Alright ladies, this is it! The third and final part of Watchers is complete. Thank you all for your support on this story and my other stories. It means the world to me that you all still think my fics are worth your time to read and review! Now, without further ado...

It had been several months since Minerva had last seen Hermione, at the Ministry Gala she'd attended with Susana. Like herself, Susana was from an old family, and had lots of money. She knew the value or privacy. The blond woman wasn't quite as intelligent as Minerva would have liked, but that was okay; she had Hermione to keep her debating skills honed.

Or at least, she thought she had. Things had been going so well between them. They'd met often for tea and discussion, but in the last few months, Hermione had declined every invitation Minerva threw her way, and never made any of her own. On one hand, she thought to ask the younger witch whatever was the matter, but she somehow doubted that Hermoine would freely offer the answer, if she had not done so already. Merlin knew that there was no way of forcing it out of the younger woman, at least not without causing a further rift between them, not to mention an inquiry at the Ministry for use of spells only allowed to be used by non-Aurors during war-time.

That said, there were other things Minerva had learned through the course of three wars in the area of how to obtain information. Spying seemed to be the safest bet, so every free moment the Headmistress had found in the last two weeks had been spent doing just that. Susana, of course, was furious with her by now, but for some reason, she really didn't care. Susana just didn't understand how important Hermione was to her. Hell, she wasn't even sure she understood that.

Today, Hermione had arranged for tea with her best friend, Harry Potter. Actually, Harry had been the arranger, and he'd told Ron about it, who had told Molly, who Minerva had gotten the information from. Minerva sat in her animagus form on a patio chair, neatly tucked under a matching table, next to an identical table which was occupied by her two former students.

"So, Harry," Hermione started the conversation. "What's all this about?"

"I wanted to talk to you about McGonagall," Harry said, raising Minerva's attention right away. What did he care about their friendship? Or, as the case was now, their lack thereof?

"What about her?" Hermione asked, looking glum.

"Do, that is to you think…?"

"Just spit it out, Harry," the brown eyed witch said, looking amused at his stuttering as she took a sip of water.

"Are you in love with her?" he blurted out, causing Hermione to spit out her water in surprise, and causing Minerva's cat eyes to go wide. It had never once crossed her mind that Hermione might be avoiding her because she'd developed romantic feelings.

"Of course not!" Hermione said adamantly. "What on earth would make you say that?"

Harry looked at her pointedly. "I know you 'Mione. Fess up."

Minerva wasn't blinking as she watched the expression on Hermione's face contort. Anger was there, and sadness. Joy was as well, though it seemed to be tempered by a look of confusion.

"I admit that I find her attractive," Hermione conceded. "Though regardless of what anyone else may think, we are...were, merely friends."

Interesting as it was to know that Hermione found her attractive, Minerva was more intrigued by the next question Harry asked. "Then how come you've been avoiding her since the Gala?"

"It's complicated, Harry. All I will say is that by staying away from her, I am protecting her," Hermione replied after a moment. "Don't press the issue."

Worry overwhelmed Minerva, though a quick glance at a clock on the wall told her that she had to leave now if she was to make the meeting with the Board. Damnit, she thought. What on earth could Hermione think she was protecting her from?

Nearly two years after Hermione's last encounter with Minerva, which had ended with the older witch's lover telling her to shove off, it still stung when the brown eyed woman say emerald robes sweeping along. Yet, there she was, appearing stong as ever, trotting down Diagon Alley towards Florish and Blotts. That had been Hermione's destination as well, but now, she thought better of it. She could come back later, or maybe tomorrow.

And that was how things had been since that night. Hermione would see Minerva now and then, and she couldn't help but stay and watch for awhile, but she always stayed out of sight, and never approached. She had heard, via Rolanda Hooch, that Minerva had parted ways with her blond paramour some months ago, but the fear of being the reason Minerva's sexuality became public knowledge still kept her away. That and, if she was really honest with herself, she kept away to prove a point to her best friend.

Harry still liked to nag her about her supposed feelings toward the older woman. As she'd admitted to Harry, she did find Minerva attractive, very much so in fact, but they were very different people in different stages of life, and even if she were developing a romantic interest - which she was NOT - she still would not pursue it.

By the time Hermione realized how lost in her thoughts she had been, Minerva had gone into the bookshop, made several purchases, and was now exiting. Despite herself, Hermione felt her feet moving to follow the Headmistress.

Down the alley Minerva went and Hermione followed, watching the older woman glance around carefully before entering a little pub. Hermione didn't dare follow inside, but she did find a window to look in, and was surprised to see Minerva arguing with a a woman she knew from Ministry - Ellie Barrett. With a quick flick of her wand, the window opened slightly and Hermione could hear what was being said.

"I just don't get you Min!" Ellie groaned. "Yesterday you jump my bones in an empty classroom and the next you act as though I don't exist."

"I just…" Minerva sputtered. "It was a heat of the moment thing, and I regretted it. I'm sorry, Ellie, but I have to keep my personal life under wraps."

