Disclaimer: own nothing I do…

A/n: A Bonus for all of my lovelies that stayed with me and had faith that I would finish this story after so long!


Twisted love Bonus Chapter.

A small sigh, carbon dioxide leaking from his lips while oh, so, tired eyes stared up at the ceiling. He shifted slightly, the boot keeping his ankle moving felt tight. His foot itched. Was it always this warm in here? No.. It was probably… golden eyes glanced down at space between his shoulder and chest, currently occupied by Kaiba, his eyes closed, lips slightly parted. Jou turned his attention back to the ceiling.

"Puppy…." Seto said quietly, surprising him. "Go to sleep…"

"I'm trying." Katsuya grimaced.

"What's wrong?" Kaiba moved his head so his chin was resting on Jou, allowing him to look at the other.

"I can't sleep…" Golden eyes blinked tiredly.

"I'm aware." He said flatly. "Why can't you?" Jou hesitated.

"You—" He tried again. "You'll still be here right? …. When I wake up?" Jou glanced down at his lover. "I'll still be here…?" A tremble in his voice caused the CEO to stir, taking the blonde's chin in his hand, he kissed him gently.

"This is where you'll wake up from now on." He pressed their foreheads together. "Next to me, exactly where you belong." Jou wrapped his arms around the shoulders of the other man who had rolled on top of him, holding himself up on his knees and elbows. The blond nodded with small smile.

"Now, since you're not going to sleep anyway…" Kaiba nibbled Jou's ear then nipped his way down the man's neck avoiding the bruises that still remained.

"Seto.." Jou let out a small nearly inaudible moan when the CEO licked around then gently bit down on his nipple.

"nnn.." Was his groaned response. The blonde tugged at chestnut locks, making the other pause, crystal blue eyes gazing into his own.

"Never let me go." The sincerity of his words sent shiver down the normally rigid spine.

"Never again Puppy." Kaiba kissed his love passionately. Both men pressed their hips against the other's trying to create more friction. "I love you." The brunette kissed his chin.

"I love you T-!" Katsuya gasped at the placement of Seto's slender fingers. The CEO smirked; the former delinquent chuckled then bit his lip, a whimper of a moan emerging from his throat, a bright blush tainting his cheeks.


The Halloween special

"Why are we doing this again?" Kaiba questioned as he helped Jou fasten the spiked collar around his neck.

"Anzu wanted to throw a Halloween party." The blond shrugged. "You know I can't turn down free deserts…"

"I'm aware…" Kaiba pinched his cheek teasingly. Katsuya giggled and pushed his hand away.

" 'sides I thought it would be fun. Maybe we could use the costumes after?" He turned towards the taller man wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Something about me being a vampire feels a bit… cliché.." Kaiba placed his hands on Jou's hips.

"You know the only cure for Vampirism is Lycanthropy…" Jounouchi nibbled on Seto's neck. The CEO smirked and groaned gently. The blond bit a little harder then licked the spot that turned red.

"We'll be late." Kaiba warned as he was blindly led backwards.

"Fashionably.." The blonde smirked and pushed his lover back into a chair playfully. Kaiba quickly repositioned himself before Katsuya pounced on top of him.


"Here they are!" A very pregnant Anzu wearing cat ears called out to the other guests. "We were beginning to wonder if you were coming at all." She stated, moving aside for the two men to enter.

"Yeah we lost track of time." Jou laughed bashfully.

"Why is Yami dressed like a clown…" Seto blanched at the former pharaoh.

"I was told you should look scary on Halloween." Yami replied.

"You certainly look terrifying…" Kaiba clapped his hands gently.

"Where's Yug'?" Jou peeked around the brunette.

"I found his 'costume' offensive… he had to go change."

"What was he?" Katsuya quirked an eyebrow when the red eyed clown flinched.

"A Pharaoh mummy." Anzu answered handing the two of them a glass. "Yami took it a bit…" she paused to glance towards the game master. "I think it kinda freaked him out…" she whispered. Jou stifled a laugh.

