So I'm back with my latest story, "Always and Forever His". This will kind of be an alternate universe story but I don't know to what degree. Before you read, I recommend that you read my other stories; (especially Lion King with a Twist) because that way, you will know more about the characters, but this story is not a sequel to it or anything. Reading my other stories will just give you a better understanding and feeling about the other characters. Also, for those of you who have read my other story, "Peace At Last", I kind of want to bring the characters from that into this story because I feel terrible about just giving up on that story. Just another reminder that I don't own Lion King, Disney does.

Anyways, here's chapter one and please review.

A young lioness bent down in the tall savannah grass, creeping forward towards her target. The zebra was unaware of her approaching. Inching closer to her kill, the lioness jumped out and roared startling the creature. The zebra kicked out its hind legs and sprinted away from her as fast as possible. The lioness began the chase as the rest of her hunting party jumped out of their hiding spots and joined her.

"Chase it towards Kula!" Tama cried and she and Nala cornered on the panicked zebra as Shari jumped out and gave the final chase towards Kula. The dark brown lioness pounced out of her hiding place and took the zebra down.

"Nice catch!" Nala smiled approaching her hunting party. "Let's take it back to Riverside."

The others nodded and let the Princess take the kill and they helped her drag it back home. They broke through the bushes and set the kill in front of the caves.

Nala nodded to the young cubs and adolescents who were playing in the shade of the trees. Among them were her younger brothers, Hofu and Mheetu.

"Eat up!" Shari said giving the cubs a smile and the older lionesses went into the den.

After a tiring hunt, Nala was glad to be able to rest in the caves without the sounds of cubs playing. Their home, the caves was located next to the might river that divided the land. The caves had been there for generations and generations. As a cub, she had been told that the caves had once been separate except for a few crevices and gaps and her great-great grandparents and other Pride members had carved through the crevices until they had been big enough to be entrances and now the caves were all connected letting the Pride have one big den and a few smaller private dens of their own.

After a few minutes Nala looked up to see her mother, the Queen of the River Pride walk in. Sarafina smiled and settled down next to her daughter and gave her a nuzzle.

"I can see that the hunt was a success," Sarafina said.

"It was," Nala nodded. "I was with my group and it went fine." Sarafina nodded and mother and daughter chatted until Nala's father, King Runju walked into the den. The Pride lionesses and the few males nodded at their King and Runju returned their gestures before settling down next to his mate and daughter.

"Anything wrong?" Sarafina asked, studying her mate's face.

"No," Runju said. "I was just thinking. The Pride has a bit too many females and soon all of them will be at mating age and I don't think we can expand our Pride as much as this. We're slowly losing our herds as well."

"Wait," Nala said. "Does this mean that we'll have to leave?"

Runju looked at her, "You're the Princess, Nala. You don't have to but I'm afraid that some of your friends may have to."

"Daddy please don't make them leave," Nala pleaded. "They've been there for me ever since I can remember and I can't-"

"Nala," Runju said gently. "As your father I don't want to, but as the King I have to. This is a natural part of lion society. When a Pride gets too big, members must leave. This has been happening since lions first existed. It's nothing out of the ordinary."

Nala sighed and closed her eyes. Runju tried nuzzling her but Nala pushed his affection away and walked out of the den. The sun had already set and the stars were beginning to come out. Unlike most other nights, Nala didn't feel like enjoying the sight. Her heart ached knowing that in a few months she would have to say good bye to her friends. She knew that not all of them would leave but she feared that they would. Nala didn't quite understand how Runju chose which lionesses stay and which would would leave. He had tried explaining how he had to choose by family group, hunting skills, how long their family had been in the Pride and many other things, but Nala hadn't really gained much out of his explanation. All she had managed to get out of it was that her friends had a good chance that they were leaving.

After a few minutes the Princess went back into the caves to join her Pride.


North of the river lived another Pride ruled by King Mufasa. Their land was opposite of the river, marking their boundaries with the River Pride. Although their lands were close to each other, Pridelander and the Riverside lions were rival Prides. Although Nala and the rest of the younger generation didn't know why, along with the younger generation of Pridelanders, the adults knew but didn't seem to be eager to explain to them.

In the Pridelands, the crown prince of the Pridelands, Prince Simba walked out of the den bright and early and down to the waterhole to get a drink. After quenching his thirst, he made his way back up to Priderock to see his brother, Akila and his friends, Moraan, Chumvi, Tojo, Alex and Amri waiting for him.

"Let's go on the patrol and finish it now Simba," Akila said. "It'll be easier."

"Alright let's go," Simba said and the males went to the northern border. It was an easy patrol since it was the river and the view made everything much clearer.

The males chatted and joked around until they reached the river. They immediately quieted down and got to work knowing that they would get punished if the patrol wasn't done properly.

About halfway through, Moraan looked up. "I can see the River Pride lionesses."

