A/N: I'm so sorry that it took so long to finish... I've had a lot of coursework to keep up with and i have to stay at school an extra hour everynight, just to keep up... I hope you all like this chapter... I tried to close the whole thing in together... ~CrimmyMindsTyper(:

"Come on kid stay with me, please?" Reid became paler and his arm started gripping on to Morgan's forearm. The kid looked up and began staring into his eyes. A bold shiver ran through the weakened body. "Come on kid you come back to me" Derek practically pleaded. He was holding his best friend in his arms. His best friend that he knew was fighting a loosing battle. "We need a medic! Now!" He barked and pulled his arms tighter around Spencer. A medic ran over to the two men with a bag full of equipment. Within minutes he was able to get Reid's heart rate on a monitor. "He's stable for now, could you run and grab me a gurney?" Morgan nodded instantly, he moved his arms subtly so that Reid was laying on the floor, his head on the cold concrete. As he stood, Morgan let out a small sigh of relief. He was stable at the moment. Once Reid was loaded in to the ambulance, the whole team were gathered. HOTCH spoke first. "The SWATs are taking Smith back to a station. Morgan, I think you should ride with the kid, we'll all meet you there." Everyone nodded as Morgan climbed in to the back. "Morgan?" Reid's croaky voice made his head shoot up. "Yeah, I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere!" He grabbed the kids hand and squeezed it. A small squeeze back. "Morg.." His speech slurred as his eyes began to close. "Hey, hey kid c'mon, stay with me! We're almost there. Just a while longer." Tears started to burn the back of his eyes as he spoke. "I am not there." "You aren't where kid?" Morgan began to panic slightly. Reid's heart rate began to pick up, before it slowed to almost nothing. The paramedic in the back tried to do everything he could. They pulled in to the front of the hospital and the two medics ran with Reid straight in. "He needs surgery, right now!" Morgan's face dropped. He couldn't lose the kid! He just couldn't! The rest of the team turned up soon, but no one said anything. They all sat in the waiting room. Silent. They each remembered a small moment they had shared with the young doctor. JJ's was when she had asked him to be Henry's godfather and the way his face lit up. How he had held the small child for the first time and rocked him around. The smile on his face was the brightest she had ever seen. Prentiss' was when he had invited her to see a film. The way he didn't even realise how special he was. She was frightened and alone when he had rang, but he filled her with a warmth and a strength that she could beat he enemy. Ian Doyle. Hotch remembered the time the two of them were being held hostage in the hospital. They way they both had the idea that the kid could have the gun he kept in his ankle holster to shoot. The way that he apparently kicked like a nine year old girl. Rossi remember the first time he had ever met the kid. Having his book recited back to him word for word. The way he was so excited to meet him and discuss his books. Morgan could only remember how much the kid had trusted him, all the time. When he had nightmares, headaches or whenever anything had happened with his mom. Spencer had always trusted him. And he had always felt the the reason he told his family so much about his best friend. Then, almost simultaneously the team thought about how they had almost lost Reid before. To Hankel. They had all been so scared and then Reid mentioned a discussion that he and Hotch had had, giving them a clue. They all remembered how good they felt after he had fought through. A doctor came out for the team. All of them held their breaths. "After his surgery, he is weak, and will not be able to work for a while. But you can all go through and see him now." The all let go of their breath. He had done it. Again, he fought through. They all thanked the doctor as they walked to the kids room. He was laying there, fragile but he smiled when he saw them all. "Hey spence, how you feeling?" JJ asked in he motherly tone. "Good" he looked down. "Considering." They all laughed slightly, Spencer and Derek locked eyes. "I'm glad you're alright kid." "In the ambulance, I was trying to finish it off." They all looked at Morgan. "What do you mean kid?" "I was trying to tell you I'd be okay." "You were?" "The last line is 'I am not there, I did not die.' I was trying to tell you I would be okay and not to worry." "Oh, yeah." He let out an awkward laugh. The two silently agreed that the rest of the ambulance ride would be their secret moment. That no one else had to know about it. They had a close moment, between best friends and that's was theirs. A/N: hope you like the whole thing...Thanks for reading! ~Crimmymindstyper(: