Chapter 9

The Headmaster comes in and greets the staff and then sits down to eat his dinner. Half way through his dinner he notices that there are students missing from the table/ House he put them in, yes he tricked the hat into putting students where they would fit best according to his plan.

"Attention Students who are not sitting at their right table, if you don't go back to the correct table then you will get 100 points deducted and you will stand in front of the whole school and explain why you aren't where you're supposed to be." Dumbledore says.

No one moves

Harry stands up and says, "Sir we are just trying to be where we are supposed to be, but you are making it impossible for people to be who they truly are. I am HARRY JAMES POTTER-SNAPE-MALFOY-BLACK-LUPIN! I am the son of Lily and James Potter, nephew of Severus Snape, Godson of Sirius Black-Lupin and Remus Lupin-Black, Husband and mate of Draco Malfoy-Black. I am also heir of Slytherin. So headmaster how come I was forced into Gryffindor, I mean sure I am also the heir of Gryffindor, but I should have been sorted into both like the founders always did for their heirs. Yes, Godrick and Salazar were a mated couple. Yes, Hufflepuff and Ravencraw were also a mated couple."

Albus stands and says, "Mr. Potter who is telling you these lies? 100 points from Gryffindor. And for spreading lies Mr. Potter you are expelled. Now leave, you will get your things after they are searched. Also give me your wand to be snapped."

Remus and Severus both stand and say, "Harry don't give it to him." And walk to Harry's side and motion for Draco, Hermione, and Blaise to stand as well. Before Severus says, "Headmaster I quit. So you head better find a new potions professor and a new head of slytherin." And Remus says, "I quit too Headmaster so you better find a new Defense Teacher."

Draco says, "I go where Harry goes. So see yah!"

Hermione says, "I trusted you because you're the headmaster. But what do I find out, I find I am not a muggleborn but a pureblood, and another thing is I am not a Granger, I am a Malfoy. Plus my parents aren't even the people I thought they were. And lastly you have locked and blocked too many things from Harry and myself. So I will find my own education. Later!"

Blaise says, "I have never trusted you I only came here because it was away from my mother but I would rather go to France and be told the truth then be here and lied to and then killed." And then he stalks out with Hermione beside him and Harry and Draco behind them with Remus and Severus bringing up the rear.

They walk that way clear to the walloping willow where they met up with Cissy who had all of their things, and the willow freezes to allow them inside. Sirius is at the bottom of the passage and says, "Long time no see Severus, Remy, Harry, Draco, Hermione, Blaise, and Cissy what are you guys doing here I thought it was dinner time at the castle?

Remus says, "Padfoot that arse hole expelled Harry for telling lies that were the truth so Severus and I quit while the kids walked out after Hermione lectured the headmaster and the school on what was done to her after Harry told the school why he was with the Slytherins instead of the Gryffindors. I don't know why Cissy is here but I am glad she got the kids trunks before the headmaster could get to them. And it's a good thing that Severus and I never left our things in our rooms and offices, because the headmaster wanted to go through our things before he would give any of them that he did not want for himself back to us. Just like the invisible cloak that James had at Godrick Hallow the headmaster had it and gave it to Harry as a Christmas present." As he hugs Sirius.

Cissy says, "The reason I came and had everything was because I told Lucius everything and he said he was going to pull all four of the kids out from under that man's hands and said to get you guys to the manner before the old coot finds you."

Severus says, "Well Cissy you might be in for a shock, come on." And leads everyone down the hall to the room they were in earlier.

Cissy says, "Severus what are you…" when she hears a voice coming from the room ahead that says,

"Cissy, what are you doing here and how are you?" When they all enter the room Cissy sees James, Lily, Regulas, and a young 13 year old that she has never seen before.

Harry asks the 13 year old, "Who are you? Why didn't we see you when we were down here earlier?" as he tries to control his temper.

The 13 year old says, "I am Remus Sirius Lupin-Black JR. you are?"

Draco says, "I am Draco Malfoy."

Hermione says, "I am Hermione Malfoy, Draco's twin sister."

Blaise says, "I am Blaise Zabini, Hermione's soul mate"

Harry says, "I am your god brother, Harry Potter-Snape, Draco's Mate"

Severus says, "I am Severus Snape, Harry's Uncle"

Cissy says, "I am Narcissa Malfoy, Draco and Hermione's mother and Regulas and Sirius' cousin."

RJ says, "Nice to meet you all. And you did not see me before because my dad, Remus, told my papa, Sirius, to make sure I was upstairs when he brought you, Harry, so you were not too overwhelmed."

James asks, "Harry why are you guys not up at the castle?"

Harry says, "Dad, that old fool expelled me for sitting with Draco and for saying I should have been sorted in to both Slytherin and Gryffindor like the founders used to do. Then he said who was telling me those lies and I walked out. Oh yeah, did I mention he got mad when I stated my whole name and that I was 'married' to Draco and that I knew Severus was my uncle, plus both Siri and Remy were my god fathers" with a shrug.

Lily says, "That old man did what when you stated the truth. I never thought he would… Oh wait I did think he would since he is the one that framed Tom for 'killing us'." As she leaves the room to pack up everyone's things.

