We do not own DRAMAtical murder or any of the characters, but if we did, we would have a lot of fun( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

This is our first time writing a fanfiction, have fun reading.

When I woke up the next morning, sunlight was pouring in from the windows and Noiz was already dressed and ready. I looked over at the alarm clock.

"Ehhhh! Why didn't you wake me up!"

He smirked at my panic.

"You look cute when you sleep." He had on that carefree expression. He was still himself, and these pranks were to be expected. I got up and rubbed my eyes. I went into the bathroom while Noiz took out his coil, ordering the plane tickets. I rushed to change into my clothes and hurried to brush my hair. Noiz was ready to go from the beginning and I didn't want to make him wait. I picked up Ren and put him in my bag. I grabbed my luggage walking hurriedly out the door with Noiz, just waiting patiently for me. It kinda surprised me because he is never patient.

When we got the airport I looked at the flight screen. "Noiz, which one are we taking?" I asked.

"It's not up there, it's a private jet." He started walking away with his suitcase. "Wait, a private jet! We could have gotten a normal one much cheaper!" I stumbled to catch up with him because I had three bags that consisted of my clothes, Ren, and a few extra things from my room. "Noiz! Wait up!" He slowly turned and watched my struggle to keep up with him.

"It's your fault for having so much luggage."

I was about to get annoyed at him when he picked up my luggage. I had no clue where he was going but I followed him.

Noiz turned and walked outside, holding the door open for me. When I stepped outside I saw a jet. When he first told me I didn't fully believe him.

"I told you, we should just go on a normal plane, I don't want it to cost you so much money." I said shifting my weight to my other leg nervously.

Noiz responded,"Don't worry about the money, Aoba." He kissed my cheek sweetly making my face heat up and started to walk up the stairs. I was annoyed at him but followed anyways.

I am still nervous about Germany, and since I am a man, I am afraid Noiz's family might not be as accepting as Granny was. I shake off this feeling of regret, I'm with Noiz now and I am starting a new life in Germany were I will be able to experience new foods and customs that I couldn't find in Japan. I will probably find new friends, even though I will still miss Koujaku with all my heart. I didn't have anytime to tell him I was leaving, and it's not something I can explain over a phone call.

"Wow!" I exclaim. Inside it looked more like a living room then a jet. Like the hotel room, it had soft squishy carpet. A dark red couch sat on one side while a TV and a mini fridge on the other. Noiz puts his and my luggage in a compartment then took off his shoes putting them up there too.

"Aoba, your shoes and jacket please." Noiz turned to me taking off my coat putting it away along with my poofy shoes. I smile at him.

"A twelve hour flight, let's hope I don't get sick of you by the time we get to Germany you brat." I said walking over sitting on the couch. I opened the bag with Ren inside and picked him up setting my bag on the floor. "Ren."

"Aoba." Ren said opening his eyes.

"We are on the plane to Germany now, let's go look out the window." I get up going over to the window with Ren. The window was from the ceiling to the floor, just like the hotel room. I sit with my legs outstretched leaning back on my hands with Ren in my lap. I watch his eyes take in the scenery. This is the last I will see of Japan.

I feel a pair of arms around me lifting me up. "Ack! Noiz! I can stand by myself." I said flustered while holding Ren. I pet his back, "Sleep mode Ren. Rest up for Germany." I laid Ren down turning back to Noiz putting my hands on my hips. "11 more hours to go and I am already tired of looking out the window." I wrapped my arms around his waist leaning against him. Since I was only a inch shorter I could look directly into Noiz's eyes.

"I am happy." said Noiz. He gave me a small peck on the lips before escaping my grasp. I watched him go to the fridge and I figured he was getting something to eat. I went back to the couch. Only when I sat down did I realize how tired I was. Noiz came over to me with a slice of pizza.

"Do you want a bite?" He asked me laying down so his head was on my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to comfort him.

"No thanks, I am pretty tired from last night. I might just take a nap." I closed my eyes leaning my head back against the soft fabric.

"Hmm." responded Noiz. He probably isn't paying attention to what I am saying. Since he got the feeling back in his body, one of his favorite things is the feeling of me running my hands threw his hair, he says it's soothing. I took a deep breath and drifted off to sleep, dreaming about my new life with Noiz.

"Erf...!" I jolted awake looking around frantically, the floor was shaking!

"It's only the landing Aoba." Noiz said. He was holding Ren in his hand inspecting his wiring. I then remembered that we were on a jet.

