
Uzumaki Kushina patiently guides her daughters hands through the motions for a storage seal. No one had known she was pregnant until little Kushika had been two months old, it had taken that much time to get her seal fully settled. Kushika was now two and Kushina was starting her Fuuinjutsu education. She had this nagging feeling that she needed to teach her sweet Dōta(daughter) as much as she could about the sealing arts while she could. Kushina was also going to make sure that only her daughter could touch the Uzumaki and Namikaze family scrolls. She had already discussed this with Minato and he had agreed.

Minato was teaching her chakra control, only the leaf exercise for now, but he too could sense that they needed to impart as much knowledge to Kushika as possible. They also made it so Kushika's memories could not be modified by seals and should they die she would become the head of both clans, Namikaze by proxy, when she made jonin. They made sure to leave behind everything they could think of to help her out academically, politically, and as a kunoichi. Minato had left copies of everything in the scroll Kushina had made. With that damn War Hawk still around Minato knew he had to hide his Hiraishin and Rasengan scrolls.

Kushina shakes thoughts of the future away, right now, her sweet Dōta needed her and that was what she would focus on. Sarutobi Hiruzen was getting ready to stand down as Hokage and the top contenders were Hiruzen's student Orochimaru and his student Jiraiya's student Minato. Kushina privately hoped Minato became the Fourth Hokage though she had wanted to be the first female Hokage she would be content to be the wife/lover of the Hokage. Kushina still took missions though, only up to B-rank, as she did have a child to consider. Mikoto was quite happy to watch over her goddaughter on those occasions.

Kushina also hired out a genin team every so often to watch her Dōta. Thankfully they didn't need all hands on deck but she still stayed in top form, just in case. Council meetings annoyed her to no end as the damn civilian council seemed to think that they could tell Shinobi what to do. Kushina was generally the one that knocked them back into line as well. Since most of them had grown up with her they backed down immediately.

Kushina only figured out how true her feeling of foreboding was when she gave birth to her son, Naruto. In the end she and Minato died to seal the Kyuubi no Kitsune, Kurama, into Naruto, but Kushina knew he would be treated like scum. However, Kushina had been able to make a seal that allowed Kushika to see everything so she would know what her little brother looked like. Like predicted the elders tried to seal away Kushika's memory only to realize that her parents had foreseen this possibility and had taken steps to prevent just that.

" Young lady you will be coming with us to the… "

Mikoto Uchiha had shown up just then, " Like hell you're putting her in an orphanage, she's my goddaughter, DATTEBANE, " she sweat drops, " I have spent entirely too much time with your kaa-san, Kushika. "

Koharu, Homura, and Danzo wince, as her godmother Mikoto had them backed against the wall, not to mention she had the Daimyo's stamp of approval for her guardian ship over one Uzumaki Kushika, signed years ago, just in case. The document was valid, " Kushina left nothing to chance, oh, Danzo, you even try to put Naruto in fucking Root, I will channel Kushina and kick your ass while ripping off your manhood, am I understood? " Mikoto asks.

Danzo pales at this and nods quickly, Mikoto would notice as well. The Uchiha Clan head was going to take over where Kushina left off and that was starting with dealing with the damn dissenters in her own clan.

Chapter One

" All right, class, it's time for me to announce your teams. Team One is… " a girl with red head and violet eyes tunes out until Team Five comes up, " Team Five is Nara Shikana, Uzumaki Kushika, and Aburame Rei your jonin sensei is Inuzuka Yuri…" after that she tuned out again. Uzumaki Kushika was not a happy genin, oh, she knew about the stupid test, she was pissed about the fact that she wasn't allowed to go anywhere near her little brother, Naruto, though that didn't stop her from making sure his place was well protected, he had plenty of food, and the proper clothes. Even her godmother wasn't allowed to directly help him and Kushika swore her mother would have already had the streets running red with the quixotic civilians blood.

She even gave him pranking ideas, no normal older sister would do this, but it was the only safe way he could vent out all his feelings. She kept his tab at Ichiraku's paid up, made sure he had what he needed, including the beginning stances of the Uzumaki taijutsu style, the Whirling Tides Fist. She was not going to allow him to be far behind his peers, especially with all the damn prejudice he had to deal with.

Team five follows their sensei to the specified training ground, " All right, likes dislikes, hobbies… all that jazz. "

Kushika rolls her eyes, " I'm Uzumaki Kushika, I like pranks, which are non-lethal traps, dammit, ramen, and training, I dislike the DAMN CIVILIAN COUNCIL AND INTERFERING ELDERS, DATTEBANE! Hobbies are pranking, gardening, and working on my sealing. My dream is none of your concern. "

Yuri winces, Kushika was not happy with the civilians for the way they treated her brother. Sounded like she was also pissed at the civilian council and the village elders. From his crystal ball the third hokage winces, Kushika had promised she would be a jonin before Naruto graduated from the academy and then she would be exacting restitution from everyone whom wronged him. Mitaraishi Anko was helping her to make that list as well. Anko was also helping to keep Naruto safe.