"Oh good you made it." Ryou set a tray of food on a nearby table.

"What are you supposed to be?" Jou questioned trying to figure out his friend's costume. Ryou repositioned so he could better be seen, spreading his arms out to show off the outfit.

Let's see… Jou thought while staring at the eager man. Red suspenders, bow tie, tweed jacket, fez.. Oh!

"You're The Doctor!" The blonde shouted excitedly.

"Indeed." Ryou beamed. "Wait until you see –you know who-." He chuckled.

"Is he here too?" Jou questioned, Ryou nodded, gesturing behind the werewolf. Jou turned his head and was met with a grey face full of sharp pointed teeth, fingers arched in a clawing position close to his face.

"Shit!" The blonde jumped away from Yami-Bakura, the weeping angel, in surprise making the group laugh.

A slightly dejected Yugi showed up a bit later dressed as pumpkin, claiming it was the only costume he could find last minute.


The Christmas Special

The blond groaned. His head was pounding, his stomach was sick, the bright morning sunlight pierced through his eyelids like a laser, it felt like he was moving... but that couldn't be right. Could it? He cracked an eye open. He noticed he was in a seated position. Had he fallen asleep there? No.. The chair wasn't anything like they had at home… and the upholstery was ugly, Kaiba would never allow that to enter his home.

Something was definitely not right. A single golden eye flickered with curiosity, it glanced around in an attempt to determine his surroundings. No sign of Kaiba… he sighed gently. His stomach rolled in response to his quick eye movement. Uugghh… fine.. I'll figure it out later… for now… he closed his eyes once more. I'll try to sleep this hangover away.


"Puppy, wake up." The CEO nudged the blonde man. "We're here."

"Hmmm?" Jou rubbed his eyes and stretched. "Here where?" He yawned. That's why it felt like I was moving… I was in the car…

"California." Kaiba stated as if Jou should have known this.

"Oh.." He stood up and popped his back. Wait. "What?! Why?!" He winced at the sound of his own voice resonating in time with the throbbing in his skull. A powerful, invisible force swept him back into his seat.

"Hangover?" The brunette smirked. "You drank a lot last night. Do you remember anything?" he held his hand out to help him to his feet again. Katsuya took the hand offered; something felt different about his hand, what was it..?

"Not really… it's mostly a blur…" Jou rubbed his forehead. "You said you nervous about something… that's why we were drinking…" He groaned as Kaiba pulled him off the plane. "Oh wait." He stopped as it dawned on him. "It's Christmas!"

"In Japan yes. But not here."

"Shut up with your stupid technicalities. Yesterday was Christmas Eve, today is Christmas." He pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt. "Merry Christmas." He kissed his lover passionately.

"Your breath is worse than a dog's…" Kaiba cringed.

"And whose fault is that? You're the one that made me drink a ton and didn't even let me brush my teeth before we left." They continued through the airport.

"You actually insisted we leave last night." The brunette corrected.

"I did?" Katsuya looked baffled. "What the hell happened?"

"Oh no." Kaiba chuckled. "I'm waiting this one out. Let's see how long it takes you to remember."

"Damn money bags.." Jou pouted.

"Do you make trips to America often?" The Puppy asked, looking out the window of the rental car.

"Fairly.. You would know that if you paid more attention when I tell you about my business trips." Kaiba's eyebrow rose as he reprimanded.

"But it's just business trips." He shrugged. "If you it were about vacations I'd be more interested."

"If I were going on vacations you would be with me."

"There's that too." Jou giggled. "I dunno, I guess I never thought about all the places you'd be seeing. I just thought you'd be stuck in an office building like Kaiba Corp with a bunch of stuffy old geezers." He laughed.

"Usually I am." He relented.

"But you've driven here enough to be comfortable renting a car." Jounouchi observed.

"It's more cost efficient. I can't rely on company money all the time." The brunette explained. "How's your hangover?" Blue eyes glanced over to the blonde man.

