grin as she pulled him in for what she thought would be a quick kiss of reassurance. While it may have started out that way, it soon became longer & deeper & made them both wish they were anywhere but the diner.

Julia was just about to pull away & suggest they change locations, when the diner door slammed open, banging into the wall. Julia & Barbie both startled apart quickly looking to see who was causing the commotion & did it mean trouble. They were relieved to hear the loud, strident & typically teen-age conversation stream in from the sassy Norrie. Joe was hot on her heels trying to break in but as usual couldn't get a word in edgewise.

"Joe, how can you say that? You are such a nerd! I'm obviously right about this! Why can't you see that?!"

"But, Norrie..."

"No, just don't say anything. You are so wrong!"

Barbie shook his head, his look a mixture of amusement & consternation. "Hey! Guys! Want to keep the decibel level down some?"

It was Joe who responded. "Sorry Barbie. Hi Julia. Norrie would you please give it a rest!"

Norrie took in the scene before her – Barbie with his arm possessively around Julia – Julia with a blush on her cheeks that could have been a little whisker burn or just the aftermath of was going on when they got there. "You two have really got to stop using the diner for your make out sessions. Get a room – PLEASE!" Secretly she was envious of how much they cared for each other & secretly she hoped they NEVER stopped the make out sessions. It was validation that even when it's the darkest, good things happen.

Julia's cheeks burned a little brighter but she smiled at the teens & snuggled closer to Barbie as he captured her hand & pressed a soft kiss against her finger tips. "I can't believe I'm even asking this but what were you two arguing about?"

Joe opened his mouth to reply but it was Norrie who broke in babbling so fast that Barbie frowned in confusion, trying to concentrate on her avalanche of words. "Joe & I were having this discussion on the most over-used & totally done word. He said it's "awesome" which is totally wrong. It's got to be "whatever" but he won't agree with me, the stubborn jerk. What do you guys think? You can be the deciding factor & then he'll know that I'm right."

"Norrie!" was all Joe said seeming to be ready to give in to her.

Julia's expression was amused while Barbie tried not to laugh. "Whoa – Norrie – Joe, Julia & I are not getting into this. Why don't you have a seat – away from us & talk this out. I'm sure the universe can hardly wait for your decision."

Norrie & Joe looked a bit embarrassed now & headed further into the diner, climbing into a booth at the other end of the room. While they tried to temper the volume of their words, it was still a distraction in the background of the otherwise peaceful diner

Barbie smiled at Julia thinking he could never get enough of looking into her eyes, drowning in their warm depths. "What do you say we get out of here?"

"What did you have in mind Barbie?" His name was spoken like a caress & that's exactly what she wanted to convey. "I thought you wanted lunch."

"Oh I'm hungry all right. Food can wait – this can't"

Julia's breath hitched & her heart skipped a beat. Every time she was with him it felt like falling in love all over again. Just as she was about to reply, a voice interrupted once again.

"Oh Julia, I'm so glad I caught you. Hello Barbie – sorry to interrupt but we really have to discuss the menus & how to best use our store of supplies. We're in good shape but I want to optimize our plans."

"Hi Andrea" both replied but it was Julia who went on. "Of course we need to take care of this, Andrea but let's wait until the lunch rush is over. I see a lot of people coming in right now who will need to be served. Why don't you supervise the staff until then? Barbie & I will come back later to discuss those issues."

Andrea glanced at the couple knowingly while turning to observe the citizens filing in. "Of course, I forgot all about lunch. You two go on & I'll see if I can get Joe & Norrie to help out. If I can diffuse their heated conversation. I'll try channel their passion to serving their fellow man" With a chuckle & a pat on Barbie's shoulder, Andrea was off to accomplish her mission.

Sliding out of the booth Barbie tugged on Julia's hand. "Come on beautiful, let's go home."

Much later – minutes – hours, they didn't know, didn't care. Basking in the afterglow of sweet, tender, passionate love, sheets tangled along with limbs, lips tender, swollen – still tracing each other with whispering kisses.

"Julia – what's wrong? I didn't forget how I found you at the diner. Whatever it is, I'm here – please believe that. I love you & I'm here to stay – forever – or for as long you'll have me." Curling a lock of her hair into his finger tips, he softly kissed along her jawline – feeling a tenderness & depth of feeling that was so very new to him but something he wanted to hold on to for all time.

Taking a deep breath Julia looked away for a second, knowing she had no choice now. She had to tell him. She wished she knew how he would react but she would have to trust in their love for each other.

"Barbie, I'm pregnant."

She saw his head snap up, his mouth slowly curling into a smile, then a grin – his eyes reflecting joy, wonder, love & some un-named emotions that he hadn't even discovered a name for yet.

Cupping her face with both hands he uttered one word - "Really?" When he heard Julia laugh & reply "Yes, really!" he kissed her slowly, deeply, tenderly - holding her as if he would never let go & murmured "Imagine that!"