" Sarutobi, that Uzumaki girl is too dangerous to be left unchecked. " Shimura Danzo states as he walks in.

" She's her mother's daughter with her father's intellect. You will not even try to hinder her. Uchiha Mikoto is her godmother, do you want to piss her off? "

Danzo blanches at the thought of pissing off Mikoto, her temper was almost as bad as Kushina's had been. She had already threatened him once in regards to Naruto, he didn't even want to imagine what she would do to him in regards to the girl she'd been watching over for the last six years. Kushika was proving to have her mother's temper and would not take kindly to him trying to mess with her or her little brother. She'd already killed several of his operatives for trying to get into the Namikaze Clan Compound

Elsewhere Anko slams into a genin that was attacking Naruto, " Hey, kid, you all right? "

" I am, Snake Lady. "

Anko smirks, Naruto was the only one allowed to call her Snake Lady. Anko was protecting Naruto for the sake of one of her few friends, Kushika. Kushika had been training herself into the ground in order to make sure she made it to Jonin before Naruto graduated from the academy. Then there was the fact that she had managed to befriend Uchiha Itachi, the prodigy. Though Anko felt there might be something more to their relationship now that Kushika was a genin. Well, she still had to take the genin test but Kushika was not going to allow herself to fail. She was going to make sure she was able to finally be with her little brother soon enough.

Shikana and the others all roll their eyes at their sensei before Shikana uses Shadow Possession as a distraction while Rei sends out her bugs and Kushika shunshins off, sending a kunai flying at the bells, the bugs had aimed for Yuri's ninken to distract them both. " I believe we win sensei, though this test was troublesome to begin with. " Shikana says.

" How did you know about the true purpose of the bell test? " Yuri asks.

" Whose daughter am I, plus I've watched Kakashi-nii administer it enough times, Yuri-sensei. " Kushika retorts.

Yuri winces, so these three had been ready for it and had most likely planned out how to win on the way here. Damn, then again one of them was a Nara so she shouldn't feel too bad. " Oh, we will be getting those damn D ranks out of the way as soon as possible, they're fucking chores, and I will not tolerate doing them for long, got it, dattebane! " Kushika says and shunshins off with her teammates.

Back at the Hokage Tower Yuri stands at attention along with the other chosen jonin sensei. Team's One, Three, Five, and Six had passed. The Hokage wanted to speak to her specifically after he dismissed the others, " Yuri, Kushika is determined to become a jonin and to that end she made sure she ended up with the teammates that could help her towards that goal. Shikana is not a lazy Nara and Rei is not a typical Aburame either, all three have set goals, and if you cannot meet their standards they will go elsewhere for training. "

" Standards? " Yuri asks.

" Yes, standards, they are all at chunin level skill wise. Kushika has already mastered her mother's kenjutsu style and the Uzumaki family taijutsu. Then there's the fact that they have been doing chakra control for the entirety of the academy. Not just the leaf exercise, tree climbing and water walking as well. "

Yuri groans, " In other words, I'll have to spar with them and see where they are and go from there, as I really don't want to deal with the Uzumaki temper. "

ANBU Weasel is just heading for his Clan Compound when a water shunshin appears before him, " Shi, how do you continually do that? "

Kushika grins, " I'm a sensor, work with me on my Kenjutsu, I'm officially a genin, but I need a sparring partner that will force me to get better and you are such a partner, Weasel, which your code name is ironic as it's your name as well, isn't it. "

Itachi groans, " How'd you figure it out? "

" The way you move when you protect my little brother from those idiots. " Kushika says firmly.

Weasel goes over to a post and bangs his head on it, that meant anyone whom watched body language could figure whom an ANBU was. " You just pointed out a major weakness in the ANBU, Shi. "

" What, none of you thought of changing up how you fight while you're in ANBU. Geez, you'd think someone woulda thought of that at some point. "

Weasel sighs and leads her to his private training ground before they go into a kenjutsu spar. Weasel knew she was right, there were very few in the village that could push her to better herself in kenjutsu. As long as he promised to never use his Sharingan to copy her kenjutsu or Taijutsu styles then she wouldn't painfully maim him or seal his Sharingan away. He actually didn't mind Kushika, she had a superb work ethic and her pranks were top notch, or should he say her traps.

That was what the civilians didn't get, Naruto's pranks were simply non-lethal traps and it was taking everything everyone had to keep his older sister from going on a killing spree against those ignorant bakas. The civilians and certain other fools had just be grateful that their mother wasn't still alive, otherwise Konoha's streets would have already been running red with blood. This the Uchiha prodigy knew for sure as even his father tread lightly with Kushika. Once her hair started floating and parted in nine different ways Fugaku backed down.

