New story! This idea was from T.V programs rule, whose account you should totally check out. I hope everyone likes it, and feedback is much appreciated, even if it's negative. I promise the other chapters won't be so short, but I just wanted to get a feel for everything. Enjoy!

Sam could tell Dean wasn't too happy with the new addition to the family. A few days ago, John had brought Adam to the hotel room where Sam and Dean were, staying long enough to tell them that Adam was their half-brother before taking off to finish killing the ghoul he was after.

Adam was ten, and Sam was all for the idea of having a younger brother. He wanted to be someone's everything, like Dean was Sam's. He wanted to show their father that he could do this simple task, he could take care of Adam, who was new to this whole paranormal world. Sam would do what Dean had done for him, and he would never disappoint his father again.

Dean, however, seemed to have a different idea. He never liked new people, often trying to avoid working with other hunters if John ever sent him solo on a case. Dean really didn't like people near Sammy, and this Adam kid latched onto his little brother, since they were only two years apart, and Dean was sixteen. He didn't want Sam to be as close to anybody else as he was to Dean, and he could see his little brother latching right back onto Adam. Sammy was his, and all he could see was Adam trying to take him away.

It was July, so they didn't have to worry about school, which all three of them were grateful for. However, it meant that Adam and Sam were together more than if it was September, while Dean usually had some kind of hunter job to do, whether it was doing the actual hunting or research, with Sam helping every once in a while. Adam mostly just sat there and watched the real brothers. He was a little young to be of any use, and wasn't raised into it like Sam and Dean were. When Dean pointed this out to John, he instantly regretted his words when John assigned Sam Adam duty.

"Awesome." Dean mumbled a week later as he watched Sam handle one of the lore books, pointing at a passage about vengeful spirits. Adam watched, fascinated as Sam explained the different ways to get rid of them. Dean angrily got up from his spot on the bed and went over to the fridge, grabbing two sodas, tossing one to Sam, who caught it with ease. He was so focused on teaching that he didn't notice Adam's frown and lack of a drink. Dean smiled to himself, pride welling up for his little brother.

Not Adam's.