"Mhm. I can't wait to see Germany! Since you lived here before you have to point out everything for me." I stand up walking over to the compartment to get my shoes and luggage. "Woah!" The plane shifted and I fell down. I stood up, my cheeks flushed. I hurriedly grabbed my stuff then rushed back to the couch. "Ren please." I said to Noiz putting on my shoes. He handed him to me and I made sure he was still asleep before putting him back in my bag.

I walked out of the jet with Noiz, into an airport similar to the one in Japan. Yet I was bothered by the fact that I couldn't understand what anyone was saying, like I lost my sense of hearing. Noiz noticed I felt uncomfortable, and asked if I was alright, which I replied yes, even though he knew I was confused.

We rushed through the crowd of people, and this airport had many more people than back on Midormina. Someone almost hit into me, and dodging I hit into Noiz.

"Idiot." Noiz looked at me, and I could tell he was hiding a smirk.

"Well your the one rushing me!"

He continued walking, with a smirk threatening to show on his face. We walked out of the airport doors, and I waited with my luggage while Noiz waved for a taxi.

I opened the door, and let Noiz in first, before I entered the unusual beige taxi. I would have brought up the color, but It would probably be rude. After all, I know nothing about Germany.

"Aoba, get in." Noiz was tapping his finger impatiently against the hand rest

"Huh? Oh yah." I was caught up in my thinking and entered the taxi.

I looked towards the driver that started talking, yet noticed something unusual. I couldn't think of it, but something was off. Noiz handed him a slip of paper with the address of where we were going, and he turned to pull out.

Wait. This isn't right. We are driving on the wrong side of the road! Is he blind! We are going to get hit by a car, how does Noiz not notice!

"We are driving on the wrong side of the road!" I yelped and the driver didn't bother to look back, he couldn't understand me anyways. I looked over to Noiz, who gave me a bored look like he was waiting for something. I looked ahead with fear, only to notice that everyone was driving on the other side of the road. Wait, did that mean in Germany they drive on the right side of the road? It baffled me, yet everything made sense. I felt like a complete idiot, I couldn't even notice one simple fact.

"Did you finally figure it out?" Noiz was watching me freak out this entire time.

"Im not used to Germany. I'm only used to Midormina." I slumped down in my seat and waited until we got to the mansion.

We step out of the taxi and I follow Noiz up to the gate. It was made of iron and was twice my height. In the center was a coat of arms, I figure out that it is probably Noiz's family crest. Noiz kicked it open walking up the driveway. I followed after him staring at the mansion. It was huge! Noiz opened the door walking inside.

"Noiz! Do you think just walking in without knocking is a good idea?" I followed after him hurriedly not wanting to get left behind or even worse, lost.

Noiz finally stopped at a room and opened the door for me. I stepped inside, the hardwood floor feeling smooth under my feet. There was a king sized bed with dark green covers and matching pillow cases. The headboard was a dark rich brown and wasn't to fancy, Noiz knew I liked less exquisite things. On the other side of the room was a walk in closet and a bathroom right next to it.

"This is our room." Noiz said setting his luggage down flopping down on the bed. I set my stuff down walking over to him. Noiz suddenly grabs my arm roughly, pulling me down on top of him.

"What is someone walked in on us..." I said shifting more comfortably straddling his waist.

"So? Everyone already knows of our relationship." Noiz said caressing my cheek kissing me softly. I kiss him back more ferociously, deciding to trust that nobody was watching us, intertwining our tongues as if fighting for dominance. I accidentally pushed Noiz down a little to rough for my liking breaking the kiss.

"mh.. Aoba." Noiz tried to kiss me again but I held a finger to his lips. He stared up at me in question to what was happening. I laced our fingers together laying my entire body overlapping his. I press my lips against his, Noiz opens his mouth more letting my tongue slip in. It was very sloppy and primal, but I didn't care. All I care about is the man beneath me.

I was too focused in on the kiss and the warm body that surrounded mine to pay any attention to the footsteps outside the door.

As soon as the door opened my heart stopped. I looked up from my spot on top of Noiz and froze. There was a maid who's face was as redder than Beni. She was about to say something when Noiz reached up and pulled my face down to meet his. I reacted immediately and put my head back up.

"Noiz, we can't just continue in front of her!" I said, feeling my stomach twist as she started to talk. I recognized the word Entschuldigung as sorry. Noiz said something in German but I couldn't make out any words. His sharp green eyes stared at me while he turned.

"Didn't I teach you a lesson back at the hotel about this." I felt my face burning as I remembered the embarrassment of being pushed up against a window for anyone looking up at that certain hotel room.

"Th-that was because-" I froze up as I don't have anything to say about that...incident.

