Chapter one: Swords/Shades/Hollows

Hello! Let me know what you think of this story please and don't worry about any of my other stories, they will continue, this idea just popped into my head and I just felt the writers need to write it, so I hope you enjoy the first chapter of "the Real Zangetsu".

Disclaimer: I in no way own Bleach or any of it's respected trademarks, I am simply a fan who is creating harmless fanfiction to show my love of the show/manga, all respective aspects belong to Tite Kubo and any other respective affiliates.


"How are you doing down there Kurosaki-kun?" asked a calm, almost lazy voice that belonged to a fishing-hat wearing creepy shop-keeper as he peered down a huge hole within a vast open desert field.

Within the hole was said "Kurosaki-kun" and he wasn't exactly pleased, there was miniscule chain attached to his chest that was dissolving at quite an alarming rate.

Shit shit shit!

Ichigo attempted to once again break the bonds that were keeping his arms tied behind his back but he was once again disappointed to see that it was useless like always. Suddenly stabbing pain ran throughout his body at an alarming rate, he managed to point his eyes downwards towards his chain and his eyes widened in panic. The chain was on its last buckle and one more attack would men his hollowfication.

In other words; his doom was near.

Damn it! I need to get out of here NOW!

Ichigo was about to try running up the wall again when suddenly the hole disappeared and he was standing on-top of a skyscraper, He took a step back in shock as his eyes roamed the area, it looked like a city from where he was stood upon the roof.


Ah! There you are kingy! I've been waiting for you!

Ichigo turned around to see something that made his eyes widen. Standing in-front of him was himself but with some stark changes from the original.

The copy had bleach white hair as well as alabaster pale skin as well as white shinigami robes.

What the hell?

What's wrong? It looks like you've seen yourself…

That was terrible.

The copy's face adopted a huge grin.

Yea I know but I just had to say it!

Ichigo sighed as he looked at his copy, his mind working in overdrive.

So… who are you then?

Who am I? I'm hurt can't you tell who I am?

A bad lookalike?

A small frown appeared on the copy's face as Ichigo thought this.

So you really don't know who I am? That's a real shame. I mean, I've been here, waitng for years upon years for you to get here, and when you do you don't even know who I am…

Ichigo's eyes softened as his copies vice grew more sombre towards the end of what he said, for some reason he felt a pull on his soul for him to find out who this lookalike was, it was calling to him, the need to find out.

Here's an idea king, why don't you take a quick look around and try to figure out where we are in the first place.

Ichigo nodded towards his copy, ignoring the fact that it called him king which disturbed him slightly. Taking a deep breath Ichigo turns around and walks to the edge of the building to look around. What he saw made him lose his breath, below the building was a massive amount of water, so deep that Ichigo couldn't see far in it. Littered within the water were other skyscraper's that were all exactly similar in size and structure. He also looks towards the sky and was surprised to see nothing but white, nothing but a white sky with no clouds in sight. He cast his eyes back to the other skyscrapers and his eyes widened when he saw a figure in a black cloak on a flagpole across from him, but before Ichigo could say anything the figure disappeared as well as the pole.


All of these things made no sense what-so-ever so Ichigo pondered on what all this meant, well he was until he felt an intense pain within his chest.

Oh crap, the last part of the chain is eroding, quick you have to figure out who I am before we are all lost.

Ichigo although he was in intense pain managed to turn around and looked at his copy. His mind working as fast as it has ever gone.

Okay, so this place makes no sense, everything here is impossible to be real, there is a white lookalike of me. I was previously in a hole attempting to summon my Shinigami powers. That's IT!

Ichigo eyes widened as he rushed towards his copy.

Your my Shinigami powers' specifically my Zanpakuto.

The lookalike's face brightened at Ichigo's revelation.

You're right about that Kingy! Now, listen carefully 'cause I'm going to give you my name once and only once and before I do I need to say something to you.

What? Hurry up please, I kind of don't want to die here.

Don't trust the man in the black cloak, not until you figure yourself out.