Fugaku was by no means a fool, as Kushika had already sealed away several Sharingan because the fools wouldn't take no for an answer and as she was a clan heiress she was perfectly within her rights, especially when she happened to be his wife's goddaughter. Little known fact was that Mikoto was actually the head of the clan and the ones Kushika had already sealed were the dissenters in the clan. Weasel had watched several confrontations between Kushika and the Clan, Kushika always won because she also apparently had figured out how to use Senju Tsunade's monster strength.

Now, Kushika was a genin and she was not going to sit idly by, she probably already had several Shadow Clones working on chakra control, muscle memory for her taijutsu and learning the seals for different ninjutsu while testing out seals as well. Plus, one clone would always watch Naruto and help him with his pranks, not that anyone other than he and Dog knew this. Dog knew better than to be late to protecting his sensei's son, because Kushika would hunt him down, one of the few whom could, then again, they did have a sibling relationship. " Where are the next chunin exams held, Weasel-kun? "

Weasel nearly fumbles even as he continues their deadly dance, Kushika was definitely getting faster, and damn it all, did she have to try her seduction techniques out on him while they were sparring, then again ninja didn't fight fair and kunoichi were meant to seduce information out of targets. " You'd better sit the next exam out, it'll be in Iwa and they hate your mother and any Uzumaki at nearly the same level as the yellow flash. "

" Damn, I was so hoping to hit chunin soon, have to hope the next is somewhere more friendly. " Kushika mutters, deflecting his next attack easily enough, and using substitution to get away from the next, she could do that one sealess as well.

Weasel groans, Kushika was very good at stealth, must be a family thing, well, in Naruto's case it was probably necessity. Seeing as how just about everybody that was a civilian tried to kill him on a daily basis not to mention his birthday, which had to be the worst day for the six year old in his young life. Birthdays were supposed to be happy days filled with family and friends, instead Naruto had to dread his. Weasel always did what he could to make things better for the young Jinchuriki along with Dog and Snake. Kushika did everything she possibly could for him as well, which included making sure the Ichirakus were paid and that they managed to get her little brother a well-balanced diet.

Teuchi had no problem with this as he was the only person whom would serve him and not overcharge him, though heaven help whomever Anko caught doing that to the little blonde gaki. She'd have them in an interrogation chamber faster than the fourth could use Hiraishin. She'd taken to having Yuhi Kurenai help her with this, as the Chunin was appalled at how he was treated as well. Anko was quick to crack down on those ninja whom attacked the boy, as she knew damn well that once Kushika was a jonin the red head would be demanding restitution for what was done to her family.

Some of it would be death, Anko made sure she kept good records of whom screwed with the blonde Uzumaki. How no one realized he was the fourth's son she didn't even begin to fathom and then for ninja to think he was the kunai and not the scroll was utterly ridiculous. The kenjutsu spar between Weasel and Kushika has ended by this time, " You are definitely getting better. "

" I'll need to spar you again sometime with my resistance seals off so I can adjust to the new speed. " Kushika admits.

" Let me know through Anko, okay, and we'll work a spar in as soon as we can. I am an ANBU after all. "

" Of course, Weasel-kun. Beware of old hawks, they're very ambitious and nosy. " Kushika says.

Weasel nods at this, Danzo was going to make a move then. Probably the execution of the entire Uchiha Clan if he could get away with it so he could gain their eyes. " Warn shunshin boy as well. Shikana will kick his ass if he lets anything happen to himself. "

" Got it, but how do you…? "

" Fuuinjutsu. " is her one word response. Her kaa-chan had started her out on her seals education, then Jiraiya, the pervy sage had finished it just last year, he had taken her as a temporary apprentice seeing as how she had gone as far as the scrolls could take her. No one knew she was supplying seals for the village, which was how she was able to pay Naruto's Ichiraku tab. She was known under a code name so no one would be able to kidnap or assassinate her.

At least she couldn't be put under the CRA, as female could only churn out so many babies, not to mention she had already dealt with that issue. Mostly by digging up dirt on the elders and civilian council members, not to mention Mikoto being the Uchiha head had let it be known that she was Kushina Uzumaki's friend and teammate. She was also getting Hinata out of the Hyuuga Clan Compound and away from Hiashi in order to get the girl some confidence. Hiashi would have done something but, he remembered his wife's teammates and knew damn well what they were capable of.

Kushika heads for her clan compound and sighs before creating some shadow clones to work on advanced chakra control, she'd developed this with Anko so she could maintain her control while under enemy fire. Anko never fired off kill shots though. The only daughter of Kushina and Minato sighs wearily, but she knew she had to become a jonin before Naruto graduated from the academy. There was no way in hell she was going to leave her baby brother to the machinations of the civilians for too much longer.

Author's Note: I decided to take Naruto a different way and give him an older sister that is very much her mother's daughter. Until Naruto graduates the story will mostly focus on his sister though Anko, Itachi, and her teammates, plus her sensei, Kakashi, Mikoto, and Shisui will also get some air time.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I do however own Kushika, Shikana Nara, Rei Aburame, Yuri Inuzuka and Yuri's Ninken.