
He pats me on my shoulder and tells me, "You better survive while I'm gone for these few weeks," the hand on my shoulder glowed a bright blue. I comforting feeling; although it's sad that he'll be leaving right after. I nod, signaling that I understood. He lifts his black handbag and walked towards the light.

The Beginning of a New Chapter-Chapter 1

It was around 4 o'clock after school ended. Most people would probably be at home either playing or doing their homework. Me? I like to look at the moon. I find it fascinating how the moon can be in the sky together with the sun. Despite the sun's luminance the moon doesn't seem to loose. It shines both morning and night. Fascinating! This is my usual thing. I go up to our schools balcony and sit at one of the highest point of the building leaning against one of the walls. My phone rings, telling me that my mom's probably worrying again even though I've told her many times that our school is safe. I answer it, "Rein! Tell me your not at school! You know how worried I get when you don't come home directly after school! Don't make me worry more than I have to! You're dad's at it again, come home ASAP!" I sighed and told her I was packing up, I really wanted to study it a bit longer, today was a full moon.

At the same time, he was running. His sense of smell was strengthened. His hearing became sharper and he strength grew. The change has begun. He glued his feet hard towards the ground and bent his arms down. His eyes glistened a bright yellow, and he howled, "aoooowoooooooo." It wasn't dark yet, but he felt an urge, different from usual. Maybe it was because of the full moon tonight. He ran down the stairs on the balcony and jumped the last row, doing a summersault before landing on his hands and feet. Despite being chased he did flips and turns while running, it was almost like a game for him.

Rein finally finished packing up. She went the usual way down the opposite side of the school where the lights were a bit dimmer and the walls were a bit older. She knew nothing was really going to happen but she always felt the creeps whenever she went this way. Today, more than usual, as she was walking the lights near her right started to flicker, in and out, in and out, finally it gave out. She started to run towards the only way out she knew, she was about to reach the end when a strong pair of hands flew over her mouth and pulled her over. Shocked she did the only thing she could think of.

Cry, scream, faint? which one would she do? and who is this mysterious boy with strange abilities and a pair of yellow glowing eyes? Who is he? No what is he? and what does he want with Rein? or Does he want anything to do with Rein?

Author's note~

Who you think the mysterious boy is (prob already know) AND what he is (obviously something supernatural...duhhh) but like vampire or zombie or ...etc?