What do you mean? What man? You mean the man I just saw before? Who is he?

He isn't important right now. Now Kingy! Never surrender for that's what cowards do, never hesitate for that will dull your blade, protect the ones you love FOR THAT REVEALS TRUE STRENGTH, TAKE MY BLADE AND SAY MY NAME!


A massive surge of Reiatsu sprouted from the hole Ichigo was located within, the pillar of white Reiatsu struck the ceiling of the seemingly endless chasm Ichigo was training in.

The man known as Urahara watched on in anticipation, if Ichigo had turned into a hollow then he had to deal with it, no matter how guilt he would have felt.

However it seemed that the worry that Urahara had was unneeded as something flew out of the pillar of Reiatsu and crashed into the ground creating a massive amount of smoke, enough that Urahara had to cover his eyes.

It took a few minutes for the smoke to clear and when it did Urahara was dumbstruck.

In the middle of where the smoke was stood Ichigo Kurosaki wearing a Shinigami Shihakusho with a strange red band coming over his shoulder and around his waist. But that wasn't what made Urahara's blood go cold, it was the white mask with a strange black pattern that worried him, it resembled a hollow mask just a bit too much for his tastes.

"Urahara-san, why do you look so surprised?"

Urahara was broken from his musing as the voice of Ichigo Kurosaki came through the mask, muffled because of it.

Ichigo reached up and took the mask off, he stares at the design for a few seconds before the mask dissipates into thin air.

Urahara let out a relieved sigh when the mask disappeared and was about to check if Ichigo was okay before Ichigo held his hand up in a "stop" motion to which Urahara stopped in confusion.

"Give me some time Urahara-san something is wrong with Zangetsu, I'm going to check what is up, I'll be back in a few" and before the hat-wearing shop-keeper could say anything Ichigo sat down and began to meditate, his hands placed firmly on his knees.

"Kurosaki-kun, what are you doing?"

"Please be quiet, I can't enter my inner-world if I am being disturbed".

Urahara's eyes widened slightly in shock, "you can already enter your inner-world… how?"

Ichigo opened one eye in annoyance, "easy, Zangetsu told me all about it during the time it took the smoke to clear, now shut-up! I need to check on him" and with that Ichigo once again closed his eye and entered his inner-world.


Once Ichigo entered his inner-world he was startled to see Zangetsu fighting what seemed to be a humanoid/lizard like creature. The creature stood on two legs but had a huge tail, the monster looked weedy though, and no muscles on its body. But what got Ichigo's attention the most was the black hole within the monsters chest.

A hollow in here? How?

That's an easy one kingy! Just as you spoke my name your chain-link dissolved and you turned into a hollow. Zangetsu ducked below a vicious looking slash from the hollow and responded with a quick snap-kick into the hollows face/mask. Ichigo noticed how the hollow was attacking sloppily, attacks that if they connected would cause massive damage but were easily able to be dodged.

But why am I not a hollow, and why is that thing here?

Zangetsu jumped back a few meters and hefted up his huge white and black clever-like blade in a defensive position.

The only answer I got King is that because of the fact you summoned me at the same moment you turned, they both countered each other and subsequently, you became both a Shinigami and a hollow.

Ichigo didn't know how to handle that piece of information, he was part hollow? He was part of the things that he had hunted for the short time he was with Rukia? Ichigo clenched his fists in anger.

An explosion breaks him from his thoughts and Zangetsu is thrown back towards him.

Ichigo runs towards his Zanpakuto spirit and kneels down next to him, checking for any damage. Zangetsu frowns at him.

Why ain't you fighting king? Have you already given up?

No you idiot, I'm just thinking what we can do to save ourselves from the hollow.

Well, I might have an idea, but you ain't gonna' like it one bit!

Ichigo takes a quick moment to look at the hollow and was slightly relieved to see it writhing in about in anger, it didn't seem to acknowledge them at all, maybe it was too stupid to realise what was a threat. Ichigo turns back to his Zanpakuto.

