Disclaimer: I don't own HELLSING, simple as that. Pls. don't sue me.

Caeli's Blah: This fic is for ANGIE, ALUCARD, SOULS DAWN and TELEUTE. Please accept my humble gift as a form of gratitude for the inspiration and reviews you guys bestowed upon poor lil old me.


Alucard paced around his chamber briskly. He went from one end of the room to the other, his crimson eyes narrowed as he tried to settle in his own terms the confrontation with his Master. In mid-step he stopped and sat down on the floor, he winced as his ass felt the coldness and the hardness of it.

Hurriedly, he stood up and gracefully hopped over his coffin bed and stared at his discarded clothes on the floor. The scarlet cloak looked like a shapeless mass on the floor alongside his pants and boots. Hell, he maybe a vampire but he isn't a slob and seeing his room with clothes scattered about irritates him.

"What to do?" He murmured his voice barely audible. As he sulked, his black tail swished to and fro madly signaling the growing frustration building upon him.

"Ah, what the heck, I'll just go to her and tell her or something." He muttered jumping down from the bed and penetrating through the walls straight to his master's bedroom.

"But how am I going to start?" He asked.

His brain provided him no answer.

He shrugged, "Maybe I'll just be blunt and say, Master I've turned into a cat."


He painstakingly waited for his Master's arrival. Sounds of running water from the bathroom indicated the activity that Integra is currently in. His whiskers twitched as his desire to steal a peak, just a tiny itsy bitsy tiny peak intensified with each second. What would his Master look like naked? Oh well not that he hadn't seen her but it was years ago and he still hasn't been given the opportunity to see her wet.

The black cat licked his lips and in its catlike walk, he approached the bathroom in tiny and apprehensive steps. "Just one peak, nothing more." He promised himself. He was mere inches and he already smelled Integra's favorite soap and shampoo lingered with the perfume that she often used.

He imagined water sensuously pouring down that dusky skin of hers, her hair clinging to her concealing her breasts from his lustful stares. AH, he would definitely steal a peak, come hell or high waters.

The cat or rather Alucard slid inside the slight ajar door and braced himself for that heavenly sight he was about to see. Slowly he lifted his eyes to see his master his beautiful master -

Dressed in her bathrobe with white froth hanging off her mouth. She paused from the vigorous brushing off her teeth and spat out the toothpaste along with the remnants of dinner on the sink She stared at the mirror bared her whole set of front teeth to check if there is something stuck in between her pearly-whites. Finding none, she washed her toothbrush and placed it back to its container by the sink.

For how long Alucard stood there he didn't know but he realized that he had been paralyzed by sheer disappointment too long when a bedroom slipper, Integra's to be exact hit him squarely on the face.

"Why is there a cat in my room?" Integra asked angrily, aiming to hit Alucard with the other slipper.

Alucard, on the other hand was caught between feelings of regret and anger, "What a shame, I have not seen her naked. I HAVE NOT SEEN HER NAKED!" These were his thoughts before the other pair of the slipper that hit him seconds ago slammed into his head.

"Get out! You furball!"



Alucard just turned into a cat for some freaky reason that I will (or probably won't) state later in the coming chapters. Thanks for some reading and oh some notes to some people that I really wanted to thank -

Alucard, I don't know where I get my ideas ^-^ Ok, maybe it helps not listening to your rusty old math professor and just focusing your mind to the endless possibilities of writing a fic - yeah that may be it. *grumbles* Hmph! No wonder I have barely passing grades.

Angie, to tell you the truth your fic inspired me to write. Yeah, I am so much of an amateur.

Souls Dawn, Thanks for the wonderful reviews *throws sloppy kisses into the air* I promise to write more.