I know I should be updating my other fics but I couldn't help but making this one. I'm not too familiar in the Fairy Tail universe even tho' I've made some, (weird right?) but I wanna give this a try. Anyways, I'm going for a go at this. So yea… enjoy

Oh and Chapter 2 is still in already completed and just to let ya know, I deleted the original one. It was actually Naruto as the main but I wanted to try out Obito. :p

P.S, Obito will arrive in the YEAR X786

Warning: Everything will be canon up till Obito dies. I am also not familiar with Uchiha Obito's character but hey this IS a fanfic or else it wouldn't BE a fanfic right?

/The Redeemed one/

Many things can happen when a person escaped death or at a breaths' way from being killed or slaughtered. You see, these things do happen and many believed that this was god or for this world, Kami's method to teach you a lesson or at least wanted you to see things, to see your mistakes, wrong doings and much more.

The Great Shinobi Wars that had past and especially the recent and more ground-defying one threw many lives away, lives that were both innocent and corrupted. Many things happened in the Fourth one though, souls somehow been forcefully removed from the heavens itself in order to be placed back in the body that they once thought they'll never be in again. It was sick, perverse and yet pleasurable to use. They need not to sleep, eat and do anything humanely. Ridden of their emotions, they've become nothing but a shell, but the allied forces knew that their friends and families were still inside there. Somewhere, doing their best to regain control of what's rightfully theirs.

These… individuals who created this technique will be punished respectively. Particularly to those who abused it. Kami, won't give any more chances to the people that dare to use this technique again, he was the ruler, the creator of the Shinobi realm but alas, all because of a rule given to him, by his or I should say 'their' father, mother, brother, sister. They don't know themselves but what they do know that there is something far superior than them. It was 'it' that created these realms' rulers and they themselves create more of similar to them and their children vice-versa.

Realms continue to be created and so are dimensions. At this very moment hundreds or probably thousand more are in the process, being planned to be crafted by these beings.

But that's getting off the topic, the one right now, is the Shinobi realm or 'The Realm of Chakra' or so they say to him and his world. This being that's in charge of the Chakra or Shinobi realm has many regrets, one of them being the current affairs regarding one Uchiha Obito…

/The Redeemed One/

Obito gasped out loud and got himself up from his position, the boy was now sitting cross-legged with his temple resting on his right hand. The boy breathed heavily, trying to get a good amount of oxygen into his lungs. He sighed once more, his tired eyes closed before a voice boomed in front of him, "Are you done yet child?"

Obito snapped his head to the direction of the voice and what he saw was beyond anything he's seen in his life, sure there were things like Kaguya: a goddess or even Zetsu, both the black and white one. But this… this was something far off! Obito, as fast as lightning got back to his feet and got into his stance with his eyes narrowed at the figure, "Is this the Tsukiyomi effect happening to me or some kind of sick joke?"

The figure; a human that's as tall as the gedo menzo or even the Juubi itself stood before him. The dusky complexion gave it an exotic look but either than that, the figure was dressed in a Shinto priest uniform. The giant has his eyes on him, eyes not full of anger or hate but mischief yet wisdom as he fanned himself.

"Now, that's not nice Obito-kun, especially to someone who helped created this realm." The figure said kindly to the white haired boy.

Obito's narrowed eyes did not falter but instead he replied back with venom in his tone, "Don't joke with me Zetsu! I should be dead, how am I in the Infinite Tsukiyomi?"

The being chuckled and swiped his fan down the thin air and a mirror appeared before Obito who just took a jump back to prepare himself, "Calm down child, look into the mirror and see for yourself."

Obito hesitated for a while but the smile that the being gave him made the boy give in as he walked towards the mirror with his guard still up just in case any thing were to happen. As he got to closer to said mirror, he noticed something.

He was short, like 'short' short, his body didn't have any cracked marks and the right side of his face was not as saggy previously but instead a state when he was back when he was a gennin! His eyes trailed to the rest of his body. Yes, he was still shirtless but his body was that of his 14 year old self and he remembered that the last thing that happened was him getting Naruto to promise him being Hokage before he…! Obito frowned and stared at the giant building of a man, "Are you really the real thing?"