What have you got in mind?

Well, I imagine if we manage to beat it, I will be able to absorb it, thus destroying it and giving us an extra amount of power at our disposal.

Ichigo couldn't believe what he was hearing, his own Zanpakuto was saying that absorbing a hollow was good idea.

Are you mad? Do you have any idea what will happen if you do that?

Course I don't you moron! But what other chance do we have? If we leave it alone it will continue to damage your inner-world and maybe even try to take over your soul! The only way we can make sure it's gone is if we absorb it.

Ichigo hated it, he hate the idea with a passion but he wasn't stupid, he knew that this was the only option that they had otherwise he'd probably end up becoming a hollow and killing anyone he could find, and he be dammed before he hurt innocent people.

Fine, we'll go with your plan, but don't do anything stupid when you absorb him, okay?

His spirit grinned amusedly.

Aww! You care king! I'm so touched.

Shut-up you moron, and get up, we have a hollow to kill.

Ichigo stands and gives his spirit some help by holding out his hand and helping his partner up.

They both stood side-by side, the original Kurosaki and the pale lookalike spirit of his sword.

Ichigo reached over his shoulder and pulls out the broken blade that Rukia gave him.

Silence is all that is heard, even the hollow had stopped writhing to seemingly gawk at Ichigo's pathetic blade.

You dumbass! Are you still hulking around that heap of junk? Get rid of it and summon me already!

Ichigo who had the decency to look embarrassed throws away the broken blade like the garbage it was and once again reached over his shoulder and starts to gather a massive amount of Reiatsu within his hand.

I summon you; ZANGETSU!

Ichigo throws his hand forward from his shoulder and reveals his Zanpakuto, it was exactly the same as his spirits blade except his was black and white, unlike his partners.

"Hey hollow!" Ichigo shouts and the hollow responds by staring at the pair.

Zangetsu places his blade on his shoulder and smirks.

"Ya see Mr. Hollow, you seemed to have messed up big-time! Because me and Kingy over here aren't too happy about your presence".The hollow responds by letting a piercing scream tear out of its mouth, the scream so powerful that it left visible reverberations in the air. However both Ichigo and Zangetsu weren't impressed.

"Yes, that's whole fully intimidating but if you would please…" by now the pair had pointed their blades towards the enemy in-front of them, Ichigo glowing blue slightly while Zangetsu began to glow red.

"Just let us kill ya!" and as they both said that they charged towards their opponent.

The hollow roared in defiance as it charged the pair.

All three met in a clash and the duo were surprised when the hollow held back both of their blades with a single hand each. It appeared even though the hollow looked weak, it was in fact rather strong for its looks.

How tough is this things skin?

Doesn't matter Kingy, just keep pushing Reiatsu into your blade, you'll like what'll happen!

Ichigo did as he was advised and noticed that his partner was doing the same, to say he was surprised when he felt the power rush into his blade would be an understatement.

However that nothing compared to when a bright blue surge of Reiatsu flew from his blade and into the hollows hand causing an explosion, and his partner did the same to his hand except his surge of Reiatsu was a dark red.

The pair jumped back a bit to get their bearings upon their opponents and for Ichigo to catch his thoughts.

What the hell was that?

Heh! That was my signature move, if you thought that was powerful, just you wait until you find out its name, oh boy! Will that give ya a treat!

Well then… what's its name?

Oh no no Kingy, you're not getting that out of me so easily, you have to prove yourself to me before I reveal that name to ya!

Fair enough I guess.


The hollow was standing up now, both of its arms missing at the shoulder. It looked like the rest was going to be an easy victory for the pair when suddenly the hollow's shoulders started to spurge and bulge until two new arms sprouted from its open wounds. Ichigo gaped at this development whilst his partner smirked.

Che, that's what I call hacks!

I agree.

The pair once again ready their huge clever-like swords and charge the hollow.

This time the hollow lifted one of its hands and pointed out its forefinger, a red dot suddenly started to grow on the edge of its finger, a red dot that Ichigo had seen before.

