Perry jumped. He had been sitting at the window waiting for the boys to come home. Apparently he must have missed the bus coming in front of the house, because Phineas had just materialized behind him.
"SUMMER! YEAH!" Phineas started dancing. Ferb silently danced next to him.
"Where did you two come from?" Perry asked, once he had gotten over his initial shock.
"We used our new teleporting devices we built in science class." Phineas said. "The teacher said we could do whatever we wanted because it was the last day, so Ferb and I built these."
"Buford chugged three sodas and Irving danced on the teacher's desk." Ferb added.
"Yeah. Maybe the teacher should have put down some rules." Phineas said. "But now it's SUMMER! My favorite season!"
"And you're home all day!" Perry said.
"And you're not." Phineas said sadly.
"I have an excuse." Perry held up his paw. "Can't fight until it's fully healed."
"Yay!" Phineas said. "I mean, I'm not happy Dennis broke your arm, but I'm happy you get to stay home."
"Guess what, boys?" Linda said, coming into the living room, holding a cake. "I made a cake for you two! Happy summer!"
Perry took a flying leap and landed in the cake. Happily, he started eating it.
Phineas and Ferb burst into laughter.
"Oh, Perry." Linda grumbled. "All right. I'll go back to the store and get another cake."
Linda set the cake down on the floor. Perry rolled in it, pleased with the way the frosting felt on his back.
Isabella, Baljeet, and Buford came in through the door. Baljeet looked sad.
"School is over." He said sadly.
"But it's summer!" Phineas said.
"Phineas, I made Perry a collar in art class." Isabella said, blushing as she handed it to him.
"Aww, that's so sweet of you, Isabella." Phineas said. "I'll put it on him when he's clean again. Look, Perry."
Perry glanced briefly at it. It was basically a silver chain with neon rainbow beads dangling from it.
He continued to roll in the cake.
"He gets really excited about cake." Phineas said apologetically. "But mom's getting us another one for our beginning-of-summer party!"
"Cool." Buford said. "That one doesn't have a platypus in it too, though, right?"
Phineas laughed. "Nope."
A few minutes later, after giving Perry a bath, Phineas and Ferb sat on the couch with popcorn between the two of them. Isabella, Baljeet and Buford sat on the floor.
Phineas put the collar from Isabella around Perry's neck.
Perry bit it and tried to fling it off.
"Hm." Isabella said. "Maybe he doesn't like it."
"Oh, no. He likes it. He's just playing with it." Phineas said.
Perry succeeded in removing the collar and launched it across the room. It landed on the floor.
Ferb picked it up and handed it back to Phineas, who put it on again.
Perry flung it across the room again.
"Perry, what are you doing?" Phineas asked.
"I am rejecting the collar." Perry explained.
Phineas put the collar back on his pet. "Wear it. It looks cute."
Perry could tell that Phineas was silently trying to emphasize the "Wear it" bit. He sulked.
"Aww, it does look cute." Isabella said.
"The collar has still been rejected." Perry informed Phineas.
"You never told us what happened to his leg." Buford said. "Did he break it in a fight or something?"
"No, he fell down the stairs." Phineas said, stroking Perry's back. "But he'll be okay. Guys, think of all the cool stuff we're gonna do this summer!"
Perry started to doze off in Phineas's lap.
A buzz went off in his pocket.
"Phineas, Perry's vibrating." Isabella said.
"Maybe he's hungry." Buford said.
"It sounds like a cellular phone to me." Baljeet said.
"Perry wouldn't have a cell phone." Isabella said.
Phineas and Ferb exchanged glances.
Perry crawled under the couch, looked at his phone, and climbed back up into Ferb's lap.
"Pops." He explained to both boys. "I can answer it later."
Ferb cuddled him. "Chubby wubby platypus."
"I am NOT chubby."
Ferb grinned.
"How did he manage to drill a hole in the ceiling?" Perry asked.
"I have no idea."
He and Poppy stared up at the hole that formerly served as the ceiling as well as floor for Palmer's room.
Peppily was peering down at them through the hole.
He drooled. Perry stepped out of the way to avoid the spit.
"So. How should I fix it?"
"You called me to come down here just so you could ask me how to fix it? Just call a repairman!"
"Wook, Paiswey, a hole." Peppily said, crawling out of sight.
"A hole?"
"In Pawmew's fwoor."
"Oooohhh. It's pwetty."
"Holes awe not pwetty. You can't even see them."
"Wook, I have a bow-wing bawl."
"They're so active." Poppy muttered.
"That's an understatement." Perry said.
"GEWONIMOOO!" Cried a tiny voice.
A bowling ball rolled through the hole and crashed to the floor, cracking the tile.
Poppy sighed.
"How do you live with this again?" Perry asked.
"Take them, please." Poppy said. "Just for the afternoon. I need a break."
"So that's what this was about." Perry said.
Peppily jumped through the hole in the ceiling, wearing a bedsheet. Poppy screamed and jumped to catch him.
They fell on the floor, Peppily on top of his mother.
He giggled. "Mommily went EEEEE like a monkily."
"All right, Pep. You're coming home with me." Perry said. "For a little bit."
"Me?" Peppily asked.
"Yep. And Paisley, and Pamela, and Palmer."
"Who awe you again?" Peppily asked.
Perry frowned.
"He's your father, Peppily." Poppy said. "Don't you remember him?"
"Oh. Wight."
Palmer and Pamela raced toward each other with giant wooden poles.
"Hey!" Perry grabbed their poles just as the two platypuses were about to collide. "Stop it!"
"But we must fight war." Pamela said.
"Besides, this is what humans do when they're mad at each other." Palmer added.
"Sure! Fifty centuries ag- PAISLEY! Get out of there!"
Paisley was digging around in a garbage can. Peppily was repeatedly hitting his twin brother's butt with a stick. Paisley didn't seem to notice.
"I'm not Paiswey, I'm Peppiwy." Came the muffled response. "And I'm stuckily."
"WIAR!" Peppily retorted, still hitting Paisley in the butt. "He's twying to get me in twouble by saying he's me!"
"Peppily, put down that stick. NOW."
"I'm not Peppiwy, I'm Paiswey." Peppily said quietly, but he obeyed.
"FOR DANVILLE!" Palmer and Pamela shouted again from the other side of the backyard.
"Great." Perry muttered. He heard a crash.
He grabbed Paisley's legs and tried to pull him out of the garbage can. "Kid, here's a tip. If you let go of the trash can, I can pull you out."
"NO!" Paisley said. "Because I am pwetending you awe a monster! And you can't get me!"
"Paisley. Let go."
"Okay." Paisley let go, and Perry pulled him out.
Paisley giggled and licked his cheek. "Daddy." He said fondly.
Perry felt a little glow when he heard that word.
"Ow." Pamela and Palmer moaned.
"What did I tell you two?" Perry scolded. "OW!"
Something had slapped him in the rear. He turned around and glared at Peppily.
"Sowwie." Peppily said innocently. He put down his stick and beamed at Perry.
"Let's play the silent game." Perry suggested.