The man in Shito garments gave him a weak smile, "As real as I can ever be Obito-kun."

Obito's eyes then gave a brief look of sadness, "Then I…"

The giant gave an unhappy look, "Yes and I'm sorry Obito, I made a mistake when I created Kaguya and many times I have failed to stop Zetsu in his plans. Even though I am god of this realm, I still cannot stop it from continuing whatever it was planning but only to prolong it until I myself created something that could stop the mess it was causing."

"Then why didn't you create a creature or something that could stop Zetsu?!" Obito snarled at the being now known as kami, "You could've saved many! Stop the Uchiha and Senju conflict or at least help Naruto from this burden!"

God frowned at his statement, "I know but, there more things that you don't know Obito-kun. Even if I am god of this realm, there is another one that's more powerful than all of us."

Obito raised a brow, "There are more of you?"

"Yes… usually many don't ask of this question but given the circumstances, you deserve the truth." Obito just gave him a small nod to continue, "You see, there is one omnipresent being and she decided one day to have more like her aiding her in her quest for creativity. This being created many others like her and they too make others like them. You get the picture from there?" The Kami of the Shinobi world waited for Obito who again nodded before continuing, "I'm one of those originals that were created from the first and I created this world to my expectations, I created many spirits, goddesses and beings like me. But later on… I created the Shinju tree where all would worship it and as you know, It bears a fruit every thousand years and regarded as taboo to consume it."

"Kaguya…" Obito whispered out.

Kami nodded his head, "Yes… That woman! She was going to be considered a goddess, I allowed it of course but then… She defiled herself! She became corrupted, she wanted all of the chakra and I have seen the future." He smirks, "She fails of course, I was happy but the amount of bloodshed that she and her accursed black zetsu caused pains me so much. Especially you Obito." The giant bowed and got himself kneeling, "And for that I am sorry for the pain I caused you."

Obito was speechless, to have a god on his knees begging for forgiveness was unbelievable! "N-No! Please don't, I don't deserve such."

The being got back to his feet and looked down at the man-turned-child, "Ahh. But you do my boy. You do deserve this." He then swiped his fan again but this time to air himself, "You see, ever since I foresee your end, I've decided by myself to give you another life or rather… adventure." A glint of mischief flashed through his black orbs hammering away the once solemn look.

Obito stared at the being with his mouth hung, "Adventure? But Kami-sama, I'd rather–"

"Meet Rin?" Kami cut the boy's sentence, "Rin… wants to see you but at the same time she doesn't wants to."

"What do you mean?" Things were swirling around his brain, asking himself why wouldn't Rin want to see him, Obito fisted his hands. Anger bubbling inside of him, 'Is she mad at me? For what I've done?'

The giant being chuckled, "No, don't think of that boy. The girl truly wants to see you but she was the one that requested me to give you another go at life. I thought of it for a while and I said, 'Sure Rin-chan, let's give Obito-kun another chance.' You should be happy, she was delighted when I agreed to revive you but one thing you should know Obito-kun; if you are in the world of the living, do not by any means attempt suicide and whatnot or else, the consequences will be severe." The man paused and continued softly, "Live your life, Rin wants that and I want that too."

The white haired boy glare at the ceramic tiles, his hair shadowing his eyes as tears dropped down to the ground, "Then promise her that I'll come back."

Kami chuckled once more, "Of course I will Obito."

The boy looked up at Kami with a small smile, "Then how am I going to go back? Everybody knows that Uchiha Obito is dead." He asked whilst wiping his tears with his right hand.

"Well you see Obito-kun, since bringing back the dead in the Shinobi world might spark an outcry, why not send you to another realm? A realm filled with magic and guilds? I held a meeting with the other gods and goddesses and they agreed to allow you to be reincarnated and my sister, she asked for you to be sent into her realm of Magic." Kami ended it with a grin, "So what do you say Obito-kun? Yay or nay?"

The boy one thing that he haven't done in years, a smirk.