Oh crap, that's a cero!

I do know that King, I am your Zanpakuto, I do have your memories.

Shut-up and get ready to dodge.

I hear ya loud and clear Kingy!

The pair jumped in opposite directions so the hollow couldn't hit both of them, but the hollow didn't seem to care as it didn't aim at either of them, instead the hollow pointed its finger beneath it, blowing a huge hole in the building and allowing the creature to fall.

It's trying to get away, we have to catch it!

No… wait, do not chase it!

Both Ichigo and Zangetsu turn to see a middle-aged man with shades in a black cloak stand behind them.

Before anything could be said Zangetsu had already swung his blade at the man's neck. However the man simply ducked the blade and grabbed the blunt side of the clever and pushed it away, causing Zangetsu to fall back.

Listen you fools! I am not your enemy!

Bullshit, you tried to stop me contacting Ichigo, hence making him a hollow, hell we wouldn't even have this hollow problem if you hadn't delayed me you ass!

Ichigo frowned as he stared at the man in black.

Is this true?

The man nodded sadly.


I didn't want you to get into danger… to become a Shinigami.

What do you mean? I think me becoming a hollow would be more than a bit more dangerous than becoming a Shinigami.

No, you don't understand, because you have become a Shinigami, you have been dragged into a battle you can't hope to win…

What are you talking about?

It is… nothing to talk about right now, maybe later on I will explain in depth, just know that you need to get strong… quickly!

Well that's what I am already doing, but why did you stop us from chasing the hollow?

That is simple… you can use the hollow as a great source of power.

That's what we were trying to do you moron!

No you fool, you were trying to absorb an "Adjuchas" class hollow and a incredibly weak one at that, if you were to fully absorb that, the power increase would be miniscule compared to the power you could gain from it.

What do you mean?

I mean, if you were to let it become stronger in your soul and then defeat it, the amount of power you would gain would be huge.

Well that's just great! Let the mindless hollow get stronger so that when it comes back, we can't kill it! It's genius, why didn't I think of it? Oh I know why! Because it's stupid as all hell!

Do not think me a fool Zanpakuto! I said "fully" absorb not simply absorb.

What difference does that make?

The man in black motioned towards the hollows severed arms that lay nearby.

Those arms hold the hollows powers, if you were to absorb them, you would gain a lot of power, power that could keep you safe.

How do you know that would work?

I don't, but if it does then think off how you could abuse this source of power.

Che, I hate to admit it but shades has the right idea Kingy, if I were to absorb the arms, our power would grow by a big amount.

Ichigo sighed as he looked from the arms to his partner.

Very well then, we might as well give it a shot.

Zangetsu nodded and headed towards the severed arms.

Ichigo turned back towards the man in black and was shocked to see he had disappeared again.

Kingy c'mon, I'm getting anxious.

Alright, I'm coming Zangetsu.

Zangetsu picked up the arms and without warning they dissipated into Reiatsu and were absorbed into his spirit.

The result was immediate, Zangetsu Reiatsu grew, it increased by at least a quarter of what it was before hand and a white substance started to grow on the left side of his face. Ichigo was worried, it looked like half of a hollow mask was appearing on his Zanpakuto's face. However it was only half of his face, the mask stopped when it covered his left eye, turning the pupil yellow and the lens pitch black.

Whoa! This is awesome, I feel great!

Zangetsu, are you alright, do you feel like yourself?

Why are you asking me, why not give it a shot yourself?

What? How do you suppose I do that?

Like this…

Zangetsu removed the mask from his face, his eye returning to its previous colour and then he raised his hand in-front of his face and slashed it downwards, a red Reiatsu followed the motion and covered half of his face, the Reiatsu lingered for a second before the mask was back and the power-boost with it.

So the power-boost is attached to the mask itself.

Yea and I feel no different, so give it a shot!

If you insist…

Ichigo took a deep breath and raised his hand in-front of his face, he then copies his partner's movement and slashes his hand downwards but instead of red Reiatsu it was blue and instead of it covering his left side, it covered his right side.

