A/N: Last chapter :)! I'm both happy and sad. Before I start this beautiful not entirely conclusion, I'd like to make a few announcements. Some of you may have noticed that I deleted deleted my Ten Things Total Drama Characters Would Never Say: My Way for personal reasons. So sorry if you really liked that fanfic. But good news, my brand new fan fiction should be out right after this story is finished! I'm so excited to finally publish it! Enjoy :)! Disclaimer: I own nothing. (EOPOV means end of pov for the story)
Dakota invited me over to her house to film her brand new video, web cam included. She takes a deep breath as I hit the record button.
"Hey everybody, I know, I'm not what you excepted. Probably thought I was just some sad overweight, awkward gamer girl. Well, I'm not. I'm Dakota Milton. Ex-cheer girl, sophomore, girly gamer." Dakota smiles. "And today I'm joined by Sam...my boyfriend." This time, I smile, almost fainting.
"Hey guys." I turn the camera to face me.
"So this is who I am. And this is who I will be." She looks at me. "This is how we will be."
Geoff is driving me home again. As he pulls up to my apartment complex I sigh. Everything has been so stressful lately.
"Whats wrong babe?" Geoff asks.
"Well...everything! School, my friends, even my parents!" I sob. Geoff puts his arm around my shoulder.
"Everything is going to be okay, as long as we have each other babe." I look up at him and smile. He's right, everything is going to be okay.
Mr. Baldwig asked me to stay after school to talk about my report. Obviously to praise me. I mean, duh! I always get A's in my classes.
"Sierra, I need to talk to you about your report." Mr. B sternly says.
"Okay, so what did I get? A, A plus?" I ask.
"More like D minus." Mr. B hands me back my report, a big red D scribbled across it.
"WHY!" I wail.
"Sierra, this is not how you suck up to people! You're supposed to buy me fancy gifts and do your work on normal things! NOT STOCK ME!" He yells. And thats when I realize why Cody doesn't like me.
I "freshen up" in Heather's bathroom. Then I realize where my life is. I have a girlfriend. No one in a million years would ever think that I, the Alejandro, would have a girlfriend. Wow, look at what Heather has made me become.
It's Poms practice and I'm already bringing it! And to think, people say I can't dance. Gwen is fine, Bridgette texted me that she and Geoff are better than ever, and Heather finally got what she deserved. Life is good.
It's almost five now, I'm sitting in my bedroom, blasting Green Day from my stereo. Someone knocks on my door.
"Open up juvie!" Gwen shouts from the other side.
"Coming." I turn the stereo off and open my door.
"Come with me, now." She snaps.
"Always nice to see your happy face." I grumble.
"I'm not joking, now." Gwen smiles. I stomp downstairs to be greeted by my friends.
"Happy birthday Duncan." They shout. Wow. I almost forgot...almost.
I set up this whole big surprise party for Duncan, just like every big birthday. I mean, he's turning eighteen, a legal adult! Wow, in a few months, I'M going to be a league adult. But I know that my rebellion won't end once this party is over...oh no. There is still senior year after all.
A/N: Oh that may have given away the title and focus of the sequal. Total Drama High School: Senior Year should be up in a few hours! I just want to thank all of you for supporting me and reading this fanfic, it means a lot!