"I'll take it as 'yay'. So, be prepared. My sister told me to just send you there under these coordinates and she said something about, 'May you find retribution with the guild of Nakama.' Or something like that." Kami held his hands out and clapped them together with his fan in the middle, "Get ready Obito-kun, I'm going to send you there now!" The being then closed his eyes and started to mumble out a long stretch of words at a very fast speed.

Obito's eyes shot right up, "W-Wait I'm not ready! You dumb god, how am I going to survive when I things are going this fast!?"

The long incarnation halted as Kami cracked slowly cracked an eye open and with his mischievous side regaining control, "Oh lighten up Obito-kun."

The boy growled, "Lighten up?! How could I!? Especially when–MMPGHGH!" Kami silenced him and looked at the boy with an amused smile as the ground below Obito began to turn black and before Obito knew it, he was getting sucked into said hole.

Kami bend down and waved his hand with the other using the fan to hide his giggles, "Enjoy your next great adventure Obito-kun. Live it to your full potential."

/The Redeemed one/

In the forest that shun brightly, Obito was awake but his eyes were closed. Everything was happening too fast and he was unhappy that Kami agreed to Rin, 'But then, she wants me to have an adventure. I'll give her one.' Obito stayed there, even though he just said that, the white-haired boy had no plans of getting up so soon. He was getting comfortable on whatever he was lying on. It was soft but he knew he was on a bed of grass, the tickling sensation running around his exposed back and the fact that wind blew steadily. 'I'm somewhere that's very airy. It's… nice I suppose.' That's when he felt his cheeks being poked. By someone's fingers, immediately, the boy grabbed the hand and swiped the attackers leg that brought the person that interrupted him.

At that moment, Obito was pushed back by something and he crashed into a tree, 'What the hell is this! A rinnengan technique?' The weight that pushed his back toned down and his fall and dropped to his knees.

"Move again and I will make sure this will be your resting place." A girl's voice spoke by his front and Obito glared up at his attacker, surprised that it was a girl around his age but with a height difference and the thing that caught his attention wasn't her powers now but how she was able to float.

"Simple threats won't work on me girl." He said in his 'best' impersonation as his old self since right now he don't know if the girl he was against was a threat or some kind of 'magic' user that was surprised by his actions earlier on.

"Says the boy." The girl said, her green eyes staring impassively at Obito. She herself was determine if the boy in front of her was a threat or not but even so, he came out of nowhere and somehow ended up in the island when it was supposed to be shut off from the world.

Obito's eyes narrowed down at the blonde haired girl, taking note of her odd clothing. 'Wings for a head-piece? That's new.' He then got to his feet before another blast hit him as he crashed back into the same tree.

"Need I remind that if you move, this will be your resting place boy." Her cold voice started as Obito just frowned, "Big talk for such a young girl." He muttered out and push himself to lean against a tree, 'Just like I thought, a technique similar to Shinra Tensei. Though she doesn't have the rinnengan. Is this the power of magic is in this world?'

Obito closed his eyes and tried to find his chakra but unfortunately, the source of power he always had in him was no longer active but instead he felt this different feeling from his tenketsu. It was small but its flowing throughout his body. 'So I'm at a mercy of a young girl then.'

"Alright what do you want to know? I don't have energy for now and I would very much feel appreciative in keeping myself alive." Obito ended it off with a sigh, he was tired and irritated that he couldn't do a thing. His body had yet to adapt to this energy flowing throughout his body.

"Wise choice boy, now answer me. Who are you and what are you? How did you enter this island?" The girl's voice was cold as ever and Obito sweated for a few seconds, he haven't thought of this yet!

'Argh, this is just annoying!'

"I was walking back home when I was getting groceries for my sick mother. Next thing I knew I got hit by the head and I woke up here." Obito replied swiftly and silenced engulfed the atmosphere except for the gentle wind that blew past them as hair flowed along with the gentle breeze.

"I hate liars."

Obito clicked his teeth, 'Damn girl!'

"I saw a bright light and next thing I knew, you were here. So give me one good reason why I shouldn't remove you from my sight right now?"

'To hell with this.' Obito thought to himself and just sighed, clearly showing how exhausted he was, "Fine, but this is between the both of us and what you're about to hear, you'll likely think I'm talking some kind of amazing story."

"I've heard worse."

