Hi Guys, I'M REALY SORRY for not updating for sooooo long. At first I didn't have the time and then I got writer's block and my motivation for continuing slowly disappeared. But hey, right now I'm back and I'll try to get you next chapter soon, but I can't promise anything…

WARNING: This chapter contains torture - and thanks go to Chrisie who wrote these parts, she's great writer and friend.

Also this chapter wasn't proofread as ninjabunny11 (she has my gratitude for all hard work done till now) doesn't have time for it anymore, so if there's someone who is interested in helping me, please let me know.

Thanks for amazing reviews, it made me motivated – especially the one from Ecarlates – you were probably the last push for me to continue, so thank you for the help ;)

Okay, I think that's everything so please R&R and if you want to ask anything then PM me (even if you're bored and want someone to write with )

Last time:

"Don't give up, we will save you, so you can go on another adventures. Besides Ace and Sabo are waiting for you." Anika said trying to cheer up Luffy.

"Ah, adventures. I still need to become Pirate king, right?!" the two girls laughed, before Anika left to pass Luffy's message to her nakama.

"It's just feeling I have. I think Luffy may be in trouble." Zoro mumbled

Narrator's POV

On the board of Sunny was calm before storm, every Strawhat could feel it even if they didn't know why they felt like way.

Brook sipped his tea and looked around the ship. They anchored at beach that was hidden and made perfect place for Sunny to keep her away from prying eyes.

"Nami-swan! I prepared snacks for you with all my love!" Sanji exclaimed, so everyone could hear him on ten miles.

The navigator instantly punched Sanji.

"Sanji~! Stop yelling or everyone will hear you and it would have been pointless that we hid from the villagers!" Nami yelled exactly loud as Sanji before.

"As you wish Nami-swan! I like how you look, even when mad!"

Franky and Brook who listened to their conversation only sweat-dropped. "You're yelling too."

Even thought the two mumbled Nami heard them clearly and directed her wrath at her.

"What was that?" she asked with sweet smile, yet the air was freezing and her aura was purely demonic.

Few yells of pain later…

"I see you have everything under control Nami-san."

"Oh, Robin! Zoro! You're back! I thought it would take you longer, so did you find what you were looking for?" Nami asked and Robin chuckled.

"No, we didn't have luck finding Poneglyph." The Strawhats frowned at her reply.

"Then why are you back?" Chopper asked curiously, while Nami looked sharply at the archeologist.

"Don't tell me you felt it too."

"Yeah, thought Zoro was the first to feel uneasy. It started just little while ago… I see you feel it too." Robin replied and the Strawhats turned serious.

"I don't know what trouble did Luffy find this time, but we need to go." Zoro said before anyone else could.

"Zoro, I know Luffy is a trouble-magnet, but there is an Admiral on this island. We can't just set sail and hope no one sees us!"

"You worry too much, Nami-san. Besides you're very good at controlling the weather, so why don't use it in our favor?" Robin chuckled and got nods at her statement/question from almost everyone.

"Robin~ …not you too. Fine, we'll leave at night as our chances are the best they won't see us. We'll use the Vivre card Marco gave us and find Whitebeards." Nami said with sigh.

Everyone calmed after that, they felt better now they made decision to go after Luffy.

The Strawhats were ready to set sail, but voice stopped them.

"Hellooo?! Is anyone here?" it was voice of girl, but that didn't calm them down.

Once the girl got on board, she saw the Strawhats and she forgot what she came for and her eyes turned into stars.

"So COOL~ Real skeleton, cyborg and fluffy talking reindeer!"

Strawhats sweat-dropped, they were reminded of Luffy by her antics.

"You want make me happy by saying that! BAKA~!"

"YOHOHO, it's nice to meet you too. May I see your pant-!"

"Oh, how did you SUPER~ know I am hentai?"

The last two ended up with very painful punch, courtesy of Nami. Their relaxed behavior vanished the second they noticed what she held in her hands.

When the girl became aware of the wary glances at the straw hat, her expression turned grave.

"I believe this belongs to your captain, she told me to give it to you and that she's fine. By the way I'm Anika, friend of Luffy's."

"Why would she give it to you?" Nami asked suspicious after moments of silence.

The girl said nothing and looked at the ground. Zoro had finally enough and stalked to Anika, said girl flinched, but didn't move away.

Zoro didn't care, just took the straw hat and looked at it.

"It's Luffy's. Wait, there's something in it." Zoro glanced inside the hat only to notice piece of paper.