The half-mask formed but this one had a red stripe pattern leading down it.

Zangetsu whistled.

So… how do you feel?

Ichigo looks down to his hands and clench them before returning his view to his partner.

I feel great, I am at least a quarter amount stronger than I was before. If we keep this absorbing hollow thing up, we'll be strong in no time!

Yea, I know Kingy, this is awesome, and we'll save Rukia in no time at this rate.

Yea… I hope.

Hey King, don't hope when we already know it's true, because I'm with ya all the way.

Ichigo smiles at his Zanpakuto and allows his half-mask to fade away.

Well then, I feel sorry for any Shinigami that get in our way, but for now I need to get back to training with Urahara.

Yea that sounds like a plan and Kingy, don't tell the hat-wearing-freak about the hollow, no tellin' what he'd do about it if we told him.

Ichigo nods before he fades away from his inner-world.


Ichigo opened his eyes to see a large man looming over him.

"AHHHH" Ichigo screams as he jumps away in freight.

"Mr. Urahara! Mr. Kurosaki has awoken".

"Damn it Tessai-san, why do you keep doing that?"

"It makes sure you are alert of your surroundings, so far I am disappointed".

"Shut up you ass!"

"Ah! Kurosaki-kun! You seem to be back with us, how was your trip?"

Ichigo looked to his side to see the sly shop-keeper come from around a hill in the field.

"It was fine, Zangetsu wanted to talk to me for a bit, how long was I out for?"

"Only for about five minutes, time passes quicker in Shinigami's inner-worlds".

Ichigo nods in acceptance before he stands up and brushes off any dirt that gathered on his Shihakusho.

"Okay then, let's begin training Urahara-san".

"Oh, what makes you think I can do anymore for you Kurosaki-kun?"

"Don't treat me like an idiot, I know you have an incredible amount of Reiatsu, I can tell by how your cane is vibrating in anticipation".

Urahara's eyes narrowed slightly, so slightly in-fact that you'd only notice if you were right in-front of his face.

"Maybe your right Kurosaki-kun, maybe you're not, however I won't help you at all if you can't prove you have what it takes to fight".

"And how would I prove that?"

Urahara grinned slightly.

"Simple, cut my hat… If you manage that I'll deem you worthy of my teaching".


"You might not be saying that later Kuros-" whatever Urhara was going to say next was cut-off as Ichigo reached over his shoulder and swung Zangetsu towards Urahara, Ichigo pumped a large amount of Reiatsu into his blade and grinned slightly when a massive surge of bright blue Reiatsu flew to Urahara.

When the attack connected to Urahara a massive explosion was the result.

When the smoke cleared, Urahara was seen standing behind a blood red glass-like shield completely fine.

"Whoo! If I hadn't erected my shield in time, I would have been in big trouble, well Kurosaki-kun that was an impressive display but you haven't cut my hat so".

Suddenly Urahara sensed a presence behind him and was shocked to see Ichigo standing there with his Urahara's hat on his head and a massive smirk on his face.

"Why! Urahara-san it seems that you were too busy mocking me to notice that that attack was simply a distraction for me to get the hat, it's a comfy hat by the way, I might keep it now".

Urahara lowered his head and let out a small chuckle.

"By all means keep it Ichigo-san, you deserve it after tricking me like that, but a deals a deal and I will now train you".

Urahara raised his sword that he had revealed from his cane before and gave Ichigo a chilling stare.

"However, I do hope you have improved more than that, otherwise you aren't going to survive these next ten days of training". And with that Urahara disappeared and reappeared in-front of Ichigo his blade swinging downwards, Ichigo responded by bringing Zangetsu up and blocking with the sharp end and helping his defence by placing his arm on the flat-end to balance out the blade. Ichigo wore a smirk as the clash of blades caused a spark to appear.

