Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club, I do not have any rights to the fandom and I do not make any money from writing these stories.

Written For: The Fanficer's Monopoly Challenge, The Mega Anime/Manga Prompt Challenge, The If You Dare Challenge, The As Much As You Can Challenge.

Prompts: Table, "Put a smile on your face.", Sigma.

Horrible Exams

Haruhi let out a low groan as she allowed her head to rest on the table. Exhaustion clouded her mind as books lay open all around her. Fancy words floated about her overfilled mind as she tried to absorb all of the information she would need for her next exam.

"Why would you need to know what a Sigma is?" A familiar voice asked causing Haruhi to simply grunt in exhaustion at the sound of Hunni's innocent voice. "I remember having to learn about those horrible Sigma's last year but I do not know why. We have not used them since."

"Because the teachers can be evil at times!" Hikaru and Kaoru said suddenly as they appeared in front of Haruhi on the other side of the table.

"Put a smile on your face," Hikaru said as he patted Haruhi on the head like you would a pet dog. "I heard that our exams are coming to an end, we do not have many left to do."

"Really?" Haruhi asked as she lifted her head up off of the desk slightly. "Because while I do not mind studying and revising I am almost at breaking point. I have already sat fifteen different exams."

"Then Haru-chan is half way done!" Hunnie said happily as he laughed and swung his bunny around.

"H-Half way done?" Haruhi asked nervously as her eyes widened in shock. "But I thought..."

"We have a lot of exams and tests here to make sure that we are learning and doing everything that we should," Kaoru said as he gave Haruhi an understanding look. "After all this is one of the best schools and its exam results are just one way to show that. Plus after your first year you do not have to take anywhere as close as to this many exams. Right Hikaru?"

Hikaru nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, we first years only have to take this many as we have to pick certain topics for our next few years...think of this year as a taster of sorts where we have to do all of the basic courses and exams but then when they are done and out of the way with we can pick the courses we want. Hunni and Mori only have to deal with ten exams because of this and in our third year we will be the same."

"Really? Truly?" Haruhi asked hopefully as she began to look at her situation in a new light. "So after these exams are done and over with I will never have to see anything like this again?"

"Right!" Hunni said with a happy smile making Haruhi sigh in relief, though his next words made Haruhi freeze. "But that all depends on your exam results and how well you do and what comes of the talks between you and the teachers."

"Right!" Haruhi said determinedly as she sat up straighter with a fire in her eyes. "So all the hard work now will help me a lot in the years to come. I understand and I will not let these exams defeat me! I will pass these evil exams!"

As Haruhi began to study like mad Hunni turned to the twins with an unsure look on his face. Biting his lower lip nervously and holding his bunny close to him Hunni looked at the twins who simply looked back at him. A few silent seconds later Hunni spoke.

"Was it really alright to lie like that to Haru-chan?"

"I guess so but it was for the best," Kaoru said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Everyone needs some sort of hope at times...even if it turns out to be false hope."

"True but still..." Hunni said as he slowly turned to look at his friend with worried eyes. "Was this really the right thing to do? What if Haru-chan finds out that every year is like this?"

"Then we can make up some other hair-brain excuse," Hikaru replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "Besides, by the time exams roll around again next year Haruhi will most likely of forgotten all about this and what we said."

"And what if she does not?" Hunni asked as he turned away from the twins to look at his female friend. "I heard from Haru-chan's father that she can hold a grudge for a really long time. Haru-chan's father told me that she held a grudge against a boy for her whole primary school time, right from day one because the boy upset her."

"Really?" Hikaru asked as he shared a worried look with his twin. "You have to be joking Hunni, our Haruhi is too much of a pushover, a nice little bunny to hold a big mean grudge against us for something like a little white lie."

"Plus we were only trying to cheer Haruhi up a bit," Kaoru said as he tried to push down the fears that Hunni was slowly bringing to the surface. "Besides, you would be in trouble too, you told Haruhi that you only have like three exams this year!"

With those words Hikaru and Kaoru shot Hunni a victorious look only for it to fall as Hunni continued to look at them. His innocent and cute expression never fell from his face.

"But Mori and I do," Hunni said innocently causing the red head devils to gulp nervously. "Because Mori and I decided to do more subjects than the normal student we were allowed to space our tests out throughout the year to make things easier on us. The only subjects that I have left to take exams for now are Maths, Drama and Cookery. What about you two? Did you both decide to do something similar?"

Hunni watched with wide but playful eyes as the twins slowly turned to one another and gave each other a silent message. For Hunni it was still strange for him to see how the twins silently talked to one another, even after all of the time they had spent together. After a few minutes of silence from Hikaru and Kaoru they turned back to Hunni and gave him a serious look.

"If you need us we just phone us but our mobiles will be on silent," Hikaru said seriously before allowing his twin brother to finish off the sentence. "We will be going into hiding until it is safe to come out. We do have self preservation!"

End Of Drabble.