"Back Fang - Back." A few grunts and stomps later, the hut door opened to find a gigantic man, Hagrid, "Good to see yeh. Who's this?"

"This is Ron Weasley, and Ron, this is Hagrid." Harry introduced, glancing around carefully, he spotted Fang. "Fang, how are you doing?" The over-sized boar-hound growled softly.

"A Weasley, eh?" Hagrid glanced towards Ron before placing putting some 'Rock Cake' on a plate. "I 'ave spent years chasin' yeh twin brothers away from the forest, 'ave a rock cake." Hagrid held out the plate of shapeless lumps with bits of raisins in it.

"No thanks, maybe next time, I'm not hungry." Harry said quickly, moved to nudge Ron. Unfortunately, Ron didn't seem to take the hint and took a rock cake.

"'Ow's yeh first week of classes?" Hagridasked, drinking a big glup of tea.

"It was great." Harry replied, he faintly heard Ron cry of pain, having bit into the rock cake.

"It was okay, Snape was so unfair, he took a lot of points of Gryffindor." Ron piped, having abandoned the rock cake.

"Eh..." Hagrid looked towards Harry uncomfortably, it was after all his dad.

"I suppose, he did take points off." Harry quickly spoke, easing the uncomfortable situation, he didn't like to trick Ron or anything, but he had to keep this act up, no one except for the professors of his and dad's 'relationship'. It wasn't safe for Ron to know, wizards could torture or even enter their brain to discover these facts that no one could know. All of the professors had learnt occlumency or something.

"You suppose, Snape hates you." Ron seemed very angry.

"Rubbish!" said Hagrid. "He's a professor, he doesn't have favorites or hate anyone."

Ron stared at them astonished, "No way, Snape only likes Slytherins, and hates Gryffindors." Harry chuckled inwardly, it was surprising how his dad's acting could fool everyone.

"Did you hear about the Gringott's breakout?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, Gringott's supposed to be the safest place beside Hogwarts." Ron responded. Hagrid shuffled side to side, not meeting any of their eyes, something suspicious about it. Hagrid offered another rock cake to them, this time both Ron and Harry shook their heads.

Was there something Hagrid and dad was keeping away from him?

"Harry! Flying! Flying lessons start on Thursday!" Ron yelped excitedly, "Mate, have you ever been flying?" Had Harry been flying? No... The sport could easily hurt or kill himself.

"No, I'll love to kill myself, and be a fool in front of Malfoy." Harry muttered.

Trying to cheer Harry up, Ron replied, "Mate, you don't have to be that depressed, Malfoy can't be that good."

Harry only nodded, butterfly's flew around his stomach, feeling very uncomfortable about flying, and had a very bad feeling about the flying lessons.

At three thirty in the afternoon, Harry and the first year Gryffindors hurried outside to the Quidditch pitch, there were twenty brooms lying in 2 straight lines, the Slytherins were already there. Harry and his classmates moved to the other row of brooms, Harry tried to find a broom which seemed okay to use, he ended up being next to Neville Longbottom and Ron.

"Stick out your wand hand over your broom, and say UP, like this." Aunt Rolanda demonstrated, the broom rose into her hand.

Everyone yelled "UP!" However, only a select few managed to actually get the broom into their hands, some like Harry had immediately rose. And some like Ron's, hit their head because they were too excited, and some rolled on the ground and the rest didn't even move. Aunt Rolanda quickly helped the ones that couldn't manage, Harry and Ron were very happy that Malfoy was told that he had been doing it wrong all these years. When everyone finally managed to have a broom in their hands, half the lessons was gone.

"Now when I blow my whistle, you will kick off and hover from the ground. On my whistle, three, two -" Neville pushed off on two, and hovered higher and higher. "Get back here." Aunt Rolanda shouted, but poor Neville kept going straight up, and started to crash back down on the ground. "Broken wrist, we better get you to the infirmary. None of you are to move, not even a inch. You leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch'." Aunt Rolanda and Neville walked in the direction of the infirmary.

"Hey look at what the crybaby dropped." said Malfoy, snatching something out of the grass. "Oh... it's the rubbish Longbottom's Grandma sent him."

"Give that here, Malfoy." said Harry, even though he didn't know Neville very well, he knew what it was like for his thing's to be taken.

"I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom, how about the tree?" Malfoy smirked, grabbing a broom, Malfoy kicked off, Harry quickly followed.

"Harry - you'll get into trouble." Granger yelled after him. Harry ignored it, and raced after Malfoy.

"Give that here, or I'll knock you off your broom." Harry called.

"Sure, you got to catch it then." Malfoy threw the remembrall towards the ground, Harry went into a straight dive catching it quickly, he pulled up and safely landed on the grass.

"HARRY POTTER." Two voices yelled belonging to... Aunt Minerva and Dad.

AN: Sorry for the long wait, what was it months? But here it is. Read and Review!