"Oh don't you worry Urahara-san, I'm more than ready for anything you've got to throw at me!" he stated confidently and Urahara couldn't help but chuckle again at this. He then jumped back from the clash and held up his hand, and a blue fireball shot out from his hand, Ichigo ran forward towards his teacher and spun to the side whilst keeping his momentum and using it to increase his speed from the spin and pushing his feet off from the ground Ichigo leapt into the air and brought his blade down onto Urahara's blade.

"My, my Ichigo, you have improved, this calls for drastic measures!"

"Huh, what are you on about?"

"Sing Benehime".

Only one thought ran through Ichigo's mind at this and his Zanpakuto thought this too.

Oh shit!

Oh shit!

LINE BREAK 10 days later.

"So Kisuke, how far has Ichigo-chan improved?" asked a black cat with golden eyes at it hopped onto Urahara's hatless head.

"Well, Yoruichi-chan, I am frankly gobsmacked at how far he has improved in the last ten days", Yoruichi's cat ears twitched in surprise, it had never heard Urahara be that shocked before.

"How so? Just how strong is Ichigo-chan?"

Urahara rubbed his eyes as he scratched the cat on his head behind its ears, smiling when the expected purring was heard.

"Let's put it this way; Ichigo broke all of my expectations on day two, he then continued to break every one of my other expectations each day continuing, that kid absorbs strength like a Reiatsu sponge".

"Hmm, yes but just how strong is he?"

"That's what scares me, by the end of the fifth day, Ichigo was as strong as most Fukutaicho's, by the end of the eighth day Ichgio was stronger than all of the Fukutaicho's, it's like he is learning everything four times over and thus gaining four times as much power than before".

Yoruichi's cat equivalent of an eyebrow rose at this information.

"How is this possible? How can someone gain so much power is such a short amount of time?"

"I have no idea Yoruichi-chan, all I can tell you is that saving Rukia becomes a better chance each day".

Yoruichi nods her head, it being the only thing it could do due to her shock.

Silence is all there is for a few seconds before Yoruichi asks the question that had been plaguing its mind.

"So, how strong is he after today's training, the tenth day?"

Urahara didn't answer for a few seconds as he presumably thinks of a way to phrase his next statement.

"Let's just say that if the Seireitei believes anything less than a Taicho can beat Ichigo, they're going to be in for a big surprise let me tell you", Yoruichi's head snapped downwards so fast you'd think it'd cracked.

"Are you telling me Ichigo is on par with the weakest of the captains?"

"No I am not telling you that…"

"Oh! Well then why did you…

"I am telling you that Ichigo is on par with ALL of the captains except for a few at most".

A thump was heard as Urahara looked towards the floor and saw Yoruichi had fainted from the news.

Huh, I guess I would be the same if I was Yoruichi… Ichigo, you're growth is on a whole other level… what is your secret.


So what are you telling me Zangetsu? Asked Ichigo as he stood in-front of his Zanpakuto's spirit in his inner-world.

What I am telling ya Kingy is that your power is growing fast, almost too fast, in ten days you have at least quintupled your Reiatsu level.


So? That level of growth is freakish! Something has to be wrong with ya!

Hey! Maybe something's wrong with you asshole!

Pshh nah! I'm too good-looking to have something wrong with me!




You do realise that you're an exact copy of me?

Exactly, but I got all of the good colours!

But your just pure white dumbass!

Hey! Don't go hating on white you ass!

Ugh! We're getting nowhere like this.

Perhaps I can be of assistance…

Ichigo and Zangetsu turned to see the man in black from before standing on a pole looking down on them.

Hey, he pulled that stick out of his ass! Whoa, it's bigger than I expected! Congrats Shades!

You're an idiot… sword…

Zangetsu growled as he took a step forward.

Call me sword again, dare you, I double dare you!

Very well… swo

Alright that's ENOUGH! What did you mean, "You could be of assistance?"

It's exactly what I meant, I know why your power is growing at a ridiculous rate… it's quite simple really.

Well then genius, tell this magical reason why Ichigo's gaining power at a stupid rate.

