Here it is! The final chapter!

Alec POV

"I can't believe it's over."

Alec, Magnus, Tessa Izzy, Simon, Clary, and Jace were all squeezed into a passenger cabin on the Hogwarts Express. Said train had just begun its departure from the wizarding school Alec had spent the better part of seven years living and learning in. The castle slowly drifted from view, and for the first time, Alec had no idea when he would see it again.

"I know," Alec replied to Magnus's comment. They and Tessa were the only of the group not returning next fall. "For the longest time, I've looked forward to this moment, but now…"

"It's okay Alec, you can admit it. We know you'll miss us," Izzy smirked.

"How will you go on without seeing this beautiful face everyday?" Jace added.

Alec laughed, reaching over to ruffle his hair, much to his dismay (He would have done the same to Izzy, but she shot him a quick death glare and he decided it would be best not to).

"All jokes aside," Alec started, looking at everyone in the cabin. "I will miss you. All of you…"

The cabin filled will over exaggerated 'aw's'.

"…Even Fray over here, annoying as she can be," he teased.

"Oh shut up, Lightwood," Clary shot back, but her smile remained.

As did Alec's.

Everyone fell into conversations, chatter about summer plans and recent gossip filling the air, as Alec looked out at the passing scenery, Magnus's hand intertwined with his.

The last few weeks had passed in a blur of testing, celebrations, packing, and goodbyes. They had all said their farewells to the students from the two other schools, newly made friends exchanging addresses and promises to keep in touch. The Great Hall felt empty after they departed, despite the fact that, technically, it was back to normal occupation levels.

On the last day, Alec had strolled through the halls and across the grounds, trying to savor each last moment.

It's funny, really. He started the year practically counting down the days till he would finally leave. Now he felt sad to say goodbye.

"Hey, you okay?" Magnus whispered, giving Alec's hand a squeeze.

"Yeah," Alec said simply with a soft smile. "So, what are your plans? What do you plan to do now that we're done?"

"I think I'll travel. For the longest time all I've wanted was to see the world. Then… maybe settle in New York. Brooklyn's always held a certain appeal to me," he explained. "Oh, and I'm gonna get a cat."

"A cat?"

"Yeah. I've been thinking up some good cat names."

"Have you now?" Alec chuckled.

"What do you think of Chairman Meow?"

Alec couldn't believe his ears. "You can't be serious."

"Alexander!" Magnus gasped, putting his hand over his heart in mock offense. "Are you insulting my cat-naming abilities?"

"Oh, of course not," Alec insisted. "But that is an… interesting choice."

"I think it's fitting."

"You haven't even picked a cat yet. How can you know if the name is fitting for it?"

"I just do. I feel it."

Alec rolled his eyes, earning a playful shove from Magnus.

"Just admit it. You love it. You think it's genius," Magnus teased.

Alec looked at him, suddenly overwhelmed with emotions. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on Magnus's cheek. "I love you and everything about you. And that includes your stupid cat names."

Magnus gave him a soft smile before leaning in to place a caste kiss on Alec's lips. At least, Alec was sure that's what he intended it to be, but it quickly turned into something deeper and more passionate.

"Hey lovebirds, keep it PG for the kids in the room."

Alec was so lost in the feeling of Magnus's mouth on his that he almost didn't notice Jace's interjection. Be it as it was, he did. Pulling away, face flushed, he looked over at Jace, who currently had his hand firmly placed over Simon's eyes.

Magnus just laughed. "Okay, okay, we'll behave. You can give Sherwin his eyesight back."

Magnus turned his focus to Tessa, who sat across from them, reading one of her favorite books. "So, Tessa, what are your plans?"

She put her book down. "I want to learn more about wizards all over the world. We're actually planning to head to China first sometime soon."

"And who is this 'we' you're talking about?" Magnus quizzed, cocking one eyebrow. "You got someone special you've been keeping from us?"

"How do you know I'm not just going with family?" She threw back, but the slight pink in her cheeks gave her away.

"Oh, now I know there's someone!" exclaimed Magnus victoriously.

Tessa flushed deeper. "Maybe…" she responded with a fond smile. Upon noticing their questioning looks, she added, "You'll see him at the Platform."

Then, clearly wanting the matter to be closed, she opened her book again and resumed reading.

Alec turned back to Magnus, only to find he was already looking at him. "What?"

