Hey! Here's the sequel to "Don't Tell Mom". It might help to read "Don't Tell Mom" first (if you haven't yet) as it might make things less confusing. Thanks, please review!

I do not own Iron Man, only Ferron.

Pepper sighed as she watched Ferron play with his toys onthe floor of the living area.

Tony had been working his tail off all yesterday, all last night and was still in the workshop today working on some new idea of his for one of the suits. She had heard many explosions and thuds last night while trying to sleep, not to mention the unmentionable cussing.

He'd only came upstairs to get a band-aid for his fingers or change his shirt because the last one was pitch black with smoke and oil.

She winced as she heard another thud and a loud curse. Ferron looked to her and she waved a hand at him, dismissing the interruption.

She heard the thumping of feet and Tony reappeared, his index finger in his mouth. Pepper gasped softly at the sight of him. His recently replaced tanktop had little black patches of oil spread on it and the tiniest specks of blood. His eyes were bloodshot and bags hung under his eyes. He looked half-asleep on his feet and Pepper wished he would rest for awhile.

Tony looked at them both, eyes flicking from Ferron to Pepper. "I'm making a sandwich." He announced, holding his index finger in the air. He then swung around towards the kitchen and walked into the other room.

An idea formed in Pepper's mind. It was a long shot, but she had to try. She was going to need a little help though.

"Ferron." she whispered. The dark haired boy glanced her way with hazel eyes. She gestured for him to come to her and he complied. "Okay Ferron," she began in a low voice. "Did you see how tired Daddy looks?" she asked softly.

Ferron nodded. "He had ugly eyes." He stated simply. Pepper nodded slightly. "Yes, he's very tired. But Mommy has a an idea to help Daddy get some sleep."

Ferron listened intently to Pepper's idea, nodding when she asked if he understood. When she was finished, she gave him a very stern look.

"Now remember," she warned. "Don't tell Dad."

Ferron looked at her eagerly. "Right." Pepper gave him a thumbs up and he set off to his task, waiting for Tony to reappear. This part of the plan would go perfectly.

There was some shuffling and clattering heard in the kitchen and Tony reappeared. He was now rubbing his arm, which had begin to turn red, strangely in the shape of a spoon. "I'm making a sandwich later." He announced.

Before he could make the trip back down the stairs, there was a tug on his shirt. He looked down to see his Ferron gazing at him with wide eyes.


Tony sighed and crouched down to Ferron's height. "Yes, child of mine?"

Ferron wrung his hands together, looking down at his feet. Pepper had to stifle a chuckle at Ferron's amazing acting.

"I wanted to know…if maybe…you would play hide'n'seek wid me?" Ferron asked innocently, looking back up at Tony with pleading eyes and a cute smile.

Pepper could tell Tony was having trouble deciding on what to do. He was looking at Ferron without speaking a word.

Ferron could tell his father was close to breaking. "I won't be a kid ferever, ya know. Soon I'll be all grown up and we can't play anymore." Ferron added.

That did it. Pepper watched as Tony sighed once more, looking at Ferron with amazement. "Alright. Okay. I'll play one game. But on one condition." Tony caved, holding up his index finger. He pointed at Pepper on the couch.

"I'll only play if Mommy plays."

Pepper stood up and stopped in front of Tony. "Mommy will play if Daddy changes his clothes." she replied. Tony nodded. "Square deal. Just a sec."

The man bounded off to his room, trying to not show how absolutely dog tired he was. He needed to finish the suit; sleep could wait.

He changed into sweatpants and a black t-shirt, then went back out to where his son and wife were waiting.

Ferron grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the bedroom again. Pepper followed them, eager to see if the next step would work.

Ferron pointed to the bed. "Sit there and count to one-hunred." He directed. Tony gave Ferron a look of defiance and Pepper held her breath. "What if I don't want to sit in here? And why am I counting first?" He whined.

Ferron pointed at him sternly. "All the good hidin spots are out there. And you're countin first cuz I said so." Ferron scolded.

Pepper couldn't help but giggle and even Tony cracked a grin. "Alright, alright, dad." Tony climbed into the bed and waved at them to leave. "I'm starting to count now. You best be hiding when I get to one hundred."

When Ferron hesitated, looking at his mother, Tony shouted, "One, two, skip a few…"

Without a second thought, Ferron darted out of the room and Pepper followed more slowly, casting one last glance back at Tony, who had laid down more comfortably on the covers. He pointed at her. "Next round Ferron's counting and you and I can hide together." He smirked.

Pepper merely rolled her eyes and disappeared through the doorway. Tony laid there in silence, staring at the ceiling. He counted silently in his head.

Twenty one, twenty two, thirty six, forty eight.

He suddenly noticed how extremely comfortable his bed was. The cover was soft and the pillows were inviting.

Fifty five, fifty nine, sixty four, seventy, seventy six, eighty three, ninety something.

His eyelids were slowing sinking down, his eyesight narrowing more and more with each number.

Ninety eight, ninety nine, one-

Tony was fast asleep.

After a few minutes of sitting in Ferron's bedroom, Pepper and her son creeped out and peered around the corner of the doorway to her and Tony's room.

Tony was sprawled out on the right side of the bed, his head lolling to one side. His mouth was open slightly and his eyes were closed. Soft snoring assured the duo that Iron Man was asleep.

Together, they left, quietly pulling the door closed. They went out and played in the living room for awhile. Ferron let out a huge yawn and Pepper pulled the child into her lap.

"Wanna go take a nap?" She suggested. He nodded slowly and she stood up and began to carry him to his room when he stopped her.

"No! I wanna sleep in there." He pleaded, pointing to the closed bedroom door. Pepper raised her eyebrows. "With daddy?" she asked.

Ferron nodded eagerly. Pepper shrugged and quietly opened the door. She then shut it behind them and walked over to the bed. Tony was laying on his back, his arms and legs sprawled out and was snoring softly.

Pepper laid Ferron down next to Tony and then crossed around to his other side. She crawled into the bed and sat. She watched Ferron tuck contentedly into Tony's side, under his arm.

Pepper yawned watching them both sleep. She laid down, her head resting on his arms and her body pressed close to his. Before she knew it, she was fast asleep.


Tony's arms felt like lead when he woke, up; he was unable to move them.

He glanced down to see Pepper and Ferron laying fast asleep on his arms. He stared in shock at first, not even remembering when he fell asleep. He shook his head. Then Tony leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Pepper's forehead. She opened her eyes slowly, a small grin playing across her lips.

"Feeling better?" she asked quietly. "I feel great. Not tired and worn out, that's for sure." Tony answered honestly.

Pepper gave him a stern look. "Are you gonna start sleeping when you're tired?" she asked.

Tony thought for a moment. "If I can wake up like this every time, then it's a done deal." he agreed. Pepper rolled her eyes, but didn't reply, as she closed her eyes once more.

Tony sighed, leaning back into the pillows, pulling his two favorite people closer. Yeah, he could definitely start resting more.