It's because of you… pale one…

What? I don't get it.

Of course you don't you fool! The reason as to why Ichigo is growing at an alarming rate is because you yourself are!


I mean that everything that Ichigo learns, you yourself learn it, henceforth doubling Ichigo's growth rate since what power you gain, Ichigo himself gains it.

But that makes no sense, why would what Zangetsu learns affect my growth? Urahara told me that a Zanpakuto spirit's Reiatsu stays the same in each form of it is in.

Yes that is very much the case for other Shinigami but then again, you are no other Shinigami; Kurosaki Ichigo.

Che, yes that info is all nice and all but what does that mean in terms of my growth affecting Ichigo's growth, why does it happen in the first place?

Yes, that remains a mystery to me still… The only possible answer that I may have is that it's the hollows fault…

That piece of information struck Ichigo stone still. Not because he was surprised the hollow had other effects on his power but that he had forgotten all about the hollow.

That reminds me, where is that freakin' thing? Our hollow powers haven't increased at all since that day, we can only form half a mask and it only lasts for five minutes in the first place.

That's actually why I came to you two… you see the hollow is also benefitting from this strange growth occurrence.

Please don't tell me what I think that means.

I'm afraid you're right, if you had only doubled your power from Zangetsu the your power would not be as strong as it was now no, the hollow itself is also growing as strong as both of you, but that isn't the only shocking news that I have.

What could be more shocking than the fact that the bastard of a hollow is as strong as us?

As you yourself said before, Ichigo's strength has quintupled since you absorbed the part of the hollow. Now three of those are you, Ichigo himself and the hollow, who do you believe is the fourth?







Yes me Ichigo, I myself have gained the same amount of strength you have, it seems that Zangetsu's absorbing of the hollow has somehow managed to make it that our growth is connected, because of this anything that any four of us learn, the other three gain the strength from learning it as well.


Huh… that seems incredibly over-powered.


Are you really complaining Ichigo? With this unique ability you could become one of the strongest Shinigami to have ever lived!


Will you stop that!

There is no way that Mr. Flagpole up his ass is as strong as me!

Ignoring the swords insanity, I am here to tell you something else as well.

Please no… I don't think I can take much more.

When the time is right, I will assist you both in a very important battle.

Oh err… thanks?

The man in black nodded before once again disappearing.

Ichigo looked back towards his partner and had to face palm at his copy's expression, Zangetsu looked like his mind had broken.

There's no way…

Yea… I'm just kinda gonna' go now… erm, bye? And Ichigo left.

There's no way…

LINE BREAK three days later

Ichigo yawned as he stood in-front of the portal that would take him, Orihime, Chad, Ishida and a cat to the Seireitei.

A cat.

Uh huh!

A talking cat.


A talking cat with a deeper voice than your dad.


We are so fucked!

No doubt about that!

"Ichigo! You still with us?"

Ichigo shook his head and looked towards Urahara who had said his name.

"Er yea, I'm still here, but shouldn't you separate my Shinigami body from my human body now?"


Ichigo took a step back as he stepped out from his own falling body.

That will always creep me out.

After taking care of his body Ichigo returned to the group and Urahara opened the portal.

The rest of the group had already walked in, Ichigo took a deep breath before he took his first step into enemy territory.

You ready Zangetsu?

I was born ready… Kingy!

Ichigo walked through the portal into god only know what.

Outside the portal stood Urahara who held his fan in-front of his face.

Kurosaki Ichigo… just what are you?


I have no idea what came over me, I just felt the need to begin this story and let me tell you, I already love it to bits and once again I have broken my personal word count record for a single chapter, it's gone up at least 700-800 words here.

I really hoped you enjoyed, so far I haven't come across any stories that touch upon the true identity of Zangetsu in any form and it annoys me, surely there has been enough chapters in the manga that people have finally see the chapter where all is revealed. Whatever, please tell me what you think of everyone's character and of the unique way I have done Ichigo's hollow problem.

This is Skeleturd… Signing off for chapter one!