"And what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Where's the great Alexander Lightwood heading next?"

Alec sighed. He knew the question would come up at some point. Heck, it was the only thing every adult and most of his peers focused on.

But the thing was, he didn't really know exactly what he wanted to do. He had been so focused on just getting out of Hogwarts, he hadn't thought about what he'd do next.

"To be honest, I don't really know," Alec admitted. "I have good enough O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T.'s to keep my options open, I just haven't settled on anything." He looked out the window, thinking. "Maybe I'll teach. I'm good with kids and I'm used to helping Jace and Izzy with their homework."

"'Professor Lightwood,'" Magnus mused, a smirk teasing his lips. "I can see it."

"Oh shut up," Alec groaned. "I'm not sure I want to know where your mind is going with that one."

"I'll have you know my thoughts are only pure when they come to you," Magnus insisted.

Alec gave hime a look of disbelief, which only made Magnus laugh in amusement.

"Or think, maybe you'll work your way up to Headmaster," Magnus added.

"That seems unlikely."

"Hey," Magnus said, grabbing Alec's chin. "There is no one more qualified for the job. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your boyfriend. I mean it."

Alec smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips, butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He was surprised how after all this time Magnus still managed to make hime feel like this.

"Besides," Magnus began. "You should know that while you don't have your mind made up, you can always join me on my travels."

Alec started. "Are you serious?" His heart started racing.

"Of course. And you could join me in New York. We could get an apartment together," he suggested. Then, looking more shy and unsure, "That is, of course, if you want." He sounded as if he was worried Alec would say no.

Alec kissed his fears away. "I'd love that. After all, who's gonna help you take care of your future cat?"

"Our future cat," Magnus corrected. "Named Chairman Meow."

The rest of the train ride flew by and before they knew it, they were at Platform 9¾.

"Well, this is it," Alec said to their group once they were off the train.

Everyone turned to each other to say their final farewells.

"Look after Jace for me, Fray," Alec told Clary. "Make sure he doesn't get in any trouble."

"When have I ever?" Jace asked him, wrapping him up in a hug. "Stay in touch, promise me that. You're my best friend."

"You can count on me," Alec swore. As they and Simon walked away, Alec turned to Tessa. "I wish we spent more time together throughout the years."

"Hey, now we have all the time in the world to meet again," she replied with a smile, hugging him.

"So… where's that fellow you were telling us about?" Magnus teased.

"Oh he's here…" she hinted, before quickly changing the subject. "I'm gonna miss you two. I'll write you from my trips. You better do the same."

After a final hug with the couple, she ran off through the crowd to a smiling young man who who had black hair with a single white streak in his hair, surprising for his age. As they watched, he wrapped her in his arms, lifted her, and spun her around, both in the pair laughing in joy.

"Jem Carstairs," Magnus said in recognition.

"You know him?" Alec asked in surprise.

"Of course! Don't you remember? He was an exchange student in our 5th year. Quite a shock when he arrived—we don't usually get exchange students—and an even bigger shock when he left," Magnus explained.

"Huh…" Alec replied. It sounded familiar, but then again, he wasn't really paying attention to much of the rest of the students back then.

"That's probably when he became acquainted with our lovely Tessa," Magnus mused. "Well, they certainly do look cute together. But we're cuter."

"Oh shut up, you," Alec laughed. Alec looked up at him. "Were you serious about me joining you on your trips?"

"Of course. We'll take on the world, you and I. I'll send you an owl about our escape," Magnus smirked.


"Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Two lovers on the run."

"We're not on the run."

"Shhh, it makes it more adventurous," Magnus decided.

"Whatever you say," Alec said. He kissed him one last time. "I'll see you soon."

He didn't exactly say "goodbye," because it didn't feel like one. He knew they'd be together again before he knew it.

Alec turned and made his way over to where Izzy stood waiting for him. Together, they headed to the rest of their family, excited to see their little brother again, but Alec wasn't thinking of that. Instead, he remembered all the craziness of the past year, and all the joy it had brought him.

He certainly made his last year count.

The End.

And that's it! Finally reached the end! Thank you all for reading all the way through. Thank you for those who stuck with me and this story over the years and my hiatus.

Before you ask, no there will not a be a sequel, nor any other type of addition to the story.

Hope you guys enjoyed!