Uprising Phoenix

Summary: We all know that old saying: 'From the ashes of Phoenix, we shall rise.' What if a fire caused Crash and Cortex to come together as friends again? Obliviously an alternate universe, set during Crash of the Titans (after Nina was defeated) and a new villain arises. Everyone has their old designs except for Nina (since hers was the only one I really liked). I own nothing except Crash can talk in this and I own any original characters used. Enjoy everyone.

Cortex's POV

Well, today was my worst day ever. Not only did Uka-Uka fire me but he had Nina take my place! Never in my life had I been so embarrassed. Not only was Nina better than me at everything but she was about to kill my friend...er...enemy - Crash Bandicoot. Nina was riding a mutant spider. Crash wasn't riding a mutant but he managed to defeat my niece. Coco - (Crash's little sister and a genius) who was brainwashed to do Nina's bidding and finish the Doominator - was freed as she jumped down and hugged Crash.

She gushed, "You did it, Crash! Thanks, big brother!"

Nina struggled to her feet as I stood next to Crash and Coco, sniffing something in the air.

I asked, "Hey, does anyone smell that?"

Nina questioned, hissing a bit, "Smell what?"

Crash also sniffed the air as he answered, "I smell smoke."

Before any of us could react, a red flash light started as the alarm system went off.

"Warning! Warning! Fire in cockpit! If not attended to, this robot will self-destruct in 5 minutes."

I grabbed onto the railing as the robot shook. This was bad. Really bad.

Coco stated, "We have to get out of here!"

Nina hissed, "Oh no. I'm not going anywhere until you Bandicoots are long and gone!"

Crash started to say, "Nina, we don't have..."

"What's the matter, Crash," I asked, turning on my evil act. I had to if I was going to get Nina to leave. "Afraid to face me alone?"

Nina perked up as she stated, "What?! But this isn't your assignment! This is mine! You were fired!"

'She has to be stubborn at a time like this,' I thought, rolling my eyes.

I replied, "Sorry but you failed and now it is my turn to step up."

Crash told Coco, "Grab Nina and get out of here."

Coco asked, "What about you?"

Crash answered, "I will catch up with you. Now go!"

Coco nodded and with that she ran out with my niece. As soon as I knew that they were out of earshot, I looked at Crash. He wasn't in a fighting stance but rather, a confused one.

I said, simply, "Yes?"

He asked, "What was that all about?"

I answered, "I wanted to talk to you. I know this isn't the best time...nor the place."

He stated, "You've picked better places, that is true." I smiled a bit. There was the Crash Bandicoot I knew so well. He asked, "So, what's up?"

I answered, "Crash...I don't want to be the villain anymore. Being fired by Uka-Uka today was a blessing. I am going to return to my old roots of just being me. Neo Periwinkle Cortex."

He smiled now as he stated, "About time."

Suddenly, the warning system went off again.

"Warning! Warning! Fire in the cockpit! Three minutes until self-destruction!"

Crash told me, "We better move."

I nodded and replied, "Right."

With that, the two of us started to run as things started to fall.

"One minute until self-destruction!"

Crash and I got to a small hole - only big enough for Crash to go through. I paled. Did this mean that I was going to...?

He stated, "I could dig so you can make it too."

"50 seconds until self-destruction!"

I replied, "There's not much time. Please you should go."

Crash protested, "No! Not without you!"

"40 seconds until self-destruction!"

I yelped, "Crash, please!"

Crash protested, "No!"

"30 seconds until self-destruction!"

I got out a poke ball as I threw it, making my most trusted partner, Salamence appear. Salamence roared strongly as I saw the instantaneous fear in Crash's eyes. He knew I was going to do it. I had to. I had to make him go. 'Just forgive me for this, old friend,' I thought.

I ordered Salamence, "Dragon Pulse!"

Salamence formed the blue sphere in its mouth as I heard the 20 second warning. Time seemed to just stop for me. Even though I knew that Dragon Pulse was going create a big enough hole for me to escape - I didn't want to. I couldn't go back to being good after all of this time. No one would forgive me for the things I did. I couldn't blame them. I knew this was the cowards way out but I deserved it after what happened with the Evil Twins. 'May God have mercy on my soul,' I thought.

"Cortex don't do it," Crash yelled, breaking me out of my trace.

I saw my best friend running towards me, with 10 seconds left.

"Let it go, Salamence," I shouted.

Salamence let go of the Dragon type move, blasting Crash into the wall and destroying that wall.


I saw Crash had landed on the grass outside, making a quick recovery from the Dragon Pulse.


He started to run towards the Doominator, where Salamence and I were awaiting our doom. The irony.


I heard Coco yelling for her brother to stop, knowing that there was nothing that she could do to save me.


'Farewell, Nina,' I thought, looking at my niece, 'May Nacey find you someday...'


The explosion was deafening. I screamed in pain as did my trusted and valued partner, Salamence. 'Farewell to you all,' I thought, as my world went dark.

AK1028: Been a long time since I did a Crash Bandicoot fanfiction. So I decided to return with story after hearing the song 'Uprising'. Please read and review. And always think outside of the box.