Disclaimer: I do not own the characters.

Author's Note: Oops. Been awhile since I updated! Merry late...late Christmas...or Happy Chinese New Year?! Ha! There you go! A reason to get updated on stories!;)

If That's What It Takes

It had been such a beautiful ceremony. The roses had been the perfect shade of red, they had just the right amount of guests, and the cake had been pure heaven. It was a day that neither of them would forget. How long had they waited for this moment? Months? Years? When the vows were spoken and the rings had been exchanged, two lives had become one.

And when they shares their first kiss as husband and wife, it ws as if time stood still for the future King and Queen of Crystal Tokyo. Time had written down their love story. Time knew that every force of evil had tried to rip the couple apart. Time knew the hurts, the pain, and bore the scars of the past. Time was there when, slowly, the young lovers began to piece their lives together once more. Time was what they needed to overcome the past. Because of time, they were able to unify their lives.




Darien opened the door to their hotel room with a swipe key. It was the Honeymoon Suite and rather pricey for a newly graduated college student. He had saved every penny for this and wanted his bride to feel special.

Like a vision in white, Serena stepped through the door with a look of delight on her face. A fire had been lit in the fireplace, champagne was placed in a cooler, and rose petals were scattered on the floor. It was beautiful!

Her groom shut the door and wheeled in their single suitcase. He had planned their entire week. They would scuba dive, go to the beach, and eat at several special restaurants every single night. He even managed to get a reservation for The Dessert Room. It was a popular restaurant where the elite went for sweets only. Serena would love that! Good thing he saved for almost a year for this...his wife had a sweet tooth.

The silence was overwhelming. He placed his hands on her shoulders, his lips by her ear,"Do you like it, bunny?"

"I love it, Darien...It looks like royalty should be here...it's so nice...and expensive? Oh, how much did this cost?" Blue eyes widened in curiosity. Darien was a very thrifty man. And for him to spend this kind of money?!

He squeezed her shoulders as if reading her thoughts,"You're worth every penny. This is our honeymoon...it symbolizes a new life together...and I wanted you to cherish it. This is all for you, Serena."

Turning around, she looked into her husband's eyes. All she could see was love and devotion. A finger traced her lower lip, his other hand holding her cheek gently. Without a moment's notice, they shared a sweet kiss.

All of their kisses could be described as sweet and gentle. Darien had always played the perfect gentlemen. He held her hand at the right time, hugged her when she needed to know he was there, and kissed her when he told her he loved her.

Serena pulled away. It had been such a perfect day. Even the evening was perfect...! But now? Feelings that she had kept locked deep inside of her heart had began to surface once more. It was so long ago, why did it have to come back? The past had happened, but time didn't make her forget.

Thoughts began to crowd her mind. The marriage bed was suppose to be undefiled. She had wore white today to represent purity. Only the scouts knew of that awful day. She hs played rhe beautiful bride today. She loved Darien, but she couldn't give him what he wanted.

When he looks at me, what does he see? Will he see a used woman who has already been taken? Does he even desire me? Even now, I can see the look on his face from that day...the day I wasn't strong enough. Her hands grasped tightly in front of her as she turned towards the roaring fire. Why did the past creep up now? Hadn't this all been settled?

"Serena, what is it?" Oh, he was confused. He knew he would be nervous, but this nervous?! He felt like a silly school boy waiting on a date for a junior high dance. It has taken him time and patience...heaven help him, a lot of it, too!

What was it Mina had told her right before the ceremony? She had said,"Men do not understand our emotions. You must tell them everything." Right before she was to mRch down the aisle, she had a meltdown with the scouts. They had been there to wipe away the tears, reapply the mascara, and assure her that this was her destiny. This is what they had fought for all of these years.

This was going to take awhile. Darien unbuttoned his suit coat. His fingers undid his tie, but his eyes never moved from his wife. "Serena, talk to me, please...do you want to change rooms? If it makes you feel better, I didn't spend that much on it-"

"I've been so good at hiding my fears. I just bury them. If I don't think about them, they go away. But when it's time to confront those fears, it pops up at the worst time. Mina told me I should just be honest with you and tell you about it. I had to reapply my makeup, I wasn't very happy because I cried-"

Chatter, chatter. Darien focused his eyes on her lips. They needed his attention. He sat on the small armchair by the fire to distract himself,"Are you telling me that you aren't happy?"


"You're telling me you are scared...?"

"Yes...and no..."

"And Mina told you to be honest with me about what?" His white tuxedo shirt had been removed. Only a white undershirt remained. Grabbing the champagne, he poured himself a glass. Yep, he wasn't a drinker, but he needed this.

Serena could feel herself turn red. Grabbing her heavy skirts, she made a beeline for the chair and sat on the floor in front of Darien. "I know you love me. But do you...do you desire me, Darien?"