Hi, minna! It seems I got myself in bit of pinch. Don't worry 'bout me and don't get mad at Whitebeards, it wasn't really their fault I got captured by Bakainu. But hurry up and get me out of here. It's boring you know, just sitting whole day and staring at a ceiling.

Once the swordsman read the note, he didn't know if he should laugh at the simplicity or kill someone for his audacity to capture their captain.

"Luffy got caught by marines and she wants for us to save her, 'cause she's bored."

"Oh, I see. In that case we shall hurry up. I captain Usopp…" Usopp started before he paled.

"Wait… She's WHAT?!" Everyone yelled, well Robin didn't, but she doesn't count.

"She was with Whitebeards! How the hell did she get caught and by who?!" Sanji exclaimed enraged.

"I don't know how she got captured. I just heard that Admiral Akainu caught her from my dad, so I went to look if it's true." the girl stopped for while and everyone tensed, whatever would come next won't be good.

"She… They tortured her, she had wounds and burns all over her arms, but all she did was smile at me the whole time! You need to save her!" Anika burst into tears when she remembered the state her friend was is.

"She was with Whitebeards. Does that mean they were attacked? Or Luffy pulled fast one on them? In any case we need to contact them before they break Luffy's spirit and she will become unrecognizable from the torture." Robin said darkly.

"Don't say things like these! You'll jinx it!"

Luffy was staring at the ceiling, counting imaginary meat when two marines suddenly appeared in front of her cell. They had matching outfits and poker faces, something which Luffy beamed at. Her bruised face gave a throb of pain as the grin stretched her cheeks, but she didn't pay attention to it.

"You're here to take me out? Cause if so, thanks! This cell is boring!"

A pout pulled her lips downwards when they didn't respond. She continued to whine, but they paid her no heed as each one of them grabbed under her arm and forcibly dragged her away. Her sandal clad feet dragged on the polished tiles, and soon enough she found herself on one of the marine's shoulder.

Meanwhile, Luffy continued to ramble on and on about how hungry she is, and how meat sounds very appetizing at the moment. That's until she noticed where they were taking her. Being a kid of the marines she had a very good idea of what it was. They were taking her into the torture chamber.

Upon recognizing the room, she panicked a little, but then she thought back to Ace, Sabo, Marco and her nakama as well as Whitebeards. The panic (if you could call it that) disappeared and she was back to her old self, blabbering about how hungry she is.

"You can do to me everything you want, but you won't get anything out of me."

Her declare was met by nothing but stony silence, but Luffy didn't care. She took in the metallic room, with its steel table in the corner, surgical supplies on a table nearby and the chains that hung from the ceiling as well as the floor. The floor was tainted by what seemed like old ketchup - Blood, not sauce - her brain provided, and the stench was horrible.

Luffy remained lax as they carelessly put her on the table and secured her there in a spread-eagle with leather straps and sea-stone cuffs. The surge of weakness to her limbs was expected and didn't surprise the 17 year old teen. Once again, she found herself staring at the metal ceiling, imagining meat until the heavy door swung open once again.

Akainu and three other buff marines stood there. The light coming from behind them caused their silhouettes to appear as nothing but large shadowy forms, which was creepy in itself.


The yell was met by a scowl, and Luffy tracked their movements, silently watching as the two buff marines took their place on either side of the door while the other started separating tools from one another. Meanwhile, Akainu shed a butcher's apron and moved so he was standing next to her.

"This is how it will work. I will ask you questions, you will answer. If you don't... Let's just say the result won't be very pretty."

His words had no effect what so ever on Luffy, who stared blankly back at him like he was from outer place. He remained quiet until his 'servant' handed him a scalpel. Luffy tracked it with her eyes, staring silently as Akainu dragged it across the skin of her arm. Blood immediately rose to the surface and trickled down her arm to the table.

Luffy didn't do anything, not even whimper at the small pain the wound gave her. A sadistic grin was already tugging at Akainu's lips as he pressed the knife a little deeper in her flesh, causing even more blood to come out.

"What is Marco's fighting style?" He commanded.


The ship violently lurched as it flew of direction Vivre Card was pointing. There were six Strawhats on board and one forgotten little girl. The air about them was gloomy and killer aura showing trough, yet they were all visibly worried and all of them thinking single thing. 'Hang on Luffy.'

"Tell me."

"No." Luffy stated.