"Ok." He rubbed the base of his neck and shoulder. "Are we close to the hotel? I've downed like 3 water bottles…"

"It's just over there." He pointed to a large building.

"Holy crap! We're staying there?" Jou sounded a bit nervous but excited.

"We are celebrating after all." Kaiba chuckled at the dumbfounded look his love gave him. He lifted his hands to the steering wheel as he turned. Something glimmered in the light, what was- Jou's eyes widened when be saw a silver ring embedded with black stones on Kaiba's left hand.

Why.. What… he looked down at his own hands and noticed the matching ring on his finger. Why the hell didn't I notice that before?!

"Catching on yet?" Kaiba took Jou's left hand in his right, intertwining their fingers.

"Catching on yet?" Kaiba had said that before… last night?


The night before:

"Why are we drinking?" Jounouchi asked when his long-time boyfriend entered the living room with a bottle of tequila.

"I'm nervous…" was his simple reply.

"Okay? About what? Is it Mokuba? Because I'm sure—"

"No, it's not about Mokuba.." He slammed down a shot.

"Then what is it?" Jou took a shot as well. "Oh Gods!" He choked. "What the hell is that?!"

"It's called Tequila." He stated with another shot.

"It burns like drain cleaner!" He looked disgusted. Kaiba paused, in the middle of pouring another drink, looking at Jou expectantly. "N-no… I mean… it was a dare…" He scratched his cheek. Kaiba frowned but decided not to push the issue. Tonight needed to have a good mood.

"Another?" Kaiba asked Jou about half way through the bottle.

"Yeah! This stuff kinda grows on you, ya know? Like mold on a shower curtain." He laughed. Seto rolled his eyes. "Feel any better?" The blonde asked just before drinking his shot.

"Kiss me and I might.." Kaiba smirked at the look he received. He loved surprising his puppy like that, the look of shock, immediately followed by shyness was priceless. Jou moved over to Kaiba and straddled him then leaned down and kissed him deeply. The CEO reciprocated.

"Can you tell me now?" Jou asked, nibbling Seto's lower lip. Kaiba dug in his pocket and pulled out a gift box, he set it on the coffee table in front of them. Jounouchi watched him, looking quizzically at the box. He turned around so he was sitting in the CEO's lap.

"I wasn't sure if I should give this to you tonight…"

"Why?" Jou asked picking it up.

"It's a bit cheezy." Kaiba ran his fingers through his own hair, eyeing the box as the other opened it.

"It's a ring?" It sounded more like a question than a statement. "It looks really nice." He marveled.

"Do you like it?" Jou nodded. "Good." Kaiba let go a breath he had been holding in.

"There—" Jou squinted, focusing on the box. "There's two?"

"It's a matching set." Kaiba took the rings and slipped one on his own left ring finger. He hesitated, looking Jou in the eye. "Catching on yet?"

. . .

Jou blushed brightly. "Are you really—"

"Katsuya, I can no longer imagine my life with out you." He slipped the band on the other man's left finger. "Marry me." Jou nodded vehemently then turned his body to hug his fiancée tightly.

"But wait!" He separated himself after a moment. "We can't actually get married.."

"If you mean formally, then no, not here. We would just have to leave the country." He explained.

"Leave? Where?" He asked curiously.

"America, California specifically, allows same sex marriage, for example."

"Seriously?" he questioned excitedly and got up, taking the bottle of tequila.

"Where are you going?" Kaiba inquired with a smirk and a quirked brow.

"To pack!" He giggled and stumbled.

"Now?" Kaiba stood and followed him.

"Yes! What better time than now?" Jou sounded as if he was quoting someone then gasped. "We should elope!"

"Elope?" Kaiba chuckled at the excited puppy.

"Isn't it romantic?" He hugged the bottle then, as if realizing what he was holding, took a swig. "We could elope and have an exotic honey moon!" Kaiba could tell there would be no talking him out if this; he picked up his phone to check the earliest flight.

"'sides, there's no way I'd want to be here when your fan girls hear about this!" Jou took another swig. Kaiba eyed the bottle in his hands.