"I think it's best we don't see one another again," Ellie said crisply. "Because while you may claim that to be your reasoning, you came to my office for a reason last week, and it wasn't because you were looking for a date."

"Don't you dare bring her into this!" Minerva hissed harshly.

"Are you in love with her?" Ellie pressed.

"No!" Minerva insisted. "I just can't stand the fact that she's avoiding me. It makes no sense at all."

"So she's just a puzzle to figure out?" Ellie asked, rolling her eyes.

"She's more than that," Minerva said quietly. "She's one of the few truly good people I've ever had the pleasure to meet, and it concerns me that…it's simply out of character for her. I heard her say to Potter that she was protecting me, but I haven't the slightest idea from what!"

And suddenly, Hermione realized that Minerva was talking about her. That Minerva had sought out Ellie, a co-worker of hers at the Ministry, to inquire after her. "Oh my," Hermione whispered to herself.

"I think it's about time you start to question the nature of your feelings toward her," Ellie said, voice softening. "Because I'm fairly sure I'm not the only witch out there now who has heard you whisper her name when you thought they were asleep."

"I'm not in love with Hermione," Minerva insisted weakly.

"Right," Ellie shrugged. "Whatever you say, Minerva. Good day."

Hermione quickly scrambled to her feet. If Ellie saw her now…

Taking one more brief glance at the woman with ebony hair, Hermione hurried away, apparating as soon as she was far enough from the building.

Minerva had been out on the town for a good time and already dumped for the evening. Why did it have to be so bloody hard to find a woman who was attractive, intelligent, and understood and respected the need for discretion? If she her luck didn't start improving soon, she thought she may start looking at muggle women. She didn't think she was that picky, or that hard to get along with, but anyone who she really liked was apparently unable to handle the ins and outs of what it meant to be with the Headmistress, and anyone who seemed to be interested in sticking around turned out to be someone she couldn't stand in the long run. And that, right there, was the rub. Minerva wanted a long term relationship. She wanted a love that would last. She didn't want to die alone.

Being in a foul mood did not dampen Minerva's senses, however, and as she strode in the direction of a muggle theater, her magic picked up on a familiar signature. Hermione. The younger woman had to be close by. Green eyes scanned the crowd at the ticket booth, and a moment later, Minerva spotted her former student, waiting in line, alone. She watched as Hermione paid and went inside, and after a moment of further debate, her mind settled and she joined the end of the line. She had no idea what was playing, but she imagined that she really wouldn't be paying much attention anyway.

About one in three of her lovers over the last ten years had left her because they thought Hermione Granger, even though they hadn't spoken in years, was standing in the forefront of Minerva's heart. She supposed it was about time she start to really think about what she felt for the younger witch, because she either needed to come to the realization that they were right, or she needed to let the notion of a friendship that had never really formed go, as no matter which way she looked at it, Hermione Granger was tying her down.

Hermione pretended not to notice the familiar head of hair a few rows ahead of her in the theater. She'd seen Minerva here often in the last ten months. They never spoke, never even acknowledged they'd noticed each other. But for ten months, Hermione had watched the older which arrive and leave alone. Minerva didn't seem sad about being on her own, and Hermione figured that whoever her former Professor happened to be seeing at the moment probably just didn't enjoy the theater.

It was a shame, Hermione found herself thinking. Minerva deserved to be with someone she could share her life with, not just sleep with. She needed someone to match her intellect, to be passionate with, not just towards. Hermione quite suddenly found herself wondering why Minerva had never asked her on a date, and in the space of that thought and the tiny gasp that followed, she realized that Harry was right - she was in love in Minerva.

She, Hermione Jean Granger, had sometime in the last twenty odd years, had fallen in love with her teacher, mentor, and friend. The thought made her chest feel tight, and a sense of jealousy roared to life as she remembered all the women, that she knew of, who had found themselves in bed with the amazing witch three rows ahead of her now. The feeling made it decidedly difficult to breathe, and so Hermione quickly stood and walked out of the theater, searching for space and air that wasn't shared by the green eyed witch she'd somehow allowed to steal her heart.

A part of her wanted to wait for the show to finish, and reach out to Minerva tonight, but the waves of emotion coursing through her now could only lead to rash actions, and as quickly as she'd realized that she was in love, she realized that she was not ready to act on it, and nor, she imagined, was Minerva. All that this moment changed was that the next time they ran into one another, the avoiding would stop. Tonight marked the end of running away from the thought of a love that could be.

Minerva had not been on a date in almost two years now. At least, not one with another person. For the last twenty-four months she had mulled over her feeling for one Hermione Granger. About a year ago, there had been a sudden shift in Hermione's behavior, in which when they happened to cross paths, the younger woman would nod, and even smile at her. Sometimes, she even said "Hello", before moving along. It never turned into a conversation, but still, it was something.

That something was confusion. Frustration. A desire to become the avoider, and at the same time, a desire to shove the younger witch against a wall and snog her senseless.