The punch didn't take Marco by surprise, the killer aura that Strawhats emitted did. It seemed that they already know about Luffy. He sighed, this is going to be fun to explain.

The Whitebeard crew didn't know if they should go help their first-mate or stay far away from the angered Strawhats. When Pops gestured them that they shouldn't involve themselves, they were really glad. Until they remembered the situation and got gloomy as well.

Akainu growled low in his throat as he dragged the scalpel so that it cut into Luffy's stomach. The girl's muscles involuntarily tensed as the marine drew the marine's symbol on her stomach with the surgical knife.

Luffy stubbornly fixed her gaze on the ceiling, determination stopping any sound from escaping her throat. Akainu groaned out loud as Luffy refused to give in, and then opted to ask other questions.

"What is the crew's weakness?"

Silence. More cuts. More blood. Luffy's arms were now both covered in blood.

"Where did Anika say we can find her dad? First on the right or on the left?" Usopp asked Nami.

"The second on the left. I just hope she was right and he'll help us, it would make things easier if he would give us the blue-prints of the ship."

"Speaking of Anika, why didn't we take her with us? Or better yet, where is she? I remember seeing her on Sunny talking with Brook, but...-" Usopp trailed off.

"Ughhh! I should have thought of bringing her with us! This is Luffy's fault, why the heck did she have to get caught?! And Anika stayed on board of course. ...!" Nami realized as well where the girl is.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore, besides she's probably safer there then on island as this will soon become warzone. After all we can't leave them off easily when they stole our captain and The Pirate king!" Usopp said and Nami couldn't help but wholeheartedly agree.

"Is Whitebeard's health deteorating?"

Another round of silence. Another deep slash. Luffy's left leg oozed blood on the table, tainting the table with another layer of life liquid.

"How long till we get to the island?" Sabo asked.

"With Sunny we'll be there in about three hours maybe less if we catch the right wind. Nami planned it so we would arrive after dawn." answered Franky.

"In that case its good I, Ace and Sabo decided to go ahead with you. It'll take Moby two hours more." replied Marco.

"If you're done talking then grab onto something. We're going to use Coupe de Burst!" yelled at them Zoro.

The Whitebeards looked at each other confused, but grabbed on the railing as instructed. Soon the ship lurched out of the water and the commanders let out startled yells. And even thought this was dire situation the Strawhats couldn't help but chuckle at their behaviour.

"Describe the Commanders."

Silence again. Her right leg was slashed next, and Luffy felt tears burn the back of her eyes, but she furiously blinked them back and refused to show her emotions.

Pain thrummed through her body, and Luffy could feel the blood that ran down her sides and onto the table underneath her. She felt every cut, ever slash, every drop of blood as it oozed out of her. Her vision was tunnelling, and the sound was being replaced by a buzzing that had resided in her ears.

That didn't stop her from stubbornness. She didn't make a single pained sound, but she grinned and it wasn't malicious, it was one from happiness. This freaked out the marines as the grin had very dangerous look to it. The blood on the prisoner's face wasn't helping at all. When she slumped unconscious the marines stared at her form terrified and it took Admiral's yelling to snap them out of it.

"So what now? Are you going to kill me?" asked the marine in charge as he looked at the intruders.

"No, we don't go around killing people. However, we would appreciate if you would let us borrow the blue-prints for marine ships in the bay." Nami answered with sly grin.

Captain Maverick looked unconvinced, but then sighed and to surprise of Nami and Usopp he handed them the papers they went after.

"I'm proud of being marine. Saving citizens from danger and getting criminals in jails. I fight for justice, but what is doing that person to your captain can't be called justice. Don't take this wrong pirates, I'm only helping you because of my daughter." the marine trailed off before continuing.

"And I met Luffy few times when she was still marine, she was good person and helped me out from time to time. You could say this is my way of becoming even with her, so next time we meet at sea, I'll be after your hides."

"That's good to hear." was the only reply he received and when the marine looked up, he saw both pirates together with the prints disappeared. Maverick couldn't help but grin. "You have good friends Luffy."

The captain stood up and slid on his jacket. "It seems I should make my move as well."

"I see, so that's how it is. Good work with gaining the prints." Marco said in the den-den mushi.

"Nah, that was the easy part. But, how do we get Luffy back? They have Admiral on their side..." Nami voiced her doubt.

"Okay, what about this...?" Robin said aloud her plan and with few words from others they agreed on how they would safe Luffy.