"Puppy I think you've had enough." He moved to take the alcohol but it was snatched away.

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" He waved his lover away. "We're celebrating! I'm packing your crap too." He stated as an after thought.

"Just don't forget the underwear this time… we don't want another Tahiti incident…" Jou laughed remembering their vacation.

"But you're so…" he paused, trying to find the right word. "Acceshible without them." He giggled and wiggled his hips. Kaiba rolled his eyes. "Oh! Do you still have that white tux?"

"Yeah, why?" He finally managed to get the bottle and took a drink himself.

"We're gettin' married! We need tuxes!"

"A white one?"

"You wear the white'ne with a blue tie. I'll wear a black one with a red tie." Seto raised a single eyebrow. " 'Cause of the Dragons in our decks? Plus we're pretty oposmite." His word slurring was getting worse.

"I see…" Kaiba shook his head. "Why don't we leave first thing in the morn—"

"No! It hash t'be t'night" Jou drank down the last bit of the tequila. "I can't feel my throat." He noted then cleared it.

"Are sure you'll be alright?" Kaiba was aware that he himself was a bit drunk, but Jou…

"It'll be great! I'll sleep the whole friggin way!" He stumbled forward.

"In that case our ride to airport should be here shortly."

"Hey! Hey Kaiba!" Katsuya tugged on the CEO's clothing.

"Yes puppy."

"We're getting married." He giggled. "Hey do you know what that means?"

"What?" Seto chuckled.

"I'll be a Kaiba too!" The blonde laughed. "Wait." He was suddenly stricken with a bout of seriousness. "E'ryone calls me Jou.. I won't be a Jou anymore. They can't all both'a us Kaiba!"

"You'll also have stop calling me Kaiba." He pointed out. "Since it will be your name as well."

"What? What'he hell am I s'posed to call you?"

"How about Master?" Kaiba smirked.

"Hmmm… you'd like tha wouldn't ya.." He rubbed their noses together then nibbled on his lips with a giggle. Kaiba's hands found Jou's hips, massaging them gently before reaching around and groping his ass. The blonde moaned but turned around, taking Seto's hands and wrapping them around himself. Kaiba pulled him close, already half hard due to the alcohol, Jou wiggled his hips teasingly when he noticed.

"Let's save it for the honeymoon…." He glanced back at him, face flushed. "Master…" he whispered seductively. Something inside Kaiba snapped, he was no longer only half hard. Katsuya giggled feeling it against him but then gasped when he was hurriedly pushed to the bed.

"Wha- Kai- Aaahh~" He moaned. "We don't have—mmmmmm…" he bit his lip. "Ha!" He gasped, grabbing a fist full of chestnut hair. "Se—Seto~" He moaned loudly.


"We…" Jounouchi blushed brightly. "We're getting married!" He grinned. "Shit.. I'm gonna be Mrs. Money-bags." He laughed. Kaiba chuckled as he parked the car.

"Now that you've remembered everything, and you're sober, are you still willing to go through with this?" Kaiba rubbed his thumb against Jou's hand, brushing it against the ring.

"Of course," He leaned in and kissed the other man, pressing their foreheads together. "Mr. Jounouchi." He teased and laughed when Kaiba grimaced. "You promised to never let me go remember?" Jou gently traced shapes on the CEO's hand.

"I remember…" Blue and Hazel eyes locked onto one another. "And I never will." He took Jou's hand in his own, holding it tightly.


A/N: Congratulations to the happy couple! *pops confetti, throws rice* I hope you enjoyed the bonus/gag chapters with lovey dovey Kaiba/Jou. We didn't get to see much of them actually getting along in the storyline and I really wanted to write them as a happy couple after everything they went through. So there you have it. Hopefully I didn't take Kaiba too out of character lolol…

Please Review! Seriously the only reason I do this is to read what you guys think of it afterwards.. Your encouragement and/or criticisms inspire me to write more and write better! Thank you for your continued patronage!