When had she realized that Hermione was beautiful? Was in a year ago when the younger witch had smiled directly at her for the first time in eons? Or at the ten year Gala? She'd been wearing the most splendid red dress that evening. Perhaps it had been the night at the Transfiguration conference when Hermione had rescued her from that Bulgarian pig of a man.

Or maybe she'd known it for much longer than that. Minerva smiled to herself, resting her chin in her hand as she pretended to be watching the show, when in reality she was remembering how amazing Hermione had looked fighting Death Eaters during the last battle. A sigh escaped her lips as she thought back even further, recalling a much younger Hermione walking down the stairs and into the arms of Viktor Krum, the night of the Yule Ball at Hogwarts.

Years of accusations about how she seemed to care for Hermione more than she'd admit filled her mind. All of the sudden, they didn't seem so preposterous. A quick glance to the woman three rows behind her resulted in an overwhelming sense of peace.


She was in love with Hermione Granger. Minerva wondered if the reason the younger witch had been keeping such a distance all these years was because she felt the same. That would be a beautiful thing, indeed.

When Hermione caught her staring, the younger woman blushed and offered a small grin. Yes, Minerva thought. There was something there. What that something was she had yet to determine, but she promised herself she would figure it out.

The show ended half an hour later, but when Minerva's eyes searched for the telltale head of chestnut curls, she found that Hermione had already slipped away. She instinctively knew that she was not alone in the thought that they needed to talk, but Hermione was obviously not ready for that, yet. Minerva resolved that when the younger witch was, she would be ready as well.

There would be no more flings. She'd be ready for more than a short term relationship; more than a romance to walk away from. The next time she spoke to Hermione, Minerva would be ready for the rest of her life.

It had been fifteen years to the day since Harry had killed Voldemort. There was another Anniversary Gala tonight, and as Hermione had expected, Minerva was there.

She always was, these days. Hermione didn't know how she'd managed to be in love with someone this many years and only come to terms with it three years ago. That seemed such a long time to wait to pursue a relationship, but what was three years when she'd already waited more than twenty? A few weeks ago had marked a quarter of a century since she'd met Minerva, the day the older witch had come to her parents' home and told her that she was a witch. She'd known even then that Minerva was special, but smart as she was, it had taken her this much time to realize how special she really was. This was the woman she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

Tonight was the night. Now was the moment. With a deep breath, she made her way to the other side of the room where Minerva was standing, staring at the crowds of people around them. "Good evening, Minerva," she said quietly.

The older witch turned, and smiled softly. "Hermione," she whispered, breathlessly.

"Walk with me?" she asked, offering a hand.

Minerva didn't hesitate in slipping her hand into Hermione's. Fingers intertwined, and the pair walked out of the ballroom on to a lavishly decorated balcony. There was no one else there, everyone else still too busy greeting friends they'd not seen in several years.

"You look beautiful," Minerva said as they came to a stop, facing each other. Hermione's breath shuddered as the older woman's fingers ghosted the side of her face. "So beautiful."

"As do you," Hermione replied, letting her hand rest on her former teacher's waist.

Minerva sighed happily. "Is this finally happening?"

"I hope so," the younger replied. "Only one way to know for sure, though."

Nothing more needed to be said. The two women leaned forward as one, lips meeting softly, cautious but wanting. Desire and love were poured into the kiss, Hermione pulling Minerva's body closer, and Minerva running her fingers through locks of curly brown hair. After a moment, they pulled back, a sense of utter calm surrounding them.

Neither had another care in the world as emerald eyes met chocolate ones.

"I'm in love with you," Hermione whispered her confession.

"And I am in love with you," Minerva replied in kind. "I don't know why it took me so long to realize, but it's always been you."

Neither woman was seen again that evening. The following morning, Harry Potter would be heard letting out a WHOOP when he opened the Prophet and saw a page two announcement that the previous night, Hermione Granger and Minerva McGonagall had eloped.

"We had already waited so long." Minerva had been quoted to have said.

"And we were already dressed for the occasion." Hermione had added to the statement.

The article had claimed that after leaving the Gala and going to the office of Marital Affairs to wed, the pair had left the country for a long honeymoon, destination unknown, only saying that they would return my September the first, when the Headmistress would be needed at Hogwarts.

Harry expected that their lives would continue on much as they had. He knew the two both went to the theater once a month, and that they were often seen at the same conferences and other such events. He expected that Hermione would move to Hogwarts with Minerva, and they'd probably summer up in the Highlands at Minerva's manor. Hermione would keep working at the Ministry, he least until they decided to start a family. Thirty-five was still plenty young for his best friend to have a baby or two.

"To 'Mione and Minerva," Harry said with a grin, raising his cup of coffee to his still empty office.

Again, my thanks! I am not ruling out a sequel for this, but I have nothing planning for one either. We'll see. Merlin knows I've got plenty of other projects to finish, as well as a pile still sitting on the drawing board. I hope you are happy with how I concluded this story. Please review and let me know what you thought!