"I can see the island!" Chopper screamed. The second he said it a splash could be heard as Ace jumped of the ship on his Striker.

"ACE!" Sabo yelled and almost jumped after him if Marco didn't catch him by scruff of his shirt.

"Just because one idiot throws himself of the ship doesn't mean you have to do the same yoi." Marco scolded the blond.

"But Marco...! The plan! Ace wasn't supposed to leave without Robin." Sabo screamed at him in frustration. Ace is always doing something reckless, but this time the blond thought he would listen.

"Don't worry Sabo-san I'm sure he's going to be alright, I heard he's as lucky as our captain and don't worry about the plan. With Luffy-san in equation it was something was bound go wrong sooner or later." Robin tried calming him down, which worker better than many expected.

"You're right, I'll scold him later. Now we have bigger problems."

"What problems? I'll go with Robin instead of the hot-head, so there's no need to worry. The love-cook and Brook will be alright by themselves. They are Strawhats, so knocking out few marines won't be too hard for them. No matter whom they'll wind up going against." Zoro said and nodded at the people in question.

"It seems you were worried for nothing yoi. They are not even surprised at Ace's behaviour. Thought, they are Luffy's crew so they must have been through worse." Marco added with smirk.

"Admiral Akainu! The Moby Dick was sighted returning to the Hand Island." said the marine that ran through the door.

"What?! Why would the cowards return here?!" The admiral barked at the poor marine.

"W-We don't know, Luffy-san seems to make friends whenever she goes, so it's possible..." the marine trailed off when he saw the enraged expression on Akainu's face.

"The Whitebeards' are simple cowards they would return for one who's not even their family, not especially this trash here..." Admiral said with while gesturing towards passed out Luffy. When the marine finally noticed her, he lost all his colour and he had to keep himself from vomiting.

"Whatever, until they came closer leave them alone. And me as well, I have to yet have my fun with her. If something happens inform Kizaru first."

The marine saluted his superior and got quickly out of the room. He thought back to what he saw. What did Akainu to the former marine,... he was surprised the female is still alive. As he got on the board to inform Admiral Kizaru, one thought bothered him. 'Is this really justice?'

"You finally SUPER~ arrived. We started thinking we would have to start without you." Franky beamed at his crewmates as they arrived.

Nami looked at abandoned Sunny with sweatdrop. "You mean you didn't already?"

"Nah, they just left the ship. Ace went ahead, so I don't know about him. Marco-aniki, Brook-aniki and Sanji-aniki are getting ready to SUPER pummel the marines and sink at two ships Luffy isn't at. Chopper-bro took Anika with him to inform Whitebeard about situation. Zoro-aniki with Robin-neesan went to god knows where. Sabo is trying to find Luffy in the cells, hopefully she'll be there..." Franky answered the navigator.

"Okay, seems like almost everything goes as planned. Except Ace, but I counted with that. He and Luffy act alike, besides it might be good if the D brothers won't go together. Seems safer for everyone this way. However, that doesn't mean I forgive him for leaving alone." Nami said und Usopp shivered.

"She has belli instead of eyes, scary~" Usopp mumbled, Franky nodded and soon the two sported matching bruises on top of their heads.

"Okay, everyone ready?" Nami asked everyone through the den-den mushi. Chorus of 'Hai' was only answer before they lunched attack at marines.

"Seems like we are free to start." Sanji said as he dragged from his cigarette.

"YOHOHO, the marines won't know what hit them. Thought, I have to wonder if there will be female marines who would show me see their panties." Brook joked jovially while he took out his violin and started playing Lullaby to the incoming marines.

Marco only looked at the two people on his sides and almost face-palmed, just how he, first division commander, ended up with those idiots...

"Oh, whatever yoi. There are three ships full of marines, so everyone gets one." the commander said and to his amazement got nods of agreement as each of them went to different ship.

"Well, that went better than I thought yoi." Marco uttered and started flying to the closest vessel.

Getting of the Sunny without anyone stopping him was easier then Ace expected. So, now hour and half later he was in disguise walking through the marine boat that was rumoured to have prisoner on board.

On way there he crossed path with one of the marines who looked like he would barf any second. He quickly evaded him and wondered what was with said marine. But soon forgot about this and looked around the ship, looking for any clues where Luffy could be.