"Go on." He knew I didn't have anything to say but decided to watch me stutter and blush. I looked over and saw that the maid was still there, adverting her eyes away from us. "W-why is she still here!?"

"I told her to stay. She has to get used to it if we are living here." I couldn't believe Noiz, why would he make her stay! The thoughts to that sentence overloaded my mind as Noiz pulled me down once more. This time I actually got up and out of the bed. I went into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet seat. I was dying of embarrassment and the fluffy green toilet cover that comforted my ass wasn't helping. I tried to calm down and thinking about what I was going to say. My first impression was not the best.

I rested my head in my hands letting out a sigh, I must have hurt Noiz's feelings... It was kinda rude of me to just to run out like that. I feel my face burn in embarrassment as I envisioned walking out of the bathroom and apologizing to Noiz... what if the maid was still there?! I decided to just get it over with and I opened the door, roughly making a loud thump out of nervousness. I looked to the bed where I thought Noiz would be and he was missing. The maid was still at door and said something in German, waving her hand to me to go with her. I promised to myself that I will apologize to Noiz later as I was walking towards the Maid. I stood next to her and she was smaller than me by alot, so I had to look down to see her. The maid pointed to her chest and said, "Alenka."

I realized that Alenka was her name, so I put a hand on my own chest and started to say my own, "A-"

"Aoba" she said staring into my eyes. The maid grabbed my arm and led me out to the corridor. Alenka let go and strutted down the hallway after giving me a look to follow. I jogged to catch up. I assumed that she couldn't understand or speak Japanese, so I stayed silent. She took me to a door with a brass handle and opened it. My eyes went wide as I saw the room. The noticeably clean floor tiles and designed walls almost distracted me from the center of the room. There was a sleek kidney pool that enveloped the floor. The neatly placed tiles around the pool had different designs of water and sea animals. The water sparkled from the lights that were placed around the sides of the wall, assisting the sight of the sunroof. The water was as stunning as the octopus mosaic that wrapped around every inch of the pool floor. I looked at the far end of the pool, to see that a whirlpool was connected to the main pool. I wish I had my swimsuit so i could just lay in the whirlpool to loosen up and calm down from all the hassle of moving. My attention was averted as I heard a shout from the other room.

I looked over at the maid's face, her expression unwavering. I was about to think it was just a fragment of my imagination until I heard it again. This time I recognized Noiz's voice. I couldn't understand a word of what he was shouting, but his tone made it seem important. I sprinted out of the pool room through the wooden door into the corridor. I heard a man's voice, which was very stern and demanding, coming from the room across the hall. I was about to rush over when I felt something on my arm, holding me back. I turned to see the maid trying to pull me away. I heard Noiz again and decided to barge in. I jerked my arm and the maid let go, not really caring anymore. I rushed to the door, which was bigger than the rest, and opened it to see Noiz almost run into me. He was pissed and didn't seem fazed by my random appearance. He grabbed my arm as I tried to look around the room. I caught a glance of two people with blonde hair before I was forced out. Noiz dragged me along down the hallway.
"Noiz! Stop! let go of me!" I planted my feet firmly in the ground, yanking my arm back. He turned around and I could see that he was pissed. I looked him in the eye noticing that his usually expressionless face looked somewhat hurt. "Sorry." I say, taken aback. "What is going on?" I said, but more gently. We stand together in the hallway as I notice that Alenka had walked up behind me. She quickly spoke something to Noiz and then left as quickly as she came. My eyes drifted back to Noiz. He had gained his composure, but I could still tell something was wrong. I walked up to him wrapping my arms around his waist leaning my forehead against his staring into his light green eyes. "Spit it out brat." I say with a smile. Noiz sighs resting his arms around my neck.
"Those were my parents. They forbid our relationship, since it brings shame to our family and their business. They want me to marry a woman." I dropped my smile. I knew this would happen. In a small town in Japan homosexuality might be easier to except, but to powerful families in Europe it may not...
"Do you think there is a possibility that they would change their minds?" I say hopefully. Noiz didn't answer me, changing the subject.
"Dinner is ready, Aoba. The maid told us a while ago. You need to get dressed. It is time to meet my family.

Please be considerate on the comments because from reading other fanfictions, some of you guys can be annoying little assholes, but we still love you anyways because you read our fanfiction.

This has consisted of a month of us groaning and forcing each other to write it at 2 in the morning, so forgive us if something is off.

This is written by me and my friend who is trying to change her account username, but failing miserably.

Just have fun reading and don't judge us for later chapter because we are bitches who will play with your feelings.