"Yeah right." Obito mumbled out, frowning when he said that as a memory flashed through him: a barren wasteland, he and Sakura trying to pinpoint Sasuke who was seemingly lost in the dimension Kaguya sent him to. And so, the Uchiha began his long explanation as to how he got into this realm.

/The Redeemed One/

"So Obito-kun, you're some sort of a maniac that travelled through dimensions?"

He looked hurt when she said that word but he answered nonetheless, "Yes but I wouldn't like being called a maniac."

"Deal, but would you like me to tell you something that'll blow YOUR mind?" She said with a hint of twinkle in her eyes as Obito himself raised a questioning brow, he was surprised to find out that throughout his story, this girl started to warm up to him and next thing he knew, the person she was earlier was no longer but a distant memory which was replaced by a very curious and soft-spoken gir.


She closed the gap between them and whispered out, "I'm over one hundred years old."

Obito's eyes widened when she revealed that, "Then how are you still!– Now that you say!" He closed his eyes as he tried to feel her magic and he felt it but it has this certain feeling that reminded him of the Edo Tensei, "You're a living corpse." He pointed out with much seriousness. 'If someone managed a way to have a technique like Edo Tensei then…'

The girl–No, woman just gave him a look that kept Obito silent, "You have a unique ability if you are able to know someone who isn't in the world of the living but, this is not a corpse, it's more of an astral body. But before that, let me introduce myself. First and foremost and I am Mavis Vermilion Obito-kun and the Island you are in is Tenroujima. An island exclusive for the mages of Fairy Tail, the guild that I founded and as of right now, the Island has been hidden from the world along with the majority of its member for three years now and I calculated another four more years before it reveals itself."

By the time she ended, Obito's mind was going haywire. "So everyone in your guild is in here, trapped for seven years?"

Mavis chuckled and shook her head, "Let me tell you what happened three years ago Obito-kun and please sit. It may be as long as yours but as dull as it can be, let's get to know each other more. Being cooped up in here with no one to talk to is making me jumpy."

Obito merely nodded his head and went forward to take a sit by the giant tree root that Mavis too sat on and thus, the two began in their conversation.

/The Redeemed one/

"Interesting tale you have Mavis-san, though I believe it would be a real shock to the third. He would be most surprise to know you are here with them."

Mavis just giggled, "It certainly will be Obito-kun."

Obito nodded back and as fast as it happened, the atmosphere was quite awkward. Feeling the tension Obito then recalled what she said about herself, "Then may I ask a question Mavis-san?"

"Go on ahead Obito-kun."

"You explained that only those who bore the Fairy Tail mark could see you. I have not pledge any allegiance to you or your guild. So mind filling me in on the details?"

Mavis hummed and thought about it before speaking it up, "I have reason to believe that the Kami in our realms knew that we were going to meet up sooner or later and they most likely gave you the ability to see me. I'm not too sure about it though."

Obito, satisfied with the answer then continued to the next one that has bugging since the very beginning that he told her his origins, "Everything you heard today won't be spoken of again to me or anyone else. Agreeable?"

Mavis just giggled back, "I promise to keep it Obito-kun. My mouth is zipped."

"Then I best get going since you promised but remember, if anyone knows, I'll get your head Mavis." He said stated as he stood up from his seat much to the girl/woman's displeasure, "So soon?"

"Kami and my friend wanted me to have an adventure, I plan on starting on it now rather than tomorrow." The boy said without thinking it was anything wrong as he proceeded on, "But how in Kami's name am I getting out of here."

Mavis floated over to him with a soft and childlike laugh, "Close your eyes Obito-kun. It might get a little too bright."

The sharingan user do as he was told as a bright light shrouded over him, squinting his eyes even tighten to prevent any light from affecting his vision. As soon as the light grew smaller, the boy decided that it was safe for him to open his eyes when he did so, he was overwhelmed with the howling of the sea breeze past his ears and the hot son melting through his tan skin and the boy breathed in as he let nature do its thing.

"You know, for someone floating in the air for the first time, you're not really shock of it." Mavis's voice came from behind him as Obito arched an eyebrow and looked below to his feet only to see that he was really floating, "Oh, sorry. I didn't notice."