Simba looked up and saw four or five lionesses in the distance getting ready for a hunt. A creamy colored lioness with tanned fur took the lead. Even from such a huge distance away, Simba could see her sapphire blue eyes. For a minute he was locked in her gaze as she looked at him intensely. For some reason, Simba had to bite his lip to keep from smiling. They were from rival Prides yet this lioness didn't seem to be scared to challenge him.

By now the other lionesses had noticed her staring and all the males had noticed Simba looking at the creamy lioness with tanned fur.

"Hey isn't that the King's daughter?" Tojo asked. "What's her name, Ala? Mana?"

"I overheard Dad saying that her names Nala." Akila spoke up. "She's the King oldest daughter but not the heir to the throne."

"Why not?" Chumvi asked.

"She has two younger brothers that are supposed to rule." Akila said.

"It kind of hard to see why our Prides hate each other. I mean they haven't waged war on us and I doubt they did during our parents' younger time." Amri said thoughtfully.

"Doesn't matter," Simba said. "We have nothing to do with those lionesses. We're from rival Prides and it will always be that way."

"Come on," Alex said. "We're finished here. Let's go back home. I think your father has some kind of announcement to make."

Simba nodded at his cousin and the three of them made their way back to Priderock. Already most of the Pride had gathered. Simba looked at the Pride that he would soon rule. During the past few years, their Pride had dwindled in numbers considerably and he knew that it was a problem to his father and soon would be a problem to him.

Mufasa was at the head of the group and waited until his two sons joined him. A little way off, Simba and Akila's mother, Sarabi was standing with the other lionesses. Her youngest cub, Ajjali was standing in between her legs as Sarabi bent down and softly talked to her.

Once everyone was assembled, Mufasa began to speak.

"As everyone knows, my oldest son Simba will be taking the throne soon with my other son, Akila as his second in command." Mufasa said, looking at both of his sons with proudness. "Every King needs a mate. After a lot of thought and discussion Sarabi and I chose the most promising mate for our future King."

Simba tensed. He knew that his parents would be arranging a marriage for him and he was anxious to know who it was. He didn't mind that his parents were choosing for him. The Pride was lacking young females and Simba didn't have much of a choice. There was Shinda, Tojo's twin sister but he knew that Alex and she were already together. He was friends with their younger sister, Shani but that was all. And they also had a younger half- sister, Malaika but he knew that his brother had fallen head over heels for her. Other than them, there were only a few suitable lionesses, none that Simba was interested in. And Simba knew that one of his responsibilities as King was mating with a lioness that was fit to be the Queen.

"Simba," Mufasa said looking at him. "Your future Queen and mate is…Ariya!"

Simba tried not to wince and then scanned through the Pride for Ariya. She stepped out of the gathering of lions as her Pride mates congratulated her on her engagement. Ariya had rusty brown fur and brown eyes. Ariya herself looked quite pleased as she stepped up next to him.

"Congratulations you two," Mufasa smiled. "Your mating ceremony will be taking place in a few weeks."

''Simba," Ariya said, giving him a nudge after everyone was gone. "Let's go for a walk together."

Simba shrugged, "Alright." With that, the pair made their way down Priderock.


A few days later back in the River Pride, Nala was returning from another hunt with her friends when she saw her father approaching her and the rest of her friends.

"Any luck?" Runju asked.

"No," Shari said, dipping her head. "The herds were far and we couldn't catch them."

"It's alright," Runju said. "Nala, we have to talk. The rest of you head back to Riverside." The lionesses nodded and walked off and Nala stayed behind with her father.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Nala asked.

Runju sighed, "You know that the number of herds were have are dwindling in numbers."

Nala nodded, "Yes I can see it while I'm hunting."

Runju nodded, "Nala as the royals, we have responsibilities to keep our Pride and territory safe. As Princess you also have a responsibility even if your brothers are the heirs."

"What do I have to do?" Nala asked. She was willing to do anything to keep her Pride safe.

Runju looked at her with serious eyes, "We need more land and herds. I made a bargain with King Asante of the eastern kingdom. He is willing to give us a portion of his territory and herds since he has one of the biggest kingdoms around. The amount he is willing to give us is more than enough."

"What was the deal?" Nala asked.

"The deal was that you have to marry his youngest son." Runju said looking at her with worried eyes as Nala's face was struck with shock.

"You didn't even ask me!" Nala exclaimed.

"I know," Runju said. "But I couldn't wait. He needs a mate for his youngest son, Thresh and I didn't want to risk losing that opportunity."

Nala sighed but she knew it was her responsibility. Besides, she wasn't interested in any males of their Pride.

"It's alright Dad." Nala said. "I understand. It's my responsibility."

Runju smiled and the two of them made their way back to the caves.

Hope you enjoyed and please review. Feel free to leave and comments, questions or suggestions in a review.