Oh, you must be curious why Ace doesn't know which way is what, especially when Nami and Usopp went through the troubles to get prints. Answer is easy and obvious. Ace had another attack of narcolepsy and fallen asleep in middle of explaining. To my and readers' amazement no one noticed sleeping Ace and woke him up. (A/N: Well, I'm amazed no one noticed if you're not then my bad, sorry.)

Sabo heard yells and assumed that his friends started the fun. He remembered well the layout, so he got easily in without anyone noticing. When the blond got in the quarters he noticed no one was there. That could mean only one thing. Luffy was in the torture chambers.

The blond gritted his teeth in anger. He knew there was possibility of Luffy not being here. He just hoped that won't be the case. After all, who would want their sister and lover to be tortured? Certainly not Sabo.

The blue-eyed man had to keep himself from sprinting there and knocking out every single soldier he would meet. However, that would take longer than he could afford, so he slipped into the shadows and made his way to Luffy.

"Chopper, we are almost there. I can see Moby Dick!" The girl on the reindeer's back yelled in excitement.

"They are here sooner than Marco said. I'm glad, even though I can use Geppo, it's still hard on my body." Chopper answered Anika, who smiled at him.

"Yeah, I can't believe you walk in the air just like that. It's just soooo CCOOOLLL~!" Anika beamed.

Chopper almost had a heart attack, 'cause he tried dancing in the skies while declining that he is cool. Which lead to falling as he forgot using Geppo to keep them up. Chopper then freaked because he couldn't swim, him being devil fruit user. They were lucky as they ended up on the board of Moby under them.

Thought they crashed into some barrels, which scared the pirates. It seems no one noticed the flying reindeer with red nose and girl screaming 'cool'.

If someone noticed them, they didn't alert anyone. While thinking Santa really existed or that they're drunker then they thought. Yeah, today was just another normal day.

"I'm sure we should go left here." Zoro said as he pointed at the door they just came through.

"Zoro-san, according to the blue-prints, Admiral's office is right ahead of us." Robin chuckled before she summoned hands on frame of the door. The hands quickly caught Zoro, who tried going in opposite direction and sent him stumbling towards the archeologist.

"Oi, let go of me! I know exactly where I'm going!" Zoro barked at Robin who simply smiled and continued dragging the swordsman into the right direction.

"Now, now, Zoro-san. Keep down your voice. We don't want others knowing we're here." Robin scolded as she entered into the office.

"Look through the documents there. I'll take the desk." the female ordered as the first explosion sounded.

"Nami and Usopp had to arrive on Sunny if love-cook and others started the fireworks. I hope the swirly-brow won't bite more than he can chew. It would be pain in the ass saving him." Zoro bit out without any real malice.

"Getting worried, aren't we?"

"I'm not worried! I-I just... It's duty of first-mate to look after others." Zoro said with light blush and continued rummaging through drawers.

The archeologist smirked a little, but otherwise left him alone.

"Oi, I think I found something. Look at this. It has Top Secret written on it." Zoro stopped and lowly whistled. "This is the agreement Luffy told us about. Though, she never said a file with signature from both sides existed. If we gave this to the reporters then Bakainu is good as dead. Heh, Luffy could have mentioned earlier they made a deal even on paper."

"You know how our captain is. She probably forgot over the time. However, it's good to know that after this, his carrier is over." Robin said as she carefully hid away the papers.

Ace went right, left, left and right, then few steps up - or was it down? - and now here he is. Thought where the hell 'here' is, he doesn't have a friggin' idea.

"Who the hell invented this fuckin' maze?! It's no wonder we sail across so little marines, they got lost at their ship as it is! How am I supposed to find Luffy here?!" The freckled male ranted. His frustration showing as he lost every bit of patience.

"Screw this! I'm not playing anymore. If I can't find my way by walking through corridors, I simply smash the walls. Besides it's not like anyone will notice with the ruckus that's outside. Honestly what the hell are they doing there? Playing bowling with porcelain and few boxes of dynamite?!" As he said the last sentence, Ace set his fist on fire and started his own 'little' demolition.

But, hey it worked. Cause the next second he managed to find Luffy, knock two people out, add an injury to his darling brother and made the Admiral even angrier. Like I said earlier, just another normal day.

And end. Well, that went better than expected. Ok, because I kinda forgot detail here and there, there's a small possibility that I messed some info. If you find something that contradict itself with what I already wrote please let me know.

Also, from now on, there should be poll on my profile. I want to know if you are interested in pure smut three-some ASL or not. You can also write your opinions in reviews or PM. I wish you the best for remaining of the day. BYE~