The drink caught in his throat. He coughed, cleared his throat,"D-Desire you? Of course, Serena, what makes you think I wouldn't? Was I not just kissing you?"

The insecure Bride twisted the newly added band on her finger. The fire crackled against her back. Her blue eyes lowered to the floor,"I thought I had forgotten-"

"Serena, please don't bring up the past. It's over, bunny, please don't bring it up, not tonight. Can it just be me and you tonight?"

"It will always be there, Darien. I will always see your face when you found out what happened to me. The disgust. I wasn't strong enough to fight him. I walked down the aisle in white and I'm not pure-"

He was now beside her on the floor. Kneeling in front of her, he once more grasped her shoulders,"You are pure, Serena! It wasn't your fault! I didn't get there in time, remember?"

She felt the tears slip down her cheeks,"But do you desire me, Darien?"

Desire? "Serena, there is nothing I want more than you-"

"But you never act like it. Ever since we came back from Crystal Tokyo, you've had a distance. I mean...we have talked and all, but you use to scoop me up after a battle and take me to an alley for stolen kisses...or you'd kiss me here..." Her face flamed as she touched right under her ear. "...Where did that desire go? Do you just see me as used-"

Lips assaulted hers. His fingers dug into her shoulders. Her heart hammered in her chest as he slanted his mouth over hers. He could taste the salt from her tears. A small moan escaped her lips as his tongue brushed against hers.

What was I saying? He smells so good. And his kisses...Serena tried to think but couldn't gather her thoughts. A shiver raced down her spine as she felt the back of her dress being unbuttoned. "D-Darien..."

"I desire you, Serena...more than anything...to hell with the past. I kept distant from you, yes, but not because I think you're impure...I wanted to gain your trust. I wanted to prove to you I love you..that I would wait for you until our wedding night. It took self control not to kiss you like I wanted too, I never wanted to hurt you...never wanted you to remember or even think I'd hurt you like Diamond had."

She couldn't breathe. Calloused hands had found her back. Her dress had been fully unbuttoned now. His touch was warm. Her eyes closed as he sought her lips once more.

"But-" But what?! She needed this to stop...needed to explain to him her feelings!

"...but what, bunny?" Somehow, she was no longer in her dress, only in her silk chemise top and shorts that she had worn under her wedding dress. Fingers raked through her hair and pulled out her pinned curls. It had taken Ray almost an hour to do her hair!

"We are suppose to...talk about you desiring me...and..."

Darien pulled his wife onto his lap, his hands framing her face. "Serena, I do desire you. I love you." Their lips connected once more. Desire?! How could she not see this as desire?! The normally controlled Tuxedo Mask had vanished. It was only lovers tonight. No enemies to fight, no talking cats, only each other.

"I'm not sure I can do this," she whispered through kisses. Her body was on fire. For crying out loud, she couldn't even think! A blush crept on her face when she realized exactly where she was and just how exposed she felt. It seemed as if a wildfire was spreading through every nerve in her body and if needed to be doused...but how?! Standing up, she crossed her arms in front of her body and walked towards the bed.

Large drapes were hung from the four poster bed to make it look like curtains. The sheets were a deep purple, even chocolates were lying neatly on the pillow. With tears now in her eyes, Serena sat on the bed and grabbed a pillow. She hugged it like she would a stuffed bear. Nothing to cover herself from this embarrassment.

Quietly, Darien sat beside her. His hands were clasped, his mind now clear. Oh, he wanted her. There was nothing more he wanted than to show her just how much he loved Her. But maybe she wasn't ready. Blue eyes looked at her,"We don't have to do anything, bunny...I didn't marry you for this...or because it was destiny...I married you today because I love you. And love means you are there for each other and you hold each other up. I can't take away your fears, Mrs. Chiba, but I can promise you that you are pure and lovely in my eyes...I am the luckiest man," he lifted her hand and kissed her knuckle,"to be married to you. And I swear I will always protect you...and that I eant you in every way possible..as long as you're mine."

"Will you kiss me again, Darien?"

A smile tugged at his lips. "I'll kiss you as often as you'd like."

"I love you," she murmured.




Slowly, the two became acquainted with one another. Slowly, they explored a new world of passion neither knew existed. Slowly, two hearts merged together and decided to banish fear from their hearts.




Serena felt her fingers dig into her husband's back. It was a ride of ecstasy. Gone were the memories of pain and hurt. Replying it was whispers of love and soft touches. Her eyes squeezed shut as she called out his name.




Serena rested her head against the pillow. Her hair spilled over the bed, her body entangled in the sheets. A smile rested on her lips. Darien had rolled over on his belly and his arm was draped around his wife's waist. Sleep had came easily for him.

So, he did desire her. And it was beautiful.