I own nothing. Another series. Just Danny's attempts to get back the paper he should have never written. Sam has a different opinion. Tucker has all the power.
Ever get the feeling that you were meant to do more. Then, one day everything changes and suddenly your something more important. Well, I didn't. Yet, here I am saving the world again. All because of Sam. I would do anything for her. I don't care if I get hurt. I just want her to be happy. That's why I didn't get involved when Elliot started dating her. Okay, maybe I got a little involved. I knew something wasn't right with him. He broke Sam's heart. So here I am fighting Skullker again. He keeps going on shout having my pelt, gross. All I can do is fight and look at Sam. She's ready with the thermos again. Tucker is trying to hack into his armor again. He's fast with him tech stuff. Sam just happens to be faster with the thermos. He's gone before I can land another echo blast. She has a cut on her knee from avoiding an echo blast. I take the thermos from her hand and shack it. No one hurts Sam. He's lucky that I'm not stupid enough to let him out so I can punch him in the face. I'm her protector even though she doesn't think she needs one. She has been threw more than she admits. Her parents never pay attention. That want her to be something she isn't. They even expect her to wear pink. Pink! She would only wear pink to protect me. I'm not perfect, but she makes me feel like the best me I can be. This was suppose to be an outlet for the emotions I feel during a fight. It was Jazz's idea. This just ended up being another rant about Sam and her perfection. This is pointless. I LOVE SAM. That is all I can think about. That's what I think during every fight. I love her, and I want to protect her. I'm done with this. It isn't helping.
I heard my door open. I quickly slid the paper into my math book. Then events of today written all over it. So maybe it was more than just the events of today. Maybe it was my emotions for the last few years were written on it. She couldn't see it. Why did I write that down? I have to get rid of the paper. I finally saw who was behind the door. It was only Tucker.
"Hey dude, I left my math book here. Oh, there it is!"
Before I could protest he grabbed the book off of the desk. The note was in there. Tucker knew my secret. I wasn't scared about him seeing it. I was worried that it would get to Sam. (You shouldn't have been.) Sam, let me tell the story. (Fine.) Sorry about that. She thinks she can tell it better. (I can.) Anyway back to the story. Tucker now had the mote that could end my life in his math book. Sam would see it and make everything awkward. She won't want to be near me of she sees the paper. I had to get it back.