'Some kind of magic technique like that Onoki… Magic sure is amazing.'

Mavis waved her little hand to get his attention, "So here you are Obito-kun, the outside world. How do you feel?"

"It feels nostalgic… I must thank Rin and Kami if I were to meet them again. Soon." He whispered and faced the First Master and giving her a bow, "Thank you for letting me out Mavis-san. For now we part, I hope to see you and the Tenrou Team up and back in the future."

Mavis returned him with a smile, "Yes, thank you Obito-kun and may I ask for a favour?"

"Anything Mavis-san."

"Can you please watch over the Guild for me? I know they're probably asking question regarding the Tenrou Team and I–"

Obito cut her off with a raise of a hand, "No, I'm sorry but they have to learn through this. I have experienced war and maybe. Just maybe, their apparent deaths would most likely drive your guild towards a better goal. To grow stronger, you should know better."

"Yes… perhaps I was asking too much." She said softly.

Obito just sighed and rubbed his hair, "Fine, I'll see them once every few months but from the shadows. Satsisfied?" He asked.

Her expression turned right-side up and she hugged the white haired boy tightly and Obito flushed slightly, its been a very long time since someone gave him a genuine hug and the gesture was very alien to him. Once Mavis let go of him, she gave another grin and slowly, they went down to the sea where Mavis asked, "Do you want me to send you there too?"

"To where?" Questioned Obito.

"Magnolia Town of course! It's the capital of Fiore and where my guild is!" She replied almost 'too' happily to which he just rolled his eyes.

"No, its fine. I don't want to be a burden to you, just point me the way and I'll walk there." Obito gave her a smile as he showed her that he could walk on the water and the boy quickly transferred his new power source which is now magic, into his feet. He stood on it and gave her a smirk, but it turned into a grim when she too could do it.

'I'm starting to dislike magic now.'

Mavis giggled at him and just raised her finger forward, "Just head north and you'll find yourself in a port. Ask for directions to Magnolia Town, you'll get there in no time."

Obito just bowed and turned his body to face said direction when Mavis suddenly grabbed his hand, "Before you go, let me teach you a method to regain your magic container. I feel that whatever 'adventure' you're going, you'll probably need to learn how to regain your magic as fast as you can. Fiore is a dangerous nation. So just close your eyes and be in tune with your natural surroundings and let the magic seep into you."

Obito nodded, "I understand." and he did as instructed, 'Just like sage training that I read. Be in tune with nature.' The sharingan user closed his eyes and breathe in and out.

In and out.

In and out.

A warm sensation started to absorb itself around his once-used-to-be chakra coils as it steadily entered his tenketsu points and the rest of his body. Confident that his magic containers' full, Obito did one last thing and opened his eyes to reveal both his Mangekyou Sharingan, the pattern spinning wildly from being dormant since his death until now.

Obito's eyes than met a very surprised and curious Mavis, "I-Is that the eyes you were talking about?" Mavis's face was very close to his and her hands were cupped around his cheeks so that she could have a better look at his Sharingan.

The boy blushed at the close proximity and Obito gave her an awkward smile, "Mavis-san, I should get going now."

She gave a surprised look and mumbled out an apology, "Yes! Sorry!" She walked took a few steps back from him, "Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful journey Obito-kun."

Obito gave a smile and chuckled, "Yes, take care Mavis-san and please, protect the guild which you created. Treasure them. Protect them. That's my advice."

"Yes, of course Mr. Grumpy."

Obito rolled his eyes and turned to face north while whispering out, "Old lady."

Unfortunately though, Mavis heard it and began to start rambling on him and the boy just waved it off as he deactivated his Sharingan and dashed away, leaving the First to stop that gave him a silent grin, 'So this is what they call a wildcard… You are interesting Obito-kun. I wonder what happens now?' She thought to herself before transporting herself back to Tenroujima with her slumbering children.

/The Redeemed One/

Was it really just wishful thinking… using the moon to erase this living hell… Playing that make believe in that head of yours… and trying to fill that void in your heart… is nothing but a sham

That void in your heart… is something that everyone helps to fill… slowly over time…