A/N: Hello! Starkid has taken over my life, but I love this fic so much I can't help but continue it.

As they reached the school, the two were the first off the train. Draco looked vividly around for Potter with his little sister. Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder. "She'll be fine. Come on."

He followed her to leading the first years on the boats and the second years to the carriages. They took the last carriage, and as they arrived, Draco watched his little sister take a seat next to Longbottom.

"I'll be seeing you in the common room?" She asked leaning her head towards the Gryffindor table.

"Oh please let me walk you over." Draco said following her to the table.

Weasley was the first to stand up as they reached the table, and Hermione motioned for him to sit down. Draco turned to Tori who was having an interesting conversation with Longbottom.

"So how was the train ride?" Draco asked his little sister.

"Excpetional. Neville's hilarious, and Ron's eating is hilarious." She giggled as the Weasley blushed.

"Well, I'm glad everyone's getting along. Weasley, Potter, I would care to speak to you after the feast." Draco said in a strict manner.

"Alright, Malfoy." Harry said not moving his glance from his plate.

"See you later, Draco." Hermione smiled.

"Later, Hermione." Draco motioned his hand and then walked promptly over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Blaise.

Hermione turned to sit down next to Tori when she noticed Ginny giving her a dirty look. "What?"

"Since when do you call Malfoy, Draco?" Ginny asked.

"Since he aplogized, and besides it'd be rude to call him Malfoy, since Tori is a Malfoy as well." Hermione stated.

Hermione turned to the said girl and smiled at her, in which she was returned with a smile. The girl looked barely anything like Draco, she had long caramel colored hair, and green eyes, like Harry's.

"So Hermione, what do you say we play a game of chess when we get back to the common room?" Ron asked.

"Can't. I'm sharing a common room with Draco remember?" Hermione said.

"I'm so sorry." Tori placed a hand on her shoulder jokingly.

"So, Tori you know how to play wizard chess?" Harry asked her.

"Yes, Draco taught me when we were little." Tori said.

Blaise looked to his friend. His eyes were red, and he was going slightly pale. He placed his hand on his back. He had seen his dear friend like this many times.

"Drake, you okay?" Blaise asked.

"I'm fine." He said shaking it off.

McGonagall came in with the first years and they listened as the names were called off and they were told to enjoy their feast. Draco ate a lot more than he had all of the other years. He watched his sister eat a lot too. Though she always had a large appetite.

"Hey, you eat almost as much as I do." Weasley laughed.

Draco watched as his sister reached across the table and playfully slapped Weasley's arm. As the feast rolled to the end he couldn't be bothered to talk to any of his friends. After he noticed Potter and Weasley had finished, he stood up and went outside of the Great Hall moments later, the two appeared.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Weasley snarled.

"I want to call a truce." He said simply.

"A truce? You can't be serious." Potter said rolling his eyes.

"But I am, Potter. You see, I really am truly sorry for everything in our past. And since Granger and I will be sharing a common room, and you'll be showing Tori around, it would benefit both sides." Draco said, holding out his hand.

"Okay, Malfoy." Potter said, taking his hand and shaking it.

"Harry?" Weasley shouted at his best friend.

"He seems genuine. And he's got a point you know." Potter shrugged.

"Fine. But I'm not shaking your hand." Weasley snarled.

"Very well then." Draco said making his way back to the Great Hall.

"Slytherin first years follow me!" Draco clapped his hands and a bunch of stuck up eleven year olds followed him like fleas.

After returning them to the new Slytherin common room which had its own tower, explaining their dormitories, and giving them the password, Draco went back down to wait for Hermione.

After she returned she gave him a small smile and then the two waited for McGonagall to show them to the new common room. McGonagall took them up to a new tower, much like the Slytherins' common room, and when they reached it,Professor Snape was their portrait.

"Ah hello Mrs Granger."

"Professor." She smiled.

"And Mr Malfoy." Snape addressed him formally.

"Professor Snape." He smiled a genuine smile.

"Your password. Always." McGonagall stated as they saw a tear form in Snape's eye.

They stepped in and the first thing she noticed was the stain wood floor. Then the walls were beautiful. They were like in a cathedral. So beautifully painted brown. And there were three doors, two were at the top of small three step stairways.

After McGonagall had bid them goodbye and left, Draco went to the right staircase, and Hermione took the left. Neither mentioned the fact they had to share a bathroom.

Hermione looked as her room was filled with beautiful shades of red and gold. Draco's was amazing colors of silver and green.

He removed his shoes, and his socks and pulled off his pants. He opened look to the corner of his room, he saw his Nimbus 2001 and next to that was a rusty old guitar his mother had bought him for his eighth birthday.
He figured he'd maybe play it tomorrow after class. He fell back on the bed and closed his eyes, waiting for the darkness of sleep to overtake him.

